83 research outputs found

    Les Services Secrets Basques pendant la 2ème Guerre Mondiale

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    Desde el primer momento que sigue a la apertura de las hostilidades de la 2ª Guerra Mundial, en septiembre de 1939, el Gobierno de Euzkadi en el exilio, decide la movilización de los vascos refugiados en Francia, al servicio de los Aliados. Posteriormente, y a medida del desarrollo de la contienda este ofrecimiento se convierte en una estrecha colaboración con los servicios aliados de Inteligencia. En la páginas que siguen tratamos de recordar los servicios que la "diáspora" vasca prestó a la Causa Aliada.Bigarren Mundu Gerra hasi zen unetik beretik, 1939ko Irailean, erbesteko Euzkadiko Jaurlaritzak Frantzian errefuxiaturik zeuden euskaldunak Alliatuen zerbitzuan mobilizatzea erabaki zuen. Gero, gerra aurreratu ahala eskaintza hura alliatuen inteligentzia zerbitzuekiko lankidetza estu bilakatu zen. Ondoko orrialdeetan, euskal "diaspora" hark Aliatuen alde burutiko zerbitzuak oroitatzen saiatzen gara.Dés le lendemain du début de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale, le Gouvernement Basque en exil, offre aux Alliés les services des Basques réfugiés en France. Au fur et à mesure du développement du conflit partout dans le Monde, une étroite collaboration est établie entre les Basques et les Services Alliés d'Intelligence. Nous essayons dans les pages qui suivent, de donner une idée de cette collaboration des Basques au service de la Cause de la Liberté

    A Single-Subject Method to Detect Pathways Enriched With Alternatively Spliced Genes

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    RNA-Sequencing data offers an opportunity to enable precision medicine, but most methods rely on gene expression alone. To date, no methodology exists to identify and interpret alternative splicing patterns within pathways for an individual patient. This study develops methodology and conducts computational experiments to test the hypothesis that pathway aggregation of subject-specific alternatively spliced genes (ASGs) can inform upon disease mechanisms and predict survival. We propose the N-of-1-pathways Alternatively Spliced (N1PAS) method that takes an individual patient’s paired-sample RNA-Seq isoform expression data (e.g., tumor vs. non-tumor, before-treatment vs. during-therapy) and pathway annotations as inputs. N1PAS quantifies the degree of alternative splicing via Hellinger distances followed by two-stage clustering to determine pathway enrichment. We provide a clinically relevant “odds ratio” along with statistical significance to quantify pathway enrichment. We validate our method in clinical samples and find that our method selects relevant pathways (p < 0.05 in 4/6 data sets). Extensive Monte Carlo studies show N1PAS powerfully detects pathway enrichment of ASGs while adequately controlling false discovery rates. Importantly, our studies also unveil highly heterogeneous single-subject alternative splicing patterns that cohort-based approaches overlook. Finally, we apply our patient-specific results to predict cancer survival (FDR < 20%) while providing diagnostics in pursuit of translating transcriptome data into clinically actionable information. Software available at https://github.com/grizant/n1pas/tree/master

    Present and future of surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    The discovery of the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical techniques. Significant experimental and theoretical effort has been directed toward understanding the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect and demonstrating its potential in various types of ultrasensitive sensing applications in a wide variety of fields. In the 45 years since its discovery, SERS has blossomed into a rich area of research and technology, but additional efforts are still needed before it can be routinely used analytically and in commercial products. In this Review, prominent authors from around the world joined together to summarize the state of the art in understanding and using SERS and to predict what can be expected in the near future in terms of research, applications, and technological development. This Review is dedicated to SERS pioneer and our coauthor, the late Prof. Richard Van Duyne, whom we lost during the preparation of this article

    Internship in the MUPE: bringing projects to life

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    RESUMEN: El MUPE (Museo Paleontológico de Elche) es el único museo con contenido exclusivamente paleontológico de la provincia de Alicante (España). Además de sus funciones de investigación, conservación y difusión del patrimonio paleontológico, juega un papel importante en la formación del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante a través de prácticas de empresa. El MUPE cuenta con dos plantas y la superior está dedicada, principalmente, a los yacimientos de la provincia de Alicante; a pesar de la importancia de estas colecciones, la exposición requiere cambios en su hilo argumental y en las propuestas didácticas para adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades de la sociedad. Aquí presentamos el resultado del trabajo museográfico realizado durante las prácticas de empresa de 2018 para actualizar y mejorar la exposición dedicada a la paleontología alicantina. Un trabajo que ha dado lugar al programa museológico y museográfico del MUPE.RESUMO: O MUPE (Museu Paleontológico de Elche) é o único museu dedicado exclusivamente à paleontologia na região de Alicante (Espanha). Além das funções de investigação, conservação e divulgação do património paleontológico, desempenha um papel importante na formação dos alunos e alunas da Universidade de Alicante pela possibilidade de estagiar no museu. O MUPE está organizado em dois andares, o superior está dedicado, essencialmente, às jazidas da região de Alicante; apesar da importância das coleções, o argumento da exposição precisa de ser alterado, bem como as propostas didáticas existentes, de forma a adaptar se às novas necessidades da sociedade. Apresentamos aqui o resultado do trabalho museográfico realizado durante o estágio de 2018 para atualizar e melhorar a exposição dedicada à paleontologia alicantina. Um trabalho que deu lugar ao programa museológico e museográfico do MUPE.ABSTRACT: The MUPE (Palaeontological Museum of Elche) is the only museum completely dedicated to palaeontology in the province of Alicante (Spain). Not only does it play an important role in research, conservation, and dissemination of the palaeontological heritage, but it also enables the training of students from the University of Alicante by an internship. The MUPE has two floors, the upper one is dedicated, mainly, to sites of the province of Alicante; despite having highly important collections, this exhibition requires some changes in its script and in their didactic proposals to reach the new needs of society. We present here the result of the museographic work conducted during the internship in 2018 to update and improve the exhibition about the palaeontology from Alicante. A work which leads to the MUPE museological and museographic programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age determination of the HR8799 planetary system using asteroseismology

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    Discovery of the first planetary system by direct imaging around HR8799 has made the age determination of the host star a very important task. This determination is the key to derive accurate masses of the planets and to study the dynamical stability of the system. The age of this star has been estimated using different procedures. In this work we show that some of these procedures have problems and large uncertainties, and the real age of this star is still unknown, needing more observational constraints. Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive modeling of HR8799, and taking advantage of its gamma Doradus-type pulsations, we have estimated the age of the star using asteroseismology. The accuracy in the age determination depends on the rotation velocity of the star, and therefore an accurate value of the inclination angle is required to solve the problem. Nevertheless, we find that the age estimate for this star previously published in the literature ([30,160] Myr) is unlikely, and a more accurate value might be closer to the Gyr. This determination has deep implications on the value of the mass of the objects orbiting HR8799. An age around \approx 1 Gyr implies that these objects are brown dwarfs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in MNRAS Letter

    Sondeo 3: a classic locality in Cueva Victoria (Cartagena, Región de Murcia). First evaluative intervention within the framework of the Cidaris Foundation work camp

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    RESUMEN: Sondeo 3 es una acumulación de material ex situ en Cueva Victoria, un yacimiento clásico del Pleistoceno inferior con hallazgos de restos fósiles importantes (Theropithecus, Hystrix y Homo). En 2019, la Fundación Cidaris desarrolló un campo de trabajo, incluyendo una intervención paleontológica. Su objetivo fue hacer un estudio patrimonial y formar alumnado, realizando una excavación sistemática de los materiales superiores en cinco cuadrículas posicionadas con coordenadas UTM, tamizando con luces de malla de 5 y 1 mm y cuantificando los diferentes fósiles. Aparecen abundantes restos de microvertebrados, así como restos de actividad antrópica reciente y huesos sin signos diagenéticos visibles. Estratigráficamente, diferenciamos dos unidades: superior (con cinco niveles), e inferior. Todo indica que los sedimentos estudiados provienen de una re-deposición, probablemente de tamizado en campañas anteriores (con un origen incierto de algunos restos). Sondeo 3 posee un valor científico menor que otras localidades in situ de la cueva, pero un enorme potencial didáctico.RESUMO: Sondeo 3 é uma acumulação ex situ na Cueva Victoria, um local clássico do Pleistocénico inferior com importantes vestígios de fósseis (Theropithecus, Hystrix e Homo) encontrados. Em 2019, a Fundación Cidaris desenvolveu um campo de trabalho, incluindo uma intervenção paleontológica. O objetivo era realizar um estudo patrimonial e a formação de alunos, realizando uma escavação sistemática dos materiais superiores em cinco quadrículas posicionadas com coordenadas UTM, crivando com peneiros de malhas de 5 e 1 mm e quantificando os diferentes fósseis. Foram encontrados abundantes restos de microvertebrados, bem como restos de atividade antrópica recente e ossos sem sinais diagenéticos visíveis. Estratigraficamente, diferenciamos duas unidades: superior (com cinco níveis) e inferior. Tudo indica que os sedimentos estudados se encontram re-depositados, provavelmente devido a uma crivagem prévia em campanhas anteriores (com origem incerta de alguns restos). Sondeo 3 possui um valor científico menor do que outras localidades in situ, mas um enorme potencial educacional.ABSTRACT: Sondeo 3 is an accumulation of ex situ materials in Cueva Victoria, a classical site from the Lower Pleistocene where relevant fossil remains have been found (Theropithecus, Hystrix y Homo). In 2019, Fundación Cidaris carried out a field school that included the paleontological intervention of Sonedo3. The objectives were to study its patrimonial value and to instruct students systematically excavating the materials from the superior levels in five squares positioned with UTM coordinates, sieving the materials with 5 and 1mm mesh sizes and quantifying the recovered fossils. Numerous microinvertebrate remains were found, as well as remains of recent human activity and bones with no apparent signs of diagenesis. Two stratigraphic units were distinguished: superior (with five levels) and inferior. All the evidence points that the studied materials are a re-deposition as the result of the sieving labors carried out in past excavation campaigns (some remains have an uncertain origin). Sondeo 3 has less scientific value than other in situ localities in the cave, but a great didactic potential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polarimetric coronagraphy of BD+31643

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    Context. The binary B5V star BD+31?643 exhibits a disk-like structure detected at optical wavelengths. Even though the feature is well centered on the star, it has been argued, based on Spitzer observations, that the feature is a filament not directly associated to the binary star. Aims. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate whether polarization imaging may provide evidence either for or against the disk hypothesis. In addition, we aim at clarifying whether there might be any additional close companion to the binary star. Methods. We used the coronagraph PolCor in its polarization mode in combination with an EMCCD camera allowing short unit exposure times. As a result of shift-and-add and frame selection, the spatial resolution is improved compared to traditional CCD imaging. In order to possibly reveal an additional stellar companion, we used high resolution spectroscopy in the optical and high spatial resolution imaging in the near-IR. Results. The disk/filament is much better seen in polarization; it is narrow and a line drawn along the ridge passes within a second of arc from the star. The degree of polarization is high (?50% after correction for the extended component of the reflection nebula) which means that the disk/filament must be approximately at the same distance as the star. Although we confirm that the feature is much brighter south-east than north-west of the star, the evidence that the feature is physically connected to the star is strengthened and suggests that we are witnessing the destruction process of an accretion disk. Our spectroscopy shows that at least one of the stars is a spectroscopic binary. We were, however, not able to spatially resolve any stellar component in addition to the two well separated stars.Comment: 9 pages, 19 figure