362 research outputs found
Isolation of Induced Morphological Mutants in Capsicum annuum L.
Seeds of Capsicum annuum L. varieties Co – 1 and Ujwala were treated with two chemical mutagens viz., Ehtyl methane sulphonate and Sodium azide. Twelve different types of morphological mutants were isolated in M2 and M3 generations. Capsaicin content of some selected mutants was also estimated. Frequency of morphological mutants obtained was very high in variety Co -1 when compared to Ujwala
This ex post facto study aimed to reveal the influence of adversity quotient and attitudes students on physics learning achievement. The population of this study was all of twelvh graders of Public Senior High School (SMAN) 10 Banjarmasin City. The sample was determined by simple random sampling. The instruments used were questionnaires. The research data were analyzed by using SPSS statistical data processing program. The results showed that adversity quotient and attitudes students were in the very high and positive category, and than had a significant effect on physics learning achievement of Public Senior High School (SMAN) 10 Banjarmasin City
Pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu keterampilan abad 21 yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai mahasiswa calon guru menghadapi era yang semakin kompetitif. Disamping itu, kemandirian belajar siswa juga harus dibina. Oleh karena itu, tim peneliti berupaya mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang diharapkan mampu melatihkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah dalam setting pembelajaran berbasis learner autonomy. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada program studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP ULM pada tahun 2017. Subject penelitian adalah mahasiswa yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Fisika Dasar II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis learner autonomy mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa khususnya keterampilan pemecahan masalah dengan gain score yang berkategori tinggi. Kata kunci : physics learning, learner autonomy, problem solving, wav
Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah dihasilkannya bahan ajar berwawasan lingkungan bantaran sungai yang valid, praktis dan efektif untuk melatihkan kemampuan 5M peserta didik. Pengembangan bahan ajar dilaksanakan di kampus FKIP ULM dan diimplementasikan di SMA Negeri 7 Banjarmasin. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Hasil ujicoba dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif berdasarkan rumusan pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar berwawasan lingkungan bantaran sungai yang dikembangkan dinyatakan (1) valid berdasarkan penilaian validator dengan kategori baik, (2) praktis berdasarkan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan kategori sangat baik, dan (3) efektif berdasarkan perolehan gain score sebesar 0,66 dengan kategori sedang.Kata kunci: bahan ajar fisika, lingkungan bantaran sungai, kemampuan 5
Analisis mutasi gen pax3 dan gen mitf pada penderita sindroma waarden burg di Indonesia=Mutation analysis of PAX3 and MITF eves in Indonesian Waardenburg Syndrome family
Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by dystopia canthorum, pigmentary disturbance of skin, hair and eye and sensorineural deafness. The basis for the phenotypic variability observed among and between WS families is unknown. In order to understand the molecular pathology of WS, many more data of the location and the.13.e of mutation causing W S from many different families are needed. Therefore, the location and the type of mutation of WS in Indonesian families need to be identified. The previous studies of many WS families have shown that the majority of mutations are in PAX3 gene, while some are in MITF gene
In this studies the PAX3 gene and the MITF gene were analyzed from one Indonesian WS family. Survey at school for hearing handicapped was done in order to discover WS individual. Following the ascertainment of family history, each person was subjected to a physical and ear examination including a hearing test.
The blood from affected and unaffected individuals from this family were collected for DNA extraction using Quick Gene Isolation Kit. All exons of the PAX3 gene and MITF gene were amplified using PCR methods. To determine the presence of mutation in an exon, Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) methods were used, then followed by Silver Staining. If the SSCP pattern showed the difference between affected and unaffected individuals, sequencing of the suspected exon was performed.
In this study, one WS family was found and considered to be W S type I (WS 1) based on their clinical feature. SSCP pattern of 9 exons of MITF gene showed that there were no differences between affected and unaffected individuals. While SSCP pattern of 8 exons of PAX3 gene showed different bands on exon 4. So, it was suggested that the mutation would occur in this exon. Sequencing of this exon revealed that the changes of one base occulted at intronic region, which is g to a transition at 60 base up stream of exon 4.
It can be concluded that mutation was located at the intron, but whether these changes in the intronic region could influence the gene product, needs further elucidation.
Keywords: Waardenburg Syndrome â PAX3 â congenital deafness âMITF
This paper discusses the factors for submitting an application for marriage isbat at the Gowa Sungguminasa Religious Court. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative field research. In this study, using primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out through three stages, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/vervication. The results of the study indicate that the main factor causing the parties to apply for Isbat Marriage at the Religious Court of Sungguminasa Gowa is the existence of urgent interests related to legal administration, for example taking care of veterans' benefits, taking care of their child's birth certificate. Therefore, it is expected that teenagers or prospective brides before deciding to get married should have knowledge about marriage, knowledge of building a good household according to Islamic teachings, and ensure all administration related to marriage is completed first, because if the administration is not completed then this will have an impact on the future of the bride and groom, including their descendants
Program suplementasi tablet besi (Fe) telah berlangsung sekitan 20 tahun yang lalu, namun prevalensi anemia gizi di Indonesia masihlah tinggi dari tahun ke tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan program suplementasi tablet besi di Puskesmas Maradekaya Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam, observasi dan tela???ah dokumen. Adapun jumlah informan sebanyak 13 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan content analysis dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian tahap input, teknik penentuan sasaran dilakukan dengan rumus proyeksi ibu hamil, tidak adanya sumber dana untuk pengadaan tablet besi, ketersedian tablet besi di tahun 2013 mencukupi jumlah sasaran serta jumlah tenaga kesehatan yang terlibat yaitu 6 orang. Tahap proses, monitoring yang dilakukan oleh petugas kesehatan masih belum sesuai standar yang ada dan untuk pencatatan dan pelaporan yang dimiliki tidak lengkap. Tahap output, sosialisasi program yang dilakukan sangatlah minim walaupun cakupan program pada tahun 2013 telah meningkat. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa tidak semua indikator dalam pelaksanaan program suplementasi tablet besi terlaksana sesuai standar. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar sosialisasi program ditingkatkan agar dapat dijalankan sesuai dengan petunjuk dan pedoman operasional suplementasi tablet besi di puskesmas
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Comparative Ultrastructural Study between Young and Adult forms of Trypanosoma Lewisi
The purpose of this study was to examine the ultrastructure of both young (dividing form) and adult (stationary form) of Trypanosoma lewisi. Changes observed between the two forms of the organism were related directly to data obtained from previous comparative biochemical studies conducted on these forms of Trypanosoma lewisi
A convex optimization approach to online set-membership EIV identification of LTV systems
This paper addresses the problem of recursive set-membership identification
for linear time varying (LTV) systems when both input and output measurements
are affected by bounded additive noise. First we formulate the problem of
online computation of the parameter uncertainty intervals (PUIs) in terms of
nonconvex polynomial optimization. Then, we propose a convex relaxation
approach based on McCormick envelopes to solve the formulated problem to the
global optimum by means of linear programming. The effectiveness of the
proposed identification scheme is demonstrated by means of two simulation
examples.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 2021 60th Annual Conference of the
Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE
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