958 research outputs found

    Konsep keislaman dalam rekabentuk kurikulum pelancongan di sebuah Politeknik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

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    Perkembangan yang pesat industri peiancongan di negara ini teiah dibuktikan melalui sumbangannya yang besar terhadap pendapatan negara. Industri ini turut menyediakan peluang pekerjaan dalam kuantiti yang cukup besar kepada rakyat. Menyedari bahawa tenaga kerja yang terlatih diperlukan untuk memngkatkan tahap kualiti perkhidmatan dalam bidang pelancongan negara, banyak institusi pengajian termasuk Politeknik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah menawarkan kursus khusus datam bidang pelancongan. Bidang pelancongan ini seringkali dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur negatif yang bertentangan dengan budaya dan agama Islam. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan ialah untuk melihat konsep keislaman dalam rekabentuk kurikulum pelancongan di Politeknik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Poputasi kajian ini terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar semester enam kursus pengurusan pelancongan Politeknik Johor Bharu, Pasir Gudang, Johor. Data dikumpul menggunakan soalsetidik dan dianatisis menggunakan taburan frekuensi, peratus dan min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kemahiran yang diberikan tidak mempunyai penerapan konsep keislaman. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa perubahan sosial yang dialami oleh peiajar mendedahkan mereka kepada perkara yang negatif dan akhir sekali, perubahan diperlukan untuk mengukuhkan kurikulum disamping perlunya menerapkan konsep keislaman dalam kurikulum berkenaan. Oleh itu, dicadangkan agar pelaksanaan kurikulum pelancongan dapat diperhalusi untuk membina graduan yang berwibawa dan mempunyai sahsiah yang tinggi


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    SENSOR KAMERA PADA PENGATURAN SISTEM ADAPTABLE TRAFFIC LIGHTS In this research, an adaptable traffic lights controller system was made by using a camera as a vision in the intersection. This system controls the traffic lights using graph representation, so the sequences of the traffic lights become optimal and can be organized well. The adaptiveness of this system was controlled based on the length of the queue on the road using image processing. Image processing data being used by Microcontroller to controls the traffic light systems. The experiments were using two sensor cameras. Each shows different view of two-way traffics. Those were captured from Flyover Bridge behind the traffic lights. The experiments were performed three times for each video using comparison of the value of normalized sum-pixels on frame with last frames, and comparison of the range value of normalized sum-pixels with background image. The results on first video were 78%, 81%, and 91%, and on second video were 82%, 84%, and 70%. The decreasing value of second video was caused by too many compared frames on the third experiment and the presence of noises like the smoke of muffler. Keyword—Image Processing, Traffic Lights, Camera Sensor, Microcontroller


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    UKM "Mekar Handcraft" produces woven bags. The initial process involves cutting the strings using a manual tool made of wooden blocks with nails. Then, a rolling streaping tool is used, but it faces a constraint where some raw materials cannot be spun using the spinning tool, so a manual tool is used instead. Additionally, the proximity of the raw material to the roll area is too close, resulting in frequent string breakage. The introduction of this new streaping tool innovation is expected to accelerate the production process. An investment feasibility analysis is needed to determine the viability of this investment. Based on the research, the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated to be (Rp.212,450), which is greater than 0, indicating that the investment is viable. However, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculation yields a value of 11.29%, which is less than the Minimum Acceptable Attractive Rate (MAAR) of 20%, indicating that the investment is not viable. The Payback Period calculation results in 10.78 months, indicating a relatively fast return on investment, making it a viable investment. Furthermore, the Profitability Index (PI) calculation yields a value of 1.11, which is greater than 1, indicating that the investment is viabl

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PKn Materi Pemerintahan Kabupaten Melalui Strategi Timed Pair Share Padakelas IV Semester I SDN 3 Mangaran Kecamatan Mangaran Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    Pada kegiatan belajar mengajar tujuan pengajaran dituangkan dalam dasar-dasar kompetensi yang sudah dicapai baik yang berupa fakta, konsep, prinsip maupun skill maka perlu adanya umpan balik dari siswa. Kesempatan berinteraksi dengan siswa tidak hanya dipakai untuk mentransfer ilmu tetapi guru bisa mempelajari siswa, mengawasi tingkah laku dan kegiatannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Timed Pair Share untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran PKn Materi Pemerintahan Kabupaten di kelas IV Semester I  SDN3 Mangaran Kecamatan Mangaran  Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian tindakan dari Kurt Lewin. Komponen pokok dalam penelitian tindakan Kurt Lewin adalah: (1) perencanaan (planning),(2) tindakan (acting) ,(3) pengamatan (observing), (4) refleksi (reflecting). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Timed Pair Share dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa mencapai 27% pada siklus I mencapai 57% dan siklus II mencapai 92% mata pelajaran PKn Materi Pemerintahan Kabupaten di kelas IV Semester I  SDN 3 Mangaran Kecamatan Mangaran Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018


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    This paper aims to determine the activities of da'wah in changing the economic, social, cultural, educational and political conditions of rural residents through community empowerment in the frame of da'wah . Namely da'wah that can improve the quality of faith as well as the quality of life target da'wah . The results of this literature review indicate that there are several forms to empower communities through political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental empowerment. The techniques for improving the situation can be done through non-participation techniques, tokenism techniques, and community participation/power techniques. The participation in government, preachers, community, and da'wah organizations in bridging the mission of community empowerment is an urgent thing to be synergized so that the goal of da'wah can succeed maximall

    Strategy for developing da'wah broadcast programs on television in the millennial era

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    Purpose - This study aims to determine the planning and production of religious broadcast programs and to find strategies for developing Da'wah broadcast programs so that millennials are interested.Method - This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques use the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation.Result - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular, and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Implication - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Originality - This study focuses on the development of da'wah through television so that it continues to exist in this millennial era.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dan produksi program siaran religi serta menemukan strategi pengembangan program siaran dakwah agar diminati generasi milenial.Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Hasil - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar menghadirkan narasumber yang populer, kompeten, tanpa agenda tersembunyi, dan memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Implikasi - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi untuk menghadirkan narasumber yang populer dan kompeten tanpa agenda tersembunyi, serta memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Orisinalitas - Kajian ini berfokus pada perkembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar tetap eksis di era milenial ini

    Strategy for developing da'wah broadcast programs on television in the millennial era

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    Purpose - This study aims to determine the planning and production of religious broadcast programs and to find strategies for developing Da'wah broadcast programs so that millennials are interested.Method - This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques use the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation.Result - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular, and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Implication - The contribution of this research is about the importance of the strategy of developing da'wah through television in order to present popular and competent sources without any hidden agenda, and have different backgrounds. In addition, cadre presenters from the millennial generation, generation Z, empowered presenters who are eye-catching, fashionable, smart, communicative, capable of public speaking, smart in their way of thinking, and influencers who have lots of followers.Originality - This study focuses on the development of da'wah through television so that it continues to exist in this millennial era.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan dan produksi program siaran religi serta menemukan strategi pengembangan program siaran dakwah agar diminati generasi milenial.Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Hasil - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar menghadirkan narasumber yang populer, kompeten, tanpa agenda tersembunyi, dan memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Implikasi - Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah tentang pentingnya strategi pengembangan dakwah melalui televisi untuk menghadirkan narasumber yang populer dan kompeten tanpa agenda tersembunyi, serta memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda. Selain itu, kader presenter dari generasi milenial, generasi Z, presenter berdaya yang eye-catching, fashionable, smart, komunikatif, mampu public speaking, cerdas cara berpikirnya, dan influencer yang memiliki banyak followers.Orisinalitas - Kajian ini berfokus pada perkembangan dakwah melalui televisi agar tetap eksis di era milenial ini


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    This research study aims to prove the effectiveness of using Sodium Stearate as Drag Reducing Agent in pipelines. Whilst it is more common to see in Oil and Gas industry to utilize polymer as Drag Reducing Agent, surfactants also show a promising future as Drag Reducing Agent nowadays. When it comes to pipeline, drag had caused severe to production capacity of a line. Drag had caused power pumping loses; decreasing in production capacity and indirectly may caused erosion corrosion to take place. The industries are desperate to find Drag Reducing Agents and still searching for the cheapest yet most effective alternative Drag Reducing Agent. With that in mind, this Final Year Project will be focused more on how the surfactant generally, and specifically Sodium Stearate act as Drag Reducing Agent in pipeline. An experiment setup will be fabricate and conduct to determine the effect of Sodium Stearate use as Drag Reducing Agent in oil pipeline. Unfortunately, due to several circumstances and limitation, the original plan which is to run the experiment using crude oil can not been conducted. Instead of using crude oil, water is been used to replace it. An open loop system are fabricated where water in the storage tank will be pump throughout 4 meter long of testing section of 1 inch diameter Galvanize Iron steel pipeline. An injection mechanism is created to inject the Drag Reducing Agent solutions at the starting point of 4 meter testing section. A total of 7 different concentration of Drag Reducing Agent had been prepared. At the end of testing section, pressure gauge is been placed to monitor the pressure drop and hence examine the percentage drag reduction for each concentration been test. Result from experiment shown that Sodium Stearate prove to have great effect when act as Drag Reducing Agent significantly by recorded highest percentage drag reduction of 33.33% at concentration of 800ppm for low RPM of pump. Therefore, it is concluded that Sodium Stearate, which is surfactant has show the ability to act as Drag Reducing Agent effectively in water-pipeline experiment. Impact of this study can be analysis and to make early hypothesis if the fluid inside pipeline is change from water to crude oil


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    AbstrakPetani di desa temon, kecamatan sawoo, kabupaten ponorogo, jawa timur pada umumnya menjemur jagung secara tradisional  sebelum di jual, saat penjemuran itulah yang menyita waktu karena petani tidak bisa meninggalkan jemuran jagung begitu saja mengingat cuaca yang tidak menentu seperti saat ini. Ketika hujan turun mereka harus kerepotan saat menutup jemuran jagungnya, petani harus sesering mungkin membolak balik jemuran biji jagung agar tingkat kekeringan merata dan itu juga memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar serta butuh ketelatenan tinggi, hal-hal seperti itulah yang menghambat proses pengeringan jagung yang seharusnya jagung sudah kering dan berkwalitas tinggi menjadi berjamur.Penerapan alat yang dibuat  di harapkan  memudahkan  petani,  Kemudahan  pada alat menjadikan petani lebih tenang dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan lainnya tanpa khawatir jagungnya kehujanan.Kata Kunci : jagung, sensor suhu, atmega 16, sensor cahaya photodioda,  relay, motor dcAbstractCorn  farmers  in  the village  clothesline  just  remember  erratic weather  like today.  When  it rainsthey  have to  rush  when closing  clothesline  corn,  farmers  must  often  flipping through  a clothesline  that  level of  drought  corn  seeds  evenly  and  temon,  Sawoo  subdistrict,  districtPonorogo,  East Java  in general  is traditionally  corn  drying  prior  sale,  when  drying  that isseized  time  because  the farmers  could not leave  it  too  requires  a long time  and  need  highpatience, things  like that that  inhibit the  drying  process  of corn  that should  have been  driedcorn and high quality become moldy.Application of  tools made  easier for  farmers  expected,  Ease  the  tools  to  make  farmers  more confident in doing other work without worrying about rain corn
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