666 research outputs found

    Minority Access to Higher Education and its Social Outcomes

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    The social disadvantage of minority groups has been attributed to their inability to compete in the labor market due to lower rates of obtaining higher credentials, compared with middle-class Whites. During the 70’s and the 80’s, several large-scale policies attempted to promote minority access to higher education. This paper reviews two of these policies – the CUNY open admissions and the expansion of community colleges – and suggests that even though minority access to higher education has increased, this increase was counterbalanced by a rise in internal stratification within higher education. As a result, increased access did not generate equality of opportunit

    Pengakuan Masyarakat Adat Tentang Hak Ulayat

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana eksistensi masyarakat adat dan hukum adat di Indonesiadan bagaimana pengakuan hak ulayat masyarakat adat dalam hukum pertanahan serta bagaimana keberadaan hak ulayat masyarakat adat sebagai hak asasi manusia dalam konstitusi di indonesi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Eksistensi masyarakat adat dan hukum adat di Indonesia setidak-tidaknya dapat dilihat dari dua hukum adat sampai saat ini masih relevan untuk dipertahankan sebagai hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Bentuk sosiologis masyarakat hukum adat yang majemuk menjadikan hukum yang berlaku tentu saja bersifat majemuk pula, dan hukum yang majemuk tersebut menunjukkan kepribadian asli bangsa Indonesia yang multikultur. Di samping itu argument yuridis, di mana pengakuan terhadap keberlakuan hukum adat secara normatif telah diatur sejak dari masa Hindia Belanda dalam Pasal 131 ayat (2) sub b Indische Staatsregering yang menyatakan, bagi golongan bumi putera (pribumi) berlaku hukum adatnya. Kemudian pengakuan secara yuridis terhadap keberlakuan masyarakat hukum adat dalam Amandemen Kedua UUD 1945 menjadikan keberadaan hukum adat di Indonesia semakin kukuh, karena telah dianggap sebagai hak konstitusional warga negara yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat hukum adat. 2. Dalam UUPA dinyatakan bahwa hukum tanah didasarkan pada hukum adat. Dapat diartikan bahwa segala sesuatu mengenai pertanahan harus digali dari hukum adat. 3. Dinamika konstitusional Indonesia memperlihatkan pasang surut diskursus tentang hak ulayat. Tetapi dalam tataran gerakan, perjuangan hak-hak masyarakat adat semakin menguat baik secara nasional maupun Internasional

    Hacia la implementación de un nodo regional de una infraestructura de datos espacial:Gestón de metadatos

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    El Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España “Sistema estandarizado integrado por un conjunto de recursos informáticos cuyo fin es visualizar y gestionar información geográfica disponible en Internet. Este sistema permite, por medio de un simple navegador de Internet, que los usuarios puedan encontrar, visualizar, utilizar y combinar la información geográfica según sus necesidade

    Modelling of macrophages interactions in breast cancer by partial differential equations

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    Tthe signalling interaction between tumor cells and macrophages will form spontaneous aggregation that causes tumor spreading. tumor cells and macrophages interchange their respective signals which results a paracrine and autocrine signalling loop. this interaction process can be represented by mathematical model in the form of chemotaxis and reaction diffusion equations. the existing models that consider paracrine signalling loop alone or with the inclusion of paracrine and autocrine signalling loop had been developed by assuming linear signals production. however, this assumption does not give a better representation on the signal dynamics where it is supposed to be in nonlinear form that saturate with increasing cell densities. therefore, in this research, two existing interaction models are improved by considering the nonlinear form of signals production. besides, another new interaction model is also developed based on the facts that tumor cells release enzyme during the signaling interaction to penetrate the surrounding tissues. the stability analysis is conducted on three separated models to investigate the condition for spontaneous aggregation. each of these conditions then are validated using numerical simulations. stability analysis shows that for all models, the formation of aggregation could be determined by the parameter that represents the secretion and degradation rates of signals together with chemotaxis rates towards signals. however, the inclusion of autocrine signalling loop in the second model increase the possibility of the aggregation. while in the third model, an additional parameter that represents the secretion and degradation rates of enzyme as well as chemotaxis rates towards them could also determine the formation of the aggregation. by numerical simulations, the results are in agreement with the stability analysis obtained for each of the interaction models. besides, cell clusters that result from the aggregation will be merged to the other cells cluster due to the “effective attraction” between them. reducing the production rates of signal or chemotaxis rates towards signals or increasing degradation rates of signal is required to prevent aggregation. the same changes towards enzymes will give the same result on preventing the aggregation. these valuable suggestions are crucial for medical experts during treatments

    Mathematical modeling and simulation in an individual cancer cell associated with invadopodia formation

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    The degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is driven by actin-rich membrane protrusions called invadopodia, which leading to the cancer cell invasion across the surrounding tissue barriers. Signaling pathways through ligand and membrane associated receptor bindation are vital point in order to enhance the actin polymerization activities that push the membrane of migrating cells. The results presented by Saitou et. al, [36] are contradict to this fact since actins are not only pushed, but also diffused beyond the cell membrane into the ECM region. Hence, in this study, we considered mathematical modeling for an individual cancer cell. We investigated one-dimensional Stefan-like problem of the signal process, (CM-I-B) and treated the cell membrane as a free boundary surface to separate any activity happen in intra- and extracellular regions. An approximation problem, (CM-I-C) is introduced by transforming the Stefan-like problem into an initial-boundary value problem for the signal equation with penalty term. The velocity concerning the movement of the free boundary is then calculated by the integration of the penalty term. The auxiliary problem is solved numerically using finite-difference scheme, (CM-I-C0) for the above integrated penalty method, [21]. Two convergences of CM-I-C and CM-I-C0 into CM- I-B are investigated by taking E and ox goes to 0, respectively. Our results showed a good agreement with the other known fixed domain method for the free boundary positions and the signal distributions