60 research outputs found


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    In business activities, advertising is a force that companies can use to attract as many consumers as possible. Advertising is an integral part of today's modern business activities because advertising plays a very important role in conveying information or messages about a product to the public. Almost every day people are flooded with advertisements presented by television. As a result, it is as if life in society in meeting daily needs is conditioned by advertising. However, there are not a few advertisements that have content and visualizations that are considered as duping and defrauding consumers, which is very far from the ethical values and morality of Islamic business. Moral and ethical problems in advertising arise when advertisements lose their normative values and only become propaganda for profit. Likewise, several companies that carry out advertising activities on television media that researchers observed contained content that was not in line with Islamic business ethics such as fraud, false promises to display women's genitals, giving the impression of being excessive, and so on. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques using observation and analysis of information from television, online media, and scientific journals. The data source used is secondary data. The results of this study inform that advertisements carried out by several companies on television such as beauty products, energy drinks, e-commerce, and snacks that are not in accordance with Islamic ethical behavior so that in the future there is a need for notification and warning from KPI or other advertising supervisory agencies

    COBIT 2019 Implementation for Enhancing IT Governance in Educational Institutions

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    This study explores the application of COBIT 2019 in assessing IT governance at Yayasan Bunda Hati Kudus, a prominent educational institution. The research uses the Planning, Field Work, Reporting, and Follow-Up stages to leverage the Gallegos' framework. Findings reveal that Yayasan Bunda Hati Kudus operates at IT governance level two, employing COBIT 2019 domains BAI04, BAI05, and BAI11. Notably, the organization faces challenges in implementing IT across campuses, requiring remedies for decentralized systems, operational disruptions, and unmet needs. The study underscores COBIT's efficacy in addressing IT-related challenges and governance implementation. The novelty lies in adapting COBIT 2019 to assess IT governance within an educational context, offering tailored insights for enhancing capability levels and aligning IT strategies with organizational priorities

    Evaluating the Performance of Transjakarta Bus Stops and Road Section Facilities on the Route Pondok Gede-Pulogadung

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    Jakarta is one of the metropolitan city is also the capital of Indonesia. Over time, Jakarta's growing in terms of population, BPS is projecting an increase in population of 0.73% of the amount projected in 2018 until 2019 (BPS, 2015). Given this it is necessary also that adequate public transportation to support the mobilization of the daily needs of the residents. One provision of the Public Transport of the Jakarta administration is Transjakarta BRT. This final project aims to determine the load factor, travel time, downtime, waiting time, headways, frequency, circulation time, travel speed, and customer satisfaction on the performance of services that are already on the Transjakarta bus trip Pondok Gede-Pulogadung. The method used is a direct survey on Saturday and Monday from at 6:00 am to 7:00 p.m. WIB.Based results of the analysis already conducted found that, average load factor amounted to 22, 49%, Downtime for 5.9 minutes, headways is 17 minutes, the frequency of vehicle 3.5 vehicles / hour, the average circulation time is over 248 minutes, the average travel speed is over 13km / h. From some of the points mentioned above, the load factor, the time between the frequency of the vehicle, has not been categorized as adequate based on the terms of Minimum Service Standards Transjakarta The time between the average is for 17 minutes, the frequency of vehicle 3.5 vehicles / hour, the average circulation time is over 248 minutes, the average travel speed is over 13km / h. From some of the points mentioned above, the load factor, the time between the frequency of the vehicle, has not been categorized as adequate based on the terms of Minimum Service Standards Transjakarta The time between the average is for 17 minutes, the frequency of vehicle 3.5 vehicles / hour, the average circulation time is over 248 minutes, the average travel speed is over 13km / h. From some of the points mentioned above, the load factor, the time between the frequency of the vehicle, has not been categorized as adequate based on the terms of Minimum Service Standards Transjakarta

    Analysis of Items with Item Response Theory (IRT) Approach on Final Assessment for Al-Quran Hadith Subjects

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    Measurement in the field of education, especially the teaching and learning process can be done with measuring tools in the form of tests and non-tests. Islamic Religious Education is considered the same as other subjects. to realize student success is also measured through evaluation, which is a systematic process to obtain information about the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. In addition, it can also assist teachers in achieving learning objectives and describe student achievement in accordance with predetermined criteria. This study aims to analyze the Year-End Assessment of MAN 2 Bantul for the 2020/2021 academic year consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions. The items analyzed in the report have a total number of responses of 265 students. Item analysis using analysis with modern test theory ( Item Response Theory ). The results showed that the results of the model fit test showed that the instrument fit on the 2 PL model (Logistics parameter) with the lowest AIC value, namely 4874.85. The results of the parameter analysis of the level of difficulty indicate that there are 4 questions that are categorized as very easy, 4 easy questions, 15 moderate questions, 1 difficult question, and 1 very difficult question. This shows that the distribution of the difficulty level parameters is quite balanced. The results of the analysis of the different power parameters show that there are 23 good questions, 1 fairly good question, and 1 bad question. This shows that the different power level parameters are quite good. The results of the estimation of students' abilities with the MLE estimator showed that there were no students who had abilities below -4. There are 15 students with abilities above 2.00. There are 165 students who fall into the good category (ability -2 to 2 and 9 students who have abilities below -2. Based on the plot of the information function, it can be concluded that the optimal test if given to individuals with low abilities is around -1.2. Accurate questions to measure students' abilities with a range of -2.5 to 1.2

    Penerapan Hierarchical Model View Controller Pada Pembangunan Sistem Geografis Pertanahan Desa

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    In the software design stage, the software architecture design softwarereusable. One of the architectural patterns in software is the Model View Controller (MVC) which is the most widely used in software development. Development with the MVC still has problems, one of which is lack of modularity. To deal with this modularity, MVC has a derivative, namely a hierarchy. Because there is a hierarchy in MVC software development, it can make modules within MVC . The number of modules that will be applied in building website Village Land Geographical System authmodule, the population module, the filing module, and the land module. Several studies have utilized the application of a hierarchical concept in MVC called hierarchical model view controller to deal with modularity issues and simplify application development with hierarchical model view controllers. Using the concept of hierarchical model view controller (HMVC) This will be applied to the development of the village land geographic system website. The purpose of this research is to apply the HMVC method which is used as modules to facilitate the development of the Village Land Geographical system. The expected benefit is to increase efficiency in building more modular applications. The results of this study, to make architectural designs more modular that can be redeveloped.testing blackbox, where the results of the test got the expected results


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    The implementation of distance education during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic raises various problems, especially about the process of student learning assessment. Therefore there is a need for alternative assessment models that support good and effective distance learning processes, both for teachers and students. This paper seeks to provide an overview of alternative forms of assessment and evaluation, which can be used as a reference for educators in assessing and evaluating the learning outcomes of distance learners in the Corona pandemic that is sweeping Indonesia. This research is a type of library research. Researchers obtain data from the results of the study of literature from a variety of books, journals, scientific works, and also other documents that examine the assessment and evaluation of learning, both in general and specifically examine the assessment and evaluation of distance learning. The results of this study are several forms of assessment models that can be applied in the distance learning process, including online-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and self-assessment

    ANALISA PERFORMANSI DYNAMIC SOURCE ROUTING (DSR) DENGAN SUMBER TRAFIK CBR, PARETO, DAN EXPONENTIAL Performance Analysis of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) with CBR, Pareto and Exponential traffic sources

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    ABSTRAKSI: Jaringan ad hoc adalah kumpulan dari beberapa mobile host yang membentuk suatu jaringan yang bersifat sementara tanpa ada infastruktur dan administrasi terpusat dengan karakteristik topologi yang dinamis. Suatu node pada jaringan ad hoc dapat berupa Personal Digital Assistans (PDA) dan laptop dimana sering kali sangat terbatas pada resource seperti kapasitas CPU, memori, daya baterai, dan bandwidth.Model simulasi jaringan komputer adalah sebuah teknik yang efektif untuk mengevaluasi kinerja protokol jaringan. Komponen utama pada simulasi jaringan adalah model sumber trafik. Pemodelan sumber trafik yang tepat diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan resource yang sangat terbatas.Pada tugas akhir ini disimulasikan mekanisme routing pada jaringan wireless ad hoc berbasis 802.11 WLAN dengan menggunakan routing DSR dimana memiliki perbedaan karakteristik seperti mobilitas dan skalabilitas. Fitur utama dari DSR adalah source routing dimana node pengirim mengetahui secara lengkap setiap hop yang dilalui untuk mencapai tujuan. Paket data membawa source route dan diletakkan pada header paket.Tugas akhir ini juga menganalisa efek dari penggunaan model sumber trafik pada protokol DSR dengan membandingkan tiga macam model sumber trafik yaitu CBR, Exponensial dan Pareto. Pada kebanyakan simulasi routing yang ada, menggunakan model trafik Constant Bit Rate (CBR). Padahal model CBR tidak selalu tepat untuk kebanyakan transaksi pada jaringan ad hoc.Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa model sumber trafik mempengaruhi performansi DSR. Performansi DSR untuk masing-masing trafik menurun ketika mobilitas tinggi. Throughput pada protokol routing DSR paling besar jika menggunakan pemodelan sumber trafik CBR, tetapi jelek pada delay dan PDR terutama ketika mobilitas tinggi. Pemodelan trafik Pareto memiliki performansi yang paling baik ketika kondisi jaringan sedang sibuk (kecepatan tinggi dan jumlah node yang besar).Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile host forming a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration that has dynamic topologies characteristics. The node in an ad hoc network can consist of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and laptops and are often very limited in resource such as CPU capacity, memory capacity, battery power, and bandwidth.Simulation modeling of computer networks is an effective technique for evaluating the performance of networks protocol. A fundamental component of a packet level networks simulation is the traffic source model. Accurate modeling of the traffic source is the first step to optimizing very limited resource allocation.This final assignment simulate how routing mechanism in wireless ad hoc network based on 802.11 wireless LAN which using DSR protocol that have different characteristic both mobility and scalability. The key feature of DSR is the use of source routing that the sender knows the complete hop-by-hop route to the destination. The data packets carry the source route in the packets header.The final assignment also analyzing the effect of traffic source model on DSR protocol by comparing three kinds traffic sources model including CBR, Exponential and Pareto. This caused at most simulation which have been done previously, traffic source used only CBR model, even though this model is not valid for many types of transactions on ad hoc networks.Simulation result show that the traffic model has a direct effect on the DSR performance. DSR perform for each traffic model decrease when mobility is high. Throughput of DSR protocol is best if CBR traffic modeling is used, nevertheless CBR is worse in the case of delay and PDR especially when mobility is high. Modeling traffic by using of Pareto traffic source, giving best performance when network condition is busy or when mobility and number of node growing larger.Keyword

    Makna Ahlul Bait menurut perspektif Quraish Shihab dalam Tafsir Al-Misbah

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    Sebuah tema yang seringkali menuai kontroversi di kalangan mufasir khususnya dalam manafsirkan kata mengenai Ahlul Bait. Ayat yang berbicara tentang keturunan Nabi Muhammad Saw, yang dikenal dengan istilah tatthir (ayat pensucian). Dalam keyakinan syi’ah, dalil ini menempati kedudukan yang sangat tinggi, umtuk dijadikan sebagai legetemasi doktrin ismah al-imam, selain juga digunakan sebagai pembenaran terhadap doktrin mereka, bahwa ahlul bait yang di maksud dalam beberapa surat merupakan sebutan khusus kepada lima manusia yang suci, yaitu Nabi Muhammad saw, ali bin abi thalib, Fatimah, hasan dan husein. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengkaji penafsiran kata ahlul bait, dengan merujuk Tafsir Al-Misbah karya Quraish Shihab, sebagai sumber primer oleh M. Qurasih Shihab, Metode yang akan ditempuh oleh penulis dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode analisis deskriftif (deskriftif analisis), yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan, mempelajari, dan menganalisis buku-buku yang berkenaan dengan objek penelitian yaitu tentang Makna Ahlul Bait dalam perspektif Quraish Shihab dalam Tafsir al-Misbah dan beberapa buku lain yang masih karyanya. Dari hasil analisis peneliti, dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan ahlul bait dalam surat al-ahzab 33 dengan menggunakan perpektif Quraish Shihab lebih memahami dengan rumah tempat tinggal istri-istri nabi Muhammad saw. Rumah itu beliau bangun berdampingan atau menyatu dengan masjid. Ia terdiri dari Sembilan kamar yang sangat sederhana. Berbeda pendapat ulama tentang siapa saja yang dicakup oleh ahl al-bait pada ayat ini. Melihat konteks ayat, istri-istri nabi Muhammad saw. Termasuk didalamnya, bahkan merekalah yang pertama dituju oleh konteks ayat ini. Sementara ulama memperluas dengan memahami kata al-bait dalam arti baitullah al-haram sehingga ahl al-bait adalah penduduk mekkah yang bertakwa. Namun, pendapat ini jelas keluar dari konteks pembicaraan ayat. Namun dari sisi lain, tidak dapat juga dikatakan bahwa ahl al-bait hanya istri-istri nabi saw. Saja, ini Karena redaksi ayat yang digunakan sebagai mitra bicara dalam konteks uraian ahl al-bait bukannya bentuk yang digunakan khusus buat perempuan (muannaulfeminim) tetapi justru mudzakkarmaskulin yang dapat juga untuk pria bersama wanita. Disisi lain Quraish Shihab memahami Ahlul Bait pemilik rumah. Maksudnya adalah keluarga Nabi Ibrahim as
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