116 research outputs found

    Optimization of Extraction Process of Carob Bean Gum Purified from Carob Seeds by Response Surface Methodology

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    The carob product most widely used, especially for the food industry, is the carob bean gum (CBG), or locust bean gum (LBG). This gum comes from the endosperm of the seed and chemically is a polysaccharide, a galactomannan. It is used as thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier and gelling agent. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the extraction of CBG from Moroccan carob seeds. A central composite design was used for experimental design and analysis of the results searching for the optimal extraction conditions: Extraction temperature, extraction time and water to endosperm seeds ratio. Based on the RSM analysis, optimum conditions were: temperature 97°C, time 36 min and water to endosperm of seeds ratio of (197:1). Under the optimized conditions, the experimental values were in close agreement with values predicted by the model and for wish. Predicted yield of carob gum extracted is 69% of endosperm seeds. Keywords: Carob bean gum; Extraction; Central composite design; Optimization experiment

    Syrup of natural carob sugars and a process for its production using Response Surface Methodology

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    Experimental design was used to investigate the effect of three parameters (extraction temperature, extraction time and ratio of water to pulp) on syrups yields. The ranges of the factors investigated were 20–45°C for extraction temperature (X1), 1–3h for extraction time (X2) and 1–3 for extraction ratio of water to pulp (X3).  The extracting parameters for syrups yields were optimized by using three-factor-three-level Box Behnken design (BBD) and response surface methodology based on the single-factor experiments. As results, the optimum conditions were extracting temperature 43.45°C, extracting time 2.40 h and the ratio of extraction solvent (water) to pulp (v/w) 2.27. Under these conditions, the experimental values were in close agreement with values predicted by the model and for wish. Predicted yield of syrup extracted is 39.51 %. Keywords: Carob pods; pulp; Syrup yield; Optimization experiment; Box Behnken design.

    Artificial Intelligence Empowers Gamification: Optimizing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes in E-learning and MOOCs

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    In this era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) growth, characterized by advances in the Large Language Models (LLMs) used by ChatGPT and Bard, this study examines the effects of gamification and Automatic Question Generation (AQG) on student engagement and learning outcomes in the context of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). AQG, implemented via a Moodle plugin, transforms conventional assessments into an interactive, gamified experience, leveraging the “test effect” to improve learning outcomes. Research with 100 fifth-graders in a primary and secondary school shows that gamified assessments significantly boost student motivation and learning outcomes compared with traditional methods. The custom Moodle plugin facilitates the AQG process, generating contextually relevant and grammatically correct Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) from course content. The result is a dynamic, personalized assessment experience aimed at optimizing student retention. This paper concludes by discussing the implications of the study for educators and highlighting potential directions for future research

    Gender gaps in English as a second foreign language attainment: some Oujda High Schools case study

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    Several studies and research have been conducted on the issue of gender gap attainment, most of which have concluded that female students are relatively higher achievers compared to males. This gap is attributed to different explanations depending on the angles from which it is viewed, amongst which is the average use of language learning strategies (LLS). Therefore, the current study attempts to find out and analyze the reasons why female and male students perform differently in the English classes in Oujda high schools. It also aims to discover who exploits LLS more in learning English as a foreign language. To effectively reach this goal, the researchers use a self-developed observation checklist to identify who outperforms the other and a structured interview to discern who uses LLS more effectively. As a result, two points emerged in this research paper. The current study attempts to find out about female-male differences in English attainment. Besides, it seeks explanations for male and female performance in the English classes in Oujda high schools. It also aims to discover who exploits LLS more in learning English as a foreign language. To fill this gap, a number of 960 students were observed, and 32 students were interviewed. The study is approached using the mixed-method of quantitative and qualitative design, where a descriptive approach is used. Data is gathered through both instruments observation and interviews in five high schools. To effectively reach this goal, the researchers use a self-developed observation checklist to identify who outperforms the other and a structured interview to discern who uses LLS more effectively. As a result, two points emerged in this research paper. First, this research paper proves that females outperform males in English classes. Second, females use more learning strategies than males. The researchers infer from the results that there is an attainment gap, namely, male students underachieve females

    An unusual presentation of appendicitis: a 23 cm long appendix in Morocco

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    The appendix is a diverticulum attached to the caecum. It can have variable lengths and locations. Acute inflammation from long appendix is a diagnostic challenge with unusual signs and symptoms. A 35 years old man admitted to the emergency department for an acute abdominal pain with low-grade fever which had been present for 03 days. The abdomen Ultrasound showed minimal effusion in the right iliac fossa. He underwent an appendicectomy which revealed a very long appendix (23 cm in length) with tip reaching the sub hepatic area. The surgeon must kip in mind all anatomical variations of the appendix for making diagnosis and decisison to operate acute appendicitis because the increasing risk of morbidity

    Primary retroperitoneal malignant melanoma

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    We report a case of an extremely rare primary malignant melanoma presenting in the retroperitomeum, indurcing a diagnostic and management problem.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:2

    La réussite de l'intégration de la finance participative dans le système de finance classique

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    RésuméLa réussite de l'intégration de la finance participative dans le système de finance classiqueLes actifs financiers islamiques mondiaux ont atteint 1,8 billion de dollars en 2015 contre 150 milliards de dollars dans les années 90. Ils devraient dépasser 6,5 billions de dollars américains d'ici à 2020, après un taux de croissance des actifs islamiques de 30 % sur la période 2002-2007. Les analystes estiment que l’industrie devrait atteindre une valeur de 3 000 milliards de dollars dans le courant de la prochaine décennie.Malgré que le système institutionnel et constitutionnel marocain repose depuis toujours sur la centralité de la « Commanderie des croyants » (imarat al-mu’minin) dans un ordre qui fait de l’islam la « religion de l’État », paradoxalement la place de la charia dans le système financier marocain était absente, c’est ainsi que vient l’intégration en 2007 des trois techniques de financement dites produits alternatifs « Ijara, Mourabaha et Moucharaka » dans les banques classiques, qui se heurtait à diverses contraintes (notamment la sur taxation et la non-conformité aux  préceptes de la Charia). Sept ans après, le Maroc adoptera une seule loi bancaire, incluant un chapitre sur les banques « participatives » et les premiers agréments ont été octroyés fin 2016.Dans cette communication nous essayerons de se rapprocher des points de ressemblance et différences majeurs entre les banques islamiques et celles conventionnelles (ou classiques), puis faire un panorama des expériences réussites d’intégration des banques islamiques dans un environnement financier classique avant de se projeter sur l’expérience marocaine et ses perspectives de réussite. Mots-clés : Finance islamique, finance classique, Sukuk, Murabaha, GhararClassification JEL : G1, G2 …AbstractSuccessful integration of participatory finance into the classical finance system The Global Islamic financial assets reached 1.8trillionin2015versus 1.8 trillion in 2015 versus 150 billion in the 1990s. They are expected to exceed 6.5trillionby2020,afteragrowthrateofIslamicassetsof30 6.5 trillion by 2020, after a growth rate of Islamic assets of 30% over the period 2002-2007. Analysts estimate that the industry is expected to reach 3 trillion in the next decade.Despite the fact that the Moroccan institutional and constitutional system has always been based on the centrality of the "Commandery of believers" (imarat al-mu'minin) in an order that makes Islam the "religion of the state", paradoxically the place sharia in the Moroccan financial system was absent, this is how the integration in 2007 of the three financing techniques called alternative products "Ijara, Murabaha and Moucharaka" in the conventional banks, which was faced with various constraints (including over taxation and non-compliance with Shari'a precepts). Seven years later, Morocco will adopt a single banking law, including a chapter on "participatory" banks and the first approvals were granted at the end of 2016.In this paper we will try to get closer to the points of resemblance and major differences between Islamic banks and those conventional (or classical), then make a panorama of successful experiences of integration of Islamic banks in a conventional financial environment before projecting on the Moroccan experience and its prospects for success. Keywords: Islamic Finance, Classic Finance, Sukuk, Murabaha, GhararJEL classification: G1, G2 … الملخصالإدماج الناجح للتمويل التشاركي في نظام التمويل الكلاسيكيفي عام 2015 بلغت الأصول المالية الإسلامية العالمية 1.8 تريليون دولار، مقارنة ب 150 مليار دولار في التسعينات، ومن المتوقع أن تتجاوز 6.5 تريليون دولار بحلول عام 2020، بعد معدل نمو الأصول الإسلامية في التسعينات. 30٪ خلال الفترة 2002-2007. ويقدر المحللون أن من المتوقع أن تصل الصناعة إلى 3 تريليون دولار في العقد المقبل.على الرغم من أن النظام المؤسسي والدستوري المغربي كان قائما دائما على مبدأ " إمارة المؤمنين" مما يجعل الإسلام "دين الدولة"، فإنه و من المفارقات أن مكانة الشريعة في النظام المالي المغربي ظلت غائبة، انطلاقا من هذا المعطى تم إدماج تقنيات التمويل البديلة الثلاثة في عام 2007 في البنوك الكلاسيكية التي واجهت معوقات مختلفة )بما في ذلك فرض ضرائب وعدم امتثال لمبادئ الشريعة الإسلامية .(وبعد سبع سنوات، سيعتمد المغرب قانونا مصرفيا واحدا، يتضمن فصلا عن المصارف " التشاركية"، وتم منح الموافقات الأولى في نهاية عام 2016.في هذه الورقة سنحاول الاقتراب من نقاط التشابه والاختلافات الرئيسية بين البنوك الإسلامية وبين تلك التقليدية (أو الكلاسيكية)ثم سنعرض بعض التجارب الناجحة لدمج البنوك الإسلامية في بيئة مالية تقليدية قبل مقاربة التجربة المغربية و آفاق النجاح. الكلمات المفتاحية: التمويل الإسلامي، التمويل الكلاسيكي، الصكوك، المرابحة، غر


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    The public (or state) enterprise manages a large part of the collective heritage in most countries, so it is incumbent on it to comply with strict and rigorous governance criteria. In Morocco, the governance of public enterprises occupies more and more an important place in the main strategic orientations of the government. This importance is also present in Moroccan public opinion, especially with the various events that have marked the MENA region (the Arab Spring for example).However, given this interest in the public enterprise, the inventory of the empirical literature does not provide a clear picture of the impact of governance on this structure.On the other hand, examining the theoretical field into which the developments that deal more or less directly with the governance of companies, and more particularly the public company, gives rise to a double feeling: On the one hand, with regard to our research objective, we remain dissatisfied with the explanations provided by a good number of analyses which hardly provide answers to questions about the specificity of the public enterprise in general, and in terms of governance, in particular.On the other hand, we are struck by the diversity of approaches that attempt to partially answer these questions without providing a comprehensive and multidimensional approach.In addition, most of the analyses encountered ignore aspects of public enterprises operating in developing countries. Empirically, however, the results of the many studies carried out so far are, on the whole, ambiguous and therefore do not support the unequivocal conclusion that there is a relationship between the form of ownership and performance.In addition, the governance of a company, whether private or public, involves several mechanisms (social networks, mutual control of managers, control by shareholders, etc.), nevertheless the administration’s council remains the most evoked tool, since it constitutes a means of direct control of shareholders.However, given the ambiguity presented by the impact of the administration’s council on the performance, of the public company in particular, with all the points of difference or resemblance that it presents compared to a private firm, from this research, we will aim to propose a new research model. The objective is to obtain more relevant answers concerning the effects of the administration’s council on the creation of values. To this end, we will build, on the basis of the synthetic theory of corporate governance, a model combining the arguments of disciplinary and cognitive approaches.To obtain satisfactory answers concerning the impact of the administration’s council on the creation of values of the public enterprise, we will operationalize the performance both by a measure of the return on assets as by a criterion of return on equity. To examine the validity of the many research hypotheses, we will begin regression analyzes in the form of panel data. The advantage of this method consists of the fact that it allows to take into account the transverse dimensions (instantaneous cuts) and longitudinal (temporal dimension). The analysis ends with a synthesis of the main results and their interpretation.This research work therefore aims to apply the synthetic approach of the government of the public enterprise in the Moroccan case in order to provide more satisfactory answers to the following question: "What are the impacts of a governance mechanism such as the administration council on the performance of the public company?


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    In the Smaala area, Paleozoic rocks crop out and are structured by the Hercynian orogeny. The hydrographic network is dense and displays various flow directions. It consists of temporary streams that eventually lead to the Grou river. Analysis of the Landsat TM satellite image can extract lineament network. The majority of these lineaments coincide with geological fractures identified on the field. Their distribution is organized around four major directions: NE-SW, N-S, NW-SE and E-W. The comparison of the statistics of the hydrographic network with those of lineaments shows that the majority of rivers are affected by geological structures, especially the fracturing. The topography of the area also has a secondary impact on the water circulation, by the presence of slopes generally oriented North-West and North

    Vibrational Study and Crystal Structure of Barium Cesium Cyclotriphosphate Dihydrate

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    Chemical preparation, crystal structure, thermal behavior, and IR studies are reported for the barium cesium cyclotriphosphate dihydrate BaCsP3O9.2H2O and its anhydrous form BaCs4(PO3)6. BaCsP3O9.2H2O, isotypic to BaTlP3O9.2H2O and BaNH4P3O9.2H2O, is monoclinic P21/n with the following unit cell dimensions: a = 7.6992(2)Å, b = 12.3237(3)Å, c = 11.8023(3)Å, α = 90 (2)°, β = 101.18(5)°, γ = 90. (3)°, and Z = 4. The total dehydration of BaCsP3O9.2H2O is between 100°C and 580°C. The IR absorption spectroscopy spectrum for the crystal confirms that most of the vibrational modes are comparable to similar cyclotriphosphates and to the calculated frequencies. The thermal properties reveal that the compound is stable until 90°C