299 research outputs found

    Evaluation of regional urbanisation policy Case study: Bandar Tenggara / Ahmad Hj. Abd. Majid

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    Regional Development has been regarded as one of the main strategies to achieve the National Economic Policy (NEF) in the Second Malaysia Plan. The two pronged objectives of NEP are the eradiction of poverty irrespective of race and the restructuring of society which gradually eliminate the identification of race with economic functions. The poor or low socio-economic condition of the rural populations are the main determinants of the rural urban migration. In the pre and post independent periods, massive rural urban migrations took place due to economic disparities between regions, racial and certain occupational groups. In the Second Malaysia Flan, several measures have been taken to tackle the socio economic development of the poor regions and rural populations of urban Halays pre-dominate. The concept of rural new towns development in the resource frontier regions of the less developed east coast states has been adopted and being carried out. The main aims of the rural new town developments are on the regional urbanisations policy and concept as to upgrade the socio economic well beings of the rural populations in making transitions to the urban way of life

    Local Convexity-Preserving C

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    We present the smooth and visually pleasant display of 2D data when it is convex, which is contribution towards the improvements over existing methods. This improvement can be used to get the more accurate results. An attempt has been made in order to develop the local convexity-preserving interpolant for convex data using C2 rational cubic spline. It involves three families of shape parameters in its representation. Data dependent sufficient constraints are imposed on single shape parameter to conserve the inherited shape feature of data. Remaining two of these shape parameters are used for the modification of convex curve to get a visually pleasing curve according to industrial demand. The scheme is tested through several numerical examples, showing that the scheme is local, computationally economical, and visually pleasing

    Convexity-preserving Bernstein–Be´ zier quartic scheme

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    A C1 convex surface data interpolation scheme is presented to preserve the shape of scattered data arranged over a triangular grid. Bernstein–Be´ zier quartic function is used for interpolation. Lower bound of the boundary and inner Be´zier ordinates is determined to guarantee convexity of surface. The developed scheme is flexible and involves more relaxed constraints

    Keindahan matematik Dalam Penyelesaian Faraid.

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    Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan kaedah matematik moden dalam penyelesaian faraid khususnya keindahan matematik dalam masalah aul

    Solving Polynomial Equations using Modified Super Ostrowski Homotopy Continuation Method

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    Homotopy continuation methods (HCMs) are now widely used to find the roots of polynomial equations as well as transcendental equations.  HCM can be used to solve the divergence problem as well as starting value problem. Obviously, the divergence problem of traditional methods occurs when a method cannot be operated at the beginning of iteration for some points, known as bad initial guesses. Meanwhile, the starting value problem occurs when the initial guess is far away from the exact solutions.   The starting value problem has been solved using Super Ostrowski homotopy continuation method for the initial guesses between . Nevertheless, Super Ostrowski homotopy continuation method was only used to find out real roots of nonlinear equations.  In this paper, we employ the Modified Super Ostrowski-HCM to solve several real life applications which involves polynomial equations by expanding the range of starting values. The results indicate that the Modified Super Ostrowski-HCM performs better than the standard Super Ostrowski-HCM. In other words, the complex roots of polynomial equations can be found even the starting value is real with this proposed scheme

    Cubic Trigonometric B-Spline Approach to Numerical Solution of Wave Equation

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    The generalized wave equation models various problems in sciences and engineering. In this paper, a new three-time level implicit approach based on cubic trigonometric B-spline for the approximate solution of wave equation is developed. The usual finite difference approach is used to discretize the time derivative while cubic trigonometric B-spline is applied as an interpolating function in the space dimension. Von Neumann stability analysis is used to analyze the proposed method. Two problems are discussed to exhibit the feasibility and capability of the method. The absolute errors and maximum error are computed to assess the performance of the proposed method. The results were found to be in good agreement with known solutions and with existing schemes in literature

    Performance of the triangulation-based methods Of positivity-preserving scattered data interpolation

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    We present the result and accuracy comparison of generalized positivity-preserving schemes for triangular Bézier patches of 1C and 2C scattered data interpolants that have been c on structed. We compare three methods of 1C schemes using cubic triangular Bézier patches and one 2C scheme using quintic triangular Bézier patches.Our test case consists of four sets of node/test function pairs, with node-count ranging from 26 to 100 data points. The absolute maximum and mean errors are computed using 33×33 evaluation points on a uniform rectangular grid

    Convexity-preserving scattered data interpolation

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    This study deals with constructing a convexity-preserving bivariate C1 interpolants to scattered data whenever the original data are convex. Sufficient conditions on lower bound of Bezier points are derived in order to ensure that surfaces comprising cubic Bezier triangular patches are always convex and satisfy C1 continuity conditions. Initial gradients at the data sites are estimated and then modified if necessary to ensure that these conditions are satisfied. The construction is local and easy to be implemented. Graphical examples are presented using several test functions

    Cubic Trigonometric B-Spline Approach to Numerical Solution of Wave Equation

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    The generalized wave equation models various problems in sciences and engineering. In this paper, a new three-time level implicit approach based on cubic trigonometric B-spline for the approximate solution of wave equation is developed. The usual finite difference approach is used to discretize the time derivative while cubic trigonometric B-spline is applied as an interpolating function in the space dimension. Von Neumann stability analysis is used to analyze the proposed method. Two problems are discussed to exhibit the feasibility and capability of the method. The absolute errors and maximum error are computed to assess the performance of the proposed method. The results were found to be in good agreement with known solutions and with existing schemes in literature