200 research outputs found

    Implementation of Chef's Gastronomy Knowledge of Bugis Pastries at Hotels in Makassar City

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    The food we eat has a backstory, which is known as insight. The consumption process necessitates a related mindset. Philosophical values in food can be presented as one of the branches of history. The wisdom of food is founded on the role of food as derived from life’s intellectual values. In the gastro-historic framework, Bugis Makassar has an influence on the environment and vice versa. This perspective can reveal the spicy tendencies in South Sulawesi cuisine. There is little understanding of the meaning of the different types of pastries. However, the peculiarity of Bugis Makassar pastries lies in their embedded symbolic meaning. Traditional Bugis Makassar pastries generally taste sweet and savory due to the use of coconut milk and brown sugar (gula merah). In addition, the processing technique used is still simple. However, in the context of branding traditional pastries to be served in hotels, the local chef innovates in the form and presentation of traditional Bugis Makassar pastries without sacrificing their unique flavor. Keywords: gastronomy, implementation, chef’s knowledge, Bugis pastrie

    Commercial Kitchen Management: From 4.0 to 5.0

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    Equipment utilization is one facet of commercial kitchen management. Technology era Industry 4.0 significantly impacted food production, and technology era Society 5.0 has improved the process’s effectiveness and efficiency. This study examines how human agents, such as chefs and kitchen crew, collaborate with artificial agents, represented by smart machines, to attain precision and consistency in the culinary arts. The study underlines the value of chefs’ essential skills, creativity, and leadership in delivering one-of-a-kind culinary experiences. While technology and clever tools have become integral parts of commercial kitchens, chefs’ human touch and personal interaction remain critical. The research also looks at the difficulties and limitations of artificial agents in perfectly recreating human experience and cultural characteristics. It emphasizes the importance of human–machine collaboration to optimize production processes, increase efficiency, and solve the issue of abstraction in the culinary arts. However, it highlights that technology can only replace human intelligence and experience to a limited extent. The study indicates that reciprocal care and collaboration between human and artificial agents are critical for commercial kitchen management’s long-term performance and sustainability in the Society 5.0 era. Keywords: human agents, artificial agents, commercial kitche

    Foodie's Behavior and Assessment of Popular-Commercial Foods

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    This study aims to describe foodies assessing popular-commercial foods. In this study, the method used is a qualitative method. The informant determination technique used is purposive (deliberate). The data collection used is by observation, in-depth interviews with informants, and confirmed by various literature studies that are relevant to the research topic. The results showed that from the taste, feeling related to service, and the condition of the place to eat, nothing could stand alone as the most dominant in determining a foodie's assessment of food. One of these factors can invalidate a good rating on the other factor. On the other hand, in conducting an assessment, foodies base their general assessment of expectations on the image of the food, the food maker, the place to eat and also the price of the food

    A Semantic-Based Platform for Efficient Online Communication

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    To achieve an effective and efficient way of disseminating information to ever growing communication channels, we propose an ap proach that separates the information and communication channels and interlinks them with an intermediary component. The separation enables various dimensions to reuse the information and communication chan nels in transactional communication. In this paper we introduce our on line communication platform, which is comprised of several components. The important roles of semantic web technologies to the platform are explained in detail, including a use case to show the contributions of se mantic web in supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of information dissemination.European Union (UE) EU FP7 no. 600663 (Prelida)European Union EU FP7 257641 (PlanetData)European Union (UE) EU FP7 284860 (MSEE

    Model Development Based on GIS: Culinary Tourism in East Luwu Regency

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    The rapid development of technology makes human needs for information about tourist attractions require the availability of appropriate information systems, therefore the geographic information system of culinary attractions is developed to help tourists. This study aims to design a website to help tourists find culinary tourism in East Luwu Regency. System or GIS website that has been made, is tested first to see if there are still errors or need to be repaired and then implemented by uploading a file to a place (hosting) so that it can be accessed easily by anyone. The result is that the Website is used by users to successfully display a map of the distribution of culinary attractions, display culinary tourism categories in East Luwu Regency, display lists and general information of each culinary tourism object by category, and see the route of tourist attractions

    Transformasi Digital dalam Administrasi Publik dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesadaran Politik Ekonomi: Analisis Pendekatan Kualitatif dalam Connected Community

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    Digital transformation affects various conditions and aspects of human life. One of the areas affected is public administration. This research aims to see and explore how digital transformation and public administration and the impact it has on the political and economic awareness of people who have started to be connected by the presence of technology. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach to be able to see how digital transformation in public administration can affect the political economy of society. The results of this study found that there was a significant impact on political economy awareness and the way government works as a whole as a result of digital transformation in public administration. This is because the existence of public transformation can increase efficiency, transparency and participation for the community. In the context of political economy awareness, digital transformation enables wider and inclusive participation from society. Through digital platforms, the public can provide input, express opinions, and participate in relevant discussions

    Pengaruh Pemasaran Online, Harga, Pelayanan Dan Etika Bisnis Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1. mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pemasaran online terhadap keputusan pembelian, 2. mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh harga terhadap keputusan pembelian, 3. mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian, 4. mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh etika bisnis terhadap keputusan pembelian, 5. mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara simultan pemasaran online, harga, pelayanan dan etika bisnis terhadap keputusan pembelian. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 472.000 jiwa, sedangkan sampel peneltian ini ditentukan dengan penentuan sampel minimum pendekatan Ferdinand (2006) sebanyak 118 responden yang terdiri dari profesi dokter, dosen, PNS, swasta dan mahasiswa. Data yang terkumpul diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda (multiple regression). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran online berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pembelian. Namun demikian, penelitian tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa harga, pelayanan dan etika bisnis berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian pada produk fashion melalui media internet. Kata Kunci: Pemasaran Online, Penetapan Harga, Layanan, Etika Bisnis, dan Keputusan Pembelian Abstract This research aims to; 1. knowing and analyzing the influence of online marketing on purchasing decisions, 2. knowing and analyzing the effect of price on purchasing decisions, 3. knowing and analyzing the effect of service on purchasing decisions, 4. knowing and analyzing the influence of business ethics on purchasing decisions, 5. knowing and analyze the simultaneous influence of online marketing, price, service and business ethics on purchasing decisions. The population of this study was 472,000 people, while the sample of this study was determined by determining the minimum sample of the Ferdinand (2006) approach as many as 118 respondents consisting of doctors, lecturers, civil servants, private sector and students. The collected data is processed and analyzed using multiple regression analysis (multiple regression). The results showed that online marketing has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. However, this research cannot prove that price, service and business ethics have a significant effect on consumer decisions in making purchases of fashion products through the internet. Keywords: content; formatting; article

    Influence of Porang (Amorphophalus Muelleri) Cultivation on the Composition of Soil Arthropods in Tropical Agroforestry Areas in East Java, Indonesia

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    This research was conducted on July to October 2010 to evaluate the effect of porang cultivation on the abundance, diversity and composition of soil Arthropods. Change in the abundance, diversity and composition of soil Arthropods was observed using pitfall traps in two study sites (Jember and Madiun). In each study site, samplings were performed in porang cultivation land and non-porang area. A total of 15 traps were put in three lines at each location. The differences in the abundance and diversity were analyzed by using multivariate analyze tests. The soil Arthropod compositions in all locations were compared with Bray-Curtis similarity index. The effect of environmental factors on the arthropod compositions was analyzed using multiple regression. The result showed that the effect of porang-cultivation was not consistent in two study sites. In Madiun, the abundance of soil Arthropods in porang cultivation land was slightly higher than that in non-porang, while the diversity was significantly higer in the former location. In contrast the those in Jember was found in vice versa situation. This study indicate that the effect of porang-cultivation was not subtantial to the composition of soil Arthropods. Therefore practice non harmful porang cultivation should be promoted as a part of agroforestry sistem in both study sites
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