208 research outputs found

    La Produzione giornalistica di Luciano Bianciardi e di Anthony Burgess: motivi, occasioni, stile

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    One is a cosmopolite, conservative English man who firmly believed in the ars gratia artis (art for art’s sake) motto and always had a conflicting relationship with his catholic faith. The other is an Italian anarchist intellectual sympathising with the Communist Party who could apply the concept of “engagement” to realms other than his work. On Sundays he preferred going to watch a football match rather than going to church. Hence, Luciano Bianciardi (Grosseto, 1922 – Milan, 1971) and Anthony Burgess (Manchester, 1917 – London, 1993) may apparently have very little in common, except from the fact that they both were writers, essayists and the authors of hundreds of newspaper and journal articles. However, if one concentrates particularly on their articles, and bears in mind the profound differences of their opinions, it is easy to find some common ground. In the 1970’s, they both started considering the relevance of television as the new mass-communication device that invaded many household. They both condemned the pervasive hegemony of the American culture and society over the Western European countries. They both rejected any sort of censorship, were interested in music, and had a special relationship with Italy (more obvious for Bianciardi, very strong for Burgess). Despite apparently enormous differences, through their newspaper and journal articles, Luciano Bianciardi and Anthony Burgess show two surprisingly similar intellectual paths.</br

    A Procedure for rabbit blood serial collection

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    Blood serial collection is required for many applied reproduction and nutrition trials with rabbits. The experimental design of these researches very often includes repeated samplings of large volumes of blood for metabolites and hormones analysis. Our proposed procedure has been tested in many surveys with success. It is based on a blood collection by aspiration, featuring a sterile butterfly cannula with a vacuum tube. By this procedure, the use of syringes is avoided. As a matter of fact when a syringe is used, excessive suction frequently causes the rabbit blood vessel collapse. Furthermore a rough handling of blood, such as excessive suction or the forcing of clotted blood from a syringe, will cause hemolysis: this can interfere with the serum or plasma fractions needed. Blood collection from ear vessels is a technique commonly used with rabbits. The central ear artery is recommended for collecting larger volumes of blood (over 5ml). 10ml of blood/kg body weight can be collected in this manner but the rabbit must be carefully restrained and hematomas must be prevented by direct pressure. Removal of more than 10% of blood volume may result in hypovolemic shock, a potentially fatal reaction. Materials. For local anesthesia EMLA Cream (Lidocaine 2.5% + Prilocaine 2.5%) is a topically applied local anesthetic that is very useful in removing sensation from the venipuncture site. Blood collection set: 1) Butterfly cannula (23 gauge needle for small blood samples and 21 gauge for large samples). 2) Vacutainer blood collection tube and vacutainer holder. 3) Luer adapter (which is designed to allow the attachment of the butterfly to holders using a single venipuncture). Procedure. a) Remove the rabbit from its cage. Proper technique in grabbing and carrying a rabbit is important to prevent vertebral fractures. Grab the rabbit's skin in the shoulder region and place its head underneath your arm. Support the rabbit's legs with the hand of the arm that the head is tucked under. Alternatively, grab the rabbit's skin with both hands (over both the shoulder and the rump region). b) Apply about one thumb size of anesthetic cream on the site selected for blood collection, and leave the cream in contact with skin for 5 minutes c) Check the ear artery if visible and if doesn't dilate, tapping it gently (or flicking it) may help. For vessels dilation the use of topical irritants such as xylene is not recommended. Xylene tends to cause leukocytosis and if it comes in contact with blood, will cause hemolysis. Adequate dilation of vessels can generally be achieved by use of a heat lamp, alcohol or gentle massaging of the ear. d) Only when the blood vessel is clearly visible, with the needle bevel up, parallel to, and alongside the artery, insert the needle quickly under the skin and then into the artery. The needle has to be pointed towards the base of the ear and the insertion into the skin and artery can be performed in one complete motion. e) If the blood vessel has been correctly entered, blood will flow into the tubing of the butterfly cannula. f) Push the vacutainer tube all the way into the holder; vacuum is broken, and blood flows freely being drawn from the artery into the tube. g) Once the blood sample has been taken, the needle must be carefully and quickly removed. When the desired amount is collected, gently hold gauze over needle entry point and remove the needle. h) Hemostasis should be achieved applying pressure to the injected area using thumb and a piece of cotton. Keep pressure on the area for 60-90 seconds, or until blood stops flowing. i) Observe the rabbit for at least another 30 seconds to insure that bleeding has stopped. l) Return rabbit to cage, and check again in 10-15 minutes

    A RISC-V-based FPGA Overlay to Simplify Embedded Accelerator Deployment

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    Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS) are increasingly adopting heterogeneous systems-on-chip (HeSoCs) as a computing platform to satisfy the demands of their sophisticated workloads. FPGA-based HeSoCs can reach high performance and energy efficiency at the cost of increased design complexity. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) can ease IP design, but automated tools still lack the maturity to efficiently and easily tackle system-level integration of the many hardware and software blocks included in a modern CPS. We present an innovative hardware overlay offering plug-and-play integration of HLS-compiled or handcrafted acceleration IPs thanks to a customizable wrapper attached to the overlay interconnect and providing shared-memory communication to the overlay cores. The latter are based on the open RISC-V ISA and offer simplified software management of the acceleration IP. Deploying the proposed overlay on a Xilinx ZU9EG shows ≈ 20% LUT usage and ≈ 4× speedup compared to program execution on the ARM host core

    suppression of dc link voltage unbalance in three level neutral point clamped converters

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    Abstract Two different control approaches for suppressing DC-link voltage unbalance in Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped Converters (NPCs) are presented in this paper. They both guarantee DC-link voltage equalization over any NPC operating conditions, i.e. when the NPC feeds or is supplied by the main AC grid at different active and/or reactive power rates. The proposed control approaches consist of either a hysteresis or a proportional regulator, each of which synthesizes the most suitable control action based on the actual DC-link voltage unbalance. Particularly, two different PWM techniques have been developed in order to achieve DC-link voltage equalization successfully, preserving NPC voltage and current waveforms at the same time. The performances achievable by means of both the proposed control approaches have been compared to each other through an extensive simulation study in order to highlight their most important advantages and drawbacks, as well as their effectiveness over any operating conditions. Particularly, both control approaches are validated in the Matlab-Simulink environment referring to DC-link voltage equalization of an NPC that represents the point of common coupling between a DC microgrid and the main AC grid

    Studio preliminare sulla resistenza strutturale del Gregorian Feed Rotator di SRT

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    Il Sardinia Radio Telescope è un radiotelescopio che svolge la sua attività di ricerca sotto la gestione operativa dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. È situato nella località denominata “Pranu Sanguni”, appartenente al territorio comunale di San Basilio, a circa 35 Km da Cagliari. Sebbene sia stato progettato per ricevere segnali elettromagnetici fino alla frequenza massima di 116 GHz, attualmente il suo range osservativo è compreso tra 305 MHz e 26.5 GHz. Un upgrade dell’antenna, finanziato dal Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON), permetterà di raggiungere le massime prestazioni. Il piano dei lavori coinvolge anche il Gregorian Feed Rotator che sarà equipaggiato con nuovi ricevitori dal peso notevolmente superiore rispetto a quelli attualmente ospitati. A tal proposito, è stato condotto uno studio preliminare per valutare l’idoneità della struttura attuale rispetto al sostegno dei nuovi carichi previsti. Attraverso la realizzazione di un modello agli Elementi Finiti è stato possibile stimare le sollecitazioni a cui sarà sottoposto il traliccio che supporterà i ricevitori, e verificare la sua resistenza secondo i criteri definiti dalle attuali Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto dell’aumento di carico sul cuscinetto di base

    On the Effectiveness of OpenMP teams for Programming Embedded Manycore Accelerators

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    With the introduction of more powerful and massively parallel embedded processors, embedded systems are becoming HPC capable. In particular heterogeneous on-chip systems (SoC) that couple a general-purpose host processor to a many-core accelerator are becoming more and more widespread, and provide tremendous peak performance/watt, well suited to execute HPC-class programs. The increased computation potential is however traded off for ease programming. Application developers are indeed required to manually deal with outlining code parts suitable for acceleration, parallelize there efficiently over many available cores, and orchestrate data transfers to/from the accelerator. In addition, since most manycores are organized as a collection of clusters, featuring fast local communication but slow remote communication (i.e., to another cluster&apos;s local memory), the programmer should also take care of properly mapping the parallel computation so as to avoid poor data locality. OpenMP v4.0 introduces new constructs for computation offloading, as well as directives to deploy parallel computation in a cluster-aware manner. In this paper we assess the effectiveness of OpenMP v4.0 at exploiting the massive parallelism available in embedded heterogeneous SoCs, comparing to standard parallel loops over several computation-intensive applications from the linear algebra and image processing domains

    Inductor losses estimation in DC-DC converters by means of averaging technique

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    A suitable inductor modeling for power electronic DC-DC converters is presented in this paper. It is developed with the aim of improving inductor losses estimation achievable by averaged models, which inherently neglect inductor current ripple. In order to account for its contribution to the overall inductor losses, an appropriate parallel resistance is thus enclosed into the inductor model, whose value should be chosen in accordance with the DC-DC converter operating conditions. This allows the development of improved averaged models of DC-DC converters, especially in terms of power losses estimation. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling approach has been validated through a simulation study, which refers to the case of a boost DC-DC converter and is performed by means of a suitable circuit simulator designed for rapid modelling of switching power systems (SIMetrix/SIMPLIS)

    Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: State-of-the-Art and Future Scenarios

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    An overview of V2G (vehicle-to-grid) technology is presented in this paper. It aims to highlight the main features, opportunities and requirements of V2G. Thus, after briefly resuming the most popular charging strategies for PEVs (plug-in electric vehicles), the V2G concept is introduced, especially highlighting its potentiality as a revenue opportunity for PEV owners; this is mainly due to the V2G ability to provide ancillary services, such as load leveling, regulation and reserve. Such solutions have been thoroughly investigated in the literature from both the economic and technical points of view and are here reported. In addition, V2G requirements such as mobility needs, charging stations availability and appropriate PEV aggregative architectures are properly taken into account. Finally, future developments and scenarios have also been reported