32 research outputs found


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    Ekstrak teripang mengandung glukosamin yang berpotensi dapat menekan peradangan (inflamasi) dan  menyembuhkan osteoarthritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji  aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dan in vivo dari nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak kering teripang (Stichopus variegatus). Aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dilakukan dengan metode denaturasi protein Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vivo dilakukan dengan metode induksi karagenan pada telapak kaki tikus dengan parameter pengukuran edema kaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok yang diberi nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak teripang kering dosis 50 mg/KgBB dan 100 mg/Kg BB, kelompok kontrol negatif (aquadest) serta kelompok kontrol positif (natrium diklofenak). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sampel nanopartikel memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi secara in vitro dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 267,76 bpj. Nanopartikel kitosan-ekstrak teripang kering dosis 50 mg/Kg BB dan 100 mg/KgBB memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi dengan nilai persentase penghambatan inflamasi secara berturut-turut sebesar 53,37%, dan 49,95 %. Adapun nilai ED50 yaitu sebesar 99,27 mg/KgBB


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    Diabetic neuropathies is the presence of and/or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunctions in people with diabetes after the exclusion of other causes. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, to evaluate the score of neuropathy, and also to determine the effect of pharmacist intervention towards diabetic neuropathy patients at Gatot Soebroto Hospital Jakarta in 2013. Data about socio-demographic characters, age, duration of diabetic, blood glucose, blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, lifestyle BMI and smoking were collected. Pharmacist intervention was given to increase patient information about diabetic neuropathy and its risks factors. There were 59 respondents involved in this study. It can be found that 15.3% respondents had mild diabetic peripheral neuropathy, 1.7% had moderate diabetic peripheral neuropathy, 1.7% had severe diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and as much as  81,4% respondents had no neuropathy. There was a correlation (but not statistically significant) between diabetic peripheral neuropathy and its' risks factors such as ages, duration of diabetes, sex, cardiovascular disease (hypertension, cardiac disease)and lifestyle(smoking habit and body mass index). Pharmacist intervention showed an increase on the patients knowledge about diabetic neuropathy and also a significant decrease on the patient's blood glucose level (P˂0,05).Keywords : diabetic neuropathy, pharmacist role, prevalence, score, risk factors, blood glucose


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    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The pharmacology treatment for the infection was antiretroviral therapy. The problem from the use of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) is the emergence of unwanted drug reactions (adverse drug reaction). The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the incidence of adverse drug reactions from the use of antiretroviral drugs in the treatment of patients with HIV / AIDS that occurred in RSUD Gunung Jati Cirebon. This study involves 122 patients. Data were obtained from medical records and patient interview form. The data were evaluated with a descriptive analysis of demographic profile of patients and the percentage of adverse drug reaction (ADR) The results showed an adverse drug reaction (ADR) on the use of antiretroviral drugs in the treatment of patients with HIV / AIDS in RSUD Gunung Jati Cirebon. ARV regimens are the most widely used is the combination of Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Nevirapine / Efavirenz (AZT + 3TC + EFV) as much as 31.2% (38 people). Duration of therapy ARV in Seroja Clinic RSUD Gunung Jati Cirebon most is> 2 years - 4 years 28.7% (35 people). Types of adverse drug reaction (ADR), which occurs in the use of antiretroviral drugs in the treatment of patients with HIV / AIDS in RSUD Gunung Jati Cirebon include: headache (22.1%), fatigue (6.8%), anemia (9.3%), itching (14.4%), nausea / vomiting (20.1%), diarrhea (7.2%), lipodystrophy (2.0%), rash (11.3%), skin discoloration (1.6%), neuropathy (1.6%) and sleep disorders (3.6%)

    Aktivitas Anti Obesitas Ekstrak Daun Tin (Ficus carica Linn) pada Tikus yang diberi Diet Lemak Tinggi

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    Obesity is a health problem in the community because it can cause a risk of degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and atherosclerosis. Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of physical activity by exercising, a diet high in carbohydrates and fats, can cause fat deposits in the body, especially in the abdomen. The use of chemical drugs such as Orlistat as a weight loss or to help reduce the risk of regaining lost weight, is less effective because it requires a long consumption time and the presence of side effects. Tin leaf content (Ficus carica Linn) is flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and steroids, tin leaf extract has IC50 150mg/L antioxidant activity. This study was to determine the anti-obesity activity of tin leaf extract in male Sprague-Dawley rats given a high fat diet. 30 Sprague-Dawley rats were classified into 6 groups. The results obtained, in the group dose of 100 mg / kg obtained an average body weight of 381.8 grams, the test group 200 mg / kg obtained an average body weight of 414.5 grams, in the test group 400 mg / kg obtained 387 grams. The conclusion of this study is that the activity of Tin leaf extract (Ficus carica Linn) can be used as an anti-obesity.Kegemukan merupakan masalah kesehatan di masyarakat karena dapat menyebabkan resiko penyakit degeneratif seperti diabetes militus tipe 2, tekanan darah tinggi, jantung, kanker, dan aterosklerosis. Gaya hidup yang tidak sehat seperti kurangnya aktivitas fisik dengan berolahraga, diet tinggi karbohidrat dan lemak, dapat menimbulkan timbunan lemak didalam tubuh terutama pada abdomen. Penggunaan obat kimia seperti Orlistat sebagai penurun berat badan atau untuk membantu mengurangi risiko mendapatkan kembali berat badan yang sudah hilang, kurang efektif karena memerlukan waktu konsumsi yang lama dan adanya efek samping. Kandungan daun Tin (Ficus carica Linn) adalah flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin dan steroid, ekstrak daun timah memiliki aktivitas antioksidan IC50 150mg/L. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas anti obesitas ekstrak daun tin pada tikus Sprague-Dawley jantan yang diberikan diet lemak tinggi. 30 tikus Sprague-Dawley diklasifikasikan ke dalam 6 kelompok. Hasil yang diperoleh, pada kelompok dosis 100 mg / kg diperoleh berat badan rata-rata 381,8 gram, kelompok uji 200 mg / kg diperoleh berat badan rata-rata 414,5 gram, pada kelompok uji 400 mg / kg diperoleh 387 gram. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aktivitas ekstrak daun Tin (Ficus carica Linn) dapat digunakan sebagai anti-obesitas

    Karakterisasi Nanopartikel dan Uji Antiagregasi Platelet Secara In-Vitro terhadap Ekstrak Rumput Laut Coklat (Sargassum polycystum) Hasil Hidrolisis Enzim Sellulase

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    Brown seaweed contains fucoidan, a large molecular weight sulfate polysaccharide (about 100,000 Da) which has platelet antiagregation activity. This activity is achieved if the fucoidan has a small molecular weight (3900-7600 Da) so this activity can increase by hydrolized with sellulase Enzym. The purpose of this study was to obtain extract nanoparticles that meet physical quality requirements and have a higher platelet antiagregation activity than brown seaweed extract both before and after hydrolysis. Extraction was using kinetic maseration method using 80% ethanol after that using 2% calcium chloride solution. The results were dried and hydrolyzed with cellulase enzyme and nanoparticles were made by ionic gelation method. Nanoparticle characterization results in particle size of 552.8, polydispersity index of 0.569, potential zeta of +53.5 mV, and spherical shape. In-vitro testing results for platelet antiagregation activity showed the percentage of platelet aggregation inhibition of brown seaweed extract with a concentration 500µg / mL is 22.19% and extracts after hydrolysis was 57.94% and nanoparticles extract after hydrolysis was 72.93%. Extract nanoparticles meet physical quality requirements and extracted nanoparticles after hydrolysis have the highest platelet antiagregation activity compared to brown seaweed extract both before and after hydrolysis.Rumput laut coklat mengandung fukoidan, yakni suatu polisakarida sulfat dengan bobot molekul besar (sekitar 100.000 Da) yang memiliki aktivitas antiagregasi platelet. Aktivitas ini tercapai apabila fukoidan memiliki bobot molekul kecil (3900-7600 Da) sehingga dilakukan pengecilan bobot molekul dengan cara hidrolisis enzim sellulase lalu dibuat bentuk nanopartikel untuk meningkatkan aktivitas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh nanopartikel ekstrak yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu fisik dan memiliki aktivitas antiagregasi platelet yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ekstrak rumput laut coklat baik sebelum maupun sesudah dihidrolisis. Ekstraksi menggunakkan metode maserasi kinetik 80% dilanjutkan dengan larutan Kalsium Klorida 2%. Hasil dikeringkan lalu dihidrolisis dengan enzim sellulase dan dibuat nanopartikel dengan metode gelasi ionik. Hasil karakterisasi nanopartikel berupa ukuran partikel sebesar 552,8, indeks polidispersitas sebesar 0,569, zeta potensial sebesar +53,5 mV, dan berbentuk sferis. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antiagregasi platelet secara in-vitro dengan konsentrasi 500 µg/mL menunjukkan persentase penghambatan agregasi platelet ekstrak rumput laut coklat sebesar 22,19% dan ekstrak setelah hidrolisis sebesar 57,94% dan nanopartikel ekstrak setelah hidrolisis sebesar 72,93%. Nanopartikel ekstrak memenuhi persyaratan mutu fisik dan nanopartikel ekstrak setelah hidrolisis memiliki aktivitas antiagregasi platelet paling tinggi dibandingkan ekstrak rumput laut coklat baik sebelum maupun setelah dihidrolisis

    Sifat Fisikokimia dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Crude Fukoidan Hasil Ekstraksi dari Sargassum cinereum

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    Brown seaweed has been known as a fucoidan source that has various biological activities. Fucoidan could be obtained by various extraction methods. This study aims to extract,  characterize and to evaluate the antioxidant activity of crude fucoidan extracted from Sargassum cinereum. Extraction was carried out by refluxing at 100oC for 4 and 5 hours and then precipitated with ethanol. The crude fucoidan was brown powder. The yield with 4 hours extraction time was 2.78% which did not differ significantly from the 5 hours extraction time. Phytochemical screening of crude extract showed that beside fucoidan there were flavonoids, saponins, steroids, triterpenoids, and tannins. The extraction with duration of 4 hours and 5 hours had sulfate content of 16.31% and 11.22%, total carbohydrate content were 22.94% and 22.85%, and in the FTIR spectrum showed OH absorption bands of carbohydrates, fucose, sulfates and uronic acid. Testing of antioxidant activity using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhyrazyl) free radical inhibition method produced IC50 values ​​of 721.9 µg/ml and 749.9 µg/ml respectively and it was concluded that crude fucoidan of Sargassum cinereum had weak antioxidant activity.Rumput laut coklat telah dikenal sebagai sumber fukoidan yang memiliki berbagai aktivitas biologi. Fukoidan bisa diperoleh dengan berbagai cara ekstraksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi, mengkarakterisasi dan menguji aktivitas antioksidan crude fukoidan hasil ekstraksi dari Sargassum cinereum. Ekstraksi crude fukoidan dilakukan dengan merefluks pada suhu 100oC dengan lama waktu 4 dan 5 jam kemudian diendapkan dengan etanol. Hasil ekstraksi berupa serbuk coklat kehitaman. Rendemen dengan lama ekstraksi 4 jam sebesar 2,78% yang tidak berbeda bermakna dengan lama ekstraksi 5 jam. Penapisan fitokimia terhadap crude fukoidan menunjukkan bahwa selain fukoidan, terdapat senyawa golongan flavonoid, saponin, steroid, triterpenoid, dan tannin. Hasil ekstraksi 4 jam dan 5 jam memiliki kadar sulfat sebesar 16,31% dan 11,22%, kadar karbohidrat total 22,94 % dan 22,85%, dan pada spektrum FTIR menunjukkan pita serapan OH dari karbohidrat, fukosa, sulfat, dan asam uronat. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode peredaman radikal bebas DPPH (1,1- difenil 2-pikrihidrazil) menghasilkan nilai IC50 untuk ekstrak 4 jam dan 5 jam sebesar 721,9 µg/ml dan 749,9 µg/ml. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa crude fukoidan Sargassum cinereum memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lemah

    Pengaruh Crude Fukoidan dari Ekstrak Sargassum crassifolium terhadap Kadar ICAM-1 dan VCAM-1 pada Sel Raw 264.7 yang Diinduksi Lipopolisakarida

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    Inflammation is the response of vascular tissue to infection and damaged tissue to remove agents that cause inflammation. Macrophages are the dominant cells in the inflammatory reaction. Adhesion of leukocytes to vascular endothelium is a main feature of the inflammatory process. The presence of adhesion molecules, such as ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, can lead to adhesion of monocytes and lymphocytes to endothelial cells via bonding adhesion molecules to endothelial cells. Crude fukoidan derived from Sargassum crassifolium taken from Garut waters and extracted with dilute HCl, tested for anti-inflammatory activity through inhibition of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 using  lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 cell models. The viability test was carried out in the concentration range of 0.49-1000 µg / mL. The pattern of inhibition of cell proliferation is influenced by concentration. The highest concentration that caused cell viability of 80% was the concentration of 86.46μg / ml. Crude fukoidan reduced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 levels at concentrations of 50 and 25 μg / ml.. Percent inhibition of ICAM-1 at 50 µg / mL concentration  was 61.04% compared to control and 74.26% at 25 µg / mL concentration. While the percent inhibition of VCAM-1 aInflamasi adalah respon jaringan pembuluh darah terhadap infeksi dan jaringan yang rusak untuk menghilangkan penyebab inflamasi. Tapi dalam beberapa kondisi, inflamasi dapat menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit kronis, seperti aterosklerosis.  Adesi leukosit ke endotelium vaskular merupakan ciri proses inflamasi Adanya molekul adesi, seperti ICAM-1dan VCAM-1 yang meningkat dapat menyebabkan adesi monosit dan limfosit pada sel endotel melalui ikatan molekul adesi pada sel endotel.  Crude fukoidan berasal dari Sargassum crassifolium yang diambil dari perairan Garut dan diekstraksi dengan HCl encer, diuji aktivitas antiinflamasi melalui penghambatan kadar ICAM-1 dan VCAM-1 menggunakan model sel RAW 264.7 yang diinduksi inflamasi dengan lipopolisakarida. Uji viabilitas dilakukan  dengan metode MTT pada rentang konsentrasi 0,49-1000 µg/mL. Pola penghambatan proliferasi sel dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi. Dari uji viabilitas didapat konsentrasi tertinggi yang menyebabkan viabilitas sel sebesar 80% adalah konsentrasi crude fukoidan 86,46 μg/ml. Crude fukoidan terbukti dapat menurunkan kadar ICAM-1 dan VCAM-1  pada konsentrasi 50 dan 25 μg/ml. Persen penghambatan kadar ICAM pada konsentrasi 50 µg/mL adalah 61,04% dibanding kontrol inflamasi dan 74,26% pada konsentrasi 25 µg/mL.  Sementara persen penghamabatan kadar VCAM-1 pada konsentrasi 50 µg/mL adalah74,76% dibanding kontrol inflamasi dan 79,94% pada konsentrasi 25 µg/mL

    Aktivitas Senyawa Sargassum sp. sebagai Anti-aterosklerosis dengan Pembandingan Ligan-Reseptor HMG-CoA Reduktase- Simvastatin (1HW9) dan Uji Toksisitas secara In-Silico

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    Introduction:Sargassum.sp is one of the marine biota published as antiaterosclerosis, but compound toxicity data need to be explored for safety. Method: Virtual screening has been done with MVD software from active compounds contained in sargassum where has activity as antiaterosclerosis with the mechanism of hypolipidemic effects. Test compounds in sargassum include: fucoidan, rhamnose, fucose, galactose, fucoxantin, alginate, phlorofucofuroeckol A, phloroglucinol, phlorotannin, with HMG-COA Reductase-Simvastatin adenosine receptors with a 1HW9 /PDB code. Its toxicity is predicted using pkCSM (online). Results: The value RS, RMSD value as a result of the docking simulation carried out on said compounds, the following results are obtained: fucoidan (-110,420; 1,478), rhamnose (-72,081; 1,629), fucose (-98,408; 1,546), galactose (-95,757; 5,187), fucoxantin (-106,297; 2,161), alginate (-84,674; 2,897), phlorofucofuroeckol A (-106.701; 2,809), phloroglucinol (-103,140; 2,142), phlorotannin (-48,826; 7,750). The prediction results of toxicity showed fucoidan, rhamnose, fucose, galactose, fucoxantin, alginate, phlorofucofuroeckol A, phloroglucinol and phlorotannin not toxic with LD50 0.95-2.482g / kg. Conclusion:Based on RS values, fucoidan, fucoxantin and phlorofucofuroeckol A compounds contained in brown seaweed were predicted to have activity as antiaterosclerosis. Compounds in brown seaweed can also be predicted to be relatively non-toxic with a value of LD50 0.95-2.482g / kg.Latar Belakang: Rumput laut cokelat (Sargassum.sp) salah satu biota laut yang senyawanya telah dipublikasi mempunyai khasiat sebagai antiaterosklerosis, namun data toksisitasnya perlu juga dieksplorasi keamanannya. Tujuan: Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan senyawa aktif  dari sargassum sp. dan toksisitasnya secara in-silico. Metode:Penapisan secara virtual dengan perangkat lunak Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) dari senyawa-senyawa aktif yang terkandung di sargassum dimana diduga mempunyai aktivitas antiaterosklerosis dengan mekanisme efek hipolipidemik. Senyawa uji dalam sargassum antara lain: fucoidan, rhamnose, fucose, galactose, fucoxantin, alginate, phlorofucofuroeckol A, phloroglucinol, phlorotannin, dengan reseptor adenosine HMG-COA Reductase-Simvastatin dengan kode PDB 1HW9. Toksisitasnya diprediksi menggunakan pkCSM (online). Hasil:Nilai RS;nilai RMSD sebagai hasil dari simulasi docking yang dilakukan pada  senyawa-senyawa terssebut, didapat   hasil   sebagai berikut: fucoidan(-110.420;1.478),     rhamnose   (-72.081;1.629), fucose (-98.408;1.546), galactose (-95.757;5.187), fucoxantin (-106.297;2.161),alginate (-84.674;2.897), phlorofucofuroeckol A (-106.701;2.809), phloroglucinol (-103.140;2.142),phlorotannin(-48.826;7.750). Hasil prediksi toksisitas menunjukkan fucoidan, rhamnose, fucose, galactose, fucoxantin, alginate, phlorofucofuroeckol A, phloroglucinol dan phlorotannin tidak bersifat toksik dengan LD50 0.95-2.482g/kg. Kesimpulan:Berdasarkan nilai RS didapatkan senyawa fucoidan, fucoxantin dan phlorofucofuroeckol A yang terkandung dalam rumput laut cokelat diprediksi mempunyai aktivitas sebagai antiaterosklerosis. Senyawa dalam rumput laut cokelat juga dapat diprediksi relatif tidak toksik dengan nilai LD50 0.95-2.482g/kg

    Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Crude Extract Fukoidan dari Sargassum crassifolium pada Sel RAW 264.7 yang Diinduksi LPS

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    Inflammation is known as the basic mechanism underlying various chronic diseases. Macrophage activation by inflammatory stimulus induces the release of inflammatory mediators, thus the mediators becoming a promising target of anti-inflammatory drug development. Previous studies indicated that fucoidan has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the release of proinflammatory mediators. The aim of this study is determining anti-inflammatory activity of fucoidan crude extract form Sargassum crassifolium Garut waters by observing its effect on proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, dan IL-6. Fucoidan is a polysaccharide substance which has various characteristics, depending on the source and the extraction method which is influencing its bioactivity. Sargassum crassifolium collected from Garut-West Java is extracted using diluted HCl 0,1 M and precipitated with ethanol to obtain fucoidan crude extract. The crude extract is tested on LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells to evaluate its effect on TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 level using ELISA method. The result showed that fucoidan crude extract decreased the level of TNF-α by the dose of 25 and 50 μg/ml, and decreased the level of IL-1β and IL-6 by the dose of 25 μg/ml. The dose of 50 μg/ml failed to inhibit IL-1β and IL-6 production. This study showed that fucoidan crude extract derived from S. crassifolium has anti-inflammatory activity to RAW 264.7 cells by the dose of 25 μg/ml

    An ethnopharmacology study of Indonesian medicinal plants in Gunung Sari village as dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitor

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    During an ethnopharmacology study of traditional antidiabetic treatment in Gunung Sari village, Bogor region, Indonesia, fifteen traditional medicinal plants were selected, collected and prepared as crude extracts. Among fifteen plants, only three plants have previously been screened for dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors. Quantitative phytochemical analysis revealed total phe- nolics content (TPC) ranging from 2.27±0.16 to 5.39±0.05 mg GAE/g extract and total alkaloids content (TAC) from 1.07±0.02 to 4.33±0.07 mg QE/g extract. In-vitro DPP-IV inhibitory activity screening showed that Piper ornatum exhibited the highest inhibition (78.11±1.35 %) and the lowest activity by Syzygium polyanthum (34.30±1.57%) at a concentration of 250 μg/mL, respectively. Anal- ysis of chemical constituents using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) indicated at least eleven compounds were present in the crude extract. Among them, several peaks were tentatively assigned as pipcrosides and crocatins, which have previously been isolated from Piper crocatum