74 research outputs found

    Juridical Analysis on Role & Responsibility of Land Office in Multiple Land Certificates

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    The imbalance between the supply of land and the need for land can lead to various land disputes, including the emergence of cases of double certificates. The Basic Agrarian Law lays the foundation for realizing legal certainty and legal protection for all Indonesian people. According to Article 19 of the UUPA Number 5 of 1960 which was followed up with Article 3 letter a of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning the Purpose of Land Registration. In Indonesia, the institution that has a close relationship with land is the National Land Agency or BPN which has the task of carrying out government duties in the land sector in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. The objectives of this research are, one to find out and analyze the causes of the occurrence of double land certificates at the Land Office, two to identify and analyze the responsibilities of the Land Office in the case of multiple land certificates, three to identify and analyze the obstacles and solutions to the responsibilities of the Land Office in the completion of double land certificates. The approach method used in this research is empirical juridical, namely analyzing the problem by combining legal materials which are secondary data with primary data obtained in the field. The research specifications in this study are descriptive analytical. Types and sources of data, namely primary data are data. obtained from the field. secondary data, namely data obtained from or derived from library materials, data collection techniques with interviews, literature studies, document studies. Then the author analyzes qualitatively which is then presented descriptively

    Experimental Set-up for Investigation of Internal Erosion in Geosynthetic Clay Liners

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    Some factors that can potentially reduce the performance of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) and trigger an internal erosion of the GCL are high gradient, subgrade and confining pressure. Previous studies mainly investigated the internal erosion occurrence by monitoring the hydraulic conductivity with water flow coming from above. In this research, the opposite directions of water pressure were also applied to the sample. This experiment also sought some visual evidences and behavior of bentonite migration. The result indicated that internal erosion did not occur in the GCLs sample, however further investigation should be carried out since a sidewall leakage happened during the test

    A Review of Key Factors on Geosynthetic Clay Liners’ Performance as Liner System

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    Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) as a substitute material to compacted clay liner (CCLs) can be employed as landfill leachate barriers, waste water impoundments and any other liquid impediments. They have some advantages in their shape, availability, easy in installation and mainly hydraulic performance. However, the hydraulic performance of GCLs as liquid barricade depends on some factors. In this paper, a review of some key factors that affected the GCLs performance as leachate and liquid barrier will be presented and discussed in order to provide a critical view of GCLs behavior

    Application of Wood to Sand-slag and its Effect on Soil Strength

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    In certain situations, sand is required to have extra shear strength to provide more safety, stability and support for structures. Shear strength in sand arises from friction and resistance between particles. The most common means of increasing the shear strength of sand is the cementation method. Another practice is using an additive such as slag. Some studies show that wood has also been used to improve soil strength, mostly for soft and expansive soil. However, there is limited information available on sand. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine whether the shear strength of a sand-slag mixture is affected by the addition of wood. Baldivis sand, a locally sourced material, was used in the experiment because it has been widely used in construction and geotechnical projects in Western Australia. The shear strength of the sand-slag-wood material was determined using an automated direct shear testing machine. There were a number of variations in test conditions, including as the amount of wood introduced into the sand-slag, the percentage of slag in the sand, the gaps between the wood, and wood orientation. The results showed that the shear strength of the sand-slag mixture tended to be enhanced by the presence of wood. The sand-slag mixture containing wood seemed to be stronger than the sand-slag without wood or the pure sand. The position of the wood also contributed to the improvement in shear strength. Placing the wood vertical to the shear direction resulted in greater strength than when the wood was positioned horizontally. From these results, it can be concluded that wood is another potential means of enhancing the shear strength of sand-slag mixture. The quantity of wood and the way it is arranged, such as distance and direction, may result in different levels of improvement to the shear strength of the sand-slag

    Prediction of Heavy Metal Contamination from Landfill: Lead and Chromium

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    Leachate from unsorted solid waste landfill usually contains a variety of hazardous compounds including heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) which may contaminate soil and groundwater in the area surrounding the landfill. To minimize leachate contamination, there must be an impermeable liner beneath the landfill which functions as a leachate barrier. However, there is always the possibility for leachate to seep through the barrier and migrate to the soil and groundwater surrounding the landfill. It is useful for solid waste landfill management authorities to be able to predict the potential for leachate migration to the subsoil during landfill operations and after closure. This research aims to simulate the migration of heavy metal contaminants from a landfill area based on the initial Pb and Cr concentrations at the bottom of the landfill. This research also estimates the Pb and Cr concentration in soil at various depths beneath the landfill over 12 years. The concentrations of both Pb and Cr dropped significantly by more than 70% of their initial concentration when passing through the impermeable liner. Meanwhile, the predicted accumulated concentration of Pb and Crin the subsoil seemed to increase slightly during the 12 years of the simulation. Results also indicated that the Pb and Cr concentrations in all landfill layers under the impermeable layer tend to increase significantly during the first five years of the simulation. Based on the initial concentrations, it was predicted that both of these contaminants could potentially contaminate groundwater surrounding the landfill

    Investigation of the Strength of Carbon-Sand Mixture

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    The greatest stress that a composite soil can sustain is a critical value when dealing with slope stability, bearing capacity and lateral earth pressure. Cohesion and internal friction of soil composite particles will create tension and retain any stresses which are applied to the composite material. The soil composite will remain secure unless the applied external stress reaches its shear capacity. This research examined composite materials consisting of sand and various percentages of carbon. The sand used in this experiment was yellow sand which is available in Western Australia. For the purpose of testing strength, three different percentages of carbon (5, 10 and 15) were added and mixed homogenously with the sand. The strength of the composite material was tested using a small direct shear machine, in order to determine the effect of the presence of carbon on the soil strength. The experiment results provided evidences that the presence of carbon influenced the shear performance of the sand, with the shear strength of the sand-carbon composite being significantly lower than that of pure sand. The more carbon that was added to the mixture, the lower the shear strength. Carbon also takes up initial moisture content in the sand during the mixing process. The results of this research are potentially very useful in the geotechnical field, particularly with regard to construction sites containing carbon


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    Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkannya metode tutor sebaya pada mata pelajaran Teknologi Dasar Otomotif (TDO) kelas X TKR A di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Salam. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah metode tutor sebaya. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X TKR A di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Salam tahun ajaran 2017/2018 yang berjumlah sebanyak 28 siswa. Variabel yang diamati dan diukur adalah hasil belajar siswa. Teknik penggumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes objektif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode tutor sebaya dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X TKR A pada mata pelajaran Teknologi Dasar Otomotif. Hasil belajar siswa meningkat sebesar 50% dari pra tindakan ke siklus I dan meningkat sebesar 10,71% dari siklus I ke siklus II

    Implementasi Inovasi Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Multiple Intellegences

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    Teori Multiple Intelligences (MI) muncul sebagai bentuk krtitik terhadap teori Intellectual Quotient (IQ) yang membatasi kecerdasan hanya pada kecerdasan Logis-Matematis dan Linguistik saja. Sementara dalam teori MI terdapat Sembilan kecerdasan manusia yakni: (1) Kecerdasan Liguistic, (2) Kecerdasan Logis-Matematic, (3) Kecerdasan Visual-Spasial, (4) Kecerdasan Kinestetik, (5) Kecerdasan Musik, (6)   Teori Multiple Intelligences (MI) muncul sebagai bentuk krtitik terhadap teori Intellectual Quotient (IQ) yang membatasi kecerdasan hanya pada kecerdasan Logis-Matematis dan Linguistik saja. Sementara dalam teori MI terdapat Sembilan kecerdasan manusia yakni: (1) Kecerdasan Liguistic, (2) Kecerdasan Logis-Matematic, (3) Kecerdasan Visual-Spasial, (4) Kecerdasan Kinestetik, (5) Kecerdasan Musik, (6) Kecerdasan Interpersonal, (7) Kecerdasan Intrapersonal, (8) Kecerdasan Naturalis, (9) Kecerdasan Eksistensialis. Teori ini memahami bahwa setiap anak yang lahir ke dunia adalah unik dan patut mendapat pengakuan dan penghargaan dalam kehidupan pendidikan dasarnya. Karena pendidikan adalah tempat anak didik membentuk dan mengembangkan potensinya, sehingga mampu menunaikan tugasnya sebagai khalifah di muka bumi dan membawa rahmat bagi seluruh alam semesta. Pembelajaran berbasis MI merupakan bentuk pembelajaran inovatif yang dapat menjadi pilihan bagi guru pendidikan agama Islam di Indonesia. Menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis MI berarti menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner dalam pengembangan materi pembelajaran, pembelajaran multi-model dan penilaian dunia nyata dalam penilaian pembelajaran. Hal ini untuk mengakomodir keragaman intelektual yang dimiliki siswa

    sistem, informasi, surat izin usaha perdagangan, perpanjangan, online

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    Laporan skripsi dengan judul “Sistem Informasi Liga Futsal Berbasis Web PadaUnited Futsal Stadium” telah dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu sistem yang dapat menangani permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pendataan yang masih manual.Sistem yang dibuat ini menghasilkan sistem informasi untuk mempermudah pendataan tim, pemain dan officials serta memudahkan proses transaksi pembayaran. Sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pemodelan UML. Sedangkan bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan database MySQL.Sistem ini diharapkan mampu menjadi sarana dalam memudahkan pemberian informasi pada masyarakat umum tentang liga futsal, dan mempermudah pendataan pada United Futsal Stadium serta dapat menghasilkan laporan yang berguna bagi United Futsal Stadium

    Footing Under Static Loading: Land Subsidence

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    Land and footing subsidence caused by groundwater extraction is a source of many problems for buildings and infrastructures. This study aims at extending the knowledge of footing subsidence causing by ground water pumping by considering various well and load conditions. The approach is to use PLAXIS simulation to investigate the influence of well conditions on the subsidence of surface footing subjected to combined distributed load. A number of soil models with plain strain, homogeneous and transient flow behavior were built. While the groundwater extraction rate was set up at 20 m3/day for each well, the obvious influence of important parameters including well numbers, well location and load magnitude on footing subsidence and surface profile were investigated. It was found that increasing the number of wells will trigger greater footing subsidence, while the location of the wells will slightly affect the surface profile of both the aquifer and footing. In this study, the effect of distributed load above the footing to the footing itself was also investigated by doubling the distributed load applied. The simulation results showed that distributed load significantly contribute to the subsidence of footing
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