3,733 research outputs found

    -Briga Toponyms in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The existence in Hispania of a very large number of place-names with the -briga ending has been used for several decades in reconstructing the languages spoken in pre-Roman times in the Iberian Peninsula. The phonetics of -briga strongly suggest that this place-name element was created by Celtic speakers. I offer a theoretical classification of these place-names considering at least four different types according to their internal structure. Several examples from Hispania are presented and classified in one of the four categories, followed by general comments on the implications of the distribution of the -briga place-names

    La cesión de suelo público dotacional para la apertura de centros docentes concertados: una nueva manifestación del estado garante

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    L'última reforma de la Llei orgànica d'educació acull una nova fórmula de suport a l'ensenyament privat sostingut amb fons públics a Espanya: la cessió de sòl públic per a la construcció i gestió de centres docents concertats. Aquesta operació sembla respondre a diverses tendències. En primer lloc, a la redistribució de tasques entre Estat i societat, per a una major racionalització del sector públic. En segon lloc, a una major tutela de la llibertat d'ensenyament reconegut a l'article 27 de la CE. Amb tot, aquesta evolució des de l'Estat prestacional a l'Estat garant requereix observar certes cauteles derivades de la naturalesa jurídica dels concerts escolars, en especial la igualtat de tracte en l'accés a aquests.The latest reform of the Education Act includes a new formula for supporting publically funded private schools in Spain: the cession of public land to build and manage grant-aided schools. This reform seems to reflect various trends: first, the redistribution of tasks between the State and society, to achieve further rationalisation of the public sector, and second, greater protection of the freedom of education recognised by Article 27 of the Spanish Constitution. But this evolution from the Welfare State to the Enabling State calls for some reservations, given the legal nature of grant-aided schools, especially as regards equality in the admission process.La última reforma de la Ley Orgánica de Educación acoge una nueva fórmula de apoyo a la enseñanza privada sostenida con fondos públicos en España: la cesión de suelo público dotacional para la construcción y gestión de centros docentes concertados. Esta operación parece responder a varias tendencias. En primer lugar, a la redistribución de cometidos entre Estado y sociedad para una mayor racionalización del Sector Público. En segundo lugar, a una mayor tutela de la libertad de enseñanza reconocida en el artículo 27 CE. Con todo, esta evolución desde el Estado prestacional al Estado garante requiere observar ciertas cautelas derivadas de la naturaleza jurídica de los conciertos escolares, en especial la igualdad de trato en el acceso a éstos

    Sistema de Visión Estereoscópica para Navegación Autónoma de vehículos no tripulados

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    La visión estereoscópica constituye un campo de la inteligencia artificial que se basa en la composición de imágenes 3D mediante visión binocular. De esta manera, un autómata equipado con un sistema de dos cámaras a la misma altura y desplazadas a cierta distancia, podría reconstruir el entorno que le rodea tridimensionalmente. El presente proyecto está enfocado a este fin: obtener, a partir de las imágenes, un mapa del entorno que, de la manera más aproximada, represente la distancia a la que se encuentran los objetos en la escena respecto del robot. Con dicha reconstrucción, un robot es capaz de poder detectar y esquivar los obstáculos que se puede encontrar en su camino, pudiendo así planificar distintas rutas seguras que le lleven hasta su objetivo. [ABSTRACT] Stereoscopic vision is a field of artificial intelligence based on the composition of 3Dimages by binocular vision. In this way, a robot equipped with a system of two cameras at the same height and displaced at a distance among them, could rebuild the tridimensional surrounding environment. This project is aimed for this purpose: to obtain images from the environment that, as nearly, represents the distance at which objects are located on with respect the robot. With this reconstruction of the scene, the stereovision system in the robot could be able to detect and avoid obstacles that can be found on its path, thus being able to plan different routes that lead to secure targets

    An Expert System to Improve the Energy Efficiency of the Reaction Zone of a Petrochemical Plant

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    Energy is the most important cost factor in the petrochemical industry. Thus, energy efficiency improvement is an important way to reduce these costs and to increase predictable earnings, especially in times of high energy price volatility. This work describes the development of an expert system for the improvement of this efficiency of the reaction zone of a petrochemical plant. This system has been developed after a data mining process of the variables registered in the plant. Besides, a kernel of neural networks has been embedded in the expert system. A graphical environment integrating the proposed system was developed in order to test the system. With the application of the expert system, the energy saving on the applied zone would have been about 20%.Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    Het zorgpotentieel in de netwerken van ouderen

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    Tamarix hohenackeri Bunge is reported here for the first time for the flora of Mexico. It also represents the first record for the American continent. This species, native from Asia, was collected along riversides of the river San Salvador (Ensenada, Baja California). A detailed morphological description of the newly reported taxon is provided, and the taxonomic treatment of T. hohenackeri is also discussed. As a result of this study, the presence of six species of the genus Tamarix is confirmed for Mexico, and a dichotomous key for the Tamarix species in Mexico is presented.Se documenta por primera vez la presencia de Tamarix hohenackeri Bunge para la flora de México. Se trata, a su vez, de la primera cita para el continente americano. Esta especie, nativa de Asia, ha sido recolectada en los márgenes del río San Salvador (Ensenada, Baja California). Se aporta una descripción morfológica detallada del nuevo taxon citado y se discute, también, su estatus taxonómico. Como resultado del estudio, se indica la presencia de seis especies del género Tamarix y además se aporta una clave para la identificación de los representantes de Tamarix en México

    Implementation of Irrigation with Dairy Cattle Manure for Tropical Perennial Pastures in Costa Rica

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    Animal manures allow nutrients recycling in cropping systems, while contributing to the fulfillment of environmental standards. Pasture irrigation with animal manures has been fostered for Costa Rican dairy farms over the last 15 yr. A lack of information and training regarding irrigation and management of animal manures has led to the implementation of diverse methods by producers, but those have not yet been characterized. This study aimed to describe the current management of Costa Rican dairy farms irrigating perennial pastures with slurries. The farms were mostly grass-based systems with supplements fed to cows during the time spent at the milking parlor and/or in feeding stalls through the day. Farms collect manure when facilities are washed with water, which is then stored in plastic tanks or cement structures for less than 1 day before irrigating pastures. The amount of water used by dairy producers was greater than the recommended water/manure ratio (13.4 vs. 4.0 L kg–1), with only one farm reporting values below this ratio. Slurries were sampled and analyzed for their nutrient and microbial content. Both nutrient and microbial content varied in this study due to factors specific to each farm, especially with respect to water management. The variability found in water use among farms and regions (2.4–36.7 L kg–1) may generate unintended consequences from an environmental standpoint. Sustainability of Costa Rican dairy farms can be enhanced if specific guidelines for manure irrigation are developed, which could have benefits for chemical fertilizer use and environmental effect.Universidad de Costa Rica/[739-B7-063]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro de Investigación en Nutrición Animal (CINA)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Zootecni

    Decision system based on neural networks to optimize the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant

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    The energy efficiency of industrial plants is an important issue in any type of business but particularly in the chemical industry. Not only is it important in order to reduce costs, but also it is necessary even more as a means of reducing the amount of fuel that gets wasted, thereby improving productivity, ensuring better product quality, and generally increasing profits. This article describes a decision system developed for optimizing the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant. The system has been developed after a data mining process of the parameters registered in the past. The designed system carries out an optimization process of the energy efficiency of the plant based on a combined algorithm that uses the following for obtaining a solution: On the one hand, the energy efficiency of the operation points occurred in the past and, on the other hand, a module of two neural networks to obtain new interpolated operation points. Besides, the work includes a previous discriminant analysis of the variables of the plant in order to select the parameters most important in the plant and to study the behavior of the energy efficiency index. This study also helped ensure an optimal training of the neural networks. The robustness of the system as well as its satisfactory results in the testing process (an average rise in the energy efficiency of around 7%, reaching, in some cases, up to 45%) have encouraged a consulting company (ALIATIS) to implement and to integrate the decision system as a pilot software in an SCADA