104 research outputs found

    Epidemiological investigation into the source of water contamination at a tertiary care cancer hospital

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    Background: Water quality impacts the performance of the hospitals and leads to drastic health service deterioration affecting infection control programs, along with safety of the patients and staff. Good quality water is an essential prerequisite to ensure optimal patient care, and the well-being of the staff and visitors in a hospital environment. Objectives was to study the current water supply and treatment system in the cancer hospital. Also, to carryout root cause analysis of the causes of episodes of diarrhoea amongst patients and staff and to identify the source of infection and suggest improvement in the existing system to prevent recurrence.Methods: There were 25 reported cases of diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal symptoms between May 12 and June 2 2017, allegedly due to water contamination occurring in admitted patients and staff of a tertiary care cancer hospital in north India. This was reported to Hospital Administration, which prompted an epidemiological investigation.Results: Formation of Biofilms on the plastic taps was found to be the main reason for contamination of water.Conclusions: It was very clear that deposition of biofilm within the plastic taps was the main reason of diarrhea among the patients

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan di Desa Banjaran Kecamatan Driyorejo Kabupaten Gresik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat derajat partisipasi atau kekuasaan yang dimiliki masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dalam Musrenbangdes di Desa Banjaran dan juga untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keaktifan masyarakat berpartisipasi dalam perencanaan pembangunann desa melalui Musrenbangdes. Metode yang digunakan ialah kuantitaif eksplanasi untuk menguji dan menjelaskan hubungan keaktifan masyarakat berpartisipasi dalam Musrenbangdes dengan faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan melalui Musrenbangdes di Desa Banjaran masih sampai pada anak tangga Penentraman yaitu tangga ke lima dari delapan anak tangga partisipasi masyarakat Arnstein atau masih dalam derajat Pertanda Partisipasi (Degrees of Tokenism). Dari beberapa faktor internal dan eksternal yang diuji menunjukkan hanya usia, tingkat pendidikan,jenis pekerjaan, komunikasi dan kepemimpinan yang mempunyai hubungan, sedangkan tingkat penghasilan dan lamanya tinggal dalam desa tidak mempunyai hubungan yang berarti. Hal ini menunjukkan ada perbedaan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan desa melalui Musrenbangdes bila di lihat dari tingkat pendidikan, tingkat komunikasi, usia, jenis pekerjaan dan tingkat kepemimpinan. Sedangkan untuk tingkat penghasilan dan lamanya tinggal masyarakat dalam desa menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan

    Analisis Perbedaan Response TIME Perawat Terhadap Pelayanan Gawat Darurat Di Unit Gawat Darurat Di RSU Gmim Pancaran Kasih Dan Di RSU Tk.iii Robert Wolter Monginsidi Kota Manado

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    :. Emergency room visits can happen to anyone, anytime, and anywhere, this condition requires the readiness of health workers to anticipate events. Management of the state of emergency aid in these areas is still very worrying. Many mortality that occurs in people who should be prevented if we have a concern about the issue. One indicator of the success of the medical countermeasures that speed to provide relief. Response time is the time between the surface demand response or the response time is ≤ 5 minutes. The purpose of this study to analyze differences in response time to emergency care nurses in the emergency department at the General Hospital GMIM Pancaran Kasih and in the General Hospital TK III Robert Wolter Monginsisdi Manado. Research Designe in this research is observational analytic using cross sectional design. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique totaling 30 respondents. Results using the Mann-Whitney test was obtained p value = 0.011 smaller than α = 0.05. The conclusion of this study is, There are significant differences between the response time nurse in the handling of emergency patients at the Emergency Unit of the General Hospital GMIM Pancaran Kasih and General Hospital TK.III Robert Wolter Monginsidi Manado. Suggestions hoped this research can be used for the development of further research to researchers - researchers who are interested to develop research within the scope of the same, namely in the field of emergency nursin

    Kemampuan Tenaga Pendidik dalam Memanfaatkan Pembelajaran Berbasis E-Learning

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    Abstract The Activities of Community Partnership Program (PKM) carried out in Makassar. The partnership problems are: 1) The changes of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that affect an education, 2) the ability of educators in using ICT, especially the use of an internet in learning is still lack, utilizing some learning programs based on e-learning primarily, and 3) the availability of internet invarious of places can be used freely, both of at school and campus. The results obtained from the training activities were attended by 27 teaching staff both teachers and lecturers, showing that, 1) the implementation of e-learning based learning went smoothly because it was supported by available facilities, 2) The selection of marking moodle programs based on needs and facilities available, further activities of PKM are carried out directly to provide examples and mentoring participants. The facilitator in understanding and compiling e-learning based learning, and 3) All participants produce available e-learning products. Keywords: teaching staff, e-learning, moodle program

    The Effect of Mobile Banking on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria

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    Today, commercial banks are confronted with challenges that range from debt crises to the tight competition in the market. Customers\u27 impatience has increased considerably as they are more knowledgeable than before. Thus, the introduction of mobile services in the banking industry has added to the challenges facing commercial banks as they have to embrace the new technology or lose business. Mobile banking in Nigeria has completely transformed the banking industry and any commercial bank operating in Nigeria can only ignore that fact at its own risk. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the mobile banking effects on Commercial Banks financial performance in Nigeria. Simple random techniques were employed in this study in selecting 22 commercial banks. To facilitate the obtaining of relevant data that was used for analysis in this study, a structured questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistics involving simple graphical charts was applied in the presentation and analysis of data. The study, therefore, concludes that mobile banking positively and significantly affects the financial performance of commercial banks in Nigeria. The study recommends that commercial banks should keep adopting and using mobile banking in their operations because the number of people with access to a mobile handset is increasing every day

    The Impact of Microfinance Institution on Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: a Case Study of Lagos State

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    The major target of this study is to evaluate the effect of Microfinance Institution (MFIs) on the development of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) in Lagos state Nigeria. Simple random techniques of sampling were employed in this study in selecting 70 SMEs which constituted the size of the sample of the research. To facilitate the obtaining of relevant data that was used for analysis in this study, a structured questionnaire was designed. Descriptive statistics involving simple graphical charts and tables were strategically applied in presentation and analysis of data. The outcome of the findings indicates that a large number of SMEs are benefiting from the loans granted by the MFIs, despite the fact that few of them have sufficient ability to secure the needed amount. Interestingly, most of the SMEs admit positive MFIs loans contribution towards advancing their market share, the economic competitive advantage of the company and achieving market excellence through product innovation

    Application of artificial neural network on vibration test data for damage identification in bridge girder

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    Structures are exposed to damage during their service life which can severely affect their safety and functionality. Thus, it is important to monitor structures for the occurrence, location and extent of damage. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a numerical technique have been applied increasingly for damage identification with varied success. ANNs are inspired by human biological neurons and have been used to model some specific problems in many areas of engineering and science to achieve reasonable results. ANNs have the ability to learn from examples and then adapt to changing situations when sufficient input-output data are available. This paper presents the application of ANNs for detection of damage in a steel girder bridge using natural frequencies as dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters are easy to implement for damage assessment and can be directly linked to the topology of structure. In this study, the required data for the ANNs in the form of natural frequencies will be obtained from experimental modal analysis. This paper also highlights the concept of ANNs followed by the detail presentation of the experimental modal analysis for natural frequencies extraction