93 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to examine the number sense skills of preservice elementary school mathematics teachers. This study was conducted by using the survey model among descriptive research methods. A total of 111 preservice teachers studying at second and third grades in the elementary school mathematics teaching program at a state university participated in the study. The data of the study were collected by using the number sense test consisting of 17 questions and developed by Kayhan-Altay (2010). The findings of the study indicated that the number sense performances of preservice elementary mathematics teachers were lower than expected and there was a significant difference in favour of third-grade students. It is considered that the “Special Training Methods I and II” courses and the “Mathematics Curriculum” course, which are taught in third grades and in which subjects such as estimation and making mental calculations, etc. superficially related to number sense are mentioned, may cause this difference. Thus, it was suggested that it was necessary to include courses consisting of number sense and how it can be developed in the curriculum

    Examination of the Number Sense Skills of Secondary School Students (6th-8th Grades)

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    The aim of this study is to examine the number sense skills of secondary school (6th-8th grades) students. The screening model among the descriptive research methods was used in the study. 366 secondary school students (6th-8th grades) in Ordu province participated in the study. The study data were collected by the number sense test developed by Kayhan- Altay (2010). The findings of the study showed that the number sense performances of the students were very low. It was determined that there was a significant difference in favour of the 8th-grade students in terms of the grade levels and in favour of the female students in terms of the gender in the number sense performances between 6th-8th-grade students and 7th-8th-grade students. On the other hand, it was determined that there was a significant positive relationship between the mathematical achievements and number sense performances of the students. Keywords: number sense, secondary school student

    Erken Çocukluğa İlişkin Mitler Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada erken çocukluk dönemindeki çocuklarla etkileşim halindeki paydaşların bu döneme ilişkin yaygın inanışlarını ortaya koyan “Erken Çocukluğa İlişkin Mitler Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında ebeveynlerden, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinden, sınıf öğretmenlerinden ve okul psikolojik danışmanlarından ve ilgili alanlarda öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinden veri toplanmıştır. Bu kapsamda madde havuzunun oluşturulması sürecinde 29 katılımcı ile odak grup görüşmesi, ikinci çalışma grubunda yer alan 297 katılımcıdan elde edilen verilerle açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve üçüncü çalışma grubunda yer alan 198 katılımcıdan elde edilen verilerle doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Yapı geçerliği kapsamında açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonucunda ölçeğin dört faktörlü bir yapı sergilediği belirlenmiş ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile bu yapı doğrulanmıştır. Güvenirlik hesaplamaları kapsamında Cronbach Alpha ve Omega katsayıları ve test tekrar test yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin psikometrik analizleri erken çocukluk dönemine ilişkin mitlerin değerlendirilebilmesi güvenle kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir

    Cytocompatibility of Novel Algae-PLA Membranes For Guided Bone Regeneration At The Level of Types I, III And V Collagen Expression

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    Statement of the problem: In recent years, the development of innovative and increasingly optimized barrier membranes has focused on marine algae, which as a biopolymer can form a membrane composite together with polylactic acid, thus a combination could show numerous advantages such as antioxidant, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral as well as antiallergic properties. Furthermore, algae can be produced in an ecologically sustainable way and offer an alternative for patients who refuse treatment with bovine or porcine derived membranes due to ethical or religious reasons.Objective: In this study, four different algal membranes were evaluated for their cytocompatibility with cultured human fibroblasts and osteoblasts.Materials & Methods: Mem-Lok® (Collagen Matrix, New Jersey, USA) as a resorbable collagen membrane and ArgonautTM (Botiss Biomaterials, Zossen, Germany) as a native pericardium GBR/GTR membrane served as reference membranes (RMs). As the negative control cells incubated with normal culture medium only were used. In addition to the cell viability and proliferation assays water soluble tetrazolium (WST), MTT and BrdU, a real time semiquantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR) was developed to investigate in vitro cytocompatibility at the level of types I, III and V collagen expression. A sandblasted- large grid-acid ached titanium surface (Dentcon® Dental Implant Systems, Ankara, Turkey) served as a positive inactive control group for osteoblastic cytocompatibility.Results: For human osteoblasts, the algal membranes showed very good proliferation levels in WST-1, MTT as well as BrdU, indicating cytocompatibility. Examination of the expression behavior of type I, type III, and type V collagen genes showed no evaluable results. However, the RT-PCR should be repeated with the incorporated optimizations to be able to make a statement regarding the success of bone, skin, and connective tissue regeneration after a possible application of the membrane in maxillofacial injury treatment.Conclusion: The investigated collagen types are essential for a proper healing of defects in both soft and bone tissue, as they have fundamental functions such as stability and structural integrity of the tissues

    Markalarda sosyal medya kullanımı : lüks markalar üzerine bir araştırma

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    ÖZETMARKALARDA SOSYAL MEDYA KULLANIM: LÜKS MARKALAR ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMAGloballeşen dünyada internetin yaygınlaşmasıyla tüketicilerde dünyayı tek ülke gibi görmeye başlamışlardır. İnternetin ve teknolojinin bu denli yaygınlaşmasıyla hem işletmeler hem de tüketiciler için yeni alanlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeni gelişen alanlarla birlikte ekonomide de yeni bir çağ başlamıştır. Ekonomideki bu hareketlilik yoğun rekabete sebep olarak işletmelerinde bu yeniliklerin gerisinde kalmamak için yeni ticaret ve iletişim alanları aramaya başlamasına sebep olmuştur. Sosyal medya da yeni gelişen bu iletişim ve ticaret alanlarının başında gelmektedir. Sosyal medyayı kullanan insan sayısının gün geçtikçe artması ve popüler olması lüks markalarında tüketicilerini anlaması için bu platformlara katılmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Sosyal medya kullanımın niteliklerinin işletmeler ve tüketiciler açısından avantaj sağlayacağı düşüncesiyle araştırmada sosyal medya kullanım niteliklerinin marka denkliğine olan etkisi incelenmiştir.Bu çalışma, lüks markaların sosyal medya hesaplarını takip eden kullanıcıların sosyal medya kullanım niteliklerinin marka denkliğine olan etkisini tespit edebilmek için anket yöntemiyle toplanan verilerin analizlerinin gerçekleştirilmesiyle yapılmıştır. Tezin sonucunda, sosyal medya kullanım niteliklerinin marka denkliğine olan etkisi ortaya konmuştur.--------------------ABSTRACTConsumers have started to see the world as the one country in the globalizing world with the spread of the Internet, with the widespread use of the Internet and technology; new areas have emerged for both business and consumers. A new era has begun in the economy with new developing fields. This mobility in the economy has led to intense competetion and let to the search for trade areas and communication in order not to lag behind innovations. Social media is also one of these emerging areas of communication and commerce. The increase in the number of people using socal media and their popularity have forced them to participate in these channels in order to understand their consumers in luxury brands. In this study, the effects of social media usage on brand equity were investigated in the research, considering that the qualities of social media use would provide advantages for business and consumers. This study was conducted by analyzing the data collected by questionnaire method in order to determine the effect of social media usage qualificatiın on brand equity of users who follow social media accounts of luxury brands. As a result of the study, the effect of social media usage qualities on brand equity was revealed

    Hüseyin Amâsî hayatı ve Dürr-İ Meknû isimli manzûm tecvîdi

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    Hüseyin Amâsî Hayatı ve Dürr-i Meknûn İsimli Manzum tecvidi Bu çalışmanın konusu Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amâsî’nin Dürr-i Meknûn adlı manzum eseridir. Kur’ân’ı Kerîm’in tecvîd ve kıraatıyla ilgili olan eser İmam Cezerî’ye âit Mukaddime isimli manzum eserin te’lif-tercüme olarak kaleme alınmış şeklidir. Eserin Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi’nde bulunan iki nüshası ile Millî Kütüphanedeki bir nüshası incelenmiş ve karşılaştırılmalı metni oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. XVI. yüzyılda yaşadığını tahmin ettiğimiz Hüseynî mahlaslı müellif, Dürr-i Meknûn’da verdiği bilgilere göre İstanbul’da Kapudan Câmii’nde imamlık yapmıştır. Çalışmanın giriş kısmında tecvîd ile ilgili genel bilgiler verilmiş, tecvîd uygulamalarının edebiyat ve musikî ile irtibatlı yönleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca Arapça, Farsça, Türkçe olarak kaleme alınmış manzum ve mensur tecvîdlere yer verilerek, konumuzla alâkalı olması sebebiyle, yazma manzum Türkçe tecvîdler tanıtılmıştır. Birinci Bölümde Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amâsî’nin hayatı ve eseri hakkında Dürr-i Meknûn’dan yola çıkılarak bazı tespitlerde bulunulmuş, ikinci bölümde Dürr-i Meknûn muhtevâ ve edebî özellikler açısından incelenmiş, üçüncü ve son bölümde karşılaştırmalı metin verilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Hüseynî, metin inceleme, manzum tecvîd. ABSTRACT Hüseyin Amâsî’s Life and His Tajweed InVerse Named Durr-ı Maknun This thesis analyses the Durr-i Maknun; a work that was written in verse by Huseyn b. Ali al-Amasi. Actually al-Amasi’s work is considered as a kind of explanation or interpretation of Imam Al-Jazari’s work al-Muqaddima that is related to Qur’an recitation. Actually, a comparative analysis is done by examining the two copies of Durr-i Maknun available in Süleymaniye Library and one copy in National Library of Turkey. The author who wrote under a pseudonym; Huseyn is belived to have lived in 16th century, and according to some information found in his work; Durr-i Maknun, the author is also believed to have worked as Imam in Kapudan Mosque in Istanbul. In the ıntroduction section of working was given information about the tajweed, was examined the with related literature and music of tacvid implementations and also was written up with poetical and prose tacvids as Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Turkish tajweeds was introduced due to our subject interested in first section, was found in some determinations through Dürr-i Meknun about the life and work of Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amasi'nin in the second section, Dürr-i Meknun was examined with regard to content and literate in the third and last section, was given comparative text. Keywords: Huseyn, textual criticism, in verse tajweed

    Hüseyin Amâsî hayatı ve Dürr-i Meknû isimli manzûm tecvîdi

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    ÖZETHüseyin Amâsî Hayatı ve Dürr-i Meknûn İsimli Manzum tecvidi Bu çalışmanın konusu Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amâsî’nin Dürr-i Meknûn adlı manzum eseridir. Kur’ân’ı Kerîm’in tecvîd ve kıraatıyla ilgili olan eser İmam Cezerî’ye âit Mukaddime isimli manzum eserin te’lif-tercüme olarak kaleme alınmış şeklidir. Eserin Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi’nde bulunan iki nüshası ile Millî Kütüphanedeki bir nüshası incelenmiş ve karşılaştırılmalı metni oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır.XVI. yüzyılda yaşadığını tahmin ettiğimiz Hüseynî mahlaslı müellif, Dürr-i Meknûn’da verdiği bilgilere göre İstanbul’da Kapudan Câmii’nde imamlık yapmıştır.Çalışmanın giriş kısmında tecvîd ile ilgili genel bilgiler verilmiş, tecvîd uygulamalarının edebiyat ve musikî ile irtibatlı yönleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca Arapça, Farsça, Türkçe olarak kaleme alınmış manzum ve mensur tecvîdlere yer verilerek, konumuzla alâkalı olması sebebiyle, yazma manzum Türkçe tecvîdler tanıtılmıştır. Birinci Bölümde Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amâsî’nin hayatı ve eseri hakkında Dürr-i Meknûn’dan yola çıkılarak bazı tespitlerde bulunulmuş, ikinci bölümde Dürr-i Meknûn muhtevâ ve edebî özellikler açısından incelenmiş, üçüncü ve son bölümde karşılaştırmalı metin verilmiştir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Hüseynî, metin inceleme, manzum tecvîd.ABSTRACTHüseyin Amâsî’s Life and His Tajweed InVerse Named Durr-ı Maknun This thesis analyses the Durr-i Maknun; a work that was written in verse by Huseyn b. Ali al-Amasi. Actually al-Amasi’s work is considered as a kind of explanation or interpretation of Imam Al-Jazari’s work al-Muqaddima that is related to Qur’an recitation. Actually, a comparative analysis is done by examining the two copies of Durr-i Maknun available in Süleymaniye Library and one copy in National Library of Turkey. The author who wrote under a pseudonym; Huseyn is belived to have lived in 16th century, and according to some information found in his work; Durr-i Maknun, the author is also believed to have worked as Imam in Kapudan Mosque in Istanbul. In the ıntroduction section of working was given information about the tajweed, was examined the with related literature and music of tacvid implementations and also was written up with poetical and prose tacvids as Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Turkish tajweeds was introduced due to our subject interested in first section, was found in some determinations through Dürr-i Meknun about the life and work of Hüseyin b. Ali el-Amasi'nin in the second section, Dürr-i Meknun was examined with regard to content and literate in the third and last section, was given comparative text.Keywords: Huseyn, textual criticism, in verse tajweed

    A mixed method study on global warming, climate change and the role of public health nurses from the perspective of nursing students*

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    Aim: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of the nursing students taking the Public Health Nursing course about global warming, climate change, the impact on health and the role of the public health nurse. Design: The study is a mixed method study that includes descriptive data and focus group discussions on global warming, the effects of climate change and the role of the public health nurse. Methods: The data were collected from the nursing faculty of a university located in the Central Anatolia region, where agricultural lands are widespread and climate change effects are most commonly observed. The data were collected from 154 undergraduate senior nursing students between February 2020 and May 2020. Firstly, the students completed the Global Warming Questionnaire that includes 26 items about global warming, climate change, their effects and the role of the public health nurse. Secondly, some students (n = 19) selected through the purposive sampling method participated in online focus group meetings. Results: Our study revealed that 87.7% of the students know the main cause of climate change. The mean scale scores of the students who watch documentaries on the environment, who participate in activities related to the environment, and who know that climate change, sustainable development and health services are closely related were found to be statistically significantly higher (p <= 0.005). The views of the students on global warming and the environment were analyzed in focus group interviews according to five themes (global warming perception; the impact of global warming on health; methods of protection; roles of nurses; nursing education). Conclusion: Global warming and climate change are sensitive and important issues that cannot be evaluated considering only knowledge level. Impact: Global warming, climate change, their effects on health and the roles and responsibilities of nurses need to be included in the nursing curricula so that health professionals who can take measures against global warming, climate change and their health effects can be educated