193 research outputs found

    Egypt-ASEAN Trade Relations: Evidence and Analysis

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    本文通过对埃及与东南亚国家联盟(东盟)之间的双边贸易结构的分析,重点研究了两者之间的国际贸易关系。同时也对影响埃及在东盟市场贸易的主要因素进行了探究。该研究包含了从理论文献综述、比较优势的实证研究和埃及与东盟国家的贸易的经济计量估计来分析东盟对埃及出口需求的决定因素。 如今,埃及政府已通过制定国家政策来促进对亚洲市场的出口。埃及的出口贸易正从依赖传统出口市场(欧盟、美国和沙特阿拉伯)向中国和东盟方向转变,实现其国际贸易战略的新途径。然而,迄今埃及和亚洲市场之间的贸易关系,尤其是与东南亚国家,其在2008年-2014年期间贸易量只占全埃及总贸易量的3%,与同时期埃及的传统贸易伙伴贸易量占埃及总...This dissertation focuses on the international trade relations between Egypt and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), through exploring the structure of bilateral trade between them. Moreover, the major factors affecting Egypt’s trade in ASEAN market are investigated. The study consists of literature reviews of the theories and empirical studies of comparative advantage, the econometric...学位:经济学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:1572012015406

    The modern ordinary: Changing culture of living in Egypt’s traditional quarters at the turn of the twentieth Century

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    Having experienced social and political structures of the nineteenth century Europe, western-educated Egyptian elite used public institutions to force new legislative structures and procedures that ruled out traditional housing forms and spatial systems. This essay detects direct and indirect impact of these changes that informed the spatial change of modern living in Egypt in the first quarter of the twentieth century. It offers analysis of socio-spatial practices and change in ordinary Cairenes’ modes of everyday living, using social routine and interaction to explain spatial systems and changing house forms during the first quarter of the twentieth century. In doing so, the essay utilized archival documents, accounts, formal decrees and novels of the time as well as conducting survey of house forms and spatial organizations in Old Cairo

    The abject dream of neo-capital: Capitalist urbanism, architecture and endangered liveability of the Middle East’s modern cities

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    This article interrogates the notion of “New Capital” in the context of the hegemony of neoliberal urbanism in the Arab cities in the Middle East from historical, socio-economic and spatial perspectives. It reviews the historical narratives of new centres and districts in Cairo, Beirut and evolving capitalist urbanism and architecture in the Arabian Peninsula in search of elitist dream of neo-liberal urbanism. It offers a comprehensive analysis to the notions of neoLiberal ideology and urban policies, neoCapital city as catalyst for nation-building and neoCapitalist architecture as reproduction of clone structures of western models. The paper focuses its critical analysis on the aspects of liveability in the contemporary Arab City and its socio-spatial structures and everyday urban reality. It reports on urban narratives based on archival records, urban projects and investigation of governmental accounts to determine aspects of success and failure in projects of new capital cities and districts. It argues that cities are essentially social-spatial system in which hierarchy is a fundamental element, the lack of which determines abject failure of their anticipated vision


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    As we are a part of a world full of news, every second there is something happening in the world. IT major players companies did a lot of effort helping the users to find news and follow them by making new technologies like Really Simple Syndication (RSS), online news portals, and SMS subscriptions. Each of those has many problems. For example, RSS could send more than 12,000 emails in less than 8 hours. SMS could help the user to follow only one source of news and the user has to pay for it. NEWZKIOSK IS offering the main headlines from the most famous news sources (CNN, BBC, NYT, Reuters). RSS and WordPress platform will allow Newzkiosk to offer the users the most compatible news portal over the web, less advertisements for more users' satisfaction and convenience

    Overcoming the conflict of jurisdiction in cybercrime

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    This study explores the different approaches to managing the conflict of criminal jurisdiction over cybercrime with the aim of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It argues that the most effective solution to this dilemma is to determine certain factors to be considered and evaluated by a body established for such a purpose or by the concerned states themselves in order to decide which country will take the exclusive competence over the cybercrime in accordance with the facts of each individual case and taking into account the characteristics of cybercrime. Establishment of these factors should reflect the interests of the different stakeholders related to cybercrime that include like other crimes the interest of victim(s), criminal(s), and concerned states. As long as it is accepted internationally that the jurisdiction over cybercrime can be established based on territory, active and passive personality, as well as the protective principles, the suggested factors should also include the interests of the state where the crime is committed, the state of the offender\u27s nationality, the state of the victim\u27s nationality, and the state whose vital interests have been affected by the crime. In addition, these factors should contain the interest of criminal proceedings as it is a must to achieve the interests of all the stakeholders. In my opinion, these factors should not be given equal weight as many factors are more relevant than others in light of the cybercrime particularities and the decision in this regard should be reached on the basis of an aggregate balance of all these factors

    Water Vapor Adsorption and Soil Wetting

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    Soil water management and irrigation practices largely depend on a timely and accurate characterization of temporal and spatial soil moisture dynamics in the root zone. Consequently, measurements and detailed information about soil water sorption, water content, behavior, and potential are required. In that concern, water vapor adsorption is an important phenomenon in arid and semi-arid regions, as well as in dry periods of tropical soils. Therefore, quantifying adsorption is important for agricultural water management, surface energy balance studies, ecological studies, and remote sensing investigations (changes in surface soil moisture content will affect land surface properties such as albedo, emissivity, and thermal inertia). The vapor pressure and isothermal adsorption of water vapor can be used to predict soil moisture adsorption capacity (Wa), specific surface area, and hydro-physical properties of arid soils such as in Egypt and in the tropical soils in Ecuador. Theory of adsorption of water vapor on soil particles is developed among the mono-molecular and poly-molecular adsorption with respect to Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) theory. Data of soil-water adsorption (W%) at different relative vapor pressures (P/Po) can be obtained for the soils, where the W% values are increased with increasing P/Po in general. The highest values of water adsorption capacity (Wa), specific surface area (S), and other hygro-physical properties such as adsorbed layers and maximum hygroscopic water are observed in the clay depths of soil profiles, while the lowest values can be found in coarse textured soils (sandy and sandy loam soils profiles). Two equations were assumed: (1) to predict P/Po at water adsorption capacity (Wa) and (2) to apply Wa in prediction of soil moisture retention, i.e., ψ (W) function at pF < 4.5

    Mapping Safety, Security and Walkability of Historical Public Open Spaces in Post-Conflict Libya: Tripoli as North African Case Study

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    North African cities have been undergoing major transformation over the past two decades following protracted instability, civic uprising, and conflicts, changing their perception from havens to territories of displacements with social, psychological, and physical problems. Historic public spaces in those cities, in particular, form a critical part of urban environments as they have the identity, livelihoods and cross-community engagement in a healthy and fulfilling urban fabric and culture. Whilst there have been several studies on the characteristics of open spaces in urban environments, there is very limited work on the changing perceptions, use and engagement of public spaces in historic cities especially in the post-Arab Spring and its relative instability. This study aims to deploy investigative and creative methods to map, analyse and navigate through the transformation in the perceptions of historic public spaces in Post-Conflict Libya and its divided cities.  It will study the users' (locals and visitors) attitudes, movements, and reflections on how those spaces have changed over time. visitors' behaviour in open historical public spaces in Tripoli, Libya. The study explores the relationships between the characteristics of historical public spaces, physical activity, and psychological behaviour. The paper argues that safety and security in public spaces are critical and inherent qualities that inform much of the users’ attitudes in historic cities, which has continued to be the case in post-conflict Tripoli

    Unusual etiology for a common problem

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    Introduction: Diagnosing the etiology of iron deficiency anemia can be very challenging.Hypothesis: Etiology of iron deficiency anemia is not always straightforwardStudy design: Case ReportResults: 2-year-old female presented with fever, cough, pallor for 4 days. CXR showed diffuse pulmonary opacities. CRP 3.45, ESR 21, WBC 6, platelet of 361, Hgb of 4 gm/dl, MCV 54, developed hemoptysis and was transferred to the PICU with respiratory failure. Bronchiolar lavage and lung biopsy showed extensive hemosiderin-laden macrophages. Iron deficiency anemia, progressive cough, dyspnea, and infiltrates on CXR was consistent with idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Pneumocystis, HIV, histoplasma, SLE, vasculitides were negative. Patient responded to a burst of steroid with normalization of breathing and Hgb level during follow up.16 y/o female marathon runner with iron deficiency anemia refractory to iron supplementation, Hgb 7.4gm/dl over 6 month period despite taking iron supplements. MVC was 68, ferritin of 2, transferrin/TIBC levels were elevated. Hemoccult stool negative. Combination of intense physical exercise, refractory iron deficiency anemia, and lack of GI blood loss led to consideration of march hemoglobinuria. Urinalysis positive for blood, confirming the diagnosis. With IV iron and reduction of intensity of running, Hgb was up to 14.1.Conclusion: These two cases of uncommon causes of blood loss highlight the importance of considering rare causes for iron deficiency anemia especially when it is not responding to iron supplement. Without treatment of underlying cause, anemia would persist