9 research outputs found

    Rasch Rating Scale Modelling of the Arabic Version of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale

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    الملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى توظيف نموذج راش لفحص الخصائص السيكومترية لنسخة عربية من مقياس النزعة للتفكير الناقد، من خلال مجموعة من المؤشرات، وهي: مواءمة الفقرات، وأحادية البعد، والاستقلال المحلي، وتساوي القدرة التمييزية للفقرات، والأداء التفاضلي للجنس، ومؤشري الثبات والفصل، ومعايرة المقياس. استخدمت عينة مكونة من 251 من طلبة جامعة الشرقية في سلطنة عمان. أشارت التحليلات إلى أن المقياس أظهر توافقاً جيداً مع نموذج راش. إذا طابقت جميع فقراته للنموذج باستثناء الفقرة 11. بالإضافة إلى تحقق جميع افتراضات نموذج راش، وهي: أحادية البعد، والاستقلال المحلي، وتساوي التمييز بين الفقرات. وكان للمقياس مؤشرات ثبات مرتفعة للأفراد وجيدة للفقرات. وكذلك مؤشرات فصل جيدة للفقرات، وممتازة للأفراد. ولم تظهر الفقرات أداءً تفاضلياً للجنس. وكانت المسافات بين فئات الاستجابة مناسبة، وتتقدم قياسات الفئات بشكل متسق.Abstract: The tendency to think critically is the motivation of an individual for using critical thinking when faced with a problem that requires a solution, making a decision or evaluating an idea. This study used the Rasch Rating Scale Model (RSM) analysis to examine a set of psychometric properties of an Arabic version of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (EMI): items fit, unidimensionality, local independence, equal-item-discriminations, gender differential item functioning, reliability and separation indicators and scale calibra-tion. The findings indicated that EMI showed good compatibility with the RSM as all the items matched the model except for item 11. In addition, the assumptions of the Rasch model which were unidimensionality, local independence, and equal-item-discriminations were realized. The scale had excellent reliability for persons and good reliability for items. The scale showed good separation indicators for items, and excellent separation indicators for persons. The items did not show differential gender performance. The distances be-tween the response categories were appropriate, and the category measurements showed a consistent in-crease

    Factorial validity of the organizational health inventory among Omani teachers: Invariance across gender

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    This study examined the factor structure of the Organizational Health Inventory (OHI) scale among Omani teachers. There were four factors assumed to represent the OHI (principal influence, academic emphasis, morale, and initiating integrity). Testing the scale reliability was another aim of this study. A random sample (n=458) of Omani teachers was considered. The short version of the scale has 30 items. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the sample data. The model is good fitted to the data. Across gender, the invariance of the structure was tested, and the parameters of the model were invariant. Consequently, the two genders were compared via multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with gender as an independent variable and subscales. The female teachers were found to more likely show principal influence, academic emphasis, and morale than the male teachers, who instead, were more efficacious than the female teachers in dealing with institutional integrity

    Effectiveness of Person Fit Indices in Item Response Models with Different Degrees of Item Local Dependence

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    This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of person fit indices (Wright’s weighted index, Drasgow index and Almehrizi’s weighted index) in item response models with different degrees of item local dependence (0.0, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9) using simulated item parameters. Item responses for 40 samples each with 10000 subjects (a total of 400000 subjects) were simulated on a test of 60 items. Item discrimination parameters ranged between 0.19 and 1.79 and item difficulty parameters ranged between -2 and +2. 20% of test items were manipulated to show local dependence for each level of local dependence degrees. Student ability was generated to follow a standard normal distribution. Assumptions of item response theory were examined in all data sets using exploratory factor analysis and residual analysis using NOHARM platform for unidimensionality and Q3 index for local independence. Results showed that there was an increase in the percentages of non-conforming persons when increasing the degree of items local dependence for the three person fit indices (Wright’s weighted index, Drasgow index and Almehrizi’s weighted index). Results showed also that the percentages of non-conforming persons were larger with Wright’s weighted index than with Drasgow index and Almehrizi’s weighted index. The distributional properties of the three indices showed relatively consistent in distributional properties. Drasgow index and Almehrizi’s weighted index were very similar distributional properties. Also, there was a larger agreement index between Wright’s weighted index and Drasgow index

    Translating and Testing the Validation of the Arabic Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale

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    Objective: Attitudes toward mental difficulties are influenced by culture, and different cultural backgrounds have different effects on people's behavior. This study aimed to prepare the Arabic version of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale (PMHSS) and validate it among Omani adolescents. Method: The study was conducted from October 2020 to the end of February 2021. The 24-items PMHSS was translated into Arabic and tested in a sample of 369 adolescents from different governmental schools in Oman. Both exploratory factor analysis (a principal component analysis (PCA) technique with Varimax rotation) and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to examine the construct validity of the PMHSS. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the construct validity of the PMHSS. Cronbach’s α was 0.86 for the total scale and 0.84 and 0.81 for awareness and agreement, respectively. Therefore, the goodness-of fit-indicators support the two-correlated factor 16-item model to measure stigma (χ2 / df = 2.64 (p > 0.001), GFI = 0.92, AGFI = 0.89, CFI = 0.90, IFI = 0.90, RMSEA = 0.067). Conclusion: The Arabic version of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale (PMHSS) could assess adolescents’ stigmatizing attitudes toward various types of mental health problems within the Arabic context, and it can be utilized by researchers in Arab countries to screen for stigmatizing attitudes and to suggest suitable, effective, and outcome-focused interventions based on its results

    Using the graded response model in estimating the psychometric properties of the career future anxiety scale among universities students in the Sultanate of Oman

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    The study aimed to use the graded response model in estimating the psychometric properties of the career future anxiety scale among university students in the Sultanate of Oman. The population of the study consisted of students from Sultan Qaboos and Nizwa Universities (n=21,360). A random cluster sample of 524 students was selected. The results of this study demonstrated estimations of item discrimination parameters and thresholds of the scale items. Additionally, the findings also indicated that the scale had highly accepted psychometric properties; namely that the scale’s construct validity was assessed by confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the study obtained the suitable cut points for classifying categories of Omani college students with career future anxiety based on raw scores and abilities

    The Effect of a Training Program on the Attitudes of Teachers of Students with Learning Disabilities towards Co-Teaching

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a training program on the attitudes of teachers who teach students with learning disabilities (LD) toward co-teaching. The sample of the study consisted of 60 female teachers who teach students with LD in general education schools at Al Batinah South Governorate, Oman. The participants were divided into two equal groups (experimental and control); each group was composed of 30 teachers. The researchers developed a training program and attitudes toward co-teaching scale (AS). The AS was administered as pretest and posttest to the teachers in both groups. The experimental group teachers received a training program based on co-teaching. The results showed statistically significant differences between the ratings of the teachers in the control and experimental groups on the post-testing of AS in favour of the experimental group. Results also showed non-significant effect of teachers’ major in the post-testing of the AS for the experimental group

    Social Competence of Omani Students with Learning Disabilities from their Teachers’ Perspectives: Social Competence of Omani Students with Learning Disabilities from their Teachers’ Perspectives

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    This research aims to identify the level of social competence among students with learning disabilities (LDs) from their teachers’ perspectives. The research sample consisted of 840 students with LDs enrolled in the resource room program (RRP) and general education classrooms (GECs) in Oman. Their RRP and general education teachers responded to the social competence scale. This scale consisted of 43 items distributed on three subscales related to teacher-preferred social behavior, peer-preferred social behavior, and school adjustment. The results indicated that the level of social competence was generally moderate among the students, but that this level was influenced by the educational alternative. The students enrolled in GECs had a higher level of social competence than their peers who had been referred to the RRP. The results also showed that there were statistical differences on the school adjustment subscale in favor of male students enrolled in GECs, and differences in favor of female students referred to the RRP on all social competence subscales. Keywords: Social competence; students with LDs; teachers of students with LDs; social behavior; social adjustment

    Omani short version of organizational health inventory: application of item response theory

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    The current study used item response theory (IRT) to analyze data from (N=323) Omani teachers randomly selected participated in this study to investigate whether a subset of items could be selected to create a short version of the instrument. As a result, the high correlation coefficients between the examinee ability parameter estimated on the easy and difficult test items and did not change between the two versions. This is an indication of the improvement of the unchanging ability estimated invariant. In conclusion, the study concluded a short version of the OHI scale. It contains 30 items distributed on seven Domains.El estudio actual utilizó la teoría de respuesta a ítems (IRT) para analizar los datos de (N = 323). Los maestros omaníes seleccionados al azar participaron en este estudio para investigar si se podía seleccionar un subconjunto de ítems para crear una versión corta del instrumento. Como resultado, los altos coeficientes de correlación entre el parámetro de capacidad del examinado estimado en los ítems de prueba fáciles y difíciles y no cambiaron entre las dos versions. Esto es una indicación de la mejora de la capacidad invariable estimada invariante. En conclusión, el estudio concluyó una versión corta de la escala OHI. Contiene 30 elementos distribuidos en siete dominios

    Prevalence, student nurses’ knowledge and practices of needle stick injuries during clinical training : a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: The incidence of needle stick injuries is higher among nurses with a low level of knowledge on the prevention of needle stick injury, and who have not received the relevant training during their undergraduate study. The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of the prevention guidelines and the prevalence of needle stick injury among students in Oman. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey using a questionnaire and involving 167 students from a governmental university was conducted. The questionnaire consists of 30 questions; eight general questions, knowledge related questions, and questions about risk factors, prevention measures, and actions in a case of needle stick injury. Ethical approval was obtained and the link to the survey was shared with students using their university email portal. Results: Of the participants, 81.2% were females; mean age was 23.3 (SD = 4.5) years. The mean total knowledge score was 6.6 out of 10 (SD = 2.1). In addition, 18.2% (n = 32) of the students experienced needle stick injury. Most of the injuries 71.9% (n = 24) occurred during medication preparation and administration. The main cause of NSI as reported by students was recapping the needles (59%, n = 19). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that student nurses have a moderate level of knowledge about needle stick injury prevention measures and lack many facets of safe infection control practice. These findings require the collaborative effort of nursing administrators from both academic and clinical areas, to develop effective strategies to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of needle stick injury.Open Access funding provided by Kristianstad University.</p