81 research outputs found

    Sensor & instrumentation system : series 1

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    This book is an introduction to many of the topics that an engineer needs to master in order to successfully design experiments and system measurement. In addition to descriptions of common measurement systems, the book describes computerized data acquisition systems, common statistical techniques, and guidelines for planning and documenting experiments. More comprehensive studies of available literature and consultation with product vendors are appropriate when engaging in a significant real-world experimental program. It is to be expected that the skills of the experimenter will be enhanced by more advanced courses in experimental and instrumentations systems design and practical experience

    Evaluasi Kurikulum Madrasah Inklusi pada Era Kenormalan Baru

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    Madrasah (Islamic school) providing inclusive education has two curricula (modified curriculum and emergency curriculum) to support students with disabilities and to implement inclusive education. This paper aims to reveal the curricula evaluation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Tsanawiyah in Lombok, NTB using three stages (antecedents, transactions, and outcomes) of the Countenance Stake model. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires and observation sheets. Findings reveal that three evaluation stages demonstrate the pattern of teacher interaction with students with disabilities; teachers’ understanding of the inclusive curriculum, learning resources and media, inclusive lesson plans, and inclusive learning processes. Madrasah yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan inklusif memiliki dua kurikulum (kurikulum yang dimodifikasi dan kurikulum darurat) untuk melayani siswa penyandang disabilitas dan dalam rangka mengimplementasikan pendidikan inklusif. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses evaluasi kurikulum di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Tsanawiyah di Lombok, NTB dengan menggunakan tiga tahap (antecedents, transaction, dan outcomes) dari model Countenance Stake. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa tiga tahap evaluasi menunjukkan pola interaksi guru dengan siswa penyandang disabilitas; pemahaman guru tentang kurikulum inklusif, sumber dan media pembelajaran, RPP inklusif, dan proses pembelajaran inklusif

    The Announcement Effects of Insider Trading

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    This paper examines the insider trading activity in Malaysia. It tries to examine the existence of the abnormal profit from this activity. While developed countries like United States and United Kingdom recently reported that the activity can no longer gives abnormal profit for long period due to laws imposed in those countries, attention now turns to emerging market like Malaysia. By using event study analysis, 200 cases of insider trading activity reported between January 2008 and March 2009 were closely examine and the result shows that while abnormal return do exist, it is mostly not significant. This paper also looks at the individuals and institutional insider and their performances respectively

    IR sensor for line following robot

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    Generally, in a line following robot as shown in Figure 1.1, IR sensor is used for the robot to detect the line either white or black. The line can either be black on a white surface and white on a black surface. The sensors are installed at the bottom of a front part of the robot. Multiple IR sensors are needed in order to get a more accurate output. The IR sensors come with pair that is a receiver and also a transmitter, we called it Tx and Rexford this application, the transmitter and the receiver is placed near to each other to make it easier to detect the line. When the IR sensor is supplied with certain voltage, the transmitter will transmit the infrared ray. Receiver will receive it. It is usually use to detect an object and also to detect a line on a surface

    Pengeluaran biodiesel berdasarkan sisa minyak masak: "promosi penubuhan pada industri lestari bersepadu di chip keropok kilang di Batu Pahat"

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    Tujuan projek ini adalah untuk memindahkan ilmu kepada pengeluaran biodiesel daripada sisa minyak .masak kemudian biodiesel yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk menggoreng kerepek. Projek ini bermula dengan menjalankan eksperimen memproses sisa minyak masak kepada biodiesel di makmal. Projek loji perintis ini telah dibina melalui program pemindahan ilmu dengan penyertaan daripada industri kecil dalam proses fabrikasi di Batu Pahat. Prosess biodiesel ini adalah secara betterusan dalam menghasilkan biodiesel untuk kegunaan kilang kerepek. Biodiesel perlu dicampur dengan minyak diesel untuk mendapatkan 65 dan biodiesel gred 610. Penggunaan biodiesel ini membolehkan pihak syarikat menggunakan sisa minyak masak tanpa perlu untuk melupuskan dan ini telah menjimatkan kos kepada syarikat. Selain itu kelebihan lain, ia membantu untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan menggalakkan bumi hijau. Loji perintis biodiesel juga telah mendorong syarikat ke arah pemikiran alam sekitar dan mencari alternative tenaga itu mengekalkan operasi. projek ini juga member; kebaikan kepada pihak universiti dan industri

    A review of using the force/torque sensor in robotics application

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    Nowadays, force/torque sensors ubiquitous in the robotics field. Most of the robots on the assembly line use a force/torque sensor in a complex assembly process. A force/torque (F/T) sensor is an electronic device designed to track, detect, record, and manage the rotational and linear forces exerted on it. This force/torque sensor, sometimes known as a multi-axis force/torque transducer, six-axis load cell, or F/T sensor. This sensor plays a vital role in the robotic application as it provides force information to make the system more reliable and precise.

    Real-time face recognition for human tracking system

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    Computer-based human face detection and recognition systems proliferate in various sectors such as universities, factories and other organisation [1]. This system refers to a branch of computer technology that can recognise human faces in digital images..

    Corporate governance and insider trading: evidence from Malaysia

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    The collapse of prominent companies coupled with the increasing number of lawsuits against the directors of the companies for wrongdoing has raised concerns with insider trading activities. Insider trading does cause significant market reaction, whereby the insiders are able to earn significant cumulative abnormal returns for both purchases and sales. However, studies on the factors influencing insider trading are relatively scarce. This study aims to examine the factors that influence insider trading activities. Specifically, this study examines the relationship between four corporate governance factors, namely, board independence, board size, executive compensation and ownership concentration and insider trading activities in public listed companies in Malaysia. This study evinces that board size and executive compensation significantly influence insider purchases. On the other hand, significant market reaction caused by insider sales may be explained by other factors. Therefore, future studies could be carried out on other factors that may influence opportunistic insider sales. This study also found evidence against the semistrong form Efficient Market Hypothesis theory that suggests insiders cannot earn abnormal returns in a semi-strong efficient market using public informatio

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Geografi secara Daring: Studi Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Samaturu, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    This study aimed to determine the factors of online geography learning outcomes in class XI IIS SMAN 1 Samaturu. Learning outcomes' position was crucial and inseparable from the learning process. Learning outcomes can be used as an indicator of the success of the learning process. Low learning outcomes were a problem in the learning process, which is still developing, and solutions or factors that influence learning outcomes have yet to be found. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive. The subject of this study was students of class XI IIS, totalling 33 students. The technique used to collect data was a questionnaire. First, data analysis was carried out by giving student scores for each questionnaire item. Second, averaging student scores for all of these items, and third, determining student criteria. The results of this study obtained that the student's geography learning outcomes factor was the parental attention factor found in the indicators of giving awards, giving punishments, giving examples, giving guidance and helping difficulties and meeting students' learning needs. The last two indicators make a major contribution to low student learning outcomes

    Nondestructive testing using ultrasonic sensor

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    Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the process of inspection or evaluating materials or component without destroying the functionality, serviceability and the structure of the testing product. Therefore, after the inspection is done the testing product can still be used as usual compared to the destructive testing that can cause the damage to the testing product. In the other word destructive testing has limitation because of the technique need a sampling product rather than on the materials is already put into the service. NDT are often used to determine the properties of the materials such as strengthen ductility, porosity and toughness. Todays, NDT are widely used in industries, manufacturing, and fabrication and in service inspection to ensure the quality of the product. Besides that, NDT also can reduce production cost by minimize the damage onto the product and also can reduce the production time by without damaging the testing product. Also in construction field, there are many benefits from NDT process toward this area such as to evaluate the strength of concrete. There are many method of NDT today such as Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, and Vibration Analysis. For testing of the building basically people are used the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammer. This paper is specifically discussed about the Nondestructive Testing (NDT) by using Ultrasonic