573 research outputs found

    Implementation of RESHOT Method to Create a Good User Experience in an Application

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    In recent years User Experience (UX) has become something that must be implemented in making applications. Every application design practitioner has applied this discipline, but often they wonder how to simplify a user's journey flow by using applications and make it easier, faster, and simpler. This research aims to explain a method that can simplify the User Experience comprehensively. RESHOT is used (Refine the challenge, Remove, Shrink, Hide, Organize, Time). This method will make applications pay more attention to aspects that can increase user satisfaction. As a result, this study contributes to an explanation of simplifying the flow of uploading donor data files using the RESHOT method in the X blood donor data collection application. The results of streamlining the flow of uploading donor data files have been tested on five respondents and have a 100% user success rate in completing tasks with an average processing time of 14.5 seconds. In testing, there is a misclick rate of 10.7%. This is because the user wants to explore the designed application. And this is also a limitation of this study, namely not making the overall application design interaction

    UPAYA AMERIKA SERIKAT DALAM MENGATASI GERAKAN AL-QAEDA DI AFGHANISTAN TAHUN 2001-2009: Kajian Operasi Militer Amerika Serikat dalam Menghadapi Al-Qaeda

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    Masalah utama yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah “Bagaimana Upaya Amerika Serikat menghadapi Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan pasca tragedi 11 September 2001. Masalah utama tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi lima pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu (1) Apakah yang melatarbelakangi lahirnya Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan?; (2) Bagaimana perkembangan gerakan Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan?; (3) Mengapa Amerika Serikat konflik dengan Al-Qaeda?; (4) Bagaimana upaya Amerika Serikat dalam menghadapi Al-Qaeda?; (5) Bagaimana dampak militer Amerika Serikat terhadap gerakan Al-Qaeda? Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis dengan melakukan empat langkah penelitian yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Sedangkan untuk pengumpulan data, peneliti melakukan teknik studi literature yaitu mengkaji sumber-sumber yang relevan dengan kajian penelitian. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Teori Konflik (Konflik Sosial, Konflik Politik, Teori Perang, Teori Hubungan Internasional dan Teori Terorisme. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat dijelaskan bahwa latar belakang kemarahan Amerika Serikat terhadap Al-Qaeda adalah tragedi 11 September 2001 yang menimpa Amerika Serikat dan menewaskan banyak korban jiwa yang diduga pelakunya adalah gerakan Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan. Upaya Amerika Serikat dalam mengatasi terorisme dengan dua cara yaitu dengan diplomasi dan militer. Amerika Serikat melakukan upaya diplomasi melalui Pakistan untuk melakukan negosiasi menyerahkan pimpinan Al-Qaeda yaitu Osama Bin Laden yang bermarkas di wilayah Afghanistan, tetapi Afghanistan tidak mengindahkan negosiasi yang dilakukan Pakistan dengan alasan tidak bertanggung jawab atas permasalahan Al-Qaeda. Amerika Serikat melakukan penyerangan terhadap Al-Qaeda di Afghanistan untuk memusnahkan bibit gerakan terorisme. Amerika Serikat menggunakan kekuatan penuh dalam rencana memusnahkan gerakan Al-Qaeda yang dianggap sebagai gerakan terorisme. Seperti dalam pidato Presiden J. Walker Bush “perang dengan teroris adalah harga mati atas tragedi 11 September 2001 yang dialami Amerika Serikat”. Dampak dari upaya Amerika Serikat dalam mengatasi gerakan Al-Qaeda tersebut yaitu: membuat hubungan Pakistan dengan Afghanistan menjadi sebuah dilema karena Pakistan mempunyai hubungan baik dengan Amerika Serikat serta Afghanistan, Pakistan adalah salah satu negara yang mengakui Taliban sebagai pemimpin Afghanistan. Selanjutnya, dampak penyerangan Amerika Serikat dalam mengatasi Al-Qaeda menimbulkan perpecahan antara bangsa Barat dengan bangsa Timur-Tengah yang mayoritas beragama Islam, karena menimbulkan prasangka buruk terhadap orang berwajah Timur-Tengah yang berada di Amerika Serikat karena dianggap sebagai teroris. Selanjutnya di Asia Tenggara ikut menjadi kawasan yang di amankan Amerika Serikat dalam upaya pemberantasan jaringan teroris yang menyebar di berbagai negara karena dianggap sebagai ancaman keamanan negara maupun internasional. The main problem is then divided into five research questions: (1) Does the background born Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan ?; (2) How is the development of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan ?; (3) Why is the United States conflict with al-Qaeda ?; (4) How the US effort in the face of al-Qaeda ?; (5) How is the impact of the US military against Al-Qaeda movement? The method used is the historical method to perform four steps, namely heuristic research, criticism, interpretation and historiography. As for data collection, researchers conducted a literature study technique that examines the sources that are relevant to the research study. The approach used is Conflict Theory approach (Social Conflict, Political Conflict, War Theory, International Relations Theory and the Theory of Terrorism. Based on the results, it can be explained that the background of US anger against Al-Qaeda is September 11, 2001 in the United States and killed many lives suspected culprit is the movement of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. US efforts to tackle terrorism in two ways: with diplomacy and military. United States diplomatic efforts by Pakistan to negotiate the surrender of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, based in Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is not heed negotiations conducted by Pakistan on the grounds is not responsible for the problem of Al-Qaeda. United States to attack al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to destroy the seeds of terrorism movement. The United States uses the full power of the plan destroy the Al-Qaeda movement is considered as a terrorist movement. As in the speech of President J. Walker Bush "war on terrorism is a fixed price on September 11, 2001 that the United States had". Impact of US efforts to address the movement of Al-Qaeda are: create a relationship of Pakistan with Afghanistan into a dilemma because Pakistan has good relations with the United States as well as Afghanistan, Pakistan is one of the countries that recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan's leader. Furthermore, the impact of the attack the United States in dealing with Al-Qaeda cause divisions among the Western nations with Middle East nations that are predominantly Muslim, because the cause prejudice against people faced the Middle East who are in the United States because it is considered as a terrorist. Furthermore, in Southeast Asia helped to secure the area in the United States in efforts to combat terrorist networks that spread in many countries because it is considered as a threat to state security and international

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Generik Sains pada Materi Tata Surya melalui Pembelajaran Berbantuan Aplikasi Solar System Scope untuk Siswa SMP

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    Agar mampu bertahan dan meningkatkan kualitas diri di jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi maupun di dunia pekerjaan, diperlukan keterampilan generik sains, yaitu kemahiran yang dapat ditumbuhkan dari pembelajaran sains sebagai bekal meniti karir dalam bidang yang lebih luas. Pada zaman sekarang, gawai merupakan alat yang telah dimiliki berbagai kalangan, termasuk siswa. Banyak hal dapat dilakukan menggunakan gawai, tidak terkecuali pembelajaran fisika. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bermaksud melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan generik sains yang signifikan antara kelas kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran tata surya dengan pendekatan saintifik berbantuan aplikasi Solar System Scope dengan kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran tata surya dengan pendekatan saintifik tanpa menggunakan aplikasi Solar System Scope. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah quasi-experiment dengan desain penelitian control group pretest-posttest design. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 31 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 31 siswa kelas kontrol pada salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung. Sampel ini ditentukan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Kedua kelas diberi pretest dan posttest berupa soal pilihan ganda. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keterampilan generik sains pada kedua kelas dengan N-gain 45,9% pada kelas eksperimen yang termasuk kategori sedang dan 22,8% pada kelas kontrol yang termasuk kategori rendah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan uji hipotesis Mann Whitney yang menghasilkan nilai zhitung = -3,60. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan generik sains yang signifikan antara kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran tata surya dengan pendekatan saintifik berbantuan aplikasi Solar System Scope dengan kelas yang tidak menggunakan aplikasi Solar System Scope.; In order to survive and improve self-quality in higher levels of education and work, generic science skills are needed. Generic science skill is the skill that can be grown from science learning as a provision to pursue careers in a broader field. In this day and age, many things can be done by using devices, including physics learning. This study aims to find out the differences of generic science skills improvement between a class that apply solar system learning with a scientific approach assisted by Solar System Scope with a class that apply solar system learning with a scientific approach without Solar System Scope. The method used in this study was quasi-experiment with control group pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of 31 experimental class students and 31 control class students in the junior high school in Bandung that determined by convenience sampling. Both classes were given the multiple choice pretest and posttest. The results of data analysis showed an improvement in both classes with N-gain 45.9% in the experimental class that classified medium and 22.8% in the control class that classified low. The conclusion of this study can be showed by Mann Whitney hypothesis test which produces z = -3.60. It shows that there is a significant difference of generic science skills improvement between both classes after the implementation of solar system learning assisted by Solar System Scope

    PENGARUH RETURN ON ASSET, LEVERAGE, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN, KOMPENSASI RUGI FISKAL DAN KONEKSI POLITIK TERHADAP TAX AVOIDANCE (StudipadaSektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia PeriodeTahun 2013-2017)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Return On Assets (ROA), Leverage (LEV), Ukuran Perusahaan (SIZE), Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal (RFIS), dan Koneksi Politik (KONEKS) Terhadap Tax Avoidance (Y). Ada lima variabel independen dalam penelitian ini yaitu, return on asset (ROA), leverage, ukuran perusahaan, kompensasi rugi fiskal dan koneksi politik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mulai tahun 2013 sampai 2017. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Return On Assets tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Tax Avoidance.Leverage tidakberpengaruh signifikan terhadap Tax Avoidance, karena semakin tinggi tingkat utang tidak mempengaruhi tax avoidance. Ukuran Perusahaan tidak berpengaruh signifikan tehadap Tax Avoidance.Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal berpengaruh terhadap Tax Avoidance, dan koneksi Politik tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Tax Avoidance, karena proses politik mengenai perpajakan tidak diterapkan dalam bentuk peraturan atau undang-undang


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    Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of IAIN Tulungagung students on the implementation of the internship program at MTSN 2 Blitar. This study was conducted on March to November 2020. This study used a qualitative approach and secondary data was analyzed descriptively and exploratively. The informants in this study were students of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty (FTIK) IAIN Tulungagung who carried out the Internship program 1 and 2 at MTsN 2 Blitar, East Java. Data were collected using questionnaires, observation, documentation, and interviews. As much as 92% of students stated that there was preparation or provision of apprenticeship program at IAIN Tulungagung before the students went to the field. At the same percentage, students claimed to be happy in carrying out an internship program. This was indicated by the existence of special preparations every day before entering the class which was stated by 84% of students. All students (100%) had high enthusiasm for teamwork. According to 84% of students, this was triggered by the atmosphere in the partner institutions to support the implementation of internships. Thus, all students (100%) can conduct socialization in a flexible manner with the school. Even though the implementation of internship was well, there were 30% of students who stated that there were obstacles in its implementation. The condition caused the dissatisfaction was felt by 23% of students. As many as 76% of students stated that there were administrative tasks and as many as 69% of students stated that there were several other tasks given by the school during the internship. Keywords: enthusiasm, internship, student, perceptio

    Sustainable development: A Malaysian perspective

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    Sustainable development is all the rage. Malaysian firms too have been quick to jump into the bandwagon, especially with regards to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. However, sustainable development has been increasingly interpreted from a strictly Western-centric value system.This may pose challenges to Malaysian firms as they adopt sustainable practices into their operations.Four key issues are presented and discussed, particularly in relation to Malaysian’s socioeconomic landscape.Following that, this paper calls for a return to the fundamentals of sustainable development, which is unfettered to value suppositions and instead focused on more pragmatic reasons.To that end, this paper proceeds to make recommendations of a more suitable approach in embracing sustainable development in Malaysia that would bring about a virtuous cycle of enrichment for the business sector as well as the society


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    This paper discusses the hadith of women's leadership to get a comprehensive and comprehensive understanding of the values contained can provide insight for Muslims, especially women who want to take part in the public sphere. A woman needs to pay attention to the conditions as a leader who has the capability and credibility and still pays attention to existing boundaries and continues to make the hadith of the Prophet as a reference in holding a leadership position

    Identifikasi Potensi Longsor di Kota Sawahlunto dengan Menggunakan Parameter Frekuensi Dominan, Amplifikasi, dan Kecepatan Gelombang Geser

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian terkait potensi tanah longsor di Kota Sawahlunto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi daerah mana saja yang berpotensi mengalami tanah longsor di Kota Sawahlunto. Daerah berpotensi longsor diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan parameter frekuensi dominan, amplifikasi, dan kecepatan gelombang geser Vs30 yang dihubungkan dengan topografi dan formasi geologi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai frekuensi dominan daerah penelitian berkisar antara 0,6074 Hz  11,4838 Hz, amplifikasi antara 0,4723  2,1598, dan Vs30 antara 381,7644 m/s  755,9333 m/s. Dari 27 titik akuisisi data, terdapat satu titik yang berpotensi tinggi mengalami tanah longsor, delapan titik berpotensi sedang, dan 18 titik berpotensi rendah. Daerah yang berpotensi tinggi mengalami tanah longsor adalah Kelurahan Durian I, Kecamatan Barangin dengan nilai frekuensi dominan 0,9182 Hz, amplifiksi 2,1598, Vs30 522,0777 m/s  568,8488 m/s, dan berada dekat dengan struktur geologi sesar