7 research outputs found

    Implementasi Total Quality Managemen di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta dan Implikasinya Terhadap Prestasi Sekolah

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    Implementation of Total Quality Management is absolutely necessary to be implemented in school to increase schools achievement . Total Quality Management is implemented by SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta as a strategy to increase a progressive achievements at the SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. This management is implemented to every aspects to realize the progressive achievements and never stop.The results of the implementation of the "Total Quality Management" strategy at SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta proved to be able to improve the achievements and quality of education at SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Based on the data starting from the 2010/2011 school year, Abu Bakar SMPIT won more than 200 championships by the students from the regency level to the national level. There was even one international event (ASEAN). There were 10 championships won by teachers from the regency level to the National level. For institutions, the school received an award as a school with national level integrity, a national family education model school, a superior quality model school at the provincial level, a champion of an environmentally friendly school for boarding progra

    Integration of Nationalistic and Religious Values in Islamic Education: Study in Integrated Islamic School

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    The education that integrates nationalistic and religious values expected to transform the student to be good citizens and God’ obedient servants. This research aims to explore two purposes: first, what is the purpose based on the integration of nationalistic and religious in learning in Integrated Islamic School; second, how is the teacher’s strategy in Integrated Islamic School in integrating nationalistic and religious in learning conducted. This research is qualitative research with case study approach. The data was taken from the interview of seven teachers in Integrated Islamic School of Yogyakarta Region from primary school to secondary school and documentation. The data collected was analyzed by interactively inductive data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion withdrawal. The finding of this research showed that; first, the integration of nationalistic and religious values was conducted based on the ideal Indonesian human concept that is the obedient human of Indonesian towards the state in which the main indicator is nationalism also the obedient human of Indonesian towards God in which the main indicator is religious soul. Second, the integration of nationalistic and religious values conducted through three main strategies, namely; integration in curriculum, co-curriculum, and extraculliculer; internalization of nationalistic and religious values; and habitual activity of nationalistic and religious values in the school culture. The finding of this research can be used as reference for teachers in implementing the strategy in integrating nationalistic and religious values to students

    The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

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    Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart


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    The emergence of Integrated Islamic Schools (IIS) whose founders, the Islam missionary endeavor activists, were disappointed at the education system that seperates science and moral pietyis an interesting phenomenon in the development of education. The schools try to unify both written (qauliyah) and seen (kauniyah) acts, which deny secularism and sacredness in education. This dissertation revealed whether the idea has been well-implemented as the schools have been existing for over 20 years. Combined with literature study, this field research uses qualitative method. Data were obtained through observation, deep interview, and document analysis, and, using hybrid and sustainability theory, were explored. It was discovered that in order to survive, an education institution must combine idealism with the demand of the market. The study showed that IIS is a market-accommodating institution and hybridizes education as shown that first, IIS is a school adopting both the national curriculum and the religious teaching. The islamic moral values and symbolsare blended systematically through intracurricular, cocurricular and extracurricular activities. Second, IIS was first established in 1993 due to the strong need from islam preacher activists to send their children to qualified islamic schools. This group ofpeople sensed that the existing system failed. Third, factors influencing teaching model in IIS, among others, are vision and mission of the founding fathers and the demand for the high quality of morals/values. As the schools grow bigger, the strength of the vission shown by correcting the epistemology, updating methodology and ideology is fading because of pragmatic goals. Fourth, IIS always attempts to synchronize the new values in the education framework in some aspects regardless of the government‟s rules. Fifth, the integration between teaching ideology and indonesians (ke-indonesia-an) appears because of vision similarity between the state and the activists. Sixth, although Integrated Islamic Schools were previously established to criticize national education, they, in many aspects, followthe national system. The blend of the systems is due to pragmatic reasons, even though the schools keep some of their idealisms. The Integrated Islamic Schools keep growing as middle-class moslem community grows

    Integration Of Teachers And Parents In Inculcating Religious Values To Early Childhood At Tk Muslimat Pemalang

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    The inculcation of religious values in early childhood is a vehicle for human formation to be a plenary figure who has good moral virtues and is devoted to Allah SWT. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, data collection using interview and documentation observation methods. The results of this study indicate that the inculcation of religious values in TK Muslimat Bulakan Belik Pemalang uses 6 methods, they are the habituation method, exemplary method, playing method, drill method, singing method, and the reward and punishment method. Of the six methods used each has advantages and disadvantages, but considered to have been quite successful and effectiv

    Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Dengan Metode Ecobrik Serta Partisipasi Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Upaya Mewujudkan Bantul Bersih Sampah 2025 Dusun Mangir Kidul

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    Bantul clean waste 2025 is a program launched by the Bantul district government. This program is expected to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, build creativity, and increase income for local residents. To prepare for this, the 15 Sendangsari KKN-T UAA group collaborated with youth youth organizations to empower the waste produced and collected by residents in the Mangir Kidul hamlet. Responding to the similarity of the work program of KKN-T and youth organizations regarding waste management, the waste collected by residents is divided into several criteria, in this program using inorganic waste (cardboards, drinking bottles and plastics) to be separated for kilokan and processed into decorations in order to welcome independence day by means of red and white paint and arranged like the colors of the flag and then hung over Mangir Kidul.Keyword: trash, socialization, bantu