8 research outputs found

    O espaço como elemento fundamental para a segurança e defesa em Portugal

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    O setor da Segurança e Defesa em Portugal, apesar da inexistência de capacidade espacial própria, tem acesso a dados provenientes de plataformas espaciais através de contratação de serviços comerciais ou de dados fornecidos por outros países ou instituições, ao abrigo de alianças ou acordos. A dependência relativa a este tipo de dados deve ser alvo de reflexão, nomeadamente como Portugal poderá minimizá-la, como assegurar o acesso a capacidade espacial e simultaneamente reforçar a sua presença junto das alianças a que pertence. Dum ponto de vista mais interno, a capacidade espacial reforça e potencia a interação do setor da Segurança e Defesa com a sociedade, o que não poderia ser esquecido nesta reflexão. A presente investigação procurou efetuar a referida reflexão e, com base nesta, desenvolver as linhas orientadoras de uma politica nacional para o espaço, no setor da Segurança e Defesa. Abstract: The Security and Defense sector in Portugal, as the country doesn’t own any space capability, obtains access to space data by hiring commercial services or by virtue of alliances and agreements with other countries or institutions. The reliance on this data should be analized and rethought, especially how Portugal can minimize this reliance, how to guarantee access to space capabilities while enhancing its presence in the alliances to which it belongs. In a more internal point of view, the space capability strengths and enhances the interaction of the Security and Defense sector with society, which could not be overlooked in this reflection. This research sought to make such reflection and, based on this, develop the guidelines of a national space policy in the Security and Defense sector.N/

    Fiabilidade na Manutenção dos Sistemas de Armas

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    O objecto de estudo deste trabalho de investigação consiste na análise de fiabilidade, enquanto uma das ferramentas que contribuem para a optimização da gestão da manutenção dos Sistemas de Armas, o incremento da segurança da operação, o aumento da disponibilidade dos meios e a redução dos custos de manutenção. O objectivo a atingir neste estudo reside na identificação de um modelo de análise de fiabilidade a implementar na exploração dos Sistemas de Armas. O estudo inicia-se com uma breve descrição da evolução do conceito de fiabilidade. Em seguida é desenvolvida uma discussão em torno do que actualmente se faz na Força Aérea, do que a regulamentação aeronáutica civil emana e, por fim, de como outros operadores civis e militares apresentam os seus programas de análise de fiabilidade. Identificado claramente o problema, são apresentadas e testadas as hipóteses que podem responder à pergunta inicial. O teste das hipóteses é realizado à luz das pesquisas realizadas, das entrevistas concedidas e dos resultados obtidos através de questionários. Desta análise resultou a validação de uma hipótese, que serve de ponto de partida ao modelo a propor. Esta hipótese assenta na criação duma equipa especializada em análise de fiabilidade, responsável pela análise em todos os Sistemas de Armas, ao nível das Direcções Técnicas do CLAFA. Paralelamente, identificou-se a necessidade de elaboração de um documento regulamentar, que estabeleça a estrutura do programa de análise de fiabilidade, os intervenientes e respectivas responsabilidades. A intervenção da gestão dos Sistemas de Armas e das Unidades Aéreas, no processo em causa, não foi esquecida. A sua colaboração técnica está contemplada em dois momentos chave da análise de fiabilidade: na definição inicial do programa e na implementação das acções correctivas. A necessidade de existência de um programa de análise de fiabilidade, na Força Aérea, é defendida ao longo de todo o trabalho. Embora possam existir algumas dificuldades na sua implementação, acredita-se que o balanço final é positivo e essencial à segurança e optimização de recursos na exploração dos Sistemas de Armas. Abstract: The study object of this research is the reliability analysis, as one of the tools that contribute to the Weapon Systems maintenance optimization, to upgrade the operational safety and to reduce the maintenance costs. The goal in this study relies in the identification of a reliability analysis model to be used in the Weapon Systems activities. Anticipated by a brief description of the reliability concept evolution, a discussion is made about what is done nowadays in the Portuguese Air Force, what the civil aeronautical regulations prescribes and how other operators, civil and military, have built their reliability programmes. With the problem clearly identified, hypotheses are presented and discussed. The hypotheses test is made taking in account the research done, the interviews performed and the questionnaires results. The most adequate hypothesis is selected and constitutes the starting point of the proposed model. This hypothesis is based on the establishment of a specialized reliability team, responsible for the analysis in all of the Weapon Systems, in one of the Technical Directorates of the Logistics Command. At the same time, it is necessary to produce a regulatory document that prescribes the reliability program structure, and identifies the participants and their responsibilities. The Weapon Systems Management and the Flight Squadrons’ contributions to the process were not forgotten. Their technical cooperation is present in two reliability analysis key points: the initial program definition and the corrective actions implementation. The need for a reliability analysis program in the Portuguese Air Force is sustained during all this work. Although there may be some problems in the implementation, the author believes that the final balance is positive and essential to the safety and resources optimization in the Weapon Systems activities

    Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the agreement with the EU: a poliheuristic analysis

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    President Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union triggered a strong reaction in Ukrainian society. One of the consequences of the crisis that ensued was the removal of the president himself. What prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement with the European Union? In seeking the answer to this guiding question, poliheuristic theory was used, in the light of which this decision process was analysed in two stages. The first stage identified that the option not to be selected was the signature of the agreement with the EU, and the threats that internally led to this decision were analysed. Yanukovych felt that his survival in power was not at issue and sought to solve Ukraine's immediate financial problem by highlighting the problems that industrialists in the south-east of the country were experiencing with Russian trade blockades and avoiding essential structural reforms in the country. Although the decision was already identified, we analysed how it maximized the advantages and minimized the disadvantages, which corresponded to the second stage of the analysis. Dismissing the civic and political mobilization of the Ukrainians, believing he could have talks with the European Union and Russia concomitantly and valuing the immediate financing needs, answers the question initially posed, that is, what prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement

    Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the agreement with the EU: a poliheuristic analysis

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    President Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union triggered a strong reaction in Ukrainian society. One of the consequences of the crisis that ensued was the removal of the president himself. What prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement with the European Union? In seeking the answer to this guiding question, poliheuristic theory was used, in the light of which this decision process was analysed in two stages. The first stage identified that the option not to be selected was the signature of the agreement with the EU, and the threats that internally led to this decision were analysed. Yanukovych felt that his survival in power was not at issue and sought to solve Ukraine's immediate financial problem by highlighting the problems that industrialists in the south-east of the country were experiencing with Russian trade blockades and avoiding essential structural reforms in the country. Although the decision was already identified, we analysed how it maximized the advantages and minimized the disadvantages, which corresponded to the second stage of the analysis. Dismissing the civic and political mobilization of the Ukrainians, believing he could have talks with the European Union and Russia concomitantly and valuing the immediate financing needs, answers the question initially posed, that is, what prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement

    Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the agreement with the EU: a poliheuristic analysis

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    President Yanukovych's decision to postpone the signing of the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union triggered a strong reaction in Ukrainian society. One of the consequences of the crisis that ensued was the removal of the president himself. What prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement with the European Union? In seeking the answer to this guiding question, poliheuristic theory was used, in the light of which this decision process was analysed in two stages. The first stage identified that the option not to be selected was the signature of the agreement with the EU, and the threats that internally led to this decision were analysed. Yanukovych felt that his survival in power was not at issue and sought to solve Ukraine's immediate financial problem by highlighting the problems that industrialists in the south-east of the country were experiencing with Russian trade blockades and avoiding essential structural reforms in the country. Although the decision was already identified, we analysed how it maximized the advantages and minimized the disadvantages, which corresponded to the second stage of the analysis. Dismissing the civic and political mobilization of the Ukrainians, believing he could have talks with the European Union and Russia concomitantly and valuing the immediate financing needs, answers the question initially posed, that is, what prompted Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the agreement

    Space in the Portuguese Defence sector

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    O acesso a dados provenientes de plataformas espaciais assume, cada vez mais, um papel cimeiro no quotidiano da sociedade atual. Em Portugal, mais precisamente no setor da Defesa, a importância que este tipo de dados tem presentemente e que se perspetiva que tenha no futuro, não é diferente. Como tal, é de todo pertinente analisar a atual relação entre o Espaço e o setor da Defesa, nomeadamente, como se obtêm os dados e em que atividades estes são utilizados, assim como avaliar o grau de dependência em relação aos mesmos. O objetivo deste artigo consiste na avaliação do nível de dependência que Portugal apresenta, no âmbito da Defesa, relativamente aos dados provenientes da capacidade espacial. Este estudo baseou-se numa estratégia de investigação qualitativa, em que os principais instrumentos de observação e recolha de dados foram as entrevistas semiestruturadas e a análise documental de relatórios técnicos e governamentais, assim como de outros documentos oficiais e de obras de referência.Access to data from space platforms is increasingly taking a lead role in the everyday life of today’s society. In Portugal, more precisely in the Defense sector, the importance that this type of data has currently and its future perspective is no different. As such, it is relevant to analyse the current relationship between the space and defense sector, in particular, how to get the data and in what activities it is used, and assess the degree of dependence on that data. The purpose of this article is to assess the level of dependency that Portugal presents, in the context of Defense, on data from space capability. This study is based on a qualitative research strategy, in which the main instruments of observation and data collection were semi-structured interviews and the analysis of technical documents, government reports and other official documents, as well as reference works.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise estratégica do sector da manutenção aeronaútica na Europa

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    Mestrado em Gestão/MBAOs modelos teóricos introduzidos por Porter reformularam a análise estratégica. O modelo das cinco forças competitivas permite avaliar a situação concorrencial e o potencial de lucro de uma dada indústria. O modelo das estratégias genéricas permite às empresas a obtenção de uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. O sector da manutenção aeronáutica na Europa reveste-se de elevada importância para o desenvolvimento económico da União Europeia, devido sobretudo a factores como o elevado cariz tecnológico, o nível de recursos financeiros envolvidos e o papel social que desempenha em diversos países europeus. Dada a instabilidade sentida quer no mundo da aviação comercial, quer na economia, este sector vive tempos de incerteza. O presente trabalho consiste na aplicação da teoria de Porter ao sector da manutenção aeronáutica na Europa. Este trabalho tem como objectivo analisar estrutural e estrategicamente o sector da manutenção aeronáutica na Europa, bem como perspectivar a evolução do sector e, consequentemente, as opções estratégicas que os players terão no futuro. O primeiro passo consistiu nas entrevistas de especialistas da indústria, em que se visava a identificação dos factores que determinam a intensidade das forças competitivas. A partir das respostas obtidas elaborou-se um questionário, que foi apresentado aos diversos players, para que estes pudessem avaliar a importância dos factores em causa, ou seja, a intensidade das forças competitivas. Num segundo passo, apresentou-se um outro questionário aos players, em que a análise dos resultados visou a identificação das variáveis competitivas associadas às estratégias genéricas de Porter e a identificação de grupos estratégicos da indústria.The theoretical models introduced by Porter reformulated the strategic analysis. The five competitive forces model allows the evaluation of the competitive situation and the potential profit of a certain industry. The generic strategies model allows the firms to reach a sustained competitive advantage. The aeronautical maintenance sector in Europe has an enormous importance to the economical development of the European Union, thanks to factors like its technological nature, the levei of the financial resources involved and the social importance in some countries. Thanks to instability present in the commercial transport industry and in the economy, the sector lives moments of great uncertainty. The present work consists in the application of the Porter's theory to the aeronautical maintenance sector in Europe. This work has as an objective to analyse structural and strategically the aeronautical maintenance sector in Europe, as well as to perspective the sector's evolution and, consequently, the strategic options ofthe players in the future. The first step consisted in interviews made to some industry specialists, which main goal was the identification of the factors that determine the intensity of the competitive forces. Based on the answers, an inquiry was made and was sent to the severa!industry players, so those ones could evaluate the importance of the factors, and indirectly, the intensity of the competitive forces. ln a second step, another inquiry was sent to the players, and the results' analysis intended to identify the competitive variables associated to the Porter's genenc strategies and the identification of the strategic clusters in the industry.N/

    Ferramentas referenciais e género textual

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    UID/LIN/03213/2013 PEst-OE/LIN/UI3213/2014In this paper, our central point is to discuss how linguistic forms and construction, as referential tools, can contribute to the study of textual genres, as defined under the ISD framework. Two different newspaper articles are analysed: one labelled as "opinion", and the second considered a "commentary" by the newspaper editors, both selected from the same newspaper. Our discussion will be focused on the explanation of semantic referential values, following the proposals of TFE framework (cf. CULIOLI 1990, 1999). For this discussion, some theoretical concepts are crucial, such as pre-constructed, notional domain or nominal and verbal determination.publishersversionpublishe