40 research outputs found

    Narrativa contemporánea de aventuras y educación literaria en la adolescencia

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    Al artículo pretende poner de manifiesto la situación actual de la narrativa juvenil contemporánea española de viajes y aventuras, así como su puesta en valor en la formación lectora de los estudiantes de Secundaria. El análisis literario de estas novelas y de los antecedentes de este subgénero narrativo, y el establecimiento de un canon literario actualizado nos proporcionan las bases para definir una poética de la novela de aventuras

    Paquete software para sistemas de medida de antenas

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    The interface of antenna measurement systems is presented in this paper. This software can work with far field systems, and spherical, cylindrical or planar near field antenna measurement systems. The software is very flexible and user-friendly, in order to let the user to proceed an antenna measurement in an easy way

    Photoswitchable diacylglycerols enable optical control of protein kinase C.

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    Increased levels of the second messenger lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) induce downstream signaling events including the translocation of C1-domain-containing proteins toward the plasma membrane. Here, we introduce three light-sensitive DAGs, termed PhoDAGs, which feature a photoswitchable acyl chain. The PhoDAGs are inactive in the dark and promote the translocation of proteins that feature C1 domains toward the plasma membrane upon a flash of UV-A light. This effect is quickly reversed after the termination of photostimulation or by irradiation with blue light, permitting the generation of oscillation patterns. Both protein kinase C and Munc13 can thus be put under optical control. PhoDAGs control vesicle release in excitable cells, such as mouse pancreatic islets and hippocampal neurons, and modulate synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans. As such, the PhoDAGs afford an unprecedented degree of spatiotemporal control and are broadly applicable tools to study DAG signaling

    Sustainability of bioenergy – mapping the risks and benefits to inform future bioenergy systems

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    Bioenergy is widely included in energy strategies for its GHG mitigation potential. Bioenergy technologies will likely have to be deployed at scale to meet decarbonisation targets, and consequently biomass will have to be increasingly grown/mobilised. Sustainability risks associated with bioenergy may intensify with increasing deployment and where feedstocks are sourced through international trade. This research applies the Bioeconomy Sustainability Indicator Model (BSIM) to map and analyse the performance of bioenergy across 126 sustainability issues, evaluating 16 bioenergy case studies that reflect the breadth of biomass resources, technologies, energy vectors and bio-products. The research finds common trends in sustainability performance across projects that can inform bioenergy policy and decision making. Potential sustainability benefits are identified for People (jobs, skills, income, energy access); for Development (economy, energy, land utilisation); for Natural Systems (soil, heavy metals), and; for Climate Change (emissions, fuels). Also, consistent trends of sustainability risks where focus is required to ensure the viability of bioenergy projects, including for infrastructure, feedstock mobilisation, techno-economics and carbon stocks. Emission mitigation may be a primary objective for bioenergy, this research finds bioenergy projects can provide potential benefits far beyond emissions - there is an argument for supporting projects based on the ecosystem services and/or economic stimulation they may deliver. Also given the broad dynamics and characteristics of bioenergy projects, a rigid approach of assessing sustainability may be incompatible. Awarding ‘credit’ across a broader range of sustainability indicators in addition to requiring minimum performances in key areas, may be more effective at ensuring bioenergy sustainability

    Spanish high level handicapped sportsmen and eating disorders: are they at risk?.

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    Introducción: Los trastornos de la alimentación tienen una importante repercusión tanto en la salud como en el rendimiento deportivo. Sin embargo, no está claro si el ambiente deportivo actúa como factor de riesgo o como protector frente a estas patologías. Objetivo: Valorar el riesgo de trastornos de la alimentación en una muestra de deportistas españoles de alto nivel con discapacidad. Métodos: Se entrevistó con el Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) a 60 participantes con discapacidad física o visual y que pertenecían al equipo paralímpico español y al equipo de promesas paralímpicas. Resultados: Se encontraron bajas tasas de riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Del conjunto de individuos analizados, un sujeto obtuvo puntuación suficiente para considerar que se encontraba en riesgo. Análisis de regresión múltiple no mostraron asociación entre género, tipo de discapacidad o categoría deportiva y EAT-26. Conclusión: Controlando el efecto del género, la discapacidad visual se relacionó con la puntuación obtenida en EAT-26 en mujeres