10 research outputs found

    Effect of tapping frequency and stimulation on yield and economic performance of rubber tree clones

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e os aspectos econômicos de dez clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] em diferentes frequências de sangria e com estimulação à base de ethefon. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Indiana, no município de Indiana, SP, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos principais foram os clones GT 1, RRIM 701, RRIM 600, PB 235, PR 261, PB 252, Fx 4098, Fx 2261, Fx 3864 e IAN 873, submetidos a três sistemas de sangria: 1/2S d/2 6d/7 (testemunha), 1/2S d/4 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10y e 1/2S d/6 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10/y. As variáveis estudadas foram: perímetro do caule, produção, secamento do painel e os aspectos econômicos. Os resultados mostraram superioridade no sistema 1/2S d/2 6d/7 na maioria dos clones, exceto o GT 1 e o PB 235, que no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0% apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 12,0% e 54,0%, respectivamente, acima do obtido no sistema testemunha. Somente os clones Fx 3864 e PB 235 apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 18,0% e 28,0% no sistema 1/2S d/6 ET 5% superiores em relação ao obtido no sistema testemunha. A maior porcentagem de secamento do painel foi observada no clone PB 235 no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0%.The objective of this paper was to evaluate yield of performance and economic aspects of ten clones of rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] in different frequencies of tapping and with stimulation with ethefon. The trial was placed at the Indiana farm, in the county of Indiana, SP, Brazil, under a split-plot design. The main treatments were the GT 1, RRIM 701, RRIM 600, PB 235, PR 261, PB 252, Fx 4098, Fx 2261, Fx 3864 and IAN 873 clones submitted to three systems of tapping 1/2S d/2 6d/7 (check), 1/2S d/4 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5.0% Ba 10y and 1/2S d/6 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5.0% Ba 10y. The variables were: girth increment, yield, panel desiccation and economic aspects. Results indicated superiority in the 1/2S d/2 6d/7 system in most of the clones, except for GT 1 and PB 235 clones, that in the 1/2S d/4 ET 5.0% system showed superiority of net gain of 12.0% and 54.0%, respectively, compared with the check tapping system. Only the Fx 3864 and PB 235 clones showed liquid gain of 18.0% and 28.0%, respectively, in the 1/2S d/6 ET 5.0% system, compared with the check. The highest incidence of panel desiccation was observed in the PB 235 clone in the 1/2S d/4 ET 5.0% system

    Pychiatric reforms and movement antimanicomial in Brazil

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    Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-06T01:11:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) 525.pdf: 1092782 bytes, checksum: 0f7eb4000bdb8bc28ea27f3c2f65d220 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.O trabalho está distribuído em 12 partes, além das aberturas. Traçamos um itinerário talvez excêntrico, motivado pelas dificuldades de se obter de antemão algo mais concreto que a mera suspeita: um itinerário que não se liga a fatos ou objetos, que apenas supõe um caminho e hesita passo-a-passo, tateando os obstáculos. Iniciamos explicitando nossa crença de que a reforma psiquiátrica não se confunde necessariamente com o movimento da luta antimanicomial. Que é possível se estar visceralmente contra “os manicômios” sem destruí-los enquanto tais, ou apenas em aspectos dramáticos e óbvios, como o representado por sua estrutura arquitetônica. E que é na noção de poder onde reside a diferença que pode transformar uma simples reforma em uma revolução. A caracterização desses “poderes” é esboçada a seguir, evidentemente sem a pretensão de ser exaustiva. Logo após, ligeiro histórico da reforma psiquiátrica e da luta antimanicomial é exposto como uma tentativa de se contextualizar as diferenças práticas contidas nas distinções teóricas abordadas anteriormente. Um pequeno estudo de campo é apresentado por fim, no intuito de demonstrar as dificuldades e contradições a que estamos sujeitos no empreendimento de lutas “heterotópicas”.The work is disposed in 12 parts plus the openings. We may have traced an eccentric itinerary, motivated by the difficulties to find something more concrete than mere suspicion. The road taken is not link by facts or objects; it only tries to trace a way, step-by-step, lightly touching the obstacles. We begin by explaining our believes that the psychiatric reform can not be necessarily confused by the fight movement against insane asylums that it is possible to be profoundly against the "Nut Houses" without totally destroying it. Only by observing the dramatic and obvious aspects, such as its architectural structures. This concept of power it's where lives the difference between transforming a simple reform in a revolution. Following is a sketch of the characterization of this "powers", clearly without any pretence to be exhausting. Soon after, a brief history of the psychiatric reform and the fight against the insane asylums is disclosed as a tentative to describe the difference between the practical contents in the distinctive theories addressed previously. At last a short study in the field is presented with hopes to demonstrate the difficulties and contractions that we are subject by undertaking such "heterotopics"

    The diagram of drugs: drugs and mapping of device power in contemporary Brazilian society

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    Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Parece ser senso comum nas sociedades ocidentais a associação direta entredecomposição social e uso de drogas. Em virtude disso diversos mecanismos de administração, controle e regulação das drogas são formulados e implantados, com o objetivo quase platônico de conter a degradação provocada pelo vício endêmico. Sobre isso, destacam-se no Brasil duas formas de atuar, colocadas em prática pelos aparelhos de Estado, que são aparentemente distintas: uma coercitiva, a partir das determinações da Lei de Entorpecentes vigente (lei 11.343/06), e outra aparentemente pragmática (isto é, realista), proveniente dos órgãos de Saúde Pública, em especial aos ligados à Saúde Mental (lei 10.216/01, Portaria 336/02 e as Diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde para a Atenção Integral do Usuário Abusivo de Álcool e Outras Drogas de 2003). Contudo, se há aparente contradição entre essas políticas, ambas são motivadas pelos mesmos objetivos de mitigar as violências e as doenças, ou extingui-las; e ambas acabam interpretando as drogas, no mesmo movimento, como um mal social, supondo os homens como a matéria bruta consumida, descartada ou aniquilada por esse mal. O que nos perguntamos é se as drogas não seriam antes que um mal, apenas o sintoma, o subterfúgio, o ponto de aplicação de estratégias de poder de uma sociedade que emerge da tensão entre duas vontades interligadas: a da liberdade e a da segurança. Vontade de liberdade que se expressa, neste caso, na resistência às coerções contra as drogas, mas que motiva uma vontade de segurança que busca limitar os efeitos dessa liberdade considerada suspeita e perigosa (pois facilmente confundida com a liberdade natural, uma vez que, no caso, se exerce na transgressão da lei). Vontade de segurança que, por sua vez, se expressa na construção de uma coletividade que leva ao paroxismo as preocupações com os danos, organizando um corpo de leis e normas rígidas, que conjuram a probabilidade dos danos prevenindo e gerindo antes os riscos. Ações que conseqüentemente retro-alimentam a própria vontade de liberdade que, em um círculo vicioso, faz recrudescer a vontade de segurança. Ambas, enfim, acabam por influenciar respostas públicas e privadas de interdição e tolerância a um mal inescapável para o qual ora o único controle é a redução dos danos (já que, se o risco social é mais que uma hipótese, o risco individual não é apenas provável, mas um dado imediato da experiência); ora é a gestão dos riscos (pois, para essa perspectiva, os danos atualizados do risco social são intoleráveis mesmo como mera hipótese). O que se procurou nesse trabalho foi então entender como as drogas fazem parte das relações de força que constituem o mundo contemporâneo; ou, dito de outra maneira, entender como se constitui a subjetividade atual, forjada na tensão entre interdição e tolerância às drogas. Não se trata de legitimar os pesadelos de George Orwell e de Aldous Huxley sobre a possibilidade da sociedade ser reduzida a uma espécie de totalitarismo farmacológico, mas justamente, deixar de ser assombrado por ele. Não se trata, tampouco, de acreditar que o gosto pelas drogas é determinado apenas ou primeiramente pelos mafiosos, pelos interesses do mercado, ou pela indústria farmacêutica. Isso seria reduzir o problema a uma questão moral um retorno ingênuo ao sujeito a priori (ou seja, inato), alienado de suas capacidades desde sempre dadas e vítima das ideologias. Não se trata, enfim, de se acreditar na possibilidade da retidão de caráter de uns poucos homens de boa vontade, que seriam capazes de nos dizer o reto caminho da felicidade, livre das drogas e do risco da adição. O importante, na verdade, é avaliar como as drogas se inserem ou são inseridas nas estratégias de relações sem estrategista (já que não se trata da ação de um sujeito constituinte da história) que nos atualizam contemporâneos. A liberdade e a segurança de viver em sociedade diante da possibilidade de usar ou não drogas, de escolher entre aquelas boas ou más, de tornar eficaz algum sistema de tratamento aos que sucumbem ao pathos triste do phármakon (porque não se trata de negar apriorísticamente nem as alegrias nem o potencial venenoso das drogas e suas conseqüências), depende menos das drogas em si do que desse entendimento.The association between social decay and drug use seems to be common sense in Western societies. Because of that, several mechanisms of administration, control and regulation of drugs are developed and implemented with the almost platonic goal to contain degradation "caused" by endemic addiction. In this way, there are in Brazil two ways of acting which are apparently different: a coercive one, based on the Narcotic current Law (Law 11.343/06), and another which seems to be pragmatic, what means, “realistic", proposed by the organs of Public Health, specifically by Mental Health organism. (Law 10.216/01, Ordinance 336/02 and the Guidelines of Ministry of Health for the Integral Attention to the Abusive User of Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2003). However, if there is an apparent contradiction between those policies, both are motivated by the same goals of reducing the violence and disease, or even, abolishing them and both have the same understanding that the drugs are a social problem, assuming that men are a brute matter that is consumed and discarded or eliminated by this evil. We wonder whether, instead of being an evil, the drugs were only the symptom, the subterfuge, the point of implementation of power strategies in a society that emerges from the tension between two interrelated wills: the freedom and security. Will of freedom that is expressed through the coercion against drugs resistance, but that stimulates a desire for security that seeks to limit the effects of that freedom considered suspicious and dangerous (because easily confused with the natural freedom since it is exercised in transgression of the law). Will of security which, in turn, is expressed in the construction of a community that leads the concerns about the damage to a paroxysm, organizing a body of laws and rigid rules, which conjure the probability of damages by preventing and managing the risks before. Actions that consequently retro-feed the "desire for freedom" that in a vicious circle, is the desire to increase security. Both, finally, end up influencing public and private responses of interdiction and tolerance to an unavoidable evil to which the only control is to reduce the damages, understanding the social risk being more than a hypothesis and therefore the individual risk being not only possible, but an immediate answer to the experience. Besides, the risk management, since the current social damage risk is intolerable even as a mere hypothesis.This work aims to understand how the drugs are part of power relationships that constitute the contemporary world, otherwise, how the current subjectivity is built, forged in the tension between prohibition and tolerance to drugs. It is not about to legitimize the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley on the possibility to reduce the society to a kind of pharmacological totalitarianism, but precisely, not to be haunted by them. It is neither to believe that the taste for drugs is exclusively or mainly determined by the Mafia, by the interests of the market, or by the pharmaceutical industry. That would reduce the problem to a moral issue - a naive return to the individual a priori (that means, innate), disposed of his capabilities and victim of ideologies. At last, the question is not to believe in the noble character of a few men of good will, who would be able to tell us the straight path to happiness, free of drugs and risk of addiction. What is really important is how the drugs set themselves up - or are set up into the strategies of relationships without strategist (since it is not the action of a constituent individual of the story) that contemporary update us. The freedom and security of living in society facing the possibility of using or not drugs, of choosing among those good or bad ones, of turning a treatment system into effective to the ones who succumb to the pathos of phármakon (also because it is not about to deny the potential poison of drugs and its consequences), depend upon the understanding of those aspects more than upon the drugs themselves

    Seleno-functionalization of quercetin improves the non-covalent inhibition of MproM^{pro} and its antiviral activity in cells against SARS-CoV-2

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    The development of new antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 is a valuable long-term strategy to protect the global population from the COVID-19 pandemic complementary to the vaccination. Considering this, the viral main protease (Mpro) is among the most promising molecular targets in light of its importance during the viral replication cycle. The natural flavonoid quercetin 1 has been recently reported to be a potent Mpro inhibitor in vitro, and we explored the effect produced by the introduction of organoselenium functionalities in this scaffold. In particular, we report here a new synthetic method to prepare previously inaccessible C-8 seleno-quercetin derivatives. By screening a small library of flavonols and flavone derivatives, we observed that some compounds inhibit the protease activity in vitro. For the first time, we demonstrate that quercetin (1) and 8-(p-tolylselenyl)quercetin (2d) block SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected cells at non-toxic concentrations, with an IC50 of 192 μM and 8 μM, respectively. Based on docking experiments driven by experimental evidence, we propose a non-covalent mechanism for Mpro inhibition in which a hydrogen bond between the selenium atom and Gln189 residue in the catalytic pocket could explain the higher Mpro activity of 2d and, as a result, its better antiviral profile

    Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future

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    A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special feature, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review current strengths and opportunities in the practice of Neotropical ornithology. Further, we discuss problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international research leadership, restricted dissemination of knowledge (e.g., through language hegemony and citation bias), and logistical barriers. Moving forward, we must examine and acknowledge the colonial roots of our discipline, and explicitly promote anti-colonial agendas for research, training, and conservation. We invite our colleagues within and beyond the Neotropics to join us in creating new models of governance that establish research priorities with vigorous participation of ornithologists and communities within the Neotropical region. To include a diversity of perspectives, we must systemically address discrimination and bias rooted in the socioeconomic class system, anti-Blackness, anti-Brownness, anti-Indigeneity, misogyny, homophobia, tokenism, and ableism. Instead of seeking individual excellence and rewarding top-down leadership, institutions in the North and South can promote collective leadership. In adopting these approaches, we, ornithologists, will join a community of researchers across academia building new paradigms that can reconcile our relationships and transform science. Spanish and Portuguese translations are available in the Supplementary Material.• Research conducted by ornithologists living and working in Latin America and the Caribbean has been historically and systemically excluded from global scientific paradigms, ultimately holding back ornithology as a discipline.• To avoid replicating systems of exclusion in ornithology, authors, editors, reviewers, journals, scientific societies, and research institutions need to interrupt long-held assumptions, improve research practices, and change policies around funding and publication.• To advance Neotropical ornithology and conserve birds across the Americas, institutions should invest directly in basic field biology research, reward collective leadership, and strengthen funding and professional development opportunities for people affected by current research policies.Peer reviewe