654 research outputs found

    The New Qatar Arbitration Law No. (2) of the year 2017 (Pros and Cons)

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    يُعدّ اقتصاد دولة قطر من أكثر الاقتصادات حيويةً، وأسرعها نموّا في العالم، حيث إن حجم نموه في تزايد مستمر. ونتيجة لذلك أصبحت دولة قطر من أهم الدول التي يلجأ إليها المستثمرون الأجانب، وما هذا إلا نتاج الجهود التي بُذلت في تعديل التشريعات الوطنية لتتلاءم مع احتياجات المستثمر الأجنبي، وتحديث جميع المجالات التنموية في الدولة، تنفيذًا وانطلاقًا مع رؤية قطر الوطنية 2030 . ويُتوقٰع أن تكون نهائيات كأس العالم لكرة القدم 2022 حافزًا لتطبيق هذه الرؤية. وفي ظل تلك الظروف، كان على دولة قطر أن تنظر نظرة جديدة إلى التحكيم، كوسيلة بديلة للقضاء لفض اتفاقية نيويورك » المنازعات، تناسب تداعيات الاقتصاد العالمي، خصوصًا بعد أن أخذت دولة قطر خطوة التصديق على وجعلِها جزءًا من نظامها القانوني، وذلك بمقتضى المرسوم ،« الخاصة بالاعتراف وتنفيذ أحكام المحكمين الأجنبية 2003 ، وأصبحت تشريعًا نافذًا واجب التطبيق في دولة /3/ الأميري رقم ( 29 ) لسنة 2003 ، المعمول به اعتبارًا من 15 قطر. كذلك، يتٰجه العالم دائمًا إلى الأخذ بالنظام الموحٰد للتحكيم التجاري الدولي، الذي أقرته الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة في شكل قانون نموذجي موحٰد للتحكيم التجاري الدولي، يُسمى: قانون الأونسيترال النموذجي للتحكيم التجاري الدولي ( 1985 )، مع التعديلات التي اعتُمدت في عام 2006 . وقد دعت الأمم المتحدة (UNCITRAL Model Law) دولها الأعضاء إلى وضع هذا القانون النموذجي في الاعتبار عند إصدار التشريعات الوطنية، وتبنٰت كثير من الدول - كليّا أو جزئيّا - أحكام هذا القانون الموحد. وهناك بعض التساؤلات المثارة: هل لبٰى قانون التحكيم القطري الجديد رقم ( 2) لسنة 2017 دعوة الأمم المتحدة؟ هل يتضمن القانون الجديد الاتجاهات الحديثة في قواعد التحكيم التجاري الدولي؟ هل هذا القانون الجديد قانون جاذب للمستثمر، تنفيذًا لرؤية قطر الوطنية؟ ما مظاهر النظرة الجديدة للتحكيم في القانون الجديد مقارنةً بقواعد التحكيم الملغاة في قانون المرافعات؟The Qatari economy is considered as one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing economies in the world. Consequently, the State of Qatar has become one of the main countries attracting foreign investors. This is indeed the outcome of the efforts made to adjust the national laws in order to meet the needs of international investors and to modernize the economy to achieve the Qatar National Vision 2030. It is expected that FIFA World Cup 2022 will be an impetus to realize this vision. Under these circumstances, Qatar had to adopt a new perspective on arbitration as an alternative means to settle disputes and to keep pace with international economic developments. This initiative was accelerated with the ratification of “The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” and made part of the Qatari legal system by the Amiri Decree No. (3) of the year 2003. Moreover, many countries around the world are adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985); along with the amendments adopted in 2006. The United Nations called upon its member states to take into account this model law when passing national legislation. Many countries adopted -fully or partially- the provisions of the UNCITRAL model. In this respect, some questions may be raised: Did the New Qatar Arbitration Law No. (2) of the year 2017 answer the call of the United Nations? Does the new law adopt new trends of the rules governing the international commercial arbitration? Would this new law attract investors as per Qatar national vision? What are the manifestations of the new arbitration perspective in the new law compared to the repealed arbitration rules

    Statistical Modelling and Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete

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    The matrix mixture of concrete can be made to have high compressive strength. In the present paper, statistical model was built-up to predict the compressive strength of concrete containing different matrix mixtures at fixed age or at different age of 1, 3, 7, 28, 56, 90 and 180 days. The model examines eight different parameters for the matrix mixture that includes: time, water, cement, metakaolin (MK), silica fume (SF), sand (S), aggregate (A) and superplasticizer (SP). This research addresses the effect of the matrix mixture of concrete on the compressive strength, where this information will help the cement industry in producing the required concrete strength. The results from the predicted model have high correlation to the experimental results for the concrete compressive strength

    Finite Element and Modal Analysis of 3D Jointless Skewed RC Box Girder Bridge

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    The principal modes (normal modes) of vibration for a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system are used to generalize the 3D coordinates of the two-span skewed, haunched and jointless reinforced concrete box girder bridge, and to define the structural system response for the n-equations of uncoupled motion. Jointless bridges have many advantages over the conventional construction methods. It has long-term benefits in terms of serviceability, durability, construction cost and maintenance. However it has been limited for nonskewed and light-skewed bridges. The results of the finite element (FE) and modal analysis are presented to study the influence of the skew angle of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 degrees on the natural frequency for the entire skewed bridge and the structural response for the superstructure covering moment, torsion, shear, axial load, deformation at the start and end abutment connection for the entire bridge section subjected to simulated two-perpendicular earthquake forces

    A modified migration model biogeography evolutionary approach for electromagnetic device multiobjective optimization

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    Inthispaper, we present anefficient androbust algorithm for multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic devices.Therecentlydeveloped biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is modified byadapting its migration model function so as to improve its convergence.The proposed Modified Migration Model biogeography-based optimization (MMMBBO) algorithm is applied into the optimal geometrical design of an electromagnetic actuator. This multiobjective optimization problem is solved by maximizing the output force as well as minimizing the total weight of the actuator. The comparison between the optimization results using BBO and MMMBBO shows the superiority of the proposed approach


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    High-modulus (HM) ribbed-surface glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars have recently been used in concrete bridge decks to avoid corrosion of steel reinforcement resulting from the use of de-icing salts in winter times in North America. Recently, prefabricated full-depth deck panels (FDDPs), made of normal strength concrete or high performance concrete and reinforced with GFRP bars, are used in Canada to acceleration bridge construction. The FDDPs are connected through panel-to-panel and panel-to-girder connections. These connections are filled with joint-filled cementitious materials as ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). This paper presents the experimental program to investigate the bond strength of the GFRP bars embedded into unconfined UHPFRC using pull-out testing, leading to the proper GFRP bar development length required to determine the width of the closure strip between connected slabs. The longitudinal GFRP/UHPFRC interface is influenced by (i) the development length-to-nominal diameter of the bar ratio, (ii) the concrete cover-to-bar diameter ratio and (iii) the development length-to-embedment depth ratio due to lugs or headed-end and (iv) concrete compressive strength. GFRP bars embedded into UHPFRC would rely less on the friction and adhesion of the interface, and more on the bearing of the lugs against the concrete. These bearing forces act at an angle to the axis of the bar, causing radial outward forces. Pullout failure of the GFRP/UHPFRC interface leads to shearing of the lugs and bar slippage from the headed-end. Adequate bond strength between the GFRP/UHPFRC interfaces is necessary for design of jointed PDDFs. Therefore, accurate predictions of development length and bond strength of straight or headed-end bars without passing through the high localized stresses due to flexural are essential for safe design


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    Prefabricated bridges elements and systems (PBES) are subjected to repeated truck loads while being exposed to weather conditions. Fatigue of the structural elements and corrosion of the reinforcement are the main reasons for bridge deterioration. This research investigates the fatigue strength of full-depth deck panels (FDDP) resting over steel cross-braced girders and reinforced with ribbed-surface, high-modulus (HM), glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars. The precast FDDP has transverse panel-to-panel connection of angle-shape with female shear key, and panel-to-girder connection of V-shape, where both connections are filled with ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). Two different fatigue loading were conducted to simulate the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) truck loading, namely: constant amplitude fatigue (CAF) loading and variable amplitude fatigue (VAF) loading. The fatigue damage for all cycles is summed to obtain the cumulative fatigue damage (CFD) for the entire loading history. The reliability of the GFRP-reinforced precast FDDP subjected to high cycle fatigue is then evaluated based on load-cycle (P-N) damage accumulation approach. A simple life-span prediction model is proposed for the FDDP based on the CFD

    ABC Diffusion in the Age of Digital Economy: the UK Experience

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    Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a call for further research to trace the effects of the speedy changes in business environment on management accounting practices. This study assesses the impact of different information technologies on ABC adoption and implementation. It uses a cross-sectional survey of financial directors and controllers in the UK firms. Postal and electronic questionnaires have been used in order to collect the empirical data. The findings revealed that the rate of ABC adoption has shown a number of changes between 1999 and 2005. The proportions of ABC users and those currently assessing it have dramatically fallen. The percentage of firms rejecting ABC has slightly fallen as well. However, there has been a considerable increase in the number of firms that abandoned ABC implementation and those firms that gave no consideration for its implementation. These results indicate a decrease in the popularity of ABC. ERP systems seem to have a slightly low significant impact on the initial decision of ABC adoption in those firms that do not have any consideration for ABC and firms that have an ERP system before ABC adoption. Furthermore, the results indicate that firms use different information technologies in the ABC assessment and implementation. For ABC assessment, general software applications are the most preferable software packages while a mix of different ABC software packages is the most popular in the case of ABC implementation. Finally, the findings of this study provide an indication on the nature of the possible effect of general IT-related problems on ABC implementation

    Synthesis of novel pyrimidine and fused pyrimidine derivatives

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    4-Amino-2-(benzylthio)-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile (1) was prepared by treatment of s-benzylthiuronium chloride with 2-(4-methoxybenzylidene)malononitrile in ethanolic sodium hydroxide with hydrazine hydrate to afford the hydrazino derivative 2, which was allowed to react with different electrophilic reagents to give the pyrimidine derivatives 3-12. The proclivity of (E)-2-cyano-3-(4-nitrophenyl)acrylamide (13) towards carbon and nitrogen nucleophiles was also investigated. IR, 1H NMR and mass spectra for all the synthesized compounds were discussed. All derived compounds were investigated for anti avian influenza (H5N1) virus activity and compared with zanamivir as control drug. All the synthesized compounds didn’t possess any antiviral activity

    Molecular Modeling and in Silico Characterization of a Pathogenesis-Related Protein-10 (PR10) and its Coding Genes in some Oryza Species

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    يعد الأرز أحد الأطعمة الأساسية لأكثر من ثلثى سكان العالم مما يسترعى الإهتمام بالتحسينات الوراثية التى تزيد الكفأءة الحقلية لهذا المحصول الهام. و نظرا لقلة التباينات الوراثية فى الانواع المزروعة مقارنة بتلك الموجودة فى الأنواع الأخرى لجنس Oryza توجب الاهتمام بدراسة المحتوى الجينى لتلك الانواع الاخرى. تهدف هذه الدراسة الى وصف و توضيح أحد البروتينات المرتبطة بالآفات من المجموعة العاشرة (PR10) - لما لتلك المجموعة من أهمية فى مكافحة الإجهادات الحيوية و الغير الحيوية -  و كذلك الجينات الخاصة بها فى عدد من أنواع جنس Oryza (O. sativa, O.  barthii, O. glaberrima, O. glumipatula, O. meridionalis, O. nivara, O. rufipogon and  O. punctata.) بٍإستعمال التقنيات الحاسوبية. و قد كشفت الدراسة تنوععاً محدوداً لهذا البروتين و الجين الخاص به فى كافة الأنواع عدا O. glumipatula الذى أظهرت الدراسة إختلافاً تركيبياً فى البروتين موضوع الدراسة به مقارنةً بالبروتين ذاته فى الأنواع Oryza الأخرى. و تستوجب هذه النتائج الإهتمام بالمحتوى الجينى لهذا النوع لما قد يحمله من فائدة فى مواجهة الأنواع المختلفة من الإجهادات و التى تتطلب مزيداً من الدراسة للإستفادة منها فى برامج تربية الأرز.Rice is a major staple food for more than two thirds of the world population. Pathogenesis-related proteins-10 (PR10) have a range of 154 to 163 amino acid with molecular weight ~ 17 kDa.  They are acidic and generally intracellular and cytosolic proteins accumulate in plants in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. In the present study, a PR10 gene and its corresponding protein were characterized in O. sativa, O.  barthii, O. glaberrima, O. glumipatula, O. meridionalis, O. nivara, O. rufipogon and  O. punctata. The results revealed a narrow range of variation at both DNA and protein levels in all examined species except O. glumipatula. The latter showed a relatively obvious structural variation at protein level. Such variation may be beneficial against different types of stress that requires further elucidation to exploit in rice breeding programs


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    The structural insulated panel (SIP) is a sandwich structured composite that is prefabricated by attaching a lightweight thick core made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam laminated between two thin, and stiff face skins made of Oriented Strand Board (OSB). The use of sandwich panels provides key benefits over conventional materials including: very low weight; high stiffness; durability and; production and construction cost savings. The facing skins of the sandwich panel can be considered as the flanges for the I-beam carrying bending stresses in which one face skin is subjected to tension, and the other is in compression. The core resists the shear loads and stabilizes the skin faces together giving uniformly stiffened panel. OSB is wood product that shrinks when dry and swells when adsorb moisture either due to liquid or vapor from the surrounding atmosphere. The relative combination of relative humidity and temperature is introduced into the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) that increases with the increase of the relative humidity and with decreasing temperature. Experimental test matrix includes testing 2.44 m (8’) and 4.88 m (16’) long SIPs for 5 years under different sustained loads and weather resistive barriers (WRBs), recording creep deflection, relative humidity and temperature. After creep recovery, the SIPs are loaded to-collapse to determine their flexural strength