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    The main object of this article is to introduce the concepts of f-lacunary statistical convergence of order alpha and strong f-lacunary summability of order alpha of double sequences and give some inclusion relations between these concepts

    On Statistical Convergence Of Order α{\alpha} In Partial Metric Spaces

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    The present study introduces the notions of statistical convergence of order α\alpha and strong pp- Ces\`{a}ro summability of order α\alpha in partial metric spaces. Also, we examine the inclusion relations between these concepts. In addition, we introduce the notion of λ\lambda -% statistical convergence of order α\alpha in partial metric spaces while providing relations linked to these sequence spaces.Comment: 12 pag

    PrevAleNce and Associated factors of inappropriaTe dosing of direct Oral anticoaguLants In pAtients with Atrial Fibrillation: the ANATOLIA-AF Study

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    Purpose: Inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants is associated with an increased risk of stroke, systemic embolism, major bleeding, cardiovascular hospitalization, and death in patients with atrial fibrillation. The main goal of the study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants in real-life settings. Methods: This study was a multicenter, cross-sectional, observational study that included 2004 patients with atrial fibrillation. The study population was recruited from 41 cardiology outpatient clinics between January and May 2021. The main criteria for inappropriate direct oral anticoagulant dosing were defined according to the recommendations of the European Heart Rhythm Association. Results: The median age of the study population was 72 years and 58% were women. Nine-hundred and eighty-seven patients were prescribed rivaroxaban, 658 apixaban, 239 edoxaban, and 120 dabigatran. A total of 498 patients (24.9%) did not receive the appropriate dose of direct oral anticoagulants. In a logistic regression model, advanced age, presence of chronic kidney disease and permanent atrial fibrillation, prescription of reduced doses of direct oral anticoagulants or edoxaban treatment, concomitant use of amiodarone treatment, and non-use of statin treatment were significantly associated with potentially inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the prevalence of inappropriate direct oral anticoagulant dosing according to the European Heart Rhythm Association recommendations was 24.9% in patients with atrial fibrillation. Several demographic and clinical factors were associated with the inappropriate prescription of direct oral anticoagulants. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Stabil anjina pektorisli hastalarda kırmızı kan hücresi dağılım genişliği (rdw) ve koroner arter hastalık yükü arasındaki ilişki

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    Kırmızı kan hücresi dağılım genişliği ve vasküler olaylar arasındaki ilişki ile ilgili bazı çalışmalar olmasına karşın, RDW’nin kardiyo- vasküler sistemdeki rolü konusunda bilgiler yetersizdir. Bizim amacımız anjiyografik olarak belirlenmiş koroner arter hastalık şiddet ve yaygınlığı ile RDW arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Çalışmaya 296 hasta dahil edildi. İki yüz dokuz hastada (71%) KAH tespit edilirken (men 70%, mean yaş±SD: 61±11yıl), 87 hastada (29%) normal koroner arterler görüldü (men 48%, 52±11yıl). Yaş, hipertansiyon, diyabetes mellitus, hiperlipidemi, ailede KAH hikayesi, kreatinine, beyaz kan hücre sayımı, nötrofiller, ve RDW değerleri KAH olan hastalarda normal koronerleri olanlara göre daha yüksekti. Yüksek yoğunluklu lipoprotein KAH olanlarda daha düşüktü. RDW değerleri KAH’nın şiddet ve yaygınlığına göre belirlenmiş alt gruplarda anlamlı derecede farklı idi. Koroner arter hastalığının bağımsız prediktörlerini belirlemek için yaş, cinsiyet, HT, DM, sigara içme, aile hikayesi, HPL, kreatinin, CRP, nötrofil ve RDW’yi içine alan logistik regresyon analizi yaptığımızda, KAH ile yaş, cinsiyet, aile hikayesi ve RDW arasında pozitif bağımsız bir ilişki belirledik. Bizim sonuçlarımız RDW ile KAH arasında dolaşımdaki inflamatuvar hücreler ve nonspesifik inflamasyondan bağımsız olarak önemli bir ilişkiyi gösterdi. Biz RDW’nin aterosklerozdaki altta yatan patolojik durumu sonuçlandıramasak ta; inanıyoruz ki bu bulgular RDW’nin aterosklerozdaki rolünü araştıran çalışmalara zemin hazırlar.Although there are several studies regarding the association between RDW and the vascular events, information is scant about possible role of RDW in cardiovascular system. We aimed to investigate whether RDW is related with the severity and extent of angiographically assessed coronary artery disease (CAD). Two hundred ninety and six stable eligible patients who had undergone coronary angiography with a suspicion of CAD were enrolled consecutively. Two hundred and nine (71%) of 296 patients had CAD (men 70%, mean age±SD: 61±11yrs) and 87 patients (29%) had normal coronary arteries (NCA) without any atherosclerotic lesion (men 48%, 52±11yrs). Red blood cell distribution width values were significantly different among the subgroups determined for the severity and extent of CAD. When 14.8% was accepted as the cut-off value for RDW, the sensitivity and the specificity for the detection of CAD was 68% and 52%. When we performed multiple logistic regression analysis to determine the independent predictors of CAD, we found a positive independent relationship between age, gender, family history of CAD and RDW and CAD. Our results show that RDW has a significant relationship with CAD independent of nonspecific inflammation and circulating inflam- matory cells. Although we cannot conclude the underlying pathologic process of RDW, we believe that these findings may pave the way for further studies searching the role of RDW in atherosclerosis