95 research outputs found

    Turkish EFL learners' awareness and use of English morphology in guessing the meanings of unknown words from context : a case study

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    Ankara : The Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 77-82.This study investigated Turkish university preparatory school EFL learners’ awareness and use of English affixes as a knowledge source in guessing the meanings of unknown words in written contexts. In addition, this study also examined Turkish learners’ use of prefixes and suffixes separately. The study was conducted with the participation of 10 pre-intermediate students at the English Language Preparatory School of Gaziosmanpaşa University. The data was gathered through think aloud procedures. The participants were asked to read a reading passage and try to infer the meanings of 13 target words that included prefixes, suffixes, or both. The participants were tape-recorded during the think aloud procedures. The tape recordings were transcribed in order to provide the data. The data analysis involved reading and rereading of the tape scripts. Then, knowledge sources were identified and classified, and the participants’ successful and unsuccessful used of English morphology was examined. This study implies that English affixes are effective knowledge sources in determining the meanings of unknown words. Thus, EFL teachers should teach students strategies about how to use English prefixes and suffixes in inferring the meanings of unknown words in context.Akkan, HakanM.S

    Emisiones filatélicas

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    Dentro del frondoso anecdotario del Dr. Francisco Pascasio Moreno, se destaca permanentemente su vocación patriótica y solidaria; ningún acontecimiento del contexto histórico de su época lo tuvo ajeno. Fue propulsor de una expedición de rescate a cinco náufragos atrapados en los hielos del Sur. Se trataba de una misión científica escocesa que en su ruta de navegación quedó prisionera de los hielos en las Islas Orcadas. Auxiliados por la corbeta argentina Uruguay, los integrantes del Antarctic pudieron regresar a Buenos Aires. Poco después, el 21 de enero de 1904, parte de este puerto, el barco explorador Scotia con destino a las Orcadas llevando el cometido de instalar allí una estafeta postal.Fundación Museo de La Plat


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    DergiPark: 417034ejovocMekatronik kavramı 1969 yılındaJaponya’da ortaya çıkmıştır. Mekatronik eğitimi 1980’lerden sonra Japonya’danbaşlayarak Amerika ve Avrupa üniversiteleri başta olmak üzere dünyada hızlayayılmıştır.  Türkiye’de MekatronikMühendislik Eğitimi 1999 yılında Sabancı Üniversitesinde başlamıştır.Mekatronik Önlisans eğitimi 2001 yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi Sakarya MeslekYüksekokulu ve Kocaeli Üniversitesi Gebze Meslek Yüksekokulu’nda başlamıştır.Önlisans eğitiminde Mekatronik programıyla birçok yönden ortaklık gösteren“Kontrol ve Otomasyon Teknolojileri” programlarının ülkemizdeki eğitim geçmişi1980’li yıllara dayanmaktadır.  Günümüzedeğin Kontrol Sistemleri, Otomasyon, Endüstriyel Otomasyon vb. değişik programisimleri adı altında birçok üniversitede eğitim verilmiş ve günümüzde “Kontrolve Otomasyon Teknolojileri” ismi adı altında toplanmıştır. Türkiye’deMekatronik Programları Kontrol ve Otomasyon Teknolojileri programlarına göredaha sonraki yıllarda açılmış olmasına rağmen son yıllarda adından sıkça sözettirmektedir. Önlisans eğitiminin başlangıcından itibaren geçen on beş yıliçinde hızla çoğalmış Kontrol ve Otomasyon Teknolojileri programlarının önünegeçen bir yaygınlığa ve bilinirliğe ulaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada Kontrol veOtomasyon Teknolojileri programı ile Mekatronik programlarının 2001-2015yılları arasındaki değişimleri ve programların gelişimi analiz edilmiştir. Okulsayıları, Örgün Öğretim ve İkinci Öğretim bazında program sayıları, öğrencikontenjanları ve coğrafi bölgelere göre dağılımları incelenmiş ve bu alandaki eğilimlerortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca her iki program için Uzaktan Eğitim alanındakigelişmeler ve değişimlerle birlikte Vakıf Üniversitelerindeki durumları daincelenmiştir.Mechatronicsconcept was emerged in Japan in 1969. Mechatronics education spreads fast allover the worldfirstly in American and European universities starting from Japan since 1980s.Mechatronics Engineering Education started in Sabancı University in 1999.Mechatronics Associate Education begun in Sakarya University Sakarya VocationalSchool and Kocaeli University Gebze Vocational School in 2001. Background of“Control and Automation Technologies” associate’s education that is common toMechatronics programs in many aspects is based on years of 1980s. Theeducations named such as Control Systems, Automation, and Industrial Automationhas been taught in many universities since today and united in a name of“Control and Automation Technologies” today. Despite of opening later,Mechatronics program became more known in recent years and became widespreadand popular than “Control and Automation Technologies” in 15 years of time. Inthis study, changes and program developments of “Mechatronics” and “Control and AutomationTechnologies” analyzed between years of 2001 and 2015. School counts, formaland evening education program counts, student quotas and geographical regiondistributions were studied and tendencies in that area were presented. Also,development and changes of distant learning education and foundation universitysituations were analyzed for both programs

    The one warehouse and N retailers problem with uncertain demand

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    The major aim of this paper is to provide a solution to one warehouse and N retailers problem with uncertain demand. The 'static-dynamic uncertainty' strategy is used. The objective function is to minimize expected average total costs incurred by the total system comprising of retailers' replenishment cost, retailers' inventory holding cost, warehouse's replenishment cost, warehouse's inventory holding cost and lost-sale cost. We use integer-ratio policies. We generated 15 samples for each 5 retailers by using ProModel simulation software for Heuristic I and Heuristic II. The results of stochastic model compared with the deviation from optimum solution for these different heuristics