194 research outputs found

    Torredembarra: un modelo de hábitat mediterráneo. Paisaje, arquitectura y jardín en el proyecto de los apartamentos de J. M. Sostres en Torredembarra

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    On analyzing the evolution of the architectural project and building of the row of four summer attached houses designed by Josep Maria Sostres in Torredembarra (1954-57) reveals a deep, critical reflection on the ultimate sense of architecture after Modernism. Starting from the specific site conditions, Sostres builds an exemplary work in which his own modest and wise personality is shown. He dares to go after a synthesis of several formal and spatial keystones developed by the first modernists (i.e. Le Corbusier and GATEPAC Catalonian architects) and other contemporary discoveries (due to Jacobsen in Denmark and to Neutra in California) related to landscape and human values as emerging attributes of the post-war architectural practice. Avoiding International-Style rhetoric gestures and vernacular local building mimesis, a modern architecture subordinated to surrounding Mediterranean landscape is proposed: new forms of living are experimented involving the interior and exterior spaces of every house in the row, considering the presence of the sea nearby and the enjoyment of its garden, in which breeze, shadows, water ponds and vegetal species create a rich experience for human life in open air. El análisis de la evolución del proyecto y la obra de las cuatro viviendas unifamiliares adosadas de Josep María Sostres en Torredembarra (1954-57) revela una reflexión profunda acerca del sentido del “proyecto arquitectónico” en plena crisis del Movimiento Moderno. Partiendo de las características específicas del lugar, Sostres construye una obra modélica que refleja una personalidad repleta de modestia y sabiduría, sintetizando ciertas claves formales y espaciales herederas de la primera generación de las vanguardias (principalmente aquí Le Corbusier y los arquitectos catalanes del GATEPAC) con otras plenamente contemporáneas (las de Jacobsen en Dinamarca y las de Neutra en California) vinculadas a la incorporación del paisaje y del ser humano al discurso arquitectónico de posguerra. Sin caer en la retórica del Funcionalismo internacional ni en la mímesis de la arquitectura vernácula del litoral catalán, propone una arquitectura subordinada al paisaje mediterráneo del entorno sin renunciar a experimentar con la forma de habitar y disfrutar del espacio, en el interior de una pequeña casa que se asoma al mar y en un jardín doméstico lleno de vida, donde la brisa, las sombras, el agua y las especies vegetales humanizan el espacio exterior adyacente a cada vivienda.

    Real-life burden of hospitalisations due to COPD exacerbations in Spain

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    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often suffer episodes of exacerbation of symptoms (ECOPD) that may eventually require hospitalisation due to several, often overlapping, causes. We aimed to analyse the characteristics of patients hospitalised because of ECOPD in a real-life setting using a "big data" approach.The study population included all patients over 40 years old with a diagnosis of COPD (n=69 359; prevalence 3.72%) registered from 1 January 2011 to 1 March 2020 in the database of the public healthcare service (SESCAM) of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) (n=1 863 759 subjects). We used natural language processing (Savana Manager version 3.0) to identify those who were hospitalised during this period for any cause, including ECOPD.During the study 26 453 COPD patients (38.1%) were hospitalised (at least once). Main diagnoses at discharge were respiratory infection (51%), heart failure (38%) or pneumonia (19%). ECOPD was the main diagnosis at discharge (or hospital death) in 8331 patients (12.0% of the entire COPD population and 31.5% of those hospitalised). In-hospital ECOPD-related mortality rate was 3.11%. These patients were hospitalised 2.36 times per patient, with a mean hospital stay of 6.1 days. Heart failure was the most frequent comorbidity in patients hospitalised because of ECOPD (52.6%).This analysis shows that, in a real-life setting, ECOPD hospitalisations are prevalent, complex (particularly in relation to heart failure), repetitive and associated with significant in-hospital mortality.Copyright ©The authors 2022

    Plataforma Hardware-Software para el desarrollo de habilidades STEM

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    Robotics not only play a significant role in medicine, manufacturing, or aerospace industry, but also in education. According to governmental studies carried out in the United States and Europe, careers related to STEM skills like engineering, are constantly increasing worldwide. Due to this, several countries have been implementing STEM education. But, in Colombia this initiative just recently started to take place. Currently, it is possible to find several STEM educational robotic kits on the market such as boost from Lego, Cozmo from Anki, Mbot from Makeblocks and Dash from Make wonder. In this trend, the STEM robotic kit proposed in this document, pretends to be a hardware grounding to implement a whole STEAM program. It intends to encourage children to develop their science, tech, math, and artistic outcomes. Also, the kit offers a differential plus from others because it has two interactive components: an elephant-bot called Eli, a robot easy to assemble inspired in the protection of African elephants; and, an intuitive user interface, called "Experiencia Chamali" made up of three modules. The first one consists of assembly the robot, the second one is designed for developing of spatial perception throughout maze challenges, and the last one is made for test the robot's movements live. Two groups of children between 6 and 11 years old tested the robotic platform. During the activity, the groups reinforced STEM skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving as a conclusion of test results. The children divided the assembly of the elephant-bot into several tasks on their initiative to make an agile construction. Also, in the challenge of the labyrinth, they worked collaboratively on the spatial location. Finally, the members of each group worked as a team decorating the physical labyrinth freely and observing the movements of the "elephant-bot" in this environment

    Resistência extrema a duas estirpes do Potato virus Y (PVY) de batata transgênica, cv. Achat, expressando o gene da capa protéica do PVYO

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    The coat protein (CP) gene of the potato virus Y strain “o” (PVYO) was introduced into potato, cultivar Achat, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Sixty three putative transgenic lines were challenged against the Brazilian strains PVY-OBR and PVY-NBR. An extremely resistant phenotype, against the two strains, was observed in one line, denominated 1P. No symptoms or positive ELISA results were observed in 16 challenged plants from this line. Another clone, named as 63P, showed a lower level of resistance. Southern blot analysis showed five copies of the CP gene in the extremely resistant line and at least three copies in the other resistant line. The stability of the integrated transgenes in the extreme resistant line was examined during several in vitro multiplications over a period of three years, with no modification in the Southern pattern was observed. The stability of the transgenes, the absence of primary infections and the relatively broad spectrum of resistance suggest that the extremely resistant line obtained in this work can be useful for agricultural purposes.O gene da capa protéica (CP) do Potato virus Y estirpe “o”, foi introduzido em batata cultivar Achat, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Sessenta e três linhas possivelmente transgênicas foram desafiadas com as estirpes brasileiras PVY-OBR e PVY-NBR. Uma linha apresentou extrema resistência às duas estirpes inoculadas, e foi denominado clone 1P. Não foram observados sintomas sistêmicos de infecção e as plantas foram negativas em Elisa. Outra linha, denominada clone 63P, mostrou algum nível de resistência. Análises por Southern blot indicaram a presença de pelo menos cinco cópias do gen CP no clone 1P e pelo menos três cópias no clone 63P. A estabilidade do gene introduzido no clone 1P foi avaliada durante três anos, após várias multiplicações in vitro. Não foram observadas mudanças no padrão do Southern blot. A estabilidade do transgene, na ausência de infecções primárias e relativo largo espectro de resistência sugerem que o clone 1P pode ser utilizado para fins comerciais.Fil: Romano, Eduardo. Embrapa Recursos Genéticos; BrasilFil: Ferreira, Adriana T.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Dusi, André N.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Proite, Karina. Embrapa Recursos Genéticos; BrasilFil: Buso, Jose A.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Avila, Antonio C.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Nishijima, Marta L.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Nascimento, Adriana S.. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Bravo Almonacid, Fernando Felix. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Mentaberry, Alejandro Nestor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Monte, Damares. Embrapa Recursos Genéticos; BrasilFil: Campos, Magnolia A.. Embrapa Recursos Genéticos; BrasilFil: Melo, Paulo Eduardo. Embrapa Hortaliças; BrasilFil: Cattony, Monica K.. No especifica;Fil: Torres, Antonio C.. Embrapa Hortaliças; Brasi

    Topography-driven alterations in endothelial cell phenotype and contact guidance

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    Bioengineering; Biophysics; Cell biology; Biomedical engineering; Regenerative medicine; Directional topography; Endothelial cells; Vascular-like networks; Contact guidance; Vascularizatio

    Topography-Mediated Myotube and Endothelial Alignment, Differentiation, and Extracellular Matrix Organization for Skeletal Muscle Engineering

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    Understanding the response of endothelial cells to aligned myotubes is important to create an appropriate environment for tissue-engineered vascularized skeletal muscle. Part of the native tissue environment is the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is a supportive scaffold for cells and allows cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Interstitial matrix and basal membrane both comprise proteinaceous and polysaccharide components for strength, architecture, and volume retention. Virtually all cells are anchored to their basal lamina. One of the physical factors that affects cell behavior is topography, which plays an important role on cell alignment. We tested the hypothesis that topography-driven aligned human myotubes promote and support vascular network formation as a prelude to in vitro engineered vascularized skeletal muscle. Therefore, we used a PDMS-based topography substrate to investigate the influence of pre-aligned myotubes on the network formation of microvascular endothelial cells. The aligned myotubes produced a network of collagen fibers and laminin. This network supported early stages of endothelial network formation.</p

    Assessment of satellite-derived shorelines automatically extracted from Sentinel-2 imagery using SAET

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    The definition of the shoreline position from satellite imagery is of great interest among coastal monitoring techniques. Understanding the reality mapped by the resulting shorelines and defining their accuracy is of paramount importance. The assessment described in this paper constitutes a validation of the shorelines obtained by using the novel tool SAET (Shoreline Analysis and Extraction Tool) for automatic shoreline extraction. The resulting shorelines applying the different parameters available in SAET are assessed in 9 test sites with diverse morphology and oceanographic conditions along the Atlantic European and Western Mediterranean coasts. The reference data is obtained along large coastal segments (covering up to about 240 km) from nearly coincident very high-resolution satellite images. Different image processing levels and extraction methods have been tested, showing their key role in the accuracy of shoreline position. When defining the approximate shoreline position the Automated Water Extraction Index for images without shadows (AWEInsh) with a 0 threshold generally constitutes the best segmentation method. In turn, the employment of the mathematical morphological operations of dilation or erosion considerably improves the results in certain coastal typologies. On the contrary, the employment of atmospherically-corrected images has a smaller influence on the accuracy of the SDSs. Results support the idea that the magnitude of the errors is strongly related to the specific coastal conditions- In general, the lowest errors appear in low-energetic microtidal sites, contrary to the energetic and mesotidal coasts with gentle slopes. The shoreline errors range between 3.7 m and 13.5 m RMSE (root-mean-square error) among the different coastal types when selecting the most appropriate extraction parameters. The shoreline position identified with SAET shows a similar or better accuracy to that obtained by other tools