1,990 research outputs found

    Numerical Solution of Mixed Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equation Using the Collocation Method

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             معادلات فولتيرا- فريدهولم التكاملية المختلط ((MVFIEs لديها اهتمام كبير من قبل الباحثين مؤخرا . الطريقة العددية الي اقترحت لحل هذا النوع من المعادلات تستعمل نقاط التجميع وتقريب الحل بواسطة الدالة  اساس الشعاعي (radial basis function)  و متعددة حدود من الدرجة الثانية واندراج النقطة من دون استخدام الشبكة, ولسهولة  الحل تم استخدام اصفار متعددة حدود ليجندر كنقاط تجمع. الغرض الرئيسي من استخدام دالة أساس الشعاعي ومتعدد الحدود هو التغلب على التفرد الذي قد يرتبط بأساليب التجميع. علاوة على ذلك، فإن وظيفة الاستيفاء التي تم الحصول عليها تمر عبر كل النقاط المنتشرة في مجال ما ، وبالتالي فإن وظائف الشكل هي من خصائص خاصية دلتا. تمت مقارنة الحل الدقيق للحلول الانتقائية بالنتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من التجارب العددية من أجل التحقق من دقة وكفاءة طريقتنا.Volterra – Fredholm integral equations (VFIEs) have a massive interest from researchers recently. The current study suggests a collocation method for the mixed Volterra - Fredholm integral equations (MVFIEs)."A point interpolation collocation method is considered by combining the radial and polynomial basis functions using collocation points". The main purpose of the radial and polynomial basis functions is to overcome the singularity that could associate with the collocation methods. The obtained interpolation function passes through all Scattered Point in a domain and therefore, the Delta function property is the shape of the functions. The exact solution of selective solutions was compared with the results obtained from the numerical experiments in order to investigate the accuracy and the efficiency of scheme

    Universal Medium Exploration of Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation: E = M C2 New Mass Energy Relation

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    Universal Medium; This thesis is about the Universe, which is a branch of Physics. It is a known fact that, we receive heat and light from sun and there are billions of stars in our galaxy which are emitting the same along with other radiations. In the universe there are billions of galaxies in which all the stars are emitting and the remaining [heavenly bodies] are receiving the radiations. The space between the heavenly bodies was considered as vacuum. In 20 th century it was found that ( i ) Though vacuum does not transmit sound , it will transmit heat , light and other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum , known as Physical Vacuum and ( ii ) The physical vacuum possess energy ( heat energy ) known as Zero Point Energy and was found to be all pervasive and mandatory for all that exists in the universe . In the book titled ‘Numeric Biography of Prophet Muhammad‘[Peace be upon Him], the not worthy quote of Mrs. S. S. Banu, an Educationist and Awardee that “Universe possess heat”, bears testimony to my research. Further the discovery and existence of heat in the entire universe motivated to think of the universal medium. Mass Energy Relation The in depth study on heat and light radiations and their comparison proves that, heat is everything and light is fancy or optional. On the contrary, all the scientists from Aristotle till date have considered light and its velocity. Even Einstein in his mass energy relation e = m+c 2, had considered the velocity of light, even though it is independent of mass energy, reaction and medium. And the Einstein’s constant ‘ c ‘ , no longer remained a constant , as it was found to be decreased over a period of 300 years . The importance and the existence of heat in the entire universe and the variation of velocity of light, makes one to think of the velocity of heat radiations (Radiance), which is a constant. It is evident that the mass and energy are proportional to each other and the constant of Proportionality, should be a factor of the reaction (fusion) and the medium (in which the reaction is taking place). The constant is assumed as the velocity of Radiance ‘r’ as it justifies the dependence. Consequently, the mass and energy relation may be accepted as e = m+c 2 Since the heat of the medium is from the Infra Red Radiations, the medium may be called as ‘Radiance’. And its velocity may be denoted as ‘r‘ Similarly the other equations which comprises of the velocity of light may be reconsidered and replace the velocity of Radiance in place of velocity of Light wherever necessary

    Exploring the Connection between Sequence and Coordinated Gene Activity for Adjacent Promoter Pairs

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    Proper control of gene expression is necessary, yet it\u27s unclear how regulatory elements interact with only correct genes in the genome. One possibility is that the specialized regulatory regions immediately surrounding transcription start sites, known as promoters, dictate the ability to interact with nearby regulatory elements. If true, we expect genes with similar promoter sequences to be co-expressed, and those with dissimilar promoters to have differential expression. We determined co-expression indices for all adjacent promoters in D. melanogaster using data from several sources, including bi-hourly embryonic time-course data generated by modENCODE(Nature 459:927), a complete life-cycle time-course from RAMPAGE profiling (Genome Res. 23:169), and GRO-seq-derived promoter activity data for cultured S2 cells (Cell Rep. 2:1025). We then used an alignment-free sequence similarity measure (“N2”) to calculate relatedness scores for every adjacent promoter pair and tested for correlation between sequence relatedness and co-expression index. Distances between paired promoters were also tested for correlation with co-expression. Resulting analyses of the RAMPAGE dataset showed a positive trend between co-expression and sequence similarity among a small subset of adjacent promoters as compared to randomized data. No correlation appeared for the majority of pairs overall. A smaller minority of modENCODE data showed similar positive correlation. This disparity was likely due to the longer and higher resolution time-course of the RAMPAGE dataset. The co-expressed groups of promoters from S2 cells did not vary substantially from dissimilarly expressed pairs in terms of their sequence similarity. Although these analyses failed to reveal a strong connection between promoter sequence and coordinated gene activity, other metrics may provide better insight. We are continuing to evaluate other sequence similarity measures, for instance whether discrete sets of core promoter motifs (rather than entire promoter sequences) are adequate in classifying similarities in promoter activity

    Exploring the Connection between Sequence and Coordinated Gene Activity for Adjacent Promoter Pairs

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    Proper control of gene expression is necessary, yet it\u27s unclear how regulatory elements interact with only correct genes in the genome. One possibility is that the specialized regulatory regions immediately surrounding transcription start sites, known as promoters, dictate the ability to interact with nearby regulatory elements. If true, we expect genes with similar promoter sequences to be co-expressed, and those with dissimilar promoters to have differential expression. We determined co-expression indices for all adjacent promoters in D. melanogaster using data from several sources, including bi-hourly embryonic time-course data generated by modENCODE(Nature 459:927), a complete life-cycle time-course from RAMPAGE profiling (Genome Res. 23:169), and GRO-seq-derived promoter activity data for cultured S2 cells (Cell Rep. 2:1025). We then used an alignment-free sequence similarity measure (“N2”) to calculate relatedness scores for every adjacent promoter pair and tested for correlation between sequence relatedness and co-expression index. Distances between paired promoters were also tested for correlation with co-expression. Resulting analyses of the RAMPAGE dataset showed a positive trend between co-expression and sequence similarity among a small subset of adjacent promoters as compared to randomized data. No correlation appeared for the majority of pairs overall. A smaller minority of modENCODE data showed similar positive correlation. This disparity was likely due to the longer and higher resolution time-course of the RAMPAGE dataset. The co-expressed groups of promoters from S2 cells did not vary substantially from dissimilarly expressed pairs in terms of their sequence similarity. Although these analyses failed to reveal a strong connection between promoter sequence and coordinated gene activity, other metrics may provide better insight. We are continuing to evaluate other sequence similarity measures, for instance whether discrete sets of core promoter motifs (rather than entire promoter sequences) are adequate in classifying similarities in promoter activity

    Autonomic management of software defined networks : DAIM can provide the environment for building autonomy in distributed electronic environments - using OpenFlow networks as the case study

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Next generation networks need to support a broad range of services and functionalities with capabilities such as autonomy, scalability, and adaptability for managing networks complexity. In present days, network infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex and challenging to administer due to scale and heterogeneous nature of the infrastructures. Furthermore, among various vendors, services, and platforms, managing networks require expert operators who have expertise in all different fields. This research relied on distributed active information model (DAIM) to establish a foundation which will meet future network management requirements. The DAIM is an information model for network solutions which considers challenges of autonomic functionalities, where the network devices can make local and overall network decisions by collected information. The DAIM model can facilitate networks management by introducing autonomic behaviours. The autonomic behaviours for communication networks lead networks to be self-managed and emerge as promising solutions to manage networks complexity. Autonomic networks management aims at reducing the workload on network operators from low-level tasks. Over the years, researchers have proposed a number of models for developing self-managed network solutions. One such example is the common information model (CIM), which is described as the managed environment that attempts to merge and extend the existing conventional management and also uses object-oriented constructs for overall network representation. However, the CIM has limitations coping in complex distributed electronic environments with multiple disciplines. The goal of this research is defined as development of a network architecture or a solution based on the DAIM model, which is effectively distribute and automate network’s functions to various network devices. The research first looks into the possibilities of local decision-making and programmability of network elements for distributed electronic environments with an intention to simplify network management by providing abstracted network infrastructures. After investigating and implementing different elements of the DAIM model in network forwarding devices by utilising virtual network switches, it discovers that a common high-level interface and framework for network devices are essential for the development of network solutions which will meet future network requirements. The outcome of this research is the development of (DAIM OS) specification. The DAIM OS is a network forwarding device operating system which is compliant with the DAIM model when it comes to network infrastructure management and provides a high-level abstracted application programming interface (DAIM OS API) for creating network service applications. Through the DAIM OS, network elements will be able to adapt to ever changing environments to meet the goals of service providers, vendors, and end users. Furthermore, the DAIM OS API aims to reduce complexity and time of network service applications development. If the developed DAIM OS specification is implemented and if it functions as predicted in the design analyses; that will result in a significant milestone in the development of distributed network management. This dissertation has an introduction in chapter 1 followed by five parts in order to draw a blueprint for information model as a distributed independent computing environment for autonomic network management. The five parts include lending weight to the proposition, gaining confidence in the proposition, drawing conclusions, supporting work and lastly is appendices. The introduction in chapter 1 includes motivations for the research, main challenges of the research, overall objectives, and review of research contributions. After that, to lend weight to the proposition as the first part of the dissertation, there is chapter 2 which presents the background and literature review, and chapter 3 which has a theoretical foundation for the proposed model. The foundation consists of a generic architecture for complex network management and agents to aggregate distributed network information. Moreover, chapter 3 is probably more about a state of the art in software engineering than about real implementation to engineer autonomic network management. The second part of the dissertation is to gain confidence in the proposition which includes attempting to implement the DAIM model in chapter 4 with some tests to report good performance regarding convergence and robustness for the service configuration process of network management. Also, the second part has a specification of true abstraction layers in chapter 5. The specification of true abstraction layers proposes a high-level abstraction for forwarding networking devices and provides an application program interface for network service applications developed by network operators and service providers. The implementation in chapter 4 is supported by the fourth part of the dissertation in chapter 10 which supports the theoretical foundation, designing, modelling, and developing the distributed active information model via simulation, emulation and real environments. The third part of this dissertation provides the way to draw conclusions as shown in chapter 7 which has the overall research summary, validation of the propositions, contributions and discussion, limitations and finally recommendations for future works. Finally are the appendices in Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D which provide a developing code of the core DAIM model and show different setting up for testbed environments

    An Ecological Survey of Benthic Invertebrates in Three Sites in Shatt-Al-Kufa at Al-Najaf Province, Iraq

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          أجريت الدراسة الحالية من اجل التعرف على تركيب مجتمع اللافقريات القاعية فضلا عن دراسة بعض العوامل المرتبطة بنوعية المياه في شط الكوفة، تضمنت الدراسة اختيار ثلاثة مواقع في شط الكوفة، إذ جمعت عينات المياه ونماذج اللافقريات القاعية خلال الفترة من شهر شباط 2014 الى كانون الثاني 2015 .  شملت الدراسة اللااحيائية قياس كل من الكلوروفيل a والملوحة والمواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية والمتطلب الكيموحيوي للأوكسجين والعسرة الكلية والنترات والكبريتات. أما الدراسة الإحيائية فتضمنت تحديد تركيب مجتمع اللافقريات القاعية من خلال دراسة كل من معدل الكثافة السكانية ومؤشر الوفرة النسبية لهذه الأحياء ودليل جاگارد للتشابه بين المواقع المدروسة. بلغ عدد اللافقريات القاعية التي جمعت في هذه الدراسة 28 وحدة تصنيفية توزعت على المجاميع الرئيسة الاربع الاتية (ثمان وحدات تصنيفية للديدان الحلقية وسبعة لمجموعة الحشرات وعشرة للنواعم وثلاث وحدات تصنيفية للديدان الخيطية)، وكانت اعلى نسبة للديدان الحلقية اذ بلغت 40.8% من مجموع اللافقريات القاعية تلتها الحشرات بنسبة 30.3 % ثم النواعم والديدان الخيطية بنسبة 28.4 %, 0.5% على التوالي. وقد اظهرت اللافقريات القاعية علاقات موجبة وسالبة مع العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية المدروسة.    The present study was conducted to determine the structure of benthic invertebrates community, as well as a study of some factors associated with water quality in Shatt Al-Kufa. The study was included a choice of three sites located along the Shatt Al-Kufa River, water samples and benthic invertebrates were collected during the period from February 2014 to January 2015.     The abiotic study included measurements of chlorophyll a, salinity, total dissolved solids, biochemical oxygen demand, total hardness, nitrate, and sulfate. The biotic study included the determination the composition of the benthic invertebrates community through the study of the mean population density, the relative abundance index of these organisms and the Jaccard Coefficient was calculated to identify the value of similarity between the studied sites. In the present study, 28 taxa of benthic invertebrates were recorded belong to 4 main groups which are: 8 taxa belonged to Annelida, 7 belonged to Insecta, 10 belonged to Mollusca, 3 belonged to Nematoda. Annelida recorded the highest percentage 40.8% of the total number of benthic invertebrates, Insecta with 30.3%, Mollusca and Nematoda with 28.4 %, 0.5% respectively. Benthic invertebrate has shown positive and negative relationships with the studied physical and chemical characteristics

    Antistress evaluation of xylazine and ascorbic acid doses using biomarkers and chevon characteristics sequel to stocking and 28-hours road transportation

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    Transportation of animals cannot be avoided in animal husbandry and when they are subjected to psychological and physiological stress could compromise product. Thirty-two apparently healthy Sahel bucks were subjected to an experimental journey. Four groups were randomly assigned into control none treated, xylazine (0.02 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid (200 mg/kg), xylazine (0.01 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid (400 mg/kg), xylazine (0.015 mg/kg) and ascorbic acid (300 mg/kg) each group had four animals each in both high and low stocking density sub-groups. The xylazine was administered intravenous while ascorbic acid was administered orally. Group (0.02mg/kg) xylazine and (200mg/kg) ascorbic acid at high stocking rate significantly (p <0.05) increased the dressing percentage, while low stocking rate decreased using the same combination significantly (p <0.05) decreased dressing percentage. Group of (0.015mg/kg) xylazine and (300mg/kg) ascorbic acid at high stocking rate significantly (p <0.05) increased the excitatory score at slaughter. There were also interactions of treatment on excitatory score, dressing percentages and triiodothyronine. This means that the treatment using the two drugs influenced these parameters. It infers the antistress treatment influenced some meat characteristics. Conclusively, groups (0.02mg/kg) xylazine and (200mg/kg) ascorbic acid, and (0.015mg/kg) xylazine and (300mg/kg) ascorbic acid improved some meat characteristics in bucks, withdrawal period of xylazine must be considered. Key words: Doses; Xylazine-ascorbic acid; Improved; Chevon; Stres