1,533 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to assess the prevalence of and risk factors associated with alcohol abuse among women and men in Moshi in northern Tanzania. Alcohol abuse was measured by a CAGE score of 2-4, versus 0-1 for no alcohol abuse (Ewing, 1984). Crude and adjusted logistic regression models determined odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of alcohol abuse by characteristics of, respectively, women with partners (n=1200), women without partners (n=614) and men (n=788) (women's partners). Prevalence of alcohol abuse was 7·0% (95% CI: 5·6-8·4) among women with partners, 9·3% (95% CI: 7·0-11·6) among women without partners, and more than double among men at 22·8% (95% CI: 19·9-25·8). In general, Christians had higher alcohol abuse than Muslims or other religions, as did Chagga men compared with men of other ethnic groups. Other socio-demographic characteristics, such as education or income, were not significant. Sexual behaviours were significant predictors of alcohol abuse. For example, women without partners who reported more than two partners in the last year had higher alcohol abuse compared with women reporting no partners (OR=8·75; 95% CI: 2·37-32·31), as did men reporting it is ‘OK to hit a partner' for any reason (OR=1·79; 95% CI: 1·16-2·77) compared with men who did not. HIV-1 infection was not significantly associated with alcohol abuse by women or men. The Christian Church in Moshi should consider raising awareness about the harmful effects of high alcohol use among its adherents. Comprehensive programmes focusing on reducing number of partners and alcohol use, particularly by men, are needed in this communit

    <臨床>骨巨細胞腫に対する CEMENTATION の経験

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    骨巨細胞腫は, 病理学的には良性であるが, その局所における aggressive さに加え, まれに転移をおこすこともあり, その生物学的態度は必ずしも良性とは言い難い. また, 関節近傍に発生することから, 治療法の選択に迷うことも少なくない. 我々は, 1986年から主としてstage1, 2 の GCT に対して CEMENTATION を施行してきたが, 今回その術後成績を評価しその有用性について検討した. 対象は, 11 例の GCT で, 男6例, 女5例であり, 発生部位は大腿骨遼位8例, 脛骨近位2例, 上腕骨近位が1例であった. 術後経過観察期聞は8ヶ月から72ヶ月, 平均42ヶ月であった. 術後機能評価を Enneking の modified functional evaluation system を用いて行った excellent 6例, good 4例, fairl 1例であり, また, 合併症としては, 術後に1例骨折がみられたが, 保存療法で治癒した. 少数のシリーズであり, 経過観察期間も長期ではないが, CEMENTATION は stage1 および stage2 の GCT に対する第一選択の治療法であると評価できた

    A Phenomenological Study of Faculty Development Experiences: Nurturing New Possibilities.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Venous tumor thrombus from a pelvic osteosarcoma

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    AbstractWe present a case of pelvic osteosarcoma in an 18-year-old woman with a tumor thrombus in the left iliac vein, extending to the inferior vena cava. Tumor thrombus has been rarely described with osteosarcoma, with only 14 cases in the literature

    Cytophilic anti-thyroglobulin antibody and antibody-dependent macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

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    Antibody-dependent macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity was studied to determine the significance of cytophilic anti-thyroglobulin antibody (ATgA) present in the sera of patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Effector cells were normal human monocytes or guinea-pig peritoneal exudate cells, and target cells were human thyroglobulin(Tg)-coated chicken erythrocytes. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by morphological observation and by 51Cr-releasing assay. Normal human monocytes rapidly destroyed ATgA-bound Tg-coated chicken erythrocytes by extracellular cytolysis and by phagocytosis. On the contrary, human monocytes &#34;armed&#34; with cytophilic ATgA destroyed Tg-coated chicken erythrocytes slowly and to a lesser extent, and only by extracellular cytolysis. When normal monocytes or peritoneal exudate cells were incubated with Tg-coated chicken erythrocytes in the presence of the sera of patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, phagocytosis occurred rapidly, but extracellular cytolysis developed rather slowly. These data suggest the possibility that human monocytes participate in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in vivo, which may be an important destructive mechanism in Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is also possible that ATgA cytophilic for monocytes render non-immune peripheral monocytes cytotoxic against Tg-bearing cells.</p