24 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Capital Markets help regulate and promote the capital market and securities sector. These agencies are formed under the Ministries of Finance in the respective counties.  This study tries to compare the trends and activities in two countries, namely, the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) India and the Capital Markets and Securities Authority, Tanzania (CMSA). The main objective of the study was to capture the trends, similarities, and patterns in the activities and movements of the Indian and Tanzanian stock markets. The aim was to help the investors (current and potential) understand the impact of important happenings on the Indian and Tanzanian Stock exchanges. The study was undertaken between January and April 2017 and has taken available statistics from FYs 2013-2016 (3 years) to arrive at the conclusion. This study is especially relevant in the current scenario where financial markets across the globe are getting integrated into one big market impacting the securities sector and investors as a whole. 

    Evaluation of anti-fungal activity derivative from Premna odorata Blanco extract by deep eutectic solvents

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    Fungal organisms are an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in different parts in human body like oral cavity and vagina. Recent study has revealed a critical need for novel antifungal medicines developed from medicinal plant extracts due to concerns about fungal pathogen resistance to commercial medication. In the present work, Premna odorata Blanco, belonging to the family Lamiaceae was evaluated in vitro antifungal activity against two fungal organism isolated from clinical cases. With the aim to replace toxic conventional solvents through deep eutectic solvents was used and phytochemical compounds were determined (total phenol content, total flavonoid content). ChMa extracts of Premna odorata Blanco demonstrate a significant antifungal activity against Candida albicans, Monilinia spp. Higher than water extract. While the DES2 extract reported the highest phenolic contents (3.58 mg GAE/100 g DW) and total flavonoid content (0.028 mg RE/100 g DW) compared with water extract. In conclusion, the study suggests that the Premna odorata Blanco extracts by deep eutectic solvents are promising for the development of treatments against various fungal diseases with a friendly green procedure, low toxicity and new application in pharmaceutical industry

    Impact of fashion entrepreneurship programme on entrepreneurial interests, intention and competencies

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    Entrepreneurship education has traditionally focused on formal education, but many initiatives have been taken parallel with the 21st century teaching and learning strategies to engage student experience through learning by doing. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurship interest, intentions and competencies by implementing fashion entrepreneurship program. This study was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia for a period of five months. Samples were selected among undergraduate students who enrolled in Entrepreneurship Courses in First Semester 2016/2017. Screening process comprises interviews and basic sewing test were conducted to select 40 students as the respondents of the program. This program emphasized mentor-mentees system which involved 10 fashion entrepreneurs from the community. Respondents were exposed to entrepreneurship seminars, business and skills trainings, e-marketing workshops, sewing classes as well as evaluation sessions. Qualitative data were gathered through questionnaires adapted from Mc Clellandand Mc Ber & Co (1985) as well as questionnaires by Hisyamudin Hassan (2007). Meanwhile qualitative data were collected through continuous observations and the output of the fashion products. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurship interests with entrepreneurship intentions. Although the findings showed no significant relationship between fashion entrepreneurship program with entrepreneurship intentions and competencies, respondents’ perceptions towards their interest, intentions and competencies at the end of the program are high. Due to time constraints, it was suggested that future entrepreneurship program should be scheduled more structured and in a timely manner to ensure that student can gain benefit throughout the program and the objective of the program can be achieved


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    The study started from the question: What is the role played by the Sultanate of Oman in the Yemeni crisis? What are the most important auxiliary factors and the most prominent obstacles to performing this role? The problem of the study was the difference of the foreign policy of the Sultanate of Oman towards the crisis in Yemen from the policies of other regional countries, especially the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The study adopted the hypothesis that there is an effective and important role played by the Sultanate of Oman in the Yemeni crisis, which it plays through the positions and foreign policy decisions that it has committed to towards the crisis in its neighbor Yemen. The study adopted both the decision-making approach and the descriptive analytical approach. The study analyzed the priorities of the Sultanate of Oman in Yemen, the developments of the Omani position on the Yemeni crisis, and the components and determinants of the Omani role in Yemen. The study concluded a number of results, the most important of which is that the Sultanate of Oman has invested its political neutrality and moderation diplomacy in order to activate channels of dialogue and diplomacy in order to end the ongoing fighting in Yemen, and that despite the difficulty of the Yemeni file, the Sultanate of Oman remains more qualified than others to play the role of a neutral mediator. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sultanate is not a party to the conflict in Yemen, as is the case with other regional and international parties.O estudo começou com as perguntas: Qual é o papel desempenhado pelo Sultanato de Omã na crise iemenita? Quais são os fatores auxiliares mais importantes e os obstáculos mais proeminentes para o desempenho desse papel? O problema do estudo foi a diferença entre a política externa do Sultanato de Omã frente à crise no Iêmen e às políticas de outros países da região, especialmente os países do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo. O estudo adotou a hipótese de que o Sultanato de Omã desempenha um papel efetivo e importante na crise iemenita, que o desempenha por meio das posições e decisões de política externa com as quais se comprometeu diante da crise em seu vizinho Iêmen. O estudo adotou tanto a abordagem da tomada de decisão quanto a abordagem analítica descritiva. O estudo analisou as prioridades do Sultanato de Omã no Iêmen, os desenvolvimentos de sua posição na crise iemenita e os componentes e determinantes do papel de Omã no Iêmen. O estudo concluiu uma série de resultados, dos quais o mais importante é que o Sultanato de Omã investiu sua neutralidade política e diplomacia de moderação para ativar canais de diálogo e diplomacia a fim de acabar com os combates em curso no Iêmen e que, apesar da dificuldade do caso iemenita, o Sultanato de Omã continua mais qualificado do que outros para desempenhar o papel de mediador neutro. Isso é reforçado pelo fato de que o Sultanato não é parte do conflito no Iêmen, como é o caso de outras partes regionais e internacionais

    Limited genetic diversity and high differentiation among the remnant adder ( Viperaberus ) populations in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains

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    Although the adder (Viperaberus) has a large distribution area, this species is particularly threatened in Western Europe due to high habitat fragmentation and human persecution. We developed 13 new microsatellite markers in order to evaluate population structure and genetic diversity in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, where the species is limited to only a few scattered populations. We found that V.berus exhibits a considerable genetic differentiation among populations (global FST=0.269), even if these are not geographically isolated. Moreover, the genetic diversity within populations in the Jura Mountains and in the less perturbed Swiss Alps is significantly lower than in other French populations, possibly due to post-glacial recolonisation processes. Finally, in order to minimize losses of genetic diversities within isolated populations, suggestions for the conservation of this species in fragmented habitats are propose

    Elit Türk kadın hentbolcularda 30 – 15 intermittent fitness test ile anaerobik performans ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı elit Türk kadın hentbolcuların dayanıklılık performanslarının belirlenmesinde kullanılan saha temelli 30-15 aralıklı test (IFT) performansı ile anaerobik performans; 30 saniye Wingate Anaerobik güç ve kapasite, çeviklik T-Testi performans sonuçları ilişkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya Türkiye Süper liginde oynayan 30 kadın hentbolcu gönüllü olarak katılmış 4 tanesi çalışmayı tamamlayamamıştır. Araştırma hipotezini test etmek için kesitsel tanımlayıcı korelasyon tasarımı kullanılmıştır. Ölçümler üç ayrı günde 30-15 IFT, Çeviklik T-Test ve Wingate 30 sn Anaerobik güç ve kapasite testleri 72 saat ara ile uygulanmıştır. Araştırma hipotezini test etmek için ilk olarak 30-15 IFT performans sonuçları ile anaerobik performans ve çeviklik ilişki katsayıları hesaplanmış ve ilişki tespit edilen değişkenlerin 30-15 IFT performansını ne kadar tahmin ettiğini belirlemek için de Çoklu Doğrusal Regrasyon analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların 30-15 dayanıklılık testi ile VO2maks kapasitelerine ulaşılmış ve oyuncuların VO2maks seviyeleri ile anaerobik güç ve kapasite arasındaki ilişkiye bakılmış bunun sonucunda yapılan regresyon analizinde, bu iki parametre arasında anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanılmamıştır (R2= 0,110 p>0,05). Çalışmada VO2maks ile çeviklik performansı arasındaki ilişki de incelenmiştir. Regresyon analizi bu iki parametre arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığını ortaya çıkarmıştır (R2= 0,134 p>0,05). Özetle, elit kadın hentbolcularda, 30-15 IFT testinin anaerobik performans ile bir ilişkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir

    Sign Detection Vision Based Mobile Robot Platform

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    Vision system applied in electrical power generated mobile robot to provide a comfortable ride while providing comfort to tourist to interact with visitors. The camera is placed in front of the mobile robot to snap the images along in pathways. The system can recognized the sign which are right, left and up by using Harris corner algorithms and will be display in Graphical User Interface (GUI). A sign can be determined from the vertex coordinates according to the degree to distinguish the direction of the sign. The system will be tested in term of percentage of success in Harris point detection and availability to detect sign with different range. The result show the even though not all Harris point in an image can be detected but most of the images possible to recognise it sign direction

    Develop And Implementation Of Voice Recognition Robotic Car

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    The idea in this paper is to develop a voice recognition system that can recognized five commands to control a robotic car. The focus area is mainly on voice identification and recognition system. The aim of the system was not recognizing sentences but only isolated a word then demonstrates the action on a simple built robotic car. The system allows user to deliver voice commands through a microphone for control the movement of the car. Voice command is sent to computer and the process to compare the signal with signal stored in database using Vector Quantization (VQ) technique. Mel-wrapping filter bank in feature extraction was used to reduce the root mean square amplitude noise amplitude and also improve signal to noise ratio. Result showed that the robotic car can be controlled by 5 basic voice command which is stop, forward, reverse, turn left and turn right by integrating source code in MATLAB with Arduino UNO microcontroller

    Impact of Fashion Entrepreneurship Programme on Entrepreneurial Interests, Intention and Competencies

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    Entrepreneurship education has traditionally focused on formal education, but many initiatives have been taken parallel with the 21st century teaching and learning strategies to engage student experience through learning by doing. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurship interest, intentions and competencies by implementing fashion entrepreneurship program. This study was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia for a period of five months. Samples were selected among undergraduate students who enrolled in Entrepreneurship Courses in First Semester 2016/2017. Screening process comprises interviews and basic sewing test were conducted to select 40 students as the respondents of the program. This program emphasized mentor-mentees system which involved 10 fashion entrepreneurs from the community. Respondents were exposed to entrepreneurship seminars, business and skills trainings, e-marketing workshops, sewing classes as well as evaluation sessions. Qualitative data were gathered through questionnaires adapted from Mc Clellandand Mc Ber & Co (1985) as well as questionnaires by Hisyamudin Hassan (2007). Meanwhile qualitative data were collected through continuous observations and the output of the fashion products. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurship interests with entrepreneurship intentions. Although the findings showed no significant relationship between fashion entrepreneurship program with entrepreneurship intentions and competencies, respondents’ perceptions towards their interest, intentions and competencies at the end of the program are high. Due to time constraints, it was suggested that future entrepreneurship program should be scheduled more structured and in a timely manner to ensure that student can gain benefit throughout the program and the objective of the program can be achieved


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    The study started from the question: What is the role played by the Sultanate of Oman in the Yemeni crisis? What are the most important auxiliary factors and the most prominent obstacles to performing this role? The problem of the study was the difference of the foreign policy of the Sultanate of Oman towards the crisis in Yemen from the policies of other regional countries, especially the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The study adopted the hypothesis that there is an effective and important role played by the Sultanate of Oman in the Yemeni crisis, which it plays through the positions and foreign policy decisions that it has committed to towards the crisis in its neighbor Yemen. The study adopted both the decision-making approach and the descriptive analytical approach. The study analyzed the priorities of the Sultanate of Oman in Yemen, the developments of the Omani position on the Yemeni crisis, and the components and determinants of the Omani role in Yemen. The study concluded a number of results, the most important of which is that the Sultanate of Oman has invested its political neutrality and moderation diplomacy in order to activate channels of dialogue and diplomacy in order to end the ongoing fighting in Yemen, and that despite the difficulty of the Yemeni file, the Sultanate of Oman remains more qualified than others to play the role of a neutral mediator. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sultanate is not a party to the conflict in Yemen, as is the case with other regional and international parties.O estudo começou com as perguntas: Qual é o papel desempenhado pelo Sultanato de Omã na crise iemenita? Quais são os fatores auxiliares mais importantes e os obstáculos mais proeminentes para o desempenho desse papel? O problema do estudo foi a diferença entre a política externa do Sultanato de Omã frente à crise no Iêmen e às políticas de outros países da região, especialmente os países do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo. O estudo adotou a hipótese de que o Sultanato de Omã desempenha um papel efetivo e importante na crise iemenita, que o desempenha por meio das posições e decisões de política externa com as quais se comprometeu diante da crise em seu vizinho Iêmen. O estudo adotou tanto a abordagem da tomada de decisão quanto a abordagem analítica descritiva. O estudo analisou as prioridades do Sultanato de Omã no Iêmen, os desenvolvimentos de sua posição na crise iemenita e os componentes e determinantes do papel de Omã no Iêmen. O estudo concluiu uma série de resultados, dos quais o mais importante é que o Sultanato de Omã investiu sua neutralidade política e diplomacia de moderação para ativar canais de diálogo e diplomacia a fim de acabar com os combates em curso no Iêmen e que, apesar da dificuldade do caso iemenita, o Sultanato de Omã continua mais qualificado do que outros para desempenhar o papel de mediador neutro. Isso é reforçado pelo fato de que o Sultanato não é parte do conflito no Iêmen, como é o caso de outras partes regionais e internacionais