31 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Penanggulangan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Difteri di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar 2015

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan 2016 ABSTRAK Gamasiano Alfiansyah Analisis Implementasi Penanggulangan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Difteri di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar 2015 xv + 100 halaman + 10 tabel + 3 gambar + 6 lampiran Implementasi penanggulangan difteri di Kabupaten Blitar terkendala di manajemen pelaksanaan program dengan jumlah kasus difteri pada tahun 2015 mencapai 43 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penanggulangan KLB difteri pada tahap persiapan, surveilans, investigasi, dan respon. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Informan utama penelitian adalah petugas kesehatan yang menangani KLB difteri baik di Dinas Kesehatan maupun Puskesmas. Informan triangulasi penelitian adalah bidan desa, kepala desa, ketua pkk, dan penderita atau keluarga penderita. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan observasi, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan SDM untuk menanggulangi difteri masih belum memadai baik dari segi jumlah dan latar belakang pendidikan, belum pernah dilakukan pelatihan surveilans, persediaan ADS dan eritromisin yang habis, kapasitas ruang isolasi yang terbatas, belum dilakukan surveilans aktif, terdapat masyarakat yang menolak imunisasi, belum dilakukan disinfeksi, dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang difteri yang masih kurang. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan beberapa saran, yaitu bagi Dinas Kesehatan agar memberikan pelatihan spesifik surveilans kepada petugas kesehatan, mengupayakan terpenuhinya persediaan ADS dan eritromisin, membuat pola untuk mengawasi kontak erat, dan membuat ruang isolasi di rumah sakit swasta. Bagi Puskesmas diharapkan melakukan pengawasan terhadap kontak erat, mempunyai persediaan media amies dan eritromisin, disinfeksi terhadap barang-barang di rumah penderita, meningkatkan cakupan penyuluhan, dan melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam melakukan surveilans dan disinfeksiterhadap barang-barang di rumah penderita. Kata kunci : Kejadian Luar Biasa, Difteri, Evaluasi Kepustakaan : 77 (1986 – 2016) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Administration and Health Policy 2016 ABSTRACT Gamasiano Alfiansyah Implementation Analysis of Diphtheria Outbreak Intervention at Work Area of Blitar District Health Office in 2015 xv + 100 pages + 10 tables + 3 figures + 6 appendices Implementation of diphtheria intervention in Blitar District was not optimal due to the program implementation management. Number of diphtheria cases in 2015 were 43 cases. The aim of this study was to analyse the implementation of diphtheria outbreak intervention at the stages of preparedness, surveillance, investigation, and response. This was a qualitative-descriptive study. Main informants consisted of health workers who handled diphtheria outbreak at either District Health Office (DHO) or health centres. Informants for triangulation purpose consisted of village midwives, head of village, head of PKK, patients, and patients’ family. Data were collected by conducting indepth interview and observation and analysed using a method of content analysis. The results of this study showed that there was no sufficient human resource to handle diphtheria from the aspects of quantity and educational background. There was no training of surveillance. There was no stock of ADS and erythromycin. Capacity of isolation room was limited. There was no active surveillance. There was any people who rejected to do immunisation. There was no disinfection. In addition, knowledge of a community about diphtheria was low. DHO needs to conduct specific training of surveillance for health workers, to provide ADS and erythromycin, to make a pattern for monitoring closed contacts, and to build isolation room at private hospitals. Furhermore, health centres need to monitor closed contacts, to provide Amies medium and erythromycin, to disinfect all stuffs at patients’ houses, to increase coverage of providing information, and to empower a community in order to conduct surveillance. Keywords : Outbreak; Diphtheria; Evaluation Bibliography: 77 (1986-2016


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    ABSTRAK Difteri merupakan penyakit menular mematikan yang menyerang saluran pernapasan atas yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Kasus difteri di Kabupaten Blitar cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Jumlah kasus tahun 2011 sebanyak 15 kasus, tahun 2012 sebanyak 23 kasus, tahun 2013 sebanyak 17 kasus, tahun 2014 sebanyak 21 kasus, dan tahun 2015 sebanyak 38 kasus dengan jumlah kasus tertinggi di kecamatan Kanigoro sebanyak 9 kasus. Tujuan penyelidikan epidemiologi adalah mengetahui besar masalah KLB difteri dan faktor risiko yang mempengaruhinya.Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Informan utama penelitian adalah petugas kesehatan yang menangani KLB difteri baik di Dinas Kesehatan maupun Puskesmas. Informan triangulasi penelitian adalah bidan desa, kepala desa, ketua PKK, dan penderita atau keluarga penderita. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan observasi, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi.Hasilnya adalah 95,55% kasus difteri terjadi pada kelompok umur ≤ 15 tahun dan 91% jumlah kasus difteri dialami oleh masyarakat yang mendapatkan imunisasi lengkap. Selain itu, tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat yang rendah tentang difteri juga merupakan faktor risiko penularan difteri.Penelitian ini merekomendasikan Dinas Kesehatan untuk membuat pola pengawasan kontak erat dan memberikan pelatihan manajemen cold chain. Bagi Puskesmas diharapkan melakukan pengawasan terhadap kontak erat dan meningkatkan cakupan penyuluhan.Kata kunci: KLB, Difteri, Kabupaten BitarABSTRACT Diphtheria is a deadly infectious disease that attacks the upper respiratory tract caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The case of diphtheria in Blitar district tends to increase. The number of cases in 2011 was 15 cases, 23 cases in 2012, 17 cases in 2013, 21 cases in 2014, and 38 cases in 2015 with the highest number of cases in Kanigoro sub-district by 9 cases. The purpose of epidemiological investigation are to determine the extent of diphtheria outbreak and the risk factors that affect it.The kind of research is a qualitative descriptive. Key informants research are health care workers who deal with diphtheria’s outbreaks in both of the Department of Health and Community Health Center. Informants for triangulation research are the midwife of the village, the village’s leader, pkk’s chairman, and the patient or the family of the patient. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and observation, and analyzed using content analysis method.The result is 95.55% of diphtheria cases occured at age ≤15 years old and 91% of diphtheria’s case are suffered by people who get complete immunization. In addition, a low level of community knowledge about diphtheria is also a risk factor for diphtheria transmission.As suggestion, Blitar district health office establish close contact supervision patterns and provide cold chain management training. Health centers are expected to supervise close contacts and increase the coverage education.Keywords: Outbreak, diphtheria, Blitar distric

    Analisis Prioritas Penyebab Masalah dalam Pemenuhan Standar Akreditasi 8.4 di Puskesmas Kraksaan

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    Kraksaan Public Health Center got basic accreditation in 2017. The results of the accreditation standard 8.4 regarding MIRM have not been reached and must be improved for the next accreditation assessment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the priority causes of problems in the 8.4 accreditation standards at the Kraksaan Public Health Center. The method used is the MCUA (Multiple Criteria Utility Assessment). The results of identification of the organization of medical records in fulfillment of the 8.4 accreditation standard were 53.85% (partially fulfilled) with the lowest results in criterion 8.4.4 related to the completeness and confidentiality of medical records (16.67%) while based on the results of priority analysis of the causes of the problem related to the implementation of medical records in compliance with accreditation standards shows that there is no SOP on the implementation of assessments of the completeness and accuracy of the contents of medical records to be a top priority. The results of the study are efforts to improve the organization of medical records in fulfillment of the 8.4 accreditation standards in the form of making SOP assessing the completeness and accuracy of the contents of the medical records

    FAST Method to Design Web-Based Patient Registration System

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    Manual patient registration at the Polyclinic of Politeknik Negeri Jember (POLIJE) offers ineffectiveness in the patient services. Long waiting time and uninformed service hours at the polyclinic are two problems that need to solve. This study aimed to design a website-based registration system for the POLIJE Polyclinic. The researcher used the FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking) method. This method has detailed stages and is capable of producing more efficient, effective, accurate and timely data and information management. The application was built using PHP programming language with Laravel Framework. The registration system was implemented using RFId on patient cards to make the process of reading and registering patient data faster. The web-based registration system with RFId patient cards functions well with features: new patient registration, registration of patient visits with RFId cards, patient queues, verification of patients who register online, as well as patient, doctor and clinic data management

    Tinjauan Pelaksanaan General Consent pada Pasien Baru Rawat Jalan RSUP dr. Sardjito

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    One of the accreditation instruments is Patient and Family Rights (HPK) 6.3 which states that patients andtheir families were provided with an explanation of the scope of the general consent. Based on preliminaryresearch at the outpatient registration unit at RSUP dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, the average new registeredpatients reached 43.25 patients per day and 89% of them did not receive an explanation about thecontents of the general consent form. This research aims to identify the current general consent form foroutpatients in 2020, identify the procedure applied in delivering information of the general consent foroutpatients, and identify factors obstructing the application of the general consent. This research wasqualitative. The data were collected through interviews and observations. The subjects of the researchinvolved officers of the inpatient registration unit at RSUP dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta and the head of themedical record and health information department. The results of this research show that the registrationofficers do not inform the general consent information for new patients because they have more concernon the speed of registration process without telling the content of general consent and unavailability ofSOP in providing general consent information that cause less proper work implementation

    Peningkatan Kebugaran Bayi dan Balita Melalui SPA (Pijat) untuk Melatih Kemampuan Motorik

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    SPA (pijat) bayi adalah suatu metode yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kebugaran bayi melalui peningkatan berat badan dan perkembangan motorik bayi. Pengetahuan tentang pijat bayi ini masih belum diketahui oleh masyarakat, dikarenakan masyarakat masih mempercayakan pijat bayi kepada dukun bayi dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat untuk melakukan pijat bayi kepada tenaga kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan para pengasuh bayi dan balita di TPA Yaa Bunayya Jember. Tahapan implementasi terdiri dari studi pustaka, survei lapangan, membuat buku saku pelatihan, pelaksanaan pelatihan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan para pengasuh bayi dan balita di TPA Yaa Bunayya Jember

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Using a Software as a Service (SaaS) with a Single Identity Number at the Polije Polyclinic

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    Manual management of medical records at the Polije Polyclinic causes long data retrieval time, misfiling, and requiring a lot of spaces for storage, thus hampering health services. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are one type of medical record management that can be used to solve the issue. EMR is built based on Software as a Service (SaaS) which enables it to be used by all healthcare providers with minimal infrastructure and optimal data integration. The application used a single identity number for each patient, and it caused less redundancy in patient registration data. Developed using the Waterfall method, it was processed at several stages: analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The EMR system had some features: recording history, diagnosis, and therapy. In the diagnosis section, the system had a disease code related to ICD-10. It can be concluded that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is ready to be implemented in the POLIJE polyclinic. The implementation of EMR is important to reinforce the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Health Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records

    Analisis Penyebab tidak Ditemukannya Dokumen Rekam Medik Bagian Riset RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta

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    Provision of medical record documents in the medical record research center Dr. Hospital CiptoMangunkusumo is still not in accordance with the number of requests needed, in October there were 4,836requests, 3,953 documents were available, in November there were 3,823 requests and 2,977 documentswere available, in December there were 4,151 requests and 3,143 documents were available. The purpose ofthis study was to analyze the absence of medical record documents in the research section. This type ofresearch is a qualitative study using interview, observation and documentation data collection techniquesinvolving 3 respondents. The results of the study showed that the cause of the absence of medical recorddocuments was that the officers' knowledge was still low, the attitude of the officers who were still lacking indiscipline, supporting facilities and infrastructure were lacking and there was no motivation. Improvementefforts to overcome these problems are providing training, disciplinary officers need to be improved, do systemdesign, provide awards and conduct monitoring and evaluation

    Optimalisasi Manajemen Penanganan Klaim Pending Pasien Bpjs Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Citra Husada Jember Tahun 2018

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    Latar belakang: Perubahan paradigma pelayanan kesehatan harus disikapi oleh para pengelola rumah sakit. Peningkatan mutu dan patient safety menjadi faktor utama yang akan mempengaruhi peningkatan kinerja rumah sakit dalam era BPJS. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan, ditemukan banyak formulir persyaratan klaim BPJS yang tidak lengkap dalam pengisiannya. Data menunjukkan masih ditemukan beberapa berkas klaim yang dikembalikan. Tujuan: melakukan optimalisasi manajemen dalam penanganan klaim pending melalui POAC. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan maksud menggali lebih dalam fungsi manajemen yang telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Citra Husada Jember pada bulan Mei – September 2018 dengan unit analisis adalah unit rekam medis di rumah sakit tersebut. Hasil: Proses penanganan claim pending berdasarkan aspek planning, organizing, actuating, dan controlling masih belum berjalan dengan baik. Hal tersebut diantaranya dikarenakan tidak adanya rincian pekerjaan dan job description, kurangnya motivasi dari pimpinan, dan tidak ada jadwal supervisi pimpinan yang jelas. Saran: Menyusun rencana kerja operasional dalam proses pengisian berkas persyaratan klaim BPJS, membuat susunan rincian pekerjaan dan job description dalam pengelolaan pengisian berkas persyaratan klaim BPJS rawat inap, menyusun SOP untuk memudahkan komunikasi antar petugas, dan menyusun jadwal supervisi pimpinan untuk mempermudah staf dalam melaporkan informasi yang harus dilaporkan. Kata kunci: Klaim Pending, BPJS, Manajeme

    Pengembangan Rumah Desa Sehat Dengan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Gizi Keluarga (SIGA)

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    oai:ojs2.diankes.pubmedia.id:article/3The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration establishes Healthy Village Homes (RDS) in every Village in the Regency and City where stunting prevention is prioritized. Based on the preliminary survey, the implementation of RDS activities in Kemuning Lor Village was not going well so that it had an impact on stunting and other nutritional problems in the village. The purpose of this community service activity was to implement a Family Nutrition Information System (SIGA) in RDS that could be used by the community for early detection of stunting and other nutritional problems. This activity was attended by 24 participants consisting of village officials, RDS managers, and communities with toddlers. The activity phase included a preliminary survey, permit coordination, system creation, preparation of the SIGA manual book, socialization of SIGA implementation, and evaluation. Evidenced by the increased knowledge of participants in early detection of stunting and other nutritional problems after being given socialization and training. It is recommended for RDS managers to develop RDS as a stunting control center in Kemuning Lor Village by providing more intense socialization and health education to the community