172 research outputs found

    Spinal Cord Electrophysiology

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    The neonatal mouse spinal cord is a model for studying the development of neural circuitries and locomotor movement. We demonstrate the spinal cord dissection and preparation of recording bath artificial cerebrospinal fluid used for locomotor studies. Once dissected, the spinal cord ventral nerve roots can be attached to a recording electrode to record the electrophysiologic signals of the central pattern generating circuitry within the lumbar cord

    Esrrg functions in early branch generation of the ureteric bud and is essential for normal development of the renal papilla

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    Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUTs) are common disorders of human development affecting the renal parechyma, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra; they show evidence of shared genetic aetiology, although the molecular basis of this remains unknown in the majority of cases. Breakpoint mapping of a de novo, apparently balanced, reciprocal translocation associated with bilateral renal agenesis has implicated the gene encoding the nuclear steroid hormone receptor ESRRG as a candidate gene for CAKUT. Here we show that the Esrrg protein is detected throughout early ureteric ducts as cytoplasmic/sub-membranous staining; with nuclear localization seen in developing nephrons. In 14.5–16.5 dpc (days post-conception) mouse embryos, Esrrg localizes to the subset of ductal tissue within the kidney, liver and lung. The renal ductal expression becomes localized to renal papilla by 18.5 dpc. Perturbation of function was performed in embryonic mouse kidney culture using pooled siRNA to induce knock-down and a specific small-molecule agonist to induce aberrant activation of Esrrg. Both resulted in severe abnormality of early branching events of the ureteric duct. Mouse embryos with a targeted inactivation of Esrrg on both alleles (Esrrg−/−) showed agenesis of the renal papilla but normal development of the cortex and remaining medulla. Taken together, these results suggest that Esrrg is required for early branching events of the ureteric duct that occur prior to the onset of nephrogenesis. These findings confirm ESRRG as a strong candidate gene for CAKUT

    Spinal Locomotor Circuits Develop Using Hierarchical Rules Based on Motorneuron Position and Identity

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    SummaryThe coordination of multi-muscle movements originates in the circuitry that regulates the firing patterns of spinal motorneurons. Sensory neurons rely on the musculotopic organization of motorneurons to establish orderly connections, prompting us to examine whether the intraspinal circuitry that coordinates motor activity likewise uses cell position as an internal wiring reference. We generated a motorneuron-specific GCaMP6f mouse line and employed two-photon imaging to monitor the activity of lumbar motorneurons. We show that the central pattern generator neural network coordinately drives rhythmic columnar-specific motorneuron bursts at distinct phases of the locomotor cycle. Using multiple genetic strategies to perturb the subtype identity and orderly position of motorneurons, we found that neurons retained their rhythmic activity—but cell position was decoupled from the normal phasing pattern underlying flexion and extension. These findings suggest a hierarchical basis of motor circuit formation that relies on increasingly stringent matching of neuronal identity and position

    Dependence of Hippocampal Function on ERRγ-Regulated Mitochondrial Metabolism

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    SummaryNeurons utilize mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) to generate energy essential for survival, function, and behavioral output. Unlike most cells that burn both fat and sugar, neurons only burn sugar. Despite its importance, how neurons meet the increased energy demands of complex behaviors such as learning and memory is poorly understood. Here we show that the estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRγ) orchestrates the expression of a distinct neural gene network promoting mitochondrial oxidative metabolism that reflects the extraordinary neuronal dependence on glucose. ERRγ−/− neurons exhibit decreased metabolic capacity. Impairment of long-term potentiation (LTP) in ERRγ−/− hippocampal slices can be fully rescued by the mitochondrial OxPhos substrate pyruvate, functionally linking the ERRγ knockout metabolic phenotype and memory formation. Consistent with this notion, mice lacking neuronal ERRγ in cerebral cortex and hippocampus exhibit defects in spatial learning and memory. These findings implicate neuronal ERRγ in the metabolic adaptations required for memory formation

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Developmental processes are inherently dynamic and understanding them requires quantitative measurements of gene and protein expression levels in space and time. While live imaging is a powerful approach for obtaining such data, it is still a challenge to apply it over long periods of time to large tissues, such as the embryonic spinal cord in mouse and chick. Nevertheless, dynamics of gene expression and signaling activity patterns in this organ can be studied by collecting tissue sections at different developmental stages. In combination with immunohistochemistry, this allows for measuring the levels of multiple developmental regulators in a quantitative manner with high spatiotemporal resolution. The mean protein expression levels over time, as well as embryo-to-embryo variability can be analyzed. A key aspect of the approach is the ability to compare protein levels across different samples. This requires a number of considerations in sample preparation, imaging and data analysis. Here we present a protocol for obtaining time course data of dorsoventral expression patterns from mouse and chick neural tube in the first 3 days of neural tube development. The described workflow starts from embryo dissection and ends with a processed dataset. Software scripts for data analysis are included. The protocol is adaptable and instructions that allow the user to modify different steps are provided. Thus, the procedure can be altered for analysis of time-lapse images and applied to systems other than the neural tube

    The orphan receptor ERRα interferes with steroid signaling

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    The estrogen receptor-related receptor α (ERRα) is an orphan member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that has been shown to interfere with the estrogen-signaling pathway. In this report, we demonstrate that ERRα also cross-talks with signaling driven by other steroid hormones. Treatment of human prostatic cells with a specific ERRα inverse agonist reduces the expression of several androgen-responsive genes, in a manner that does not involve perturbation of androgen receptor expression or activity. Furthermore, ERRα activates the expression of androgen response elements (ARE)-containing promoters, such as that of the prostate cancer marker PSA, in an ARE-dependent manner. In addition, promoters containing a steroid response element can be activated by all members of the ERR orphan receptor subfamily, and this, even in the presence of antisteroid compounds

    Expression Profile of Nuclear Receptors along Male Mouse Nephron Segments Reveals a Link between ERRβ and Thick Ascending Limb Function

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    The nuclear receptor family orchestrates many functions related to reproduction, development, metabolism, and adaptation to the circadian cycle. The majority of these receptors are expressed in the kidney, but their exact quantitative localization in this ultrastructured organ remains poorly described, making it difficult to elucidate the renal function of these receptors. In this report, using quantitative PCR on microdissected mouse renal tubules, we established a detailed quantitative expression map of nuclear receptors along the nephron. This map can serve to identify nuclear receptors with specific localization. Thus, we unexpectedly found that the estrogen-related receptor β (ERRβ) is expressed predominantly in the thick ascending limb (TAL) and, to a much lesser extent, in the distal convoluted tubules. In vivo treatment with an ERR inverse agonist (diethylstilbestrol) showed a link between this receptor family and the expression of the Na+,K+-2Cl− cotransporter type 2 (NKCC2), and resulted in phenotype presenting some similarities with the Bartter syndrom (hypokalemia, urinary Na+ loss and volume contraction). Conversely, stimulation of ERRβ with a selective agonist (GSK4716) in a TAL cell line stimulated NKCC2 expression. All together, these results provide broad information regarding the renal expression of all members of the nuclear receptor family and have allowed us to identify a new regulator of ion transport in the TAL segments

    Ratiometric Raman imaging reveals the new anti-cancer potential of lipid targeting drugs

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    De novo lipid synthesis is upregulated in cancer cells and inhibiting these pathways has displayed anti-tumour activity. Here we use Raman spectroscopy, focusing solely on high wavenumber spectra, to detect changes in lipid composition in single cells in response to drugs targeting de novo lipid synthesis. Unexpectedly, the beta - blocker propranolol showed selectively towards cancerous PC3 compared to non-cancerous PNT2 prostate cells, demonstrating the potential of this approach to identify new anti-cancer drug leads. A unique and simple ratiometric approach for intracellular lipid investigation is reported using statistical analysis to create phenotypic ‘barcodes’, a globally applicable strategy for Raman drug-cell studies. High wavenumber spectral analysis is compatible with low cost glass substrates, easily translatable into the cytological work stream. The analytical strength of this technique could have a significant impact on cancer treatment through vastly improved understanding of cancer cell metabolism, and thus guide drug design and enhance personalised medicine strategies

    Fasting Induces the Expression of PGC-1α and ERR Isoforms in the Outer Stripe of the Outer Medulla (OSOM) of the Mouse Kidney

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α (PGC-1α) is a member of the transcriptional coactivator family that plays a central role in the regulation of cellular energy metabolism under various physiological stimuli. During fasting, PGC-1α is induced in the liver and together with estrogen-related receptor a and γ (ERRα and ERRγ, orphan nuclear receptors with no known endogenous ligand, regulate sets of genes that participate in the energy balance program. We found that PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ was highly expressed in human kidney HK2 cells and that PGC-1α induced dynamic protein interactions on the ERRα chromatin. However, the effect of fasting on the expression of endogenous PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ in the kidney is not known.In this study, we demonstrated by qPCR that the expression of PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ was increased in the mouse kidney after fasting. By using immunohistochemistry (IHC), we showed these three proteins are co-localized in the outer stripe of the outer medulla (OSOM) of the mouse kidney. We were able to collect this region from the kidney using the Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) technique. The qPCR data showed significant increase of PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ mRNA in the LCM samples after fasting for 24 hours. Furthermore, the known ERRα target genes, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation gene COX8H and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle gene IDH3A also showed an increase. Taken together, our data suggest that fasting activates the energy balance program in the OSOM of the kidney