
The emergence of Integrated Islamic Schools (IIS) whose founders, the Islam missionary endeavor activists, were disappointed at the education system that seperates science and moral pietyis an interesting phenomenon in the development of education. The schools try to unify both written (qauliyah) and seen (kauniyah) acts, which deny secularism and sacredness in education. This dissertation revealed whether the idea has been well-implemented as the schools have been existing for over 20 years. Combined with literature study, this field research uses qualitative method. Data were obtained through observation, deep interview, and document analysis, and, using hybrid and sustainability theory, were explored. It was discovered that in order to survive, an education institution must combine idealism with the demand of the market. The study showed that IIS is a market-accommodating institution and hybridizes education as shown that first, IIS is a school adopting both the national curriculum and the religious teaching. The islamic moral values and symbolsare blended systematically through intracurricular, cocurricular and extracurricular activities. Second, IIS was first established in 1993 due to the strong need from islam preacher activists to send their children to qualified islamic schools. This group ofpeople sensed that the existing system failed. Third, factors influencing teaching model in IIS, among others, are vision and mission of the founding fathers and the demand for the high quality of morals/values. As the schools grow bigger, the strength of the vission shown by correcting the epistemology, updating methodology and ideology is fading because of pragmatic goals. Fourth, IIS always attempts to synchronize the new values in the education framework in some aspects regardless of the government‟s rules. Fifth, the integration between teaching ideology and indonesians (ke-indonesia-an) appears because of vision similarity between the state and the activists. Sixth, although Integrated Islamic Schools were previously established to criticize national education, they, in many aspects, followthe national system. The blend of the systems is due to pragmatic reasons, even though the schools keep some of their idealisms. The Integrated Islamic Schools keep growing as middle-class moslem community grows

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