77 research outputs found

    Evaluation of research in the humanities in Norway: Publication and research personnel. Statistics and analyses

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    This report provides statistics and indicators of the scholarly peer-reviewed publication output and research personnel within humanities. The report was commissioned by the Research Council of Norway and the main purpose is to provide background information to the ongoing evaluation of the research activities within the humanities in Norway. In addition to the main report, there are eight appendix reports which contain publication and research personnel indicators at panel-levels

    Forskningen ved Sunnaas sykehus i en internasjonal kontekst

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    I dette notatet gjør vi en gjennomgang av vitenskapelig publisering, internasjonalt medforfatterskap og vitenskapelig gjennomslagskraft (dvs. siteringsrater) for Sunnaas sykehus og åtte internasjonalt ledende rehabiliteringsinstitusjoner, foreslått av Sunnaas sykehus selv.Sunnaas sykehu

    Peer review for academic jobs and grants continues to be shaped by metrics, especially if your reviewer is highly ranked

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    The aim of peer review for research grants and academic hiring boards is to provide expert independent judgement on the quality of research proposals and candidates. Based on findings from a recent survey, Liv Langfeldt, Dag W. Aksnes and Ingvild Reymert, find metrics continue to play a significant role in shaping these decisions, especially for reviewers who are highly ranked themselves

    Gender gaps in international research collaboration: a bibliometric approach

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    This paper addresses gender differences in international research collaboration measured through international coauthorship. The study is based on a dataset consisting of 5,554 Norwegian researchers and their publication output during a three-year period (43,641 publications). Two different indicators are calculated. First, the share of researchers that have been involved in international collaboration measured by co-authorship, and second, the share of their publications with international co-authorship. We then develop an index which takes both these indicators into account: The Gender Difference Collaboration Index. The study shows that there are distinct gender differences in international research collaboration in Norway at an overall level. However, when the data is analyzed by scientific field, academic position and publication productivity of the researchers, the gender differences are less pronounced and in some cases, women have higher collaboration rates than men. The differences are largest for personnel in recruitment positions and for less productive researchers

    Excellence initiatives in Nordic research policies. Policy issues - tensions and options

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    This report presents results from a research project (PEAC) studying the impact of funding schemes for Centres of Excellence (CoE) in the Nordic countries

    Actions on sustainable food production and consumption for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

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    Current food production and consumption trends are inconsistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2050 vision of living in harmony with nature. Here, we examine how, and under what conditions, the post-2020 biodiversity framework can support transformative change in food systems. Our analysis of actions proposed in four science-policy fora reveals that subsidy reform, valuation, food waste reduction, sustainability standards, life cycle assessments, sustainable diets, mainstreaming biodiversity, and strengthening governance can support more sustainable food production and consumption. By considering barriers and opportunities of implementing these actions in Peru and the United Kingdom, we derive potential targets and indicators for the post-2020 biodiversity framework. For targets to support transformation, genuine political commitment, accountability and compliance, and wider enabling conditions and actions by diverse agents are needed to shift food systems onto a sustainable path

    Faglig spesialisering ved Universitetet i Bergen – en bibliometrisk analyse

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    Dette notatet gir en fremstilling av den faglige spesialiseringen ved Universitetet i Bergen basert på en analyse av vitenskapelig publisering for perioden 2008-2011. Notatet er utarbeidet som et ledd i UBs aktivitet knyttet til bibliometri/publiseringsanalyser og er dels basert på samarbeid med Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning (NIFU)
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