5,068 research outputs found

    Manage entropy in Architectural Projects: assuming commitments and ordering diversity

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    It was primary to transfer to the student the importance of his own responsibility on the project, transcending the usual condition of mere academic practice in the school. Their projects are already real actions to transform the reality from the moment in which are the product of a responsible and critical thinking. To the regular development of the Subject of Architectural Projects with theoretical classes and collective corrections in Workshop of Projects, it was incorporated a series of methodologies to activate the individual and collective learning. The project critically acts on city model, proposes an architectural intervention with transformative will and the classroom becomes a social space where individual engagements and collective engagements are added. This dialectic with reality was concluded with the exhibition of projects, which the students explained to the neighbours as the end of the course, first in school and finally in their civic center.Fue primordial transferir al estudiante la importancia de su propia responsabilidad sobre el proyecto, trascendiendo la habitual condición de mera práctica escolar en la Escuela. Sus proyectos son ya verdaderas acciones para transformar la realidad desde el momento mismo en que son el producto de un pensamiento crítico y responsable. Al desarrollo habitual de la Asignatura de Proyectos Arquitectónicos con clases teóricas y correcciones colectivas en Taller de Proyectos se incorporan una serie de metodologías para activar individual y colectivamente el aprendizaje. El proyecto actúa críticamente sobre el modelo de ciudad, propone una intervención arquitectónica con voluntad transformadora y el aula se convierte en un espacio social donde se suman compromisos individuales y compromisos colectivos. Esta dialéctica con la realidad se concluyó con la exposición de los proyectos realizados, que los estudiantes explicaron ante los vecinos del barrio como final de curso, en la Escuela y en su Centro Cívico

    New variable stars discovered in the fields of three Galactic open clusters using the VVV Survey

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    This project is a massive near-infrared (NIR) search for variable stars in highly reddened and obscured open cluster (OC) fields projected on regions of the Galactic bulge and disk. The search is performed using photometric NIR data in the JJ-, HH- and KsK_s- bands obtained from the Vista Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) Survey. We performed in each cluster field a variability search using Stetson's variability statistics to select the variable candidates. Later, those candidates were subjected to a frequency analysis using the Generalized Lomb-Scargle and the Phase Dispersion Minimization algorithms. The number of independent observations range between 63 and 73. The newly discovered variables in this study, 157 in total in three different known OCs, are classified based on their light curve shapes, periods, amplitudes and their location in the corresponding color-magnitude (JKs,Ks)(J-K_s,K_s) and color-color (HKs,JH)(H-K_s,J-H) diagrams. We found 5 possible Cepheid stars which, based on the period-luminosity relation, are very likely type II Cepheids located behind the bulge. Among the newly discovered variables, there are eclipsing binaries, δ\delta Scuti, as well as background RR Lyrae stars. Using the new version of the Wilson & Devinney code as well as the "Physics Of Eclipsing Binaries" (PHOEBE) code, we analyzed some of the best eclipsing binaries we discovered. Our results show that these studied systems turn out to be ranging from detached to double-contact binaries, with low eccentricities and high inclinations of approximately 8080^{\circ}. Their surface temperatures range between 35003500K and 80008000K.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Adicción al deporte: el peligro de la sobredosis de ejercicio

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    La práctica deportiva forma parte del estilo de vida de los seres humanos postmodernos, pudiendo convertirse en una obsesión cuando su uso es excesivo, continuo, constante e intenso, pudiendo dar lugar a la adicción o dependencia al ejercicio. Actualmente son pocos los estudios e investigaciones hechos al respecto, por ello nuestro objetivo es analizar el estado de la cuestión, sus características psicológicas y psicopatológicas, y elaborar un cuestionario que permita evaluar la adicción al ejercicio, así como establecer su fiabilidad y validez para su detección y manejo clínico. Tras la elaboración del cuestionario, SAS, hemos pretendido observar cómo se manifiesta la adicción a nivel físico, psicológico y social. En este artículo presentamos los primeros resultados analizados tras un estudio exploratorio piloto a una muestra pequeña, N=33, compuesta por 16 mujeres y 17 hombres, que contestaron de forma voluntaria el cuestionario, compuesto por 40 ítems sencillos de respuesta dicotómica, (NO; SI). Aunque es una muestra limitada, la fiabilidad de dicho cuestionario es buena, con un Alpha de Cronbach superior a 0.8. Algunos de los enunciados del mismo han resultado ser muy específicos para la detección de la adicción, y asimismo, la edad y las horas dedicadas a la práctica de ejercicio físico tienen especial relevancia. Como conclusión se propone la primera escala española (SAS) para la detección de la adicción o dependencia al deporte, cuya fiabilidad y validez será analizada en estudios posteriores

    Phase diagram for a Cubic Consistent-Q Interacting Boson Model Hamiltonian: signs of triaxiality

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    An extension of the Consistent-Q formalism for the Interacting Boson Model that includes the cubic QxQxQ term is proposed. The potential energy surface for the cubic quadrupole interaction is explicitly calculated within the coherent state formalism using the complete chi-dependent expression for the quadrupole operator. The Q-cubic term is found to depend on the asymmetry deformation parameter gamma as a linear combination of cos(3gamma) and cos^2(3\gamma) terms, thereby allowing for triaxiality. The phase diagram of the model in the large N limit is explored, it is described the order of the phase transition surfaces that define the phase diagram, and moreover, the possible nuclear equilibrium shapes are established. It is found that, contrary to expectations, there is only a very tiny region of triaxiality in the model, and that the transition from prolate to oblate shapes is so fast that, in most cases, the onset of triaxiality might go unnoticed.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    Abatement of the Stimulatory Effect of Copper Nanoparticles Supported on Titania on Ovarian Cell Functions by Some Plants and Phytochemicals

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    The application of nanoparticles has experienced a vertiginous growth, but their interaction with food and medicinal plants in organisms, especially in the control of reproduction, remains unresolved. We examined the influence of copper nanoparticles supported on titania (CuNPs/TiO2), plant extracts (buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and vitex (Vitex agnus-castus)), phytochemicals (rutin and apigenin), and their combination with CuNPs/TiO2 on ovarian cell functions, using cultured porcine ovarian granulosa cells. Cell viability, proliferation (PCNA accumulation), apoptosis (accumulation of bax), and hormones release (progesterone, testosterone, and 17β-estradiol) were analyzed by the Trypan blue test, quantitative immunocytochemistry, and ELISA, respectively. CuNPs/TiO2 increased cell viability, proliferation, apoptosis, and testosterone but not progesterone release, and reduced the 17β-estradiol output. Plant extracts and components have similar stimulatory action on ovarian cell functions as CuNPs/TiO2, but abated the majority of the CuNPs/TiO2 effects. This study concludes that (1) CuNPs/TiO2 can directly stimulate ovarian cell functions, promoting ovarian cell proliferation, apoptosis, turnover, viability, and steroid hormones release; (2) the plants buckwheat and vitex, as well as rutin and apigenin, can promote some of these ovarian functions too; and (3) these plant additives mitigate the CuNPs/TiO2’s activity, something that must be considered when applied together.This research was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV; project no. APVV-15-0296), the Slovak Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Slovak Academy of Science (VEGA; project no. VEGA 1/0392/17), the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU; project no. CTQ2017-88171-P), the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; project no. AICO/2017/007) and the Universidad de Alicante (grant no. VIGROB-285/19)

    Caracterización de aceites de oliva virgen europeos usando ácidos grasos

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    The possibility of discriminating between extra virgin olive oils from different regions of Spain, Italy and Portugal, by means of their fatty acid content, has been investigated. A dendrogram allowed discrimination between the oils starting from their initial grouping and progressing to differentiation on the basis of regions. Multivariant statistical analyses were applied to determine the actual discriminatory capacity of this group of compounds. The confidence associated with the final discrimination was ascertained using the theory of evidence.Se ha estudiado la posibilidad de discriminación entre aceites de oliva virgen procedentes de diferentes regiones de España, Italia y Portugal, mediante sus ácidos grasos. Para llevar a cabo la discriminación entre los aceites, desde su agrupación inicial hasta la diferenciación por regiones, se empleó una estructura arborescente. Fueron aplicados procedimientos estadísticos multivariantes para determinar la capacidad discriminante actual de este grupo de compuestos. La certeza asociada a la discriminación final fue calculada mediante la teoría de la evidencia

    A direct technique for preparation of magnetically functionalised living yeast cells

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    A direct technique for preparation of magnetically functionalised yeast cells by using polyelectrolyte mediated deposition of magnetite nanoparticles is reported. We demonstrate that the cells preserve their viability after the magnetite deposition and show that the magnetic nanoparticles form a multilayered coating on the outer side of the yeast cell's wall. We applied our technique to produce magnetically functionalised yeast cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of RAD54-GFP reporter and demonstrated that their fluorescence emission is not influenced by the presence of magnetite-polyelectrolyte composite coating. We show that the individual cells can be successfully manipulated by an external magnetic field which can be used for their deposition, holding and subsequent removal from microfluidic devices for genotoxicity and cytotoxicity biosensor applications. Our technique for direct magnetization of cells can find many other biotech applications including biosensors, bioreactors and bioseparation. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Phase diagram and influence of defects in the double perovskites

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    The phase diagram of the double perovskites of the type Sr_{2-x} La_x Fe Mo O_6 is analyzed, with and without disorder due to antisites. In addition to an homogeneous half metallic ferrimagnetic phase in the absence of doping and disorder, we find antiferromagnetic phases at large dopings, and other ferrimagnetic phases with lower saturation magnetization, in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, some errata correcte