206 research outputs found

    Property and Legal Consequences of Initiating Insolvency Proceedings in Domestic and Comparative Law

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    Doktorska disertacija " Imovinsko-pravne posledice pokretanja stečajnog postupka u domaćem i uporednom pravu " nastala je u vremenskom periodu intenzivne zakonodavne aktivnosti u oblasti stečaja u Republici Srbiji. Zakon o stečajnom postupku te nakon njega Zakon o stečaju kao i podzakonski akti koji su pratili ova dva zakona uveli su niz pozitivnih novina u domaće stečajno zakonodavstvo. Uvođenje profesionalnog stečajnog upravnika, zatim regulatornog tela u vidu Agencije za licenciranje stečajnih upravnika, zatim preciznih rokova za preduzimanje pojedinih radnji u stečajnom postupku kao i niz drugih novina dovelo je stečaj u centar interesovanja kako privrede tako i pravne nauke. Ova zakonodavna aktivnost naterala je praksu da odgovori na istu, da svojim stavovima i tumačenjima ove akte približi učesnicima stečajnog postupka i time olakša njihovu primenu. Stoga, ovaj rad je navedenu praksu predstavio na odgovorajući način jer ista pruža tako potrebne odgovore na brojna pitanja. Ovaj rad je predstavio i zakonodavna rešenja susednih zemalja kao i anglosaksonskog, nemačkog i holandskog stečajnog zakonodavstva. Pozitivni propisi iz oblasti stečajnog prava su od izuzetnog značaja za privredni život jedne zemlje. Stoga, neprestano preispitivanje stečajnih propisa te stalan rad na iznalaženju novih i kreativnijih rešenja predstavlja conditio sine qua non za stvaranje dobrih uslova poslovanja u jednoj zemlji. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada jeste ukazivanje na mogućnost drugačijih zakonskih rešenja pojedinih pitanja. U ovom radu je korišćen normativni, istorijskopravni i uporednopravni metod


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    Virtual Reality (VR) has been used in industries since the 1960s. However, the recent development of hardware and software has made it possible for VR technologies to become widely adopted by the mass market with the highest level of immersion and affordable price. However, building platforms for VR technologies will require many active users and their engagement in project development. Those activities will include platform activities, content creation, social media marketing, processing power, and storage. For that purpose, we introduce VoRtex enterprise high-level software architecture and decentralized blockchain solution. Introduced VoRtex enterprise high-level software architecture will be used to develop blockchain-based virtual world (VW) platform with VR support. The goal of the VW platform is to support the development of education, certification and massive open online courses (MOOC). A blockchain component inside the VW platform will be used for engaging users in project development through collaboration and content sharing. Active users that promote platform content will get rewards for contributions using cryptocurrency. Also, we will showcase this feature on the VoRtex platform prototype where the user earns cryptocurrencies for activity inside the VW. In the end, we will evaluate the proposed solutio

    Predictors of operative treatment outcome in group of patients with coronary and carotid atherosclerosis

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    Boljom prevencijom aterosklerotskih bolesti i uvođenjem invazivnih procedura endoluminalnim pristupom u lečenju koronarne bolesti i karotidne bolesti, hirurške procedure u poslednje dve decenije postaju sve kompleksnije i teže. Profil pacijenata podvrgnutih revaskularizaciji miokarda postaje sve rizičniji i procentualno se povećava broj polivaskularnih pacijenata za koje je neophodno uraditi dodatne procedure na karotidnim arterijama, bilo da su one urađene simultano, u dva ili tri akta. To su pacijenati koji imaju značajne aterosklerotske lezije na jednoj ili obe karotidne arterije zajedno sa značajnim suženjima koronarnih arterija. Algoritmi koji se nude u projektovanju operativne taktike ni danas nisu strogo definisani i vrlo često zavise od individualne procene i stava hirurga koji izvode ove procedure. Ishod operativnog lečenja ovih pacijenata često zavisi od hirurške taktike i ustanove u kojoj se oni operativno leče. Prediktori ishoda operativnog lečenja bi mogli biti važan faktor u selekcioniranju pacijenata u preporuci taktike operativnog lečenja. U tezi su analizirani klinički aspekti preoperativno i postoperativno, postoperativni mortalitet - 30 dana posle operacije i jednu godinu posle operacije. Analiziran je uticaj faktora: starost, pol, neurološka disfunkcija, infarkt miokarda do 90 dana pre operacije, nestabilna angina, diabetes mellitus, bilateralna stenoza karotidnih arterija kod 94 pacijenta koji su operisani u Klinici za kardiohirurgiju Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici u periodu 2007-2012g. Kod svih je, preoperativno, nađeno da imaju značajne promene na koronarnim i karotidnim arterijama. Pacijenti su podeljeni u dve grupe po tipu izvršene operacije. Prvu grupu su sačinjavali pacijenti koji su operisani u odvojenim operacijama karotidnih arterija i revakularizacije miokarda, a drugi su operisani simultano operacijom karotidnih arterija i revaskularizacijom miokarda. U metodologiji su korišćene metode retrospektivnog i prospektivnog istraživanja. Korišćena je elektronska baza podataka Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine, vođen je intervju sa pacijentima. Korišćeni su i pregledi doppler sonografije karotidnih arterija koji su rađeni u drugim ustanovama. Mortalitet-30 dana i jednu godinu posle operacije je bio prihvatljivo nizak, pacijenti su poboljšani u posmatranim parametrima. Neurološki morbiditet na 30 dana i jednu godinu posle je bio prihvatljivo nizak. Prediktori mortaliteta su bili pušenje 30 dana i godinu dana posle operacije u obe grupe. Prediktor morbiditeta 30 dana i jednu godinu nakon operacije bila je hiperlipoproteinemija. Ženski pol je bio nezavisni prediktor mortaliteta u grupi pacijenata operisanih u više aktova. Pacijenti operisini simultano su bili teži po simptomima ( NYHAklasi) i u većem riziku (EU2 score), ali nisu imali statistički značajno veću smrtnost u odnosu na grupu operisanu u više aktova.Surgical procedures have become more complex and difficult in the past two decades due to the better prevention of atherosclerotic diseases and the introduction of invasive procedures with endoluminal approach to treating coronary and carotid artery diseases. The profile of patients undergoing myocardial revascularization is becoming riskier. There is also increase in the percentage of patients with polyvascular disease who need additional procedures on the carotid arteries, whether they are done simultaneously or in two or three acts. These are the patients who have significant atherosclerotic lesions in one or both of the carotid arteries along with the significant narrowing of the coronary arteries. Algorithms that are offered to plan operative tactics are still not strictly defined and often depend on the individual assessment of surgeons and the attitude of certain institutions that perform the procedure. The outcome of surgical treatment of these patients often depends on surgical tactics and the institution in which they are treated. Predictors of surgical treatment outcome could be an important factor for the selection of patients and the recommendation of operative treatment tactics. The thesis analyzed pre- and postoperative clinical aspect as well as 30-day and one-year postoperative mortality. The influence of the following factors was analyzed: age, sex, neurologic dysfunction, myocardial infarction occurring 90 days after surgery, unstable angina, diabetes mellitus, and bilateral carotid artery stenosis in 94 patients that underwent cardiac surgery at the Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica in the period from 2007 to 2012. All patients had significant changes on the coronary and carotid arteries. The patients were divided into two groups according to the type of surgery. The first group consisted of the patients who underwent carotid artery surgery and myocardial revascularization separately. The second group of patients underwent carotid artery surgery and myocardial revascularization at the same time. Methods of retrospective and prospective research were used in the methodology. Electronic data base of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina was also used and the patients were interviewed. Doppler of carotid arteries performed both in our institution and in other institutions was used. Mortality, 30-day and one-year post surgery, was acceptably low. The patients were improved in the observed parameters. Neurologic morbidity 30 days and one year after surgery was acceptably low. Smoking 30 days and one year after surgery was predictor of mortality in both groups. Hyperlipoproteinemia 30 days and one year after surgery was predictor of morbidity. Female sex was independent predictor of mortality for the first group of patients. The second group of patients were more complex according to the symptoms (NYHA class) and with greater risk (EU2 score), but their mortality rate was not statistically significant in relation to the first group of patients

    Predictors of operative treatment outcome in group of patients with coronary and carotid atherosclerosis

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    Boljom prevencijom aterosklerotskih bolesti i uvođenjem invazivnih procedura endoluminalnim pristupom u lečenju koronarne bolesti i karotidne bolesti, hirurške procedure u poslednje dve decenije postaju sve kompleksnije i teže. Profil pacijenata podvrgnutih revaskularizaciji miokarda postaje sve rizičniji i procentualno se povećava broj polivaskularnih pacijenata za koje je neophodno uraditi dodatne procedure na karotidnim arterijama, bilo da su one urađene simultano, u dva ili tri akta. To su pacijenati koji imaju značajne aterosklerotske lezije na jednoj ili obe karotidne arterije zajedno sa značajnim suženjima koronarnih arterija. Algoritmi koji se nude u projektovanju operativne taktike ni danas nisu strogo definisani i vrlo često zavise od individualne procene i stava hirurga koji izvode ove procedure. Ishod operativnog lečenja ovih pacijenata često zavisi od hirurške taktike i ustanove u kojoj se oni operativno leče. Prediktori ishoda operativnog lečenja bi mogli biti važan faktor u selekcioniranju pacijenata u preporuci taktike operativnog lečenja. U tezi su analizirani klinički aspekti preoperativno i postoperativno, postoperativni mortalitet - 30 dana posle operacije i jednu godinu posle operacije. Analiziran je uticaj faktora: starost, pol, neurološka disfunkcija, infarkt miokarda do 90 dana pre operacije, nestabilna angina, diabetes mellitus, bilateralna stenoza karotidnih arterija kod 94 pacijenta koji su operisani u Klinici za kardiohirurgiju Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici u periodu 2007-2012g. Kod svih je, preoperativno, nađeno da imaju značajne promene na koronarnim i karotidnim arterijama. Pacijenti su podeljeni u dve grupe po tipu izvršene operacije. Prvu grupu su sačinjavali pacijenti koji su operisani u odvojenim operacijama karotidnih arterija i revakularizacije miokarda, a drugi su operisani simultano operacijom karotidnih arterija i revaskularizacijom miokarda. U metodologiji su korišćene metode retrospektivnog i prospektivnog istraživanja. Korišćena je elektronska baza podataka Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine, vođen je intervju sa pacijentima. Korišćeni su i pregledi doppler sonografije karotidnih arterija koji su rađeni u drugim ustanovama. Mortalitet-30 dana i jednu godinu posle operacije je bio prihvatljivo nizak, pacijenti su poboljšani u posmatranim parametrima. Neurološki morbiditet na 30 dana i jednu godinu posle je bio prihvatljivo nizak. Prediktori mortaliteta su bili pušenje 30 dana i godinu dana posle operacije u obe grupe. Prediktor morbiditeta 30 dana i jednu godinu nakon operacije bila je hiperlipoproteinemija. Ženski pol je bio nezavisni prediktor mortaliteta u grupi pacijenata operisanih u više aktova. Pacijenti operisini simultano su bili teži po simptomima ( NYHAklasi) i u većem riziku (EU2 score), ali nisu imali statistički značajno veću smrtnost u odnosu na grupu operisanu u više aktova.Surgical procedures have become more complex and difficult in the past two decades due to the better prevention of atherosclerotic diseases and the introduction of invasive procedures with endoluminal approach to treating coronary and carotid artery diseases. The profile of patients undergoing myocardial revascularization is becoming riskier. There is also increase in the percentage of patients with polyvascular disease who need additional procedures on the carotid arteries, whether they are done simultaneously or in two or three acts. These are the patients who have significant atherosclerotic lesions in one or both of the carotid arteries along with the significant narrowing of the coronary arteries. Algorithms that are offered to plan operative tactics are still not strictly defined and often depend on the individual assessment of surgeons and the attitude of certain institutions that perform the procedure. The outcome of surgical treatment of these patients often depends on surgical tactics and the institution in which they are treated. Predictors of surgical treatment outcome could be an important factor for the selection of patients and the recommendation of operative treatment tactics. The thesis analyzed pre- and postoperative clinical aspect as well as 30-day and one-year postoperative mortality. The influence of the following factors was analyzed: age, sex, neurologic dysfunction, myocardial infarction occurring 90 days after surgery, unstable angina, diabetes mellitus, and bilateral carotid artery stenosis in 94 patients that underwent cardiac surgery at the Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica in the period from 2007 to 2012. All patients had significant changes on the coronary and carotid arteries. The patients were divided into two groups according to the type of surgery. The first group consisted of the patients who underwent carotid artery surgery and myocardial revascularization separately. The second group of patients underwent carotid artery surgery and myocardial revascularization at the same time. Methods of retrospective and prospective research were used in the methodology. Electronic data base of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina was also used and the patients were interviewed. Doppler of carotid arteries performed both in our institution and in other institutions was used. Mortality, 30-day and one-year post surgery, was acceptably low. The patients were improved in the observed parameters. Neurologic morbidity 30 days and one year after surgery was acceptably low. Smoking 30 days and one year after surgery was predictor of mortality in both groups. Hyperlipoproteinemia 30 days and one year after surgery was predictor of morbidity. Female sex was independent predictor of mortality for the first group of patients. The second group of patients were more complex according to the symptoms (NYHA class) and with greater risk (EU2 score), but their mortality rate was not statistically significant in relation to the first group of patients


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    Aquatic insects and other benthic macroinvertebrates are mostly used as bioindicators of the ecological status of freshwaters. However, an expensive and time-consuming process of species identification represents one of the key obstacles for reliable biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning (DL) based method for species identification that we evaluated on several available public datasets (FIN-Benthic, STONEFLY9, and EPT29) along with our Chironomidae dataset (CHIRO10). The proposed method relies on three DL techniques used to improve robustness when training is done on a relatively small dataset: transfer learning, data augmentation, and feature dropout. We applied transfer learning by employing ResNet-50 deep convolutional neural network (CNN) pretrained on ImageNet 2012 dataset. The results show significant improvement compared to original contributions and confirms that there is a considerable gain when there are multiple images per specimen

    The Influence of the Size Distribution and Particle Properties on the Filtration Performances in Technical Water

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    When analyzing the experimental data related to technical water quality, the most commonly is used method for determination of particle size distribution. It is needed, also, to derive an adequate approach which can describe model under the study. In order to design adequate filter system, information’s about the particle size distribution are crucial. This paper presents results of examining the size distribution of solid contaminants found in technical cooling water, and influence of particles properties on filtration performances

    The reasons for development of complications in soft contact lenses wearers: A qualitative study

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    © 2020, Serbian Medical Society. All rights reserved. Objective. To determine reasons and their actual role in occurrence of complications in users of soft contact lenses. Methods. This was a qualitative study in which a constructivist grounded theory approach was used to analyze obtained data. The study population consisted of two groups of subjects: 10 students who were identified as users of soft contact lenses and 4 ophthalmologists. Each of the respondents participated ina single interview. Based on audio recordings of these interviews appropriate transcripts of conversations were made and analyzed. After elimination of waste words 11 key categories were crystallized. Results. Recommendations of the ophthalmologists perhaps have the decisive role in the formation of attitude that users will have regarding the adequate hygiene of soft contact lenses: hand hygiene, proper cleanliness of storage for soft contact lenses and using the solution in the allotted time are imperative for users of soft contact lenses. Sleeping with soft contact lenses for a long period and more frequently than it was specified in the recommendation of an ophthalmologist is one of the greatest reasons for development of dry eye symptoms, while swimming with soft contact lenses increases the risk for occurrence of eye infections. Conclusion. The main reasons for the occurrence of complications in soft contact lenses users are inadequate hygiene and weakening of compliance of soft contact lenses users over time

    Artemisinin Story from the Balkans

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    The isolation is reported of artemisinin (qinghaosu), a drug remarkably effective against malaria, from the aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. (sweet wormwood) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Belgrade (now Faculty of Chemistry), Serbia by the end of 1970, almost two years before the isolation of the same compound in China