35 research outputs found

    Modelos avanzados de gesti贸n y optimizaci贸n de la producci贸n caprina extensiva en la provincia de Ja茅n

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    Se analiza una muestra de 63 explotaciones caprinas extensivas de la Sierra Norte y Este de Ja茅n (Sierra Morena, M谩gina, Segura, Cazorla y Las Villas). Se utilizan las razas: Blanca An-daluza, Blanca Celtib茅rica y Castiza, con una dimensi贸n media de 1015 ha, 213 cabras, 169 derechos a prima y 204 chivos comerciales. Utilizando las t茅cnicas del an谩lisis de varianza y el factorial se reduce la dimensionalidad de las variables estudiadas, seleccionando cinco factores que explican el 84,5% de la varianza: Factor 1 de dimensi贸n f铆sica y econ贸mica (41%); Factor 2 relativo al grado de tecnificaci贸n y producti-vidad (19%), Factor 3 de arrendamiento de pastos (10%), Factor 4 como grado de utilizaci贸n de recursos y manejo (8%) y el Factor 5 relativo al nivel de intensificaci贸n reproductiva (6%). Se obtiene una clasificaci贸n t茅cnico econ贸mica de las explotaciones en funci贸n de la incidencia positiva o negativa de los factores sobre estas. En la zona se pueden diferenciar dos sistemas caprinos extensivos: el primero responde al modelo tradicional de producci贸n de carne y presenta unos costes unitarios superiores a 7500 ptas/chivo, que sobrepasan el precio medio percibido de 7335 ptas/chivo. Se caracteriza una superficial media pastoreada de 876 ha, 225 cabras, baja carga ganadera (0,06 UGM/ha), bajo 铆ndice de chivos comerciales por cabra presente (1,04). El segundo modelo presenta cierto grado de intensificaci贸n productiva, con unos costes medios (menos de 5000 ptas/chivo) inferiores al precio medio percibido 7335 ptas/chivo. Este sistema se caracteriza por una dimensi贸n de 191 cabras y un 谩rea pastoreada (940 ha) superior a la del modelo anterior. Asimismo este modelo presenta unos 铆ndices de carga y de chivos comerciales por cabra presente de 0,33 UGM/ha y 0,33 chivos/cabra respectivament

    Relationship between Consumer Motivation and the Gastronomic Experience of Olive Oil Tourism in Spain

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    The rise of new tourist typologies as a result of the change in the motivations of tourists and the increasingly active awareness of the environment are making these new tourist activities more sustainable. The development of typologies such as oleotourism or, more globally, gastronomic tourism is formed as an engine of socio-economic development wherever it is inserted, being even more important and decisive if it develops in rural areas. This study is based on a model of structural equations based on minimum partial squares. A sample size of 414 surveys was used, all of which were collected in the oil mills and museums of the towns of Baena, Cabra, Luque and Montilla, all of which belong to the province of C贸rdoba, Spain. This study develops a model based on motivations and gastronomic experience resulting from the development of oleotourism in the rural areas of the province of C贸rdoba (Spain). Among the most noteworthy results it is worth highlighting the positive influence of motivations on the gastronomic experience of tourists. In addition, the predictive relevance of the model is demonstrated

    Relationship between consumer motivation and the gastronomic experience of olive oil tourism in Spain

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    [EN] The rise of new tourist typologies as a result of the change in the motivations of tourists and the increasingly active awareness of the environment are making these new tourist activities more sustainable. The development of typologies such as oleotourism or, more globally, gastronomic tourism is formed as an engine of socio-economic development wherever it is inserted, being even more important and decisive if it develops in rural areas. This study is based on a model of structural equations based on minimum partial squares. A sample size of 414 surveys was used, all of which were collected in the oil mills and museums of the towns of Baena, Cabra, Luque and Montilla, all of which belong to the province of C贸rdoba, Spain. This study develops a model based on motivations and gastronomic experience resulting from the development of oleotourism in the rural areas of the province of C贸rdoba (Spain). Among the most noteworthy results it is worth highlighting the positive influence of motivations on the gastronomic experience of tourists. In addition, the predictive relevance of the model is demonstrated.S

    Determination of production functions and efficiency analysis of wintering in La Pampa, Argentina

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    Using different methodologies the wintering in farms in Northeast of La Pampa (Department of Quem煤-Quem煤) are classified according to technical efficiency level. Firstly, is modelled using lineal and non lineal Cobb-Douglas functions. Once the model is concreted, it is determined the deterministic frontier of Greene (1980b) and the respective technical efficiency index of Timmer (1971), which permits to classify farms. Finally the used methodologies are compared in order to evaluate the sensibility of the efficiency models for the used model.Se clasifican las explotaciones de invernada del nordeste de la Pampa (Departamento de Quem煤-Quem煤) seg煤n su nivel de eficiencia t茅cnica mediante la utilizaci贸n de diferentes metodolog铆as. En primer lugar se modeliza mediante modelos tipo Cobb-Douglas linealizados y no lineales. Una vez concretado el modelo se determina la frontera determin铆stica de Greene (1980b) y el correspondiente 铆ndice de eficiencia t茅cnica de Timmer (1971), que permite clasificar las explotaciones. Finalmente se comparan las metodolog铆as utilizadas a fin de evaluar la sensibilidad de los indicadores de eficiencia al modelo utilizado

    Characterisation of organic beef cattle farms in Andalusia

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    The structure of organic beef cattle farms located in Andalusia have been characterised from a stratified survey including 10% of official census. Farms are specialized in raising steers and use native breeds. The mean surface of farms is 524 ha and they have 99 cows. They are multifunctional systems located in the dehesa, where cattle commonly graze alongside other species like Iberian pigs. These farms correspond to a production model in which the land is extremely important in the production of food for the cattle, using strategic or seasonal food supplementation in periods of shortage. Average stocking is 0.43 animals/ha, lower than those proposed by Orden de 4 de febrero del 2004 (Consejer铆a de Agricultura y Pesca), corresponding to a farming activity adapted to the environment. Likewise, the mean productivity of these farms is scarce (with an index of commercial calves of 80% and a mortality rate of 5.26%). These farms have a commercial target where the non-familiar workforce predominates, and the workforce amounts to 1.56 AWU per farm. These farms sell all calves after weaning to livestock traders, who take them to other regions for conventional fattening until slaughter. It is necessary to develop organic commercial trails to guarantee the future of the sector.El objetivo del estudio es una aproximaci贸n a la caracterizaci贸n productiva del vacuno ecol贸gico de orientaci贸n c谩rnica en Andaluc铆a. Se realiza un muestreo estratificado del 10% de la poblaci贸n encontrando los siguientes resultados: Las explotaciones se orientan a la producci贸n de terneros al destete, utilizando razas aut贸ctonas y sus cruces. Se localizan en la dehesa y presentan un car谩cter multifuncional, donde predomina la asociaci贸n con cerdo Ib茅rico. La explotaci贸n media presenta en torno a 524 ha y 99 vacas presentes. El sistema de alimentaci贸n se sustenta en la utilizaci贸n de pastos y otros recursos de la dehesa, que se complementan con suplementaci贸n estrat茅gica estacional. La carga ganadera media se cifra en torno a las 0,43 UGM/ha, valores inferiores a los recogidos en la Orden de 4 de febrero del 2004 de la Consejer铆a de Agricultura y Pesca y que se corresponden con unas pr谩cticas de producci贸n respetuosas y compatibles con el medio ambiente. Asimismo la productividad es de 0,8 terneros comerciales por vaca presente, la tasa de reposici贸n supera el 10%; en tanto que, la mortalidad asciende al 5,26%. Estas explotaciones tienen orientaci贸n comercial, con mano de obra asalariada en la mayor parte de los casos (1,56 UTH por explotaci贸n). Los terneros se destinan a cebaderos convencionales ante la ausencia de canales ecol贸gicos, por lo que es necesario reconducir los procesos de cebo ecol贸gico, desarrollando canales de comercializaci贸n apropiados (integraciones horizontales), con el objetivo de cerrar el ciclo y garantizar el futuro del sector

    Aproximaci贸n metodol贸gica a la determinaci贸n de costes en la empresa ganadera

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    En este trabajo se muestran las diferencias existentes entre la contabilidad financiera y anal铆tica

    El sistema caprino extensivo en la sierra norte y este de Ja茅n, como base del desarrollo sostenible

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    En los quince municipios de menos de 5000 habitantes, localizados en el Parque Natural de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas se ha puesto de manifiesto un proceso de despoblaci贸n, envejecimiento y empobrecimiento. La desaparici贸n del mundo rural es un indicador de la degradaci贸n medioambiental. El presente trabajo pretende valorar t茅cnica y econ贸micamente el sector caprino de este parque natural, as铆 como su nivel de competencia con el bosque mediterr谩neo. El estudio se centra en una muestra representativa de las explotaciones de caprino aut贸ctono extensivo del parque natural, constituida por 63 reba帽os, que representan el 60 p.100 del total de explotaciones La dimensi贸n media de las explotaciones es de 213 cabras, con una UTH dedicada al caprino y dos por granja. El sistema productivo es eminentemente pastoril, de car谩cter familiar, con razas aut贸ctonas muy adaptadas, pastos comunales y un r茅gimen caracter铆stico de pacer铆a, denominado costeo y con unos canales de comercializaci贸n ineficientes. El ganado caprino (sin contabilizar el ovino y el vacuno) permite facturar por t茅rmino medio 1.800.000 pta y generar un flujo de caja en torno a las 300.000 pta al a帽o. Los valores de carga (0,78 UO por ha) est谩n en consonancia con la capacidad sustentadora del parque entre 0,31 y 0,92 UO por ha (Gallego et al., 1991) y son inferiores a lo manifestados por Fern谩ndez Rebollo (1995). Adem谩s de la importancia econ贸mica y social del sistema productivo de car谩cter sustentable, se ha de tener presente que los protagonistas del desarrollo sostenible son los habitantes del medio rural y estos han de participar la adopci贸n de decisiones

    Caracterizaci贸n social y comercial de los sistemas ovinos y caprinos de la regi贸n noroeste de Rep煤blica Dominicana

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    A fin de estudiar los aspectos sociales y comerciales que caracterizan al sistema de producci贸n de ovinos y caprinos de la regi贸n noroeste de Rep煤blica Dominicana, se muestrearon 94 explotaciones (24% de la poblaci贸n), aplicando el m茅todo de encuesta directa mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado con asignaci贸n proporcional. Las explotaciones que conforman este sistema ganadero son en un 82% familiares, con antig眉edad en torno a 16 卤1,3 a帽os. El 93% de los propietarios son hombres, con edad media de 51 卤1,2 a帽os, el 63% ha iniciado estudios primarios y 8% no ha realizado estudios. El r茅gimen de tenencia de tierra est谩 relacionado al tipo de explotaci贸n seg煤n la especie productiva (p<0,05); el 84% de las explotaciones caprinas se desarrollan en tierras p煤blicas y las explotaciones ovinas y mixtas hacen mayor uso de terrenos privados. Para 53% de los propietarios la producci贸n de ovinos y caprinos constituye la actividad principal y 78% de las explotaciones utiliza mano de obra familiar. La comercializaci贸n se efect煤a mediante canales largos con los carniceros (70%), mientras el 14% de las explotaciones vende directamente al consumidor. El sistema estudiado se caracteriza por explotaciones familiares, cuyos propietarios presentan edad avanzada, bajo nivel de formaci贸n, alta dependencia de terrenos p煤blicos y escasa participaci贸n activa del productor en la comercializaci贸n. Esta situaci贸n limita el acceso al cr茅dito y la adopci贸n e innovaci贸n tecnol贸gica. Finalmente, se considera que el fomento del asociacionismo podr铆a ayudar a superar estas restricciones.In order to study the social and commercial aspects that characterize the sheep and goat cattle production systems in the Northwestern region of the Dominican Republic, 94 farms (24% of the population) were sampled, applying the direct survey method through random sampling with proportional weighting. The farms comprising this cattle system are 82% family owned, with a standing of 16 卤1.3 years. Of the owners, 93% are men, with average age of 51 卤1.2 years; 63% began primary schooling and 8% did not go to school. The land ownership regime is related to the type of exploitation according to the productive species (p<0.05); 84% of goat farms are on public land, and sheep and mixed farms make a larger use of private lots. For 53% of the owners the production of sheep and goats is their main activity and 75% of the farms use family labor. Marketing is carried out through long channels to butchers (70%), while 14% of the farms sell directly to consumers. The system under study is characterized by family farms whose owners are of advanced age, low training level, with a high dependency on public land y meager participation of the producer in marketing. This situation limits access to credit, as well as technological adoption and innovation. Finally, it is considered that the promotion of associations could help overcome such restriction

    Effect of calcium carbonate addition to helix aspersa m眉ller diet

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    In this paper is studied the effect of calcium carbonate addition to diet on growth, mortality rate and feed intake of snails Helix aspersa M眉ller during the juvenile stage under laboratory conditions. Two treatments have been tested; first one with 12.5 percent and second one with 22.5 percent of calcium carbonate. Five groups of 40 snails have been randomly assigned to each treatment. Results show significant (p<0.05) differences between both treatments; in the second one is obtained a higher growth and lower mortality rate; however there is no significant difference for dry matter intake.En el presente trabajo se estudia el efecto de la adici贸n de carbonato de calcio a la dieta sobre el crecimiento, mortalidad y consumo del caracol Helix aspersa M眉ller durante la fase de alevinaje y en condiciones de laboratorio. Se plantean dos tratamientos; el I con 12,5 p.100 y el II con 22,5 p.100 de carbonato c谩lcico. A cada tratamiento se le asignan aleatoriamente cinco lotes de 40 animales. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas (p<0,05) entre ambos tratamientos; obteni茅ndose con el tratamiento II mayor crecimiento y menor mortalidad; que no se aprecian diferencias significativas respecto al consumo de materia seca

    Caracterizaci贸n estructural del sistema ovino-caprino de la regi贸n noroeste de Rep煤blica Dominicana (Structural characterization of sheep and goat farming systems in Northwest Dominican Republic)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze structural aspects of goat and ovine livestock farming systems located in the Norwest of Dominican Republic. The sample (94 farms) was randomly selected with proportional allocation by region. Forty-four variables related to structural and productive aspects were analyzed. The average size of farms was 96 ha and 165 animals. Their facilities are simple, nonspecific and barely functional, with a mean of 2 pens per farm. Farms generally do not have perimeter fences, facilities for breeding, feeding or watering points. The reproductive strategy is the natural breeding throughout the year on most farms, with a ratio of one sire for every 36 females, and there are no breeding records. The first mating takes place with an average weight of 17 kg at 6.5 months of age. Feeding is based on grazing of natural pastures and forests (94%), reaching a stocking density of 0.83 LU/ha. Food supplementation is used in 37% of farms, mainly in sheep and mixed farms. The lambs and goats are sold when they reach 23 kg in weight, around 7 months of age. The farms do not receive technical advice, although 94% of them apply preventive treatments on a regular basis. The mortality rate reached 12%. In general, farms are very heterogeneous in their production structure, management, nutrition and health. Thus, a group of farms developed a traditional system (goats), while the most efficient and technified correspond to sheep and mixed farms