9 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesadaran Dan Literasi Lingkungan Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi

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    Environment is one of the materials and topics that are always interesting to discuss in learning. Environmental problems that occur today are increasingly diverse. This is because there is a lot of natural damage due to weather and climate change. Environmental problems are often found in everyday life and can be discussed together in learning by taking real examples that can be found directly in the surrounding nature. The current 21st century learning model emphasizes problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based study as well as project-based learning (PjBL). This research was conducted to analyze how environmental literacy in Biology Education students of FKIP ULM. The research method used is qualitative research by providing instruments in the form of questionnaires related to environmental problems, especially those encountered around which then measured students' understanding of this. The environmental literacy variable is adapted from the NELA environmental literacy variable with the environmental aspects observed, namely verbal commitment, environmental sensitivity, feelings for the environment, issue analysis, issue identification, action plans, and real commitment. The analysis was conducted by looking at the scores obtained by students and seeing the changes that occurred during the pretest and posttest. The results showed an increase in students' environmental literacy, with the highest increase in verbal commitment of 18%. The results of this research provide an overview of how to understand environmental literacy and awareness in students and analyze things that are still lacking and can be improved through other learning models


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    PT. Z is a cocoa powder manufacturer that located in Sidoarjo, East Java. The factory wanted to implement the concept of Lean Manufacturing to overcome their problems such as, production loss and powder (scrap) which was spreading over their production floor and warehouse. This factory could improve their production system’s productivity with the deployment of Lean Manufacturing concept. Percentage of scraps and losses for initial condition is about 0,076% and 1,987%. Cycle time for grinding process and mixing process for initial concept is about 3,49 hours/ton and 14,2 hours/5ton. Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) for the initial condition is 81%. After implementing the improvement initiatives, there were some differences on the indicators. Percentage of scraps and losses for the new condition was about 0,054% and 1,542%. Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) was increased and becoming 82% with cycle time for grinding process is 2,7 hours/ton and 11,86 hours/5ton for mixing process


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    PT. Z is a cocoa powder manufacturer that located in Sidoarjo, East Java. The factory wanted to implement the concept of Lean Manufacturing to overcome their problems such as, production loss and powder (scrap) which was spreading over their production floor and warehouse. This factory could improve their production system’s productivity with the deployment of Lean Manufacturing concept. Percentage of scraps and losses for initial condition is about 0,076% and 1,987%. Cycle time for grinding process and mixing process for initial concept is about 3,49 hours/ton and 14,2 hours/5ton. Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) for the initial condition is 81%. After implementing the improvement initiatives, there were some differences on the indicators. Percentage of scraps and losses for the new condition was about 0,054% and 1,542%. Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) was increased and becoming 82% with cycle time for grinding process is 2,7 hours/ton and 11,86 hours/5ton for mixing process


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    ANALISIS KEKUATAN MEKANIK UNTUK FASILITAS FASE-PRHRS MENGGUNAKAN PERANGKAT LUNAK ANALISIS STRUKTUR. Station Black Out (SBO) di Fukushima Daiichi Jepang terjadi karena tidak adanya catu daya listrik bagi sistem aktif untuk mendinginkan teras reaktor, sehingga panas peluruhan di teras reaktor tidak dapat dibuang ke sistem pengambilan sisa panas dan kelingkungan. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem keselamatan pasif untuk membuang sisa panas hasil peluruhan yang dihasilkan ketika SBO terjadi atau sebab-sebab lain yang mengakibatkan sistem aktif tidak berfungsi. FASE-PRHRS (Fasilitas Eksperimen-Passive Residual Heat Removal System) merupakan suatu fasilitas eksperimen keselamatan sistem pasif yang direncanakan akan dibuat dengan skala tinggi 1/1 dan ditujukan untuk penelitian pengambilan panas sisa pada teras reaktor dan beroperasi secara alamiah tanpa membutuhkan catu daya listrik. Fasilitas tersebut menggunakan struktur Untai Uji Termohidrolika Reaktor (UUTR) sebagai penopang komponen-komponennya se- hingga struktur mengalami penambahan beban selain beban dari komponen-komponen UUTR. Un- tuk mengetahui keamanan penggunaan struktur UUTR sebagai penopang maka dilakukan pengujian secara simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak analisis struktur. Hasil pengujian mendapatkan tegan- gan mekanik terbesar yang terjadi yaitu 4,41 x 106 N/m2, sedangkan translation displacement terbesar yaitu 0,1150 mm. Tegangan mekanik yang terjadi masih lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan yield strength material dari Carbon Steel ASTM A36 dan masih dalam daerah elastis material. Se- dangkan translation displacement yang terjadi sangat kecil sehingga tidak mengakibatkan perubahan bentuk pada struktur UUTR. Dengan demikian struktur UUTR dalam kondisi aman dengan adanya pembebanan berupa komponen UUTR dan FASE-PRHRS. Kata kunci: struktur UUTR, FASE-PRHRS, tegangan mekanik, translation displacement


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    The helical steam generator is connected to an HTGR-type nuclear reactor called PeLUIt-40 for steam production. Steam is used to generate electricity and hydrogen. A once-through helical tube bundle was employed because of its ability to endure mechanical stress due to thermal expansion, high resistance to flow-induced vibrations, and better thermal performance compared to a straight tube one. To produce the targeted steam, a design analysis of the once-through helical steam generator needs to be conducted. A quick evaluation method was used to predict the preliminary specifications required for steam production. Simple thermodynamic calculations combined with empirical heat transfer coefficients covering convective and boiling processes at constant pressure were used to carry out the analysis. Two scenarios were conducted to evaluate the design choice based on the previous design of RDE-10

    Investigation of Natural Circulation Flow Under Steady-State Conditions Using a Rectangular Loop

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    Passive safety systems have garnered significant attention, particularly in situations where active systems fail. The comprehension of natural circulation phenomena plays a vital role in the advancement of passive cooling systems in nuclear power plants. The objective of this study is to examine the flow patterns under steady state conditions and assess the Grashof number. The experimental approach involved maintaining temperature differences of 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, and 90°C for a duration of 3 hours, with 3 replications. Alterations in temperature have an impact on the physical properties of water, such as density, viscosity, and specific heat. The calculations indicate that the minimum Grashof number occurs at 60°C (2.49×1012), while the maximum is observed at 90°C (9.42×1012), with an R2 value of 0.96533. Turbulent flow patterns were observed during each temperature fluctuation, which aligns with previous research on the Ress value of Grm/NG


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah inovasi produk dan kualitas produk mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian pada konsumen Maison Nobl. Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Maison Nobl yang telah melakukan pembelian produk sebanyak 56 orang, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda, uji F, dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis secara parsial dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Inovasi produk dan variabel Kualitas produk mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan pembelian Maison Nobl. Hasil Pengujian statistik mengunakan analisis regresi berganda dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Inovasi produk (X1) dan Kualitas produk (X2) secara bersama-sama (simultan) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan pembelian Maison Nobl

    Increase Student Learning Activities by Using A Problem-Based Learning Model in Legum Technology Lecture Materials

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    Student learning activities can be measured by how active students are while studying. A student-centered learning model is needed, especially for courses with no practicum, such as legum technology material, to make the classroom atmosphere more varied. Therefore, this study aims to increase student learning activities using a problem-based learning model in legum technology lecture materials. This research is a class action study conducted in 2 cycles, each consisting of 2 meetings. The research subject comprised 20 students majoring in Agricultural Industrial Technology, Agro-industrial Study Program. The data collection techniques include preserving student learning activities using a problem-based learning model. The results showed that the students learning activity increased with an average per cycle in cycle I of 2.14 and was included in the "sufficient" category with the description of group C, and on average in cycle II increased with the achievement of 2.85 and has been included in the "good" category. This research shows that the problem-based learning model has been proven to improve student learning activities in the classroom. In addition, this research also demonstrates that classroom action research can be carried out in elementary, middle, and high schools and at the college level

    Strategi Pengembangan Turtle Conservation and Education Center di Serangan, Denpasar Bali

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di dunia. Secara geografis, letak Indonesia dilewati oleh garis zamrud khatulistiwa dan memiliki iklim tropis. Salah satu biota laut menakjubkan yang ada di lautan yang ada di Indonesia adalah penyu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: mendeskripsikan sistem pengelolaan, menentukan perencanaan strategi dan menentukan perencanaan prioritas strategi alternatif yang ada di Turtle Conservation and Education Center. Salah satu tempat konservasi yang membantu program pemerintah dalam menjaga pelestarian penyu yaitu TCEC (Turtle Conservation and Education Center), yang terletak di Pulau Serangan, Denpasar Bali. Data primer yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan hasil observasi, wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner SWOT dan AHP. Sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan dari referensi pustaka. Analisis SWOT dan AHP digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh dan menentukan prioritas alternatif. Strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam strategi pengembangan turtle conservation and education center di Pulau Serangan didapatkan dalam Kuadran I dimana nilai X = 0,02 dan nilai Y = 0,41 Strategi yang dapat dihasilkan yakni; 1) Meningkatkan dukungan KLHK tentang konservasi penyu dengan memperhatikan penetasan telur penyu sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata berbasis ekologi dan edukasi (S1,O4,O1); 2) Meningkatkan peran kemen ekowisata eduwisata dan pariwisata untuk diterapkan pendataan penyu secara priodik sebagai salah satu tingkat kesadaran adanya penyu di TCEC (S3,S2,O5,O3); 3) Meningkatkan akses lokasi TCEC di centra pariwisata dengan bantuan dari kemen pariwisata terhadap keberlangsungan konservasi dan dampak TCEC untuk meningkatkan sumber pendapatan (S2,S1,O2); dan 4) Meningkatkan peran KLHK tentang konservasi penyu dengan mencari bantuan PT dan CSR sebagai salah satu tingkat kesadaran akan adanya penyu di TCEC (S1,S5,O3). Alternatif strategi pengembangan yang didapatkan berdasarkan hasil Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yaitu; memanfaatkan dukungan KLHK dalam konservasi penyu dengan membuat proyek spesifik dengan menggunakan data yang kuat dan membuat kolaborasi yang efektif untuk keberlanjutan populasi penyu sebesar 34,7%