28 research outputs found

    Babesiosis in a cattle during winter season and its treatment with imidocarb dipropionate

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    Bu bildirimde, kış mevsiminde bir sığırda belirlenen babesiosis olgusu ve sağaltımda İmidokarb dipropionatın etkinliğinden bahsedilmektedir. Olgunun materyalini 2005 yılı Şubat ayında hastalanan 4 yaşlı Holstein ırkı bir süt ineği oluşturdu. Anamnezde hastada yem yemede azalma, çevreye karşı ilgisizlik ve idrarında kan görüldüğü öğrenildi. Klinik muayenede 41.0C beden ısısı ve mukozalarda ikterus belirlendi. İdrar muayenesinde ise hemoglobinüri görüldü. Tanı amacıyla kuyruk ucundan tekniğine uygun olarak alınan kan örneklerinden frotiler yapılarak Giemsa ile boyandı. Mikroskobik muayenede eritrositlerin %4 oranında Babesia bigemina ile enfekte olduğu tespit edildi. Sağaltımda intramusküler 240 mg/100 kg tek doz İmidokarb dipropionat (Acaprin Bayer) kullanıldı. Sağaltımdan 24 saat sonra yapılan kontrollerde beden ısısının fizyolojik sınırlar içerisinde olduğu (38.6C) belirlendi ve kan frotisinde Babesia etkenlerine rastlanmadı. Sonuç olarak, sığırlarda babesiosis’in kış mevsiminde de görülebildiği ve tedavide İmidokarb dipropropionat’ın etkili olduğu kanısına varıldı.A case of babesiosis and the efficiency of imidocarb dipropionate administration in a cow admitted during winter season are reported herein. A 4 years-old Holstein dairy cow referred to our clinic in February, 2005 was used as material. In anamnesis, decreased appetite, apathy and bloody urine were observed. In clinical examination, elevated body temperature (41.0°C) and icteric mucosa were seen. Hemoglobinuria was detected following the urine analysis. For diagnosis, blood smears were prepared by using Giemsa-stained samples collected from the end of the tail. In microscopic examination, it was found that the 4% of erythrocytes were infected with B. bigemina. Imidocarb dipropionate (Acaprin, Bayer®) was administered at 240 mg/100 kg, i.m. At the 24 hours post-treatment, body temperature decreased to the physiological ranges (38.6°C) and no babesia agents were seen on the smears. As a result, it might be concluded that imidocarb dipropropionate may be effective in treating babesiosis caused by B. bigemina that can occur during the winter season

    Development of a HPLC Method for the Determination of Cyclosporine A From Chitosan Nanoparticles

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    A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of cyclosporine A from chitosan nanoparticles. Ibuprofen was used as internal standard. The separation was achieved on a Phenomenex C18 column (150 x 4.6mm, 5 mu m) using 60: 20: 20, acetonitril: methanol: water mixture at pH 4 as mobile phase under isocratic conditions. The system was operated at 80 degrees C and the flow rate of mobile phase was adjusted to 1 mL/min. The detection wavelength was set at 205 nm. The calibration curve was linear from 2 to 150 mu g/mL with correlation coefficient values from 0.9994 to 0.9997. The lower limit of quantification 2 mu g/mL and limit of detection was 0.5 mu g/mL. Recovery was 99-101 % and the intra-and inter-day coefficients of variation were 0.94-2.32 and 2.52-3.45 %, respectively depending on the concentration. The method was found to be specific, accurate, precise and sensitive for the determination of cyclosporine A from chitosan based drug delivery systems

    Myocarditis associated with foot-and-mouth disease in suckling calves

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) can lead to myocarditis in young animals, but the age distributions of calves with myocarditis have not been described, nor the biochemical profile in these calves. In an area endemic with foot-and-mouth disease, calves less than 6 months of age in infected farms were examined for clinical lesions and abnormalities in respiratory rate, heart rate and heart rhythm. In total, 53 calves were identified to be suspected of having foot-and-mouth disease infection. In 6 calves myocarditis was suspected based on tachypnea, tachycardia and gallop rhythm. In these 6 calves, cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were significantly higher (PFoot-and-mouth disease (FMD) can lead to myocarditis in young animals, but the age distributions of calves with myocarditis have not been described, nor the biochemical profile in these calves. In an area endemic with foot-and-mouth disease, calves less than 6 months of age in infected farms were examined for clinical lesions and abnormalities in respiratory rate, heart rate and heart rhythm. In total, 53 calves were identified to be suspected of having foot-and-mouth disease infection. In 6 calves myocarditis was suspected based on tachypnea, tachycardia and gallop rhythm. In these 6 calves, cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were significantly higher (P&lt;0.0001), but the levels of Creatinine Kinase MB (CK-MB) and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were not. These 6 calves died within 2 days and histopathology confirmed myocarditis. All calves with myocarditis were younger than 2-months old, suggesting that myocarditis caused by FMD is mainly found in very young suckling calves.</p

    The effect of sulforaphane on the levels of serum cystatin-c in acetaminophen- induced nephrotoxicity in rats

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    Amaç: Canlıların kimyasallara ve ilaçlara maruziyeti sıklıkla karaciğer ve böbrek toksisitesi ile sonuçlanır. Toplum ve hastane kaynaklı böbrek hastalıklarının önemli ve büyük bir kısmını ilaçlar oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, asetaminofen (APAP) ile ratlarda indüklenen nefrotoksisitede sülforafanın (SFN) sistatin-C düzeyleri ve lipid peroksidasyonu üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: 36 Sprague-Dawley sıçan her bir grup eşit hayvan içerecek şekilde dört gruba ayrıldı. Gruplarımız, kontrol grubu, SFN grubu, APAP grubu ve APAP+SFN grubundan oluşmaktadır. SFN ve APAP+SFN grubundaki sıçanlara tedavi için üç gün süresince 500 ?g/kg dozunda SFN oral gavaj yoluyla verildi. APAP ve APAP+SFN grubundaki sıçanlara hepatotoksisite oluşturmak için APAP sıcak salin içerisinde çözüldü ve çalışmanın son gününde 1g/kg olacak şekilde tek doz oral gavaj yoluyla uygulandı. APAP+SFN grubunda, APAP uygulaması SFN uygulamasından üç saat sonra yapıldı. APAP uygulamasından 24 saat sonra sıçanlar sakrifiye edildi. Bulgular: APAP uygulamasının serum üre, kreatinin, LDH ve BUN düzeylerini kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede arttığı gözlemlenmiştir (p<0.001). SFN uygulamasının sistatin C düzeylerini ve lipid peroksidasyonunu APAP grubuna göre azalttığı gözlemlenmiştir (p<0.05). Sonuç: Sülforafanın, asetaminofen kaynaklı nefrotoksisitede tedavi protokolüne eklenmesinin yarar sağlayacağını düşünmekteyiz. Böbrek hastalıklarında önemli bir rol oynayan sistatin C'nin bir biyomarker olarak rutine girebilmesi için çeşitli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Objective: The exposure of living creatures to drugs and chemicals often results in toxicity of liver and kidney. Drugs constitute an important and big part of the community and hospital-acquired kidney diseases. In this study, we investigated the effect of sulforaphane (SFN) on the levels of cystatin-C and lipid peroxidation on acetaminophen (APAP)- induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Methods: Thirty-six Sprague-Dawley rats were separated equally into four experimental groups: control group, SFN group, APAP group, and APAP + SFN group. In the experimental treatment groups APAP was administered oral gavage at 1 g/kg 3 h after SFN treatment in last day and, in the APAP + SFN group, SFN was administered oral gavage at a dose of 500 ?g/kg exactly for three days. Rats were euthanized and sacrificed 24 h after APAP administration. Results: APAP administration showed to significant increase in serum BUN, creatinine, urea and LDH concentrations as compared to the control datas indicating the induction of severe nephrotoxicity (p<0.001). SFN treatment significantly decreased the cystatin-C levels and lipid peroxidation compared to APAP group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The present study demonstrate that the attachment of SFN to the nephrotoxicity treatment protocol will be beneficial and further studies should be conducted for cystatin C which plays an important role in kidney toxicity and disease to be routinized as a biomarker

    Investigation of hemogram, oxidative stress, and some inflammatory marker levels in neonatal calves with escherichia coli and coronavirus diarrhea

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    Calf diarrhea is the most common disease affecting calves in the neonatal period resulting in economic losses. Although predisposing factors play a role in the etiology of the disease, in most cases, different pathogens are involved in the development of the infection. In this study, hemogram data, glutathione and malondialdehyde levels were examined to determine lipid peroxidation and glutathione levels in E. coli- and coronavirus-infected calves. Serum amyloid A and calprotectin levels were also analyzed to determine inflammatory status. The study included a total of 45 female Montofon calves aged 0–1 week, including the E. coli group (15 calves), the coronavirus group (15 calves), and the control group (15 calves). Analysis revealed that total leukocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte, malondialdehyde, serum amyloid A, and calprotectin levels increased in the coronavirus-infected calves compared with the E. coli group and the control group. In contrast, the levels of glutathione, one of the antioxidant markers, decreased. In conclusion, the main findings related to the determination of inflammation and oxidative status were characterized by the presence of E. coli and coronavirus diarrhea, and it is suggested that future studies may be guided by the fact that inflammatory conditions are higher in viral disease than in bacterial infection