25 research outputs found

    Establishment of targeted mutagenesis in soybean protoplasts using CRISPR/Cas9 RNP delivery via electro−transfection

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    The soybean (Glycine max L.) is an important crop with high agronomic value. The improvement of agronomic traits through gene editing techniques has broad application prospects in soybean. The polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated cell transfection has been successfully used to deliver the CRISPR/Cas9-based ribonucleoprotein (RNP) into soybean protoplasts. However, several downstream analyses or further cell regeneration protocols might be hampered by PEG contamination within the samples. Here in this study, we attempted to transfect CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs into trifoliate leaf-derived soybean protoplasts using Neon electroporation to overcome the need for PEG transfection for the first time. We investigated different electroporation parameters including pulsing voltage (V), strength and duration of pulses regarding protoplast morphology, viability, and delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. Electroporation at various pulsing voltages with 3 pulses and 10 ms per pulse was found optimal for protoplast electro-transfection. Following electro-transfection at various pulsing voltages (500 V, 700 V, 1,000 V, and 1,300 V), intact protoplasts were observed at all treatments. However, the relative frequency of cell viability and initial cell divisions decreased with increasing voltages. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) confirmed that the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Cas9 was successfully internalized into the protoplasts. Targeted deep sequencing results revealed that on-target insertion/deletion (InDel) frequencies were increased with increasing voltages in protoplasts electro-transfected with CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs targeting constitutive pathogen response 5 (CPR5). InDel patterns ranged from +1 bp to −6 bp at three different target sites in CPR5 locus with frequencies ranging from 3.8% to 8.1% following electro-transfection at 1,300 V and 2.1% to 3.8% for 700 V and 1,000 V, respectively. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the CRISPR/Cas9 RNP system can be delivered into soybean protoplasts by the Neon electroporation system for efficient and effective gene editing. The electro-transfection system developed in this study would also further facilitate and serve as an alternative delivery method for DNA-free genome editing of soybean and other related species for genetic screens and potential trait improvement.publishedVersio

    Caracterização proteômica de possíveis efeitos pleiotrópicos em milho geneticamente modificado (MON810)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2011Estudos de biossegurança que comparam OGMs e não-OGMs geralmente compreendem características agronômicas/fenotípicas, composição nutricional e bromatologia. No entanto, técnicas que analisam um perfil molecular do OGM (molecular profiling techniques) podem facilitar uma análise comparativa mais completa e holística. Essa abordagem envolve diversas tecnologias, entre as quais destaca-se a proteômica. Desta forma, focando os eventuais riscos inerentes à transformação genética de plantas, nosso trabalho buscou caracterizar possíveis efeitos pleiotrópicos em híbridos comerciais de milho transgênico Bt (Evento MON810) comercializados e cultivados em Santa Catarina, Brasil. Para tanto, utilizou-se a técnica de eletroforese bidimensional para análise comparativa e diferencial de perfis protéicos de folhas de milhos transgênicos em comparação a sua versão não-transgênica (isogenica). Também, objetivou-se detectar a proteína CRY1Ab expressa nos mesmos híbridos. Mais além, buscou-se avaliar algumas técnicas e metodologias para tal estudo, incluindo a utilização de protéina CRY1Ab bacterial. Foram coletadas folhas de plantas em estagio de florescimento em três localidades diferentes, Canoinhas, Chapecó e Campos Novos. O delineamente experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completamente casualizados. Nossos resultados indicam que a proteína CRY1Ab detectada também sofre clivagem enzimática, gerando uma molécula de peso molecular de aproximadamente 70kDa, o que pode corresponder a parte da ?- endotoxina. Entretanto, quando realizada extração baseada em tampão fenol saturado (pH ±8,0) e precipitação com acetato de amônio em metanol, a proteína CRY1Ab detectada apresenta cerca de 100kDa. Esta proteina detectada pode não estar na sua forma não clivada, ou ainda, pode ser uma isoforma. Caso seja confirmado, tal resultado permitiria o seqüenciamento total da proteína expressa, ou o seqüenciamento de isoformas presentes em plantas geneticamente modificadas. Os resultados das análises dos géis bidimensionais de proteínas CRY1Ab bacterial (expressas em E. coli) apresentaram seis spots com mesmo peso molecular (aproximadamente 70kDa) porém com diferentes pI, variando de aproximadamente 5,6 a 6,0. A presença de BSA na amostra não explica os seis spots, uma vez que existem indicações que BSA exista em três isoformas. Desta forma, análises posteriores para o seqüenciamento destes spots devem ser realizadas a fim de esclarecer a origem destes spots. Uma possibilidade está relacionada a interações proteína-proteína durante a expressão e purificação da mesma. Tal resultado é importante, pois serve como indicação de que estes possíveis processos também ocorram com proteínas CRY1Ab expressas em plantas. Os experimentos de Chapecó e Campos Novos obtiveram menor coeficiente de variação médio (entre 20 e 23%) para os spots detectados, o que traz maior consistência para análise proteômica comparativa e diferencial. O experimento de canoinhas obteve maior coeficiente de variação médio (aprox. 60%) e a hipótese levantada diz respeito à possível degradação das amostras durante as coletas e conseqüente má resolução dos géis bidimensionais. Em relação aos spots diferenciais, observou-se um grande número de spots detectados. O experimento de Campos Novos obteve 96 spots diferenciais; seguido de Chapecó com 69 e Canoinhas com 41. O tipo de diferença que obteve maior número de spots foi aquele cujo spot é exclusivo ao tratamento não-Bt (118 spots). Observou-se que o software utilizado pode não ser eficiente quando os géis apresentam distorções geométricas pontuais e globais. As proteínas diferencialmente expressas podem estar relacionadas com diversas funções e interações com diversos processos metabólicos importantes para a planta. No entanto, apenas após o seqüenciamento das mesmas é que se podem estimar os possíveis efeitos adversos oriundos desta tecnologia moderna. De qualquer forma, a abordagem utilizada em nosso trabalho, incluindo a metodologia para amostragem, desenho experimental e procedimento de análise de imagens, foi eficiente em detectar efeitos pleiotrópicos oriundos da engenharia genética de plantas cultivadas em larga escala

    Unintended Genomic Outcomes in Current and Next Generation GM Techniques: A Systematic Review

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    Classical genetic engineering and new genome editing techniques, especially the CRISPR/Cas technology, increase the possibilities for modifying the genetic material in organisms. These technologies have the potential to provide novel agricultural traits, including modified microorganisms and environmental applications. However, legitimate safety concerns arise from the unintended genetic modifications (GM) that have been reported as side-effects of such techniques. Here, we systematically review the scientific literature for studies that have investigated unintended genomic alterations in plants modified by the following GM techniques: Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer, biolistic bombardment, and CRISPR-Cas9 delivered via Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer (DNA-based), biolistic bombardment (DNA-based) and as ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs). The results of our literature review show that the impact of such techniques in host genomes varies from small nucleotide polymorphisms to large genomic variation, such as segmental duplication, chromosome truncation, trisomy, chromothripsis, breakage fusion bridge, including large rearrangements of DNA vector-backbone sequences. We have also reviewed the type of analytical method applied to investigate the genomic alterations and found that only five articles used whole genome sequencing in their analysis methods. In addition, larger structural variations detected in some studies would not be possible without long-read sequencing strategies, which shows a potential underestimation of such effects in the literature. As new technologies are constantly evolving, a more thorough examination of prospective analytical methods should be conducted in the future. This will provide regulators working in the field of genetically modified and gene-edited organisms with valuable information on the ability to detect and identify genomic interventions.publishedVersio

    Detecção de alterações no proteoma de plantas geneticamente modificadas oriundas de interações sinérgicas e antagonistas da integração e expressão de transgenes

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2014Organismo geneticamente modificado (OGM) é um organismo cujo material genético foi manipulado através da utilização de técnicas de DNA recombinante. Apesar da adoção generalizada de OGMs por muitos países, a necessidade de pesquisas em biossegurança continua sendo uma preocupação. As técnicas de transformação genética atualmente utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de plantas geneticamente modificadas inserem construções transgênicas em regiões aleatórias no genoma da planta hospedeira e são muitas vezes integradas perto de elementos genéticos importantes, como retrotransposons e sequências repetidas. Isto impõe riscos adicionais devido à introdução de novas sequências reguladoras, que podem conduzir a alterações espaciais e temporais na expressão de genes endógenos. Estas imprevisibilidades podem ter efeitos adversos sobre a estabilidade genética em longo prazo, bem como no valor nutricional, alergenicidade e toxicidade do OGM. Estes processos genéticos representam áreas de pesquisa omitida, bem como lacunas no conhecimento relacionado a potenciais efeitos na saúde e meio-ambiente. Além disso, a abordagem atual para a avaliação de possíveis efeitos indesejados de OGMs é baseada na suposição de que um OGM é composto por duas partes, a planta e a proteína transgênica, que funcionam de forma linear e aditiva. Esta abordagem, que se baseia no conceito de "equivalência substancial", é altamente criticada pela comunidade científica e carece de hipóteses científicas bem fundamentadas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar dois novos modelos metodológicos para caracterizar os potenciais efeitos adversos dos OGMs em nível molecular. A primeira abordagem é baseada na análise comparativa do perfil proteico e níveis de transcrição transgênica de uma variedade de milho GM contendo duas inserções transgênicas, outra contendo apenas uma inserção sob o mesmo background genético e a variedade convencional correspondente. Este modelo biológico proporciona uma oportunidade única de rastreamento de potenciais alterações no proteoma que derivam da combinação dos dois transgenes. A segunda abordagem baseia-se na utilização da ferramenta de interferência por RNA para o silenciamento gênico. Esta ferramenta fornece um meio para estudar genótipos transgênicos sem a acumulação de proteínas transgênicas, isolando assim os efeitos da inserção per se. O desenvolvimento dessas metodologias também acarretou em uma extensa revisão da literatura sobre ensaios de interferência por RNA expressas de maneira transiente e estável em plantas. Os resultados observados demonstram que as construções transgênicas não funcionam de forma linear e aditiva. Mas influenciam a expressão global de genes endógenos, principalmente relacionados ao metabolismo energético e de estresse, dependendo do número de cópias e da natureza do transgene inserido. A presença de mais de um inserto no genoma hospedeiro também altera os níveis de expressão do transgene. Ainda, a análise proteômica de plantas transgênicas silenciadas revelou um baixo número de proteínas endógenas alteradas, indicando que o acúmulo de proteína transgênica é um dos principais fatores que influenciam a modulação do proteoma da planta hospedeira. Portanto, conclui-se que as novas abordagens metodológicas descritas e testadas podem fornecer uma metodologia científica útil e robusta para avaliações de risco de OGMs. Por fim, sugerimos que as agências regulatórias de biossegurança de OGMs considerem que este tipo de estudo seja obrigatório e parte dos documentos produzidos pelos proponentes da tecnologia que visam a liberação comercial de novos eventos de transformação genética.Abstract: Genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered through the use of recombinant DNA techniques. Despite the widespread adoption of GMOs by many countries, the need for biosafety research remains a concern. Actual plant transformation methods include integration of transgenic constructs that take place at random locations in the recipient plant genome and are often close to important genetic elements, such as retrotransposons and repeated sequences. This poses additional risks due to the introduction of new promoter sequences, which may lead to altered spatial and temporal expression patterns of plant endogenous genes. All these events may have unpredictable effects on the long-term genetic stability of the GMO, as well as on their nutritional value, allergenicity and toxicant contents. These putative processes represent areas of omitted research with regard to health and environmental effects of GMOs. In addition, the current approach for the assessment of potential unintended effects of GM crops is based on the assumption that a GMO consists of two parts that function in a linear additive fashion, being that the crop and the novel GM transgene product. Based on the "substantial equivalence" concept, this approach is highly disputed in the scientific community and lacks a well founded scientifically driven hypothesis testing. In this work, two different new methodological models were used to characterize potential adverse effects of GMOs at the molecular level. The first approach is based on the comparative proteomic analysis and transgenic transcript level quantification of a stacked GM maize variety containing two transgenic inserts versus the two single transgenic parental varieties. This biological model provides a unique opportunity to track potential changes in the host proteome that derived from the combination of two transgenes. The second approach is based on the use of RNA interference tool prior to the comparative analysis. By enabling transgene silencing, this tool provides a means to study transgenic genotypes without the accumulation of transgenic protein, thus isolating insertional effects. The development of all these methodologies lead to an extensive literature review on transient and stable RNAi experiment in plants, which then resulted in a review article on this subject. The obtained results showed that transgene constructs do not function in a linear additive fashion, but instead alter endogenous proteome profile. These protein modulations are mainly related to energetic and stress metabolism, which then depended on the number of copies and the nature of inserted transgene sequences. The presence of more than one inserted sequences also affects the levels of transgene expression. In addition, the proteomic analysis of silenced transgenic plants showed a low number of altered endogenous proteins, indicating that the accumulation of transgenic protein is one of the main factors that influence the modulation of the host plant proteome. Therefore, it is concluded that the new methodological approaches described and tested can provide a useful and robust scientific methodology for risk assessment of GMOs. Finally, we suggest that GMO safety regulatory bodies take into account this kind of study and requires that it becomes part of the documentation produced by technology proponents intend to commercialize new genetic transformation events

    A comparative evaluation of the regulation of GM crops or products containing dsRNA and suggested improvements to risk assessments

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    AbstractChanging the nature, kind and quantity of particular regulatory-RNA molecules through genetic engineering can create biosafety risks. While some genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are intended to produce new regulatory-RNA molecules, these may also arise in other GMOs not intended to express them. To characterise, assess and then mitigate the potential adverse effects arising from changes to RNA requires changing current approaches to food or environmental risk assessments of GMOs. We document risk assessment advice offered to government regulators in Australia, New Zealand and Brazil during official risk evaluations of GM plants for use as human food or for release into the environment (whether for field trials or commercial release), how the regulator considered those risks, and what that experience teaches us about the GMO risk assessment framework. We also suggest improvements to the process

    Levels of DNA methylation and transcript accumulation in leaves of transgenic maize varieties

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    Background: Prior to their release in the environment, transgenic crops are examined for their health and environmental safety. In addition, transgene expression needs to be consistent in order to express the introduced trait (e.g. insecticidal and/or herbicide tolerance). Moreover, data on expression levels for GM events are usually required for approval, but these are rarely disclosed or they are considered insufficient. On the other hand, biosafety regulators do not consider epigenetic regulation (e.g. DNA methylation, ncRNAs and histone modifications), which are broadly known to affect gene expression, within their risk assessment analyses. Here we report the results of a DNA methylation (bisulfite sequencing) and transgene transcript accumulation (RT-qPCR) analysis of four Bt-expressing single transgenic maize hybrids, under different genetic backgrounds, and a stacked transgenic hybrid expressing both insecticidal and herbicide tolerance traits. Results: Our results showed differences in cytosine methylation levels in the FMV promoter and cry2Ab2 transgene of the four Bt-expressing hybrid varieties. The comparison between single and stacked hybrids under the same genetic background showed differences in the 35S promoter sequence. The results of transgene transcript accumulation levels showed differences in both cry1A.105 and cry2Ab2 transgenes among the four Bt-expressing hybrid varieties. The comparison between single and stacked hybrids showed difference for the cry2Ab2 transgene only. Conclusions: Overall, our results show differences in DNA methylation patterns in all varieties, as well as in transgene transcript accumulation levels. Although the detection of changes in DNA methylation and transgenic accumulation levels does not present a safety issue per se, it demonstrates the need for additional studies that focus on detecting possible safety implications of such changes.Fredskorpset NorwayThe Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperatio

    Untargeted Proteomics-Based Approach to Investigate Unintended Changes in Genetically Modified Maize for Environmental Risk Assessment Purpose

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    Profiling technologies, such as proteomics, allow the simultaneous measurement and comparison of thousands of plant components without prior knowledge of their identity. The combination of these non-targeted methods facilitates a more comprehensive approach than targeted methods and thus provides additional opportunities to identify genotypic changes resulting from genetic modification, including new allergens or toxins. The purpose of this study was to investigate unintended changes in GM Bt maize grown in South Africa. In the present study, we used bi-dimensional gel electrophoresis based on fluorescence staining, coupled with mass spectrometry in order to compare the proteome of the field-grown transgenic hybrid (MON810) and its near-isogenic counterpart. Proteomic data showed that energy metabolism and redox homeostasis were unequally modulated in GM Bt and non-GM maize variety samples. In addition, a potential allergenic protein—pathogenesis related protein −1 has been identified in our sample set. Our data shows that the GM variety is not substantially equivalent to its non-transgenic near-isogenic variety and further studies should be conducted in order to address the biological relevance and the potential risks of such changes. These finding highlight the suitability of unbiased profiling approaches to complement current GMO risk assessment practices worldwide

    A DNA-Free Editing Platform for Genetic Screens in Soybean via CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Delivery

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    CRISPR/Cas9-based ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-mediated system has the property of minimizing the effects related to the unwanted introduction of vector DNA and random integration of recombinant DNA. Here, we describe a platform based on the direct delivery of Cas9 RNPs to soybean protoplasts for genetic screens in knockout gene-edited soybean lines without the transfection of DNA vectors. The platform is based on the isolation of soybean protoplasts and delivery of Cas RNP complex. To empirically test our platform, we have chosen a model gene from the soybean genetic toolbox. We have used five different guide RNA (gRNA) sequences that targeted the constitutive pathogen response 5 (CPR5) gene associated with the growth of trichomes in soybean. In addition, efficient protoplast transformation, concentration, and ratio of Cas9 and gRNAs were optimized for soybean for the first time. Targeted mutagenesis insertion and deletion frequency and sequences were analyzed using both Sanger and targeted deep sequencing strategies. We were able to identify different mutation patterns within insertions and deletions (InDels) between + 5 nt and –30 bp and mutation frequency ranging from 4.2 to 18.1% in the GmCPR5 locus. Our results showed that DNA-free delivery of Cas9 complexes to protoplasts is a useful approach to perform early-stage genetic screens and anticipated analysis of Cas9 activity in soybeans.publishedVersio