19 research outputs found

    Cohomologie de Chevalley des graphes ascendants

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    The space Tpoly(Rd)T_{poly}(\mathbb R^d) of all tensor fields on Rd\mathbb R^d, equipped with the Schouten bracket is a Lie algebra. The subspace of ascending tensors is a Lie subalgebra of Tpoly(Rd)T_{poly}(\mathbb R^d). In this paper, we compute the cohomology of the adjoint representations of this algebra (in itself and Tpoly(Rd)T_{poly}(\mathbb R^d)), when we restrict ourselves to cochains defined by aerial Kontsevitch's graphs like in our previous work (Pacific J of Math, vol 229, no 2, (2007) 257-292). As in the vectorial graphs case, the cohomology is freely generated by all the products of odd wheels

    Les (a,b)-algèbres à homotopie près

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    We study in this article the concepts of algebra up to homotopy for a structure defined by two operations \pt and [ , ][~,~]. Having determined the structure of G∞ G_\infty algebras and P∞ P_\infty algebras, we generalize this construction and we define a structure of (a,b) (a, b)-algebra up to homotopy. Given a structure of commutative and differential graded Lie algebra for two shifts degree given by aa and bb, we will give an explicit construction of the associate algebra up to homotop

    Algèbres et cogèbres de Gerstenhaber et cohomologie de Chevalley-Harrison

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    The fundamental example of Gerstenhaber algebra is the space Tpoly(Rd)T_{poly}({\mathbb R}^d) of polyvector fields on Rd\mathbb{R}^d, equipped with the wedge product and the Schouten bracket. In this paper, we explicitely describe what is the enveloping G∞G_\infty algebra of a Gerstenhaber algebra G\mathcal{G}. This structure gives us a definition of the Chevalley-Harrison cohomology operator for G\mathcal{G}. We finally show the nontriviality of a Chevalley-Harrison cohomology group for a natural Gerstenhaber subalgebra in Tpoly(Rd)T_{poly}({\mathbb R}^d)