1,966 research outputs found

    29Si Hyperfine Structure of the E'_\alpha Center in Amorphous Silicon Dioxide

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    We report a study by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) on the E'_\alpha point defect in amorphous silicon dioxide (a-SiO2). Our experiments were performed on gamma-ray irradiated oxygen-deficient materials and pointed out that the 29Si hyperfine structure of the E'_alpha consists in a pair of lines split by 49 mT. On the basis of the experimental results a microscopic model is proposed for the E'_alpha center, consisting in a hole trapped in an oxygen vacancy with the unpaired electron sp3 orbital pointing away from the vacancy in a back-projected configuration and interacting with an extra oxygen atom of the a-SiO2 matrix.Comment: 4 page

    Isoelectronic series of oxygen deficient centers in silica: experimental estimation of homogeneous and inhomogeneous spectral widths

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    We report nanosecond time-resolved photoluminescence measurements on the isoelectronic series of oxygen deficient centers in amorphous silica, Si-ODC(II), Ge-ODC(II) and Sn-ODC(II) which are responsible of fluorescence activities at ∌\sim4 eV under excitation at ∌\sim5 eV. The dependence of the first moment of their emission band on time, and that of the radiative decay lifetime on emission energy are analyzed within a theoretical model able to describe the effects introduced by disorder on the optical properties of the defects. We obtain separate estimates of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous contributions to the measured emission linewidth and we derive homogeneous spectroscopic features of the investigated point defects (Huangh-Rhys factor, homogeneous width, oscillator strength, vibrational frequency). The results point to a picture in which an oxygen deficient center localized on a heavier atom features a higher degree of inhomogeneity due to stronger local distortion of the surrounding matrix. For Si, Ge, Sn related defects the parameter λ\lambda, able to quantify inhomogeneity, results to be 65, 78 and 90$%, respectively

    COSMOGRAIL XVI: Time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar DES J0408-5354 with high-cadence photometric monitoring

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    We present time-delay measurements for the new quadruply imaged quasar DES J0408-5354, the first quadruply imaged quasar found in the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Our result is made possible by implementing a new observational strategy using almost daily observations with the MPIA 2.2m telescope at La Silla observatory and deep exposures reaching a signal-to-noise ratio of about 1000 per quasar image. This data quality allows us to catch small photometric variations (a few mmag rms) of the quasar, acting on temporal scales much shorter than microlensing, hence making the time delay measurement very robust against microlensing. In only 7 months we measure very accurately one of the time delays in DES J0408-5354: Dt(AB) = -112.1 +- 2.1 days (1.8%) using only the MPIA 2.2m data. In combination with data taken with the 1.2m Euler Swiss telescope, we also measure two delays involving the D component of the system Dt(AD) = -155.5 +- 12.8 days (8.2%) and Dt(BD) = -42.4 +- 17.6 days (41%), where all the error bars include systematics. Turning these time delays into cosmological constraints will require deep HST imaging or ground-based Adaptive Optics (AO), and information on the velocity field of the lensing galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Discovery of two gravitationally lensed quasars in the Dark Energy Survey

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    We present spectroscopic confirmation of two new gravitationally lensed quasars, discovered in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) based on their multiband photometry and extended morphology in DES images. Images of DES J0115−5244 show a red galaxy with two blue point sources at either side, which are images of the same quasar at zs = 1.64 as obtained by our long-slit spectroscopic data. The Einstein radius estimated from the DES images is 0.51 arcsec. DES J2146−0047 is in the area of overlap between DES and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Two blue components are visible in the DES and SDSS images. The SDSS fibre spectrum shows a quasar component at zs = 2.38 and absorption by Mg ii and Fe ii at zl = 0.799, which we tentatively associate with the foreground lens galaxy. Our long-slit spectra show that the blue components are resolved images of the same quasar. The Einstein radius is 0.68 arcsec, corresponding to an enclosed mass of 1.6 × 1011 MÈŻ. Three other candidates were observed and rejected, two being low-redshift pairs of starburst galaxies, and one being a quasar behind a blue star. These first confirmation results provide an important empirical validation of the data mining and model-based selection that is being applied to the entire DES data set

    INFN What Next: Ultra-relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    This document was prepared by the community that is active in Italy, within INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), in the field of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The experimental study of the phase diagram of strongly-interacting matter and of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) deconfined state will proceed, in the next 10-15 years, along two directions: the high-energy regime at RHIC and at the LHC, and the low-energy regime at FAIR, NICA, SPS and RHIC. The Italian community is strongly involved in the present and future programme of the ALICE experiment, the upgrade of which will open, in the 2020s, a new phase of high-precision characterisation of the QGP properties at the LHC. As a complement of this main activity, there is a growing interest in a possible future experiment at the SPS, which would target the search for the onset of deconfinement using dimuon measurements. On a longer timescale, the community looks with interest at the ongoing studies and discussions on a possible fixed-target programme using the LHC ion beams and on the Future Circular Collider.Comment: 99 pages, 56 figure

    Strangeness nuclear physics: a critical review on selected topics

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    Selected topics in strangeness nuclear physics are critically reviewed. This includes production, structure and weak decay of Λ\Lambda--Hypernuclei, the Kˉ\bar K nuclear interaction and the possible existence of Kˉ\bar K bound states in nuclei. Perspectives for future studies on these issues are also outlined.Comment: 63 pages, 51 figures, accepted for publication on European Physical Journal

    TDCOSMO:IV. Hierarchical time-delay cosmography – joint inference of the Hubble constant and galaxy density profiles

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    The H0LiCOW collaboration inferred via gravitational lensing time delays a Hubble constant H0=73.3−1.8+1.7H_0=73.3^{+1.7}_{-1.8} km s−1Mpc−1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}, describing deflector mass density profiles by either a power-law or stars plus standard dark matter halos. The mass-sheet transform (MST) that leaves the lensing observables unchanged is considered the dominant source of residual uncertainty in H0H_0. We quantify any potential effect of the MST with flexible mass models that are maximally degenerate with H0. Our calculation is based on a new hierarchical approach in which the MST is only constrained by stellar kinematics. The approach is validated on hydrodynamically simulated lenses. We apply the method to the TDCOSMO sample of 7 lenses (6 from H0LiCOW) and measure H0=74.5−6.1+5.6H_0=74.5^{+5.6}_{-6.1} km s−1Mpc−1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}. In order to further constrain the deflector mass profiles, we then add imaging and spectroscopy for 33 strong gravitational lenses from the SLACS sample. For 9 of the SLAC lenses we use resolved kinematics to constrain the stellar anisotropy. From the joint analysis of the TDCOSMO+SLACS sample, we measure H0=67.4−3.2+4.1H_0=67.4^{+4.1}_{-3.2} km s−1Mpc−1^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}, assuming that the TDCOSMO and SLACS galaxies are drawn from the same parent population. The blind H0LiCOW, TDCOSMO-only and TDCOSMO+SLACS analyses are in mutual statistical agreement. The TDCOSMO+SLACS analysis prefers marginally shallower mass profiles than H0LiCOW or TDCOSMO-only. While our new analysis does not statistically invalidate the mass profile assumptions by H0LiCOW, and thus their H0H_0 measurement relying on those, it demonstrates the importance of understanding the mass density profile of elliptical galaxies. The uncertainties on H0H_0 derived in this paper can be reduced by physical or observational priors on the form of the mass profile, or by additional data, chiefly spatially resolved kinematics of lens galaxies.Comment: accepted by A&A. Full analysis available at https://github.com/TDCOSMO/hierarchy_analysis_2020_public updated permanent analysis script link

    First exclusive measurements of the K^-pp state - populated in the pp to K^+ Lambda p reaction at 2.85 GeV

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    We have analyzed data of the DISTO experiment on the exclusive pp to K^+ Lambda p process at T_p = 2.85GeVtosearchforaK−pp(=X)nuclearboundstatetobeformedinthepptoK++Xreaction.ThedeviationspectraoftheK+missing−massMM(K+)andLambdapinvariant−massM(Lambda−p)withselectionoflarge−angleprotonemissionrevealedastructurewithMX=2265+−2MeV/c2andGammaX=118+−8 GeV to search for a K^-pp (= X) nuclear bound state to be formed in the pp to K^+ + X reaction. The deviation spectra of the K^+ missing-mass MM (K^+) and Lambda p invariant-mass M(Lambda-p) with selection of large-angle proton emission revealed a structure with M_X = 2265 +- 2 MeV/c2 and Gamma_X = 118 +- 8 MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figues, Proceedings of EXA0

    Multiplicity dependence of jet-like two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum range 0.7 <pT,assoc<pT,trig< < p_{\rm{T}, assoc} < p_{\rm{T}, trig} < 5.0 GeV/cc is examined, to include correlations induced by jets originating from low momen\-tum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The correlations expressed as associated yield per trigger particle are obtained in the pseudorapidity range ∣η∣<0.9|\eta|<0.9. The near-side long-range pseudorapidity correlations observed in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions are subtracted from both near-side short-range and away-side correlations in order to remove the non-jet-like components. The yields in the jet-like peaks are found to be invariant with event multiplicity with the exception of events with low multiplicity. This invariance is consistent with the particles being produced via the incoherent fragmentation of multiple parton--parton scatterings, while the yield related to the previously observed ridge structures is not jet-related. The number of uncorrelated sources of particle production is found to increase linearly with multiplicity, suggesting no saturation of the number of multi-parton interactions even in the highest multiplicity p-Pb collisions. Further, the number scales in the intermediate multiplicity region with the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions estimated with a Glauber Monte-Carlo simulation.Comment: 23 pages, 6 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 17, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/161
