858 research outputs found

    Effect of Drought, Flooding, and Potassium Stress on the Quantity and Composition of Root Exudates in Axenic Culture

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    Root exudates include important chelating compounds and can change the rhizosphere pH by several units. These changes are essential for nutrient uptake and can also alter solubility of soil contaminants and increase plant uptake. Mild root-zone stress may increase exudation and more severe stress can damage membranes and increase root turnover, all of which increase root-zone carbon. Increased carbon from this rhizodeposition can increase microbial activity, which might help degrade contaminants. We studied the effect of three types of stress on root exudation of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum): low K+, drought, and flooding. These stresses were compared to two types of controls: 100% NO3- and high NH4+:NO3- ratio. We developed an improved axenic system to keep plants microbe-free for 70 days while analyzing exudates for total organic carbon (TOC) and organic acids. Axenic conditions were confirmed by plate counts of the leachate and microscopic observations of the leachate and roots. Optimal conditions for plant growth were maintained by monitoring temperature, light, humidity, water, O2, CO2, nutrient availability, and root-zone pH. Plants were grown in Ottawa sand that was layered by size to optimize water availability. Total organic carbon released over the 70-day growth period in mg per gram dry plant was 2.6 in the control, 2.3 in the NH4+ treatment, 3.7 in the flood and K+ stress treatments, and 4.4 in the drought treatment, which was the only treatment significantly higher than controls (p = 0.05). TOC and organic acid levels in the exudates peaked before the end of the study. The peak TOC levels, expressed as mg TOC per gram new dry plant mass, were 1.9 in the control, 3.0 in the NH4+ treatment, 2.9 in the flood, and 5.8 in the drought and K+ stress treatments. Organic acids were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Malic acid was the predominant organic acid, and accounted for the majority of the TOC in the drought treatment. Oxalic, succinic, fumaric, and malonic acids accounted for less than 10% of the TOC. These data indicate that stress may enhance phytoremediation by changing root-zone exudate composition

    Monosexism and bisexual identity disclosure in the online dating environment

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    This thesis examines the role of internalised monosexism on the formation of positive bisexual identification and subsequent disclosure decisions. While much of the research on sexual identity has focused on disclosure outcomes, little research has focused on this in relation to bisexual identity, particularly in the context of online relationship formation. This thesis applies social identity theory to bisexual identity to produce a model that predicts the disclosure of bisexual status to potential romantic partners on Tinder and more generally. The model is tested by means of an experimental design (n = 107), in which participants in the experimental condition (n = 51) are asked to challenge monosexist ideology as a method of social change to see its effect on internalised monosexism, bisexual identity, and subsequent disclosure decisions. Results demonstrate that, while the experimental manipulation was unsuccessful, internalised monosexism was present at low levels in the sample and was a significant predictor of positive bisexual identity and disclosure. These results also point to the importance of distinguishing negative from positive aspects of bisexual identity, as the relationship between internalised monosexism and disclosure was more strongly mediated by negative identity than it was positive identity. This thesis concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the study in relation to the unsuccessful manipulation of internalised monosexism, the use of social identity theory for explaining bisexual identity and identity-related outcomes, and also argues that future research may seek to identify other methods for bisexual people to achieve positive identification in the form of collective action


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    Improving productivity is an activity that needs to be conducted continuously in order to strengthen an organizations competitive edge. High productivity resulted in optimal fulfillment of market demand. PT. Sinar Surya, a company that is involved in producing cassava s chip, discovered that its production is under capacity. This problem resulted from the working facilities in the grating, drying, packaging department; drying methods in the drying department; and high absenteeism. This paper purpose is to describe how an ergonomics approach can be utilized to improve the productivity of PT. Sinar Surya, Sidoarjo. The study showed that the productivity increased by re-designing the handle and angle of the grater-a tool for peeling the cassava's skin; using a diesel-oven to dry the cassava s batter instead of the sun shine; providing canvass and a supporting wood-chair to reduce the number of crushed chips in the drying department; and providing a scraper to unload the chips packages in the packaging department. These improvement efforts increased the productivity into of PT Sinar Surya 140.83% more than the best-period that they have achieved


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    Sektor pariwisata merupakan katalisator pembangunan (agent of development) yang dapat mengakselerasi proses pembangunan. Menggunakan model analisis I-O terbuka di Provinsi Bangka-Belitung tahun 2010 yang bersumber dari data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin melihat dampak investasi di sektor pariwisata KEK Tanjung Kelayang di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dan dampaknya terhadap sektor-sektor dalam perekonomian melalui analisis sektor kunci. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya tiga sektor yang termasuk dalam sektor kunci perekonomian Bangka Belitung yaitu Sektor Industri Pengolahan; Sektor Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum; dan Sektor Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi dan Perawatan Mobil dan Sepeda Motor. Hasil sektor kunci menunjukkan bahwa investasi pemerintah di sektor pariwisata khususnya Sektor Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan Minum dengan pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Tanjung Kelayang sudah tepat. Sektor ini merupakan salah satu sektor kunci perekonomian Bangka-Belitung yang mampu menjadi penggerak kenaikan output sektor lainnya dan juga sektor pariwisata itu sendiri

    Understanding rice adaptation to varying agro-ecosystems: trait interactions and quantitative trait loci

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    Background: Interaction and genetic control for traits influencing the adaptation of the rice crop to varying environments was studied in a mapping population derived from parents (Moroberekan and Swarna) contrasting for drought tolerance, yield potential, lodging resistance, and adaptation to dry direct seeding. A BC2F3-derived mapping population for traits related to these four trait groups was phenotyped to understand the interactions among traits and to map and align QTLs using composite interval mapping (CIM). The study also aimed to identify QTLs for the four trait groups as composite traits using multivariate least square interval mapping (MLSIM) to further understand the genetic control of these traits. Results: Significant correlations between drought- and yield-related traits at seedling and reproductive stages respectively with traits for adaptation to dry direct-seeded conditions were observed. CIM and MLSIM methods were applied to identify QTLs for univariate and composite traits. QTL clusters showing alignment of QTLs for several traits within and across trait groups were detected at chromosomes 3, 4, and 7 through CIM. The largest number of QTLs related to traits belonging to all four trait groups were identified on chromosome 3 close to the qDTY3.2 locus. These included QTLs for traits such as bleeding rate, shoot biomass, stem strength, and spikelet fertility. Multivariate QTLs were identified at loci supported by univariate QTLs such as on chromosomes 3 and 4 as well as at distinctly different loci on chromosome 8 which were undetected through CIM. Conclusion: Rice requires better adaptation across a wide range of environments and cultivation practices to adjust to climate change. Understanding the genetics and trade-offs related to each of these environments and cultivation practices thus becomes highly important to develop varieties with stability of yield across them. This study provides a wider picture of the genetics and physiology of adaptation of rice to wide range of environments. With a complete understanding of the processes and relationships between traits and trait groups, marker-assisted breeding can be used more efficiently to develop plant types that can combine all or most of the beneficial traits and show high stability across environments, ecosystems, and cultivation practices

    Editorial: Root phenotypes for the future

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    El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis crítico de las dos posturas teóricas predominantes acerca de la incursión de la biotecnología en el contexto deportivo desde el principio bioético de la autonomía. Primero, se estudiarán los argumentos de los bio-tecno-fascinados quienes consideran al imperativo biotecnológico como inaplazable si se puede hacer …entonces se debe hacer, incluso se aventuran a sobrepasar el principio de precaución, argumentando que en la búsqueda de la mejora deportiva va implícito un cierto grado de riesgo, acercándose a la corriente posthumanista, acorde con el surgimiento de un nuevo deportista mejorado, gracias a los adelantos biotecnológicos aplicados al interior de su cuerpo. En segundo lugar, los bio-tecno-fóbicos se oponen a toda clase de modificación corporal mediada por la biotecnología, cuestionando su uso porque desvirtúa el sentido de lo humano, afecta la competencia leal, y crea ventajas para quienes pueden acceder a dichos avances, frente a quienes no pueden hacerlo. Estas reflexiones, conducen a pensar en la importancia de retomar el principio bioético de la autonomía, ya que es sobre el deportista que recaen los efectos deseados, pero también indeseados, de tales aplicaciones (incluso en ciertos casos, pueden llegar a ser negativos para su salud)

    Being There: Young People Supporting Their Friends through Tough Times

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    This report documents one of the largest mixed methods studies to date examining informal help support provided by young people to their friends. We report on national survey data (n=169), as well as focus group data with 34 young people aged 16 - 25 who provide support to their friends. Specifically, the study examines the experiences of friends who support friends through tough times by focusing on how they perform this support, what resources young supporters use and have access to, what constrains this support and what they might need to enable the support they provide to their friends and peers. Our findings show the critical work young people are doing as supporters and documents the careful personalised support they offer their friends. Following sector consultations and discussions with young people, we offer key recommendations to ensure young people are resourced and supported in their care practices