170 research outputs found

    Ordu Bölgesi’nde Kullanılan İskorpit Ağlarının Ekosisteme Etkileri

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    In this study, the effect of trammel nets used for the scorpion-fish in the Black Sea Region on the other species is investigated. These nets are used on the rocky bottoms which are very important for the ecosystem. This study was carried in 2014 on the coasts of Ordu. In this research, commercial bottom trammel nets having a length of 50m with 44mm,50mm, 56mm and 60mm mesh sizes were used. A monthly sampling routine was performed. During this research a total of 22 species were caught by the scorpionfish nets. 43.38 % of the total catch by these nets is the target species (scorpionfish), 32.56 % are crab species, 18.79 %are other fishes and 5.28 % are Mollusca species. Crab species constitute a considerable amount of species having no economic importance. Within the period of scorpion-fish season (May-August), thedistribution of the total catch by nets is formed as; 48.63 % are crab species and 51.37 % are other species including the target one (scorpion-fish). As a result, it is shown that the by catch percentage ofscorpion-fish nets is considerably high and the commercial scorpion-fish nets has a negative impact on the crab populations.Keywords: Scorpion-fish nets, Decapods, Black SeaBu çalışmada, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde kıyı balıkçılığında iskorpit avcılığında kullanılan fanyalı uzatma ağlarının diğer türlere etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu ağlar ekosistem için çok önemli olan sert zeminler üzerine atılarak avcılık yapılmaktadır. Bu araştırma, 2014 yılı içerisinde Ordu ili kıyılarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada iskorpit avcılığında ticari olarak kullanılan 44mm, 50mm, 56mm ve 60mm göz açıklığındaki, her biri 50m uzunluğundaki fanyalı dip uzatma ağaları kullanılmıştır. Örnekleme aylık olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma süresi boyunca iskorpit ağlarında toplam 22 tür yakalanmıştır. Ağlarda yakalanan deniz canlılarının % 43.38’ni hedef tür olan iskorpit balığı, % 32.56’ni yengeç türleri, % 18.78’ni diğer balıklar ve % 5.28’sını Mollusca türleri oluşturmaktadır. Yakalanan tüm canlıların % 54.56’si ekonomik tür olup, % 45.44’ü ekonomik olmayan türlerdir. Ekonomik olmayan türlerin büyük bir kısmını da yengeç türleri oluşturmaktadır. İskorpit avlama sezonunda (Mayıs-Ağustos) ağda yakalanan toplam deniz canlılarının % 48.63 hedef tür olmayan yengeç, % 51.37’sini ise diğer türler oluşturmuştur. Sonuç olarak, bölgede kullanılan iskorpit ağlarının hedef dışı yakalama oranlarının yüksek olduğu ve özellikle yengeç popülasyonlarına olumsuz etkilerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar sözcükler: İskorpit Ağları, Ekosisteme Etkileri, Karadeni

    Clustering of protein families into functional subtypes using Relative Complexity Measure with reduced amino acid alphabets

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    Background: Phylogenetic analysis can be used to divide a protein family into subfamilies in the absence of experimental information. Most phylogenetic analysis methods utilize multiple alignment of sequences and are based on an evolutionary model. However, multiple alignment is not an automated procedure and requires human intervention to maintain alignment integrity and to produce phylogenies consistent with the functional splits in underlying sequences. To address this problem, we propose to use the alignment-free Relative Complexity Measure (RCM) combined with reduced amino acid alphabets to cluster protein families into functional subtypes purely on sequence criteria. Comparison with an alignment-based approach was also carried out to test the quality of the clustering. Results: We demonstrate the robustness of RCM with reduced alphabets in clustering of protein sequences into families in a simulated dataset and seven well-characterized protein datasets. On protein datasets, crotonases, mandelate racemases, nucleotidyl cyclases and glycoside hydrolase family 2 were clustered into subfamilies with 100% accuracy whereas acyl transferase domains, haloacid dehalogenases, and vicinal oxygen chelates could be assigned to subfamilies with 97.2%, 96.9% and 92.2% accuracies, respectively. Conclusions: The overall combination of methods in this paper is useful for clustering protein families into subtypes based on solely protein sequence information. The method is also flexible and computationally fast because it does not require multiple alignment of sequences


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    Anestezi derinliği ölçmek için birçok EEG (Elektroensaflogram) analiz yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin tümü çevrim dışı tabanlı olduğundan, gerçek zaman tabanlı yöntemlerin geliştirilmesine hala gereksinim vardır. Çalışmadaki amaç, derin anestezi ve uyanıklık durumlarının değerlendirilmesi için gerçek zaman dsPIC tabanlı EEG analiz sistemi geliştirmektir. Gerçek hipnogram değerleri ve hesaplanmış EEG tabanlı ölçümler arasında benzerlikler olduğu gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmanın anestezi izleme aygıtı geliştirmek için yeterli birikime sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Many of the EEG analysis methods are used to monitor the depth of anesthesia. All of these methods are off-line based; therefore, the real-time based methods still need to be developed. Our aim is to develop a real-time dsPIC based EEG analysis system for evaluating of deep anesthesia and of awake states. It was shown that there were quite similarities between the actual hypnogram values and the calculated EEG based measures. Consequently, we could say that this study has enough potential application to develop an anesthesia monitoring device

    Microsurgical management of midbrain gliomas: surgical results and long-term outcome in a large, single-surgeon, consecutive series

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    OBJECTIVE The authors report on a large, consecutive, single-surgeon series of patients undergoing microsurgical removal of midbrain gliomas. Emphasis is put on surgical indications, technique, and results as well as long-term oncological follow-up. METHODS A retrospective analysis was performed of prospectively collected data from a consecutive series of patients undergoing microneurosurgery for midbrain gliomas from March 2006 through June 2022 at the authors' institution. According to the growth pattern and location of the lesion in the midbrain (tegmentum, central mesencephalic structures, and tectum), one of the following approaches was chosen: transsylvian (TS), extreme anterior interhemispheric transcallosal (eAIT), posterior interhemispheric transtentorial subsplenial (PITS), paramedian supracerebellar transtentorial (PST), perimedian supracerebellar (PeS), perimedian contralateral supracerebellar (PeCS), and transuvulotonsillar fissure (TUTF). Clinical and radiological data were gathered according to a standard protocol and reported according to common descriptive statistics. The main outcomes were rate of gross-total resection; extent of resection; occurrence of any complications; variation in Karnofsky Performance Status score at discharge, 3 months, and last follow-up; progression-free survival (PFS); and overall survival (OS). RESULTS Fifty-four patients (28 of them pediatric) met the inclusion criteria (6 with high-grade and 48 with low-grade gliomas [LGGs]). Twenty-two tumors were in the tegmentum, 7 in the central mesencephalic structures, and 25 in the tectum. In no instance did the glioma originate in the cerebral peduncle. TS was performed in 2 patients, eAIT in 6, PITS in 23, PST in 16, PeS in 4, PeCS in 1, and TUTF in 2 patients. Gross-total resection was achieved in 39 patients (72%). The average extent of resection was 98.0% (median 100%, range 82%-100%). There were no deaths due to surgery. Nine patients experienced transient and 2 patients experienced permanent new neurological deficits. At a mean follow-up of 72 months (median 62, range 3-193 months), 49 of the 54 patients were still alive. All patients with LGGs (48/54) were alive with no decrease in their KPS score, whereas 42 showed improvement compared with their preoperative status. CONCLUSIONS Microneurosurgical removal of midbrain gliomas is feasible with good surgical results and long-term clinical outcomes, particularly in patients with LGGs. As such, microneurosurgery should be considered as the first therapeutic option. Adequate microsurgical technique and anesthesiological management, along with an accurate preoperative understanding of the tumor's exact topographic origin and growth pattern, is crucial for a good surgical outcome

    New applications and developments in the neutron shielding

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    Shielding neutrons involve three steps that are slowing neutrons, absorption of neutrons, and impregnation of gamma rays. Neutrons slow down with thermal energy by hydrogen, water, paraffin, plastic. Hydrogenated materials are also very effective for the absorption of neutrons. Gamma rays are produced by neutron (radiation) retention on the neutron shield, inelastic scattering, and degradation of activation products. If a source emits gamma rays at various energies, high-energy gamma rays sometimes specify shielding requirements. Multipurpose Materials for Neutron Shields; Concrete, especially with barium mixed in, can slow and absorb the neutrons, and shield the gamma rays. Plastic with boron is also a good multipurpose shielding material. In this study; new applications and developments in the area of neutron shielding will be discussed in terms of different materials

    Dose-dependant preventive effect of a herbal compound on crystal formation in rat model

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    Introduction: To analyze the dose-dependent preventive effect of a plant-based herbal product on the new crystal formation in a rat model. Materials and methods: A total of 42 rats were divided into 7 groups and zinc discs were placed into the bladder of rats to provide a nidus for the development of new crystal formation: Group 1: control, Group 2: 0.75 percent ethylene glycol (EG); Group 3: 0.75 percent EG plus 0.051 ml of the compound; Group 4: 0.75 percent EG plus 0.179 ml of the compound; Group 5: 0.75 percent EG plus 0.217 ml of the compound; Group 6: 0.75 percent EG plus 0.255 ml of the compound; Group 7 0.75 percent EG plus 0.332 of the compound). The analysis and comparison focused on the disc weights, changes in urinary oxalate and calcium levels, urinary pH, and the histopathologic evaluation of the inflammatory changes in the bladder after 14 days. Results: According to the evaluation of discs placed in the bladders of the animals, animals receiving the herbal compound on a dose-dependent basis showed a limited increase in the disc weights values after 14 days, despite a considerable increase in animals receiving EG alone (p = 0.001). Further evaluation of the increase in disc weights on a dose-dependent basis in different subgroups (from Groups 3 to 7) demonstrated that the limitation of crystal deposition began to be more prominent as the dose of herbal compound increased. This effect was more evident particularly in comparisons between group 7 and others, according to LSD multiple comparison tests (p = 0.001). As anticipated, there has been no discernible change in the weight of the discs in the control group. Although urinary calcium levels in animals of Groups 2, 6, and 7 were significantly higher than the other groups, we were not able to demonstrate a close correlation between urinary oxalate levels and the increasing dose levels. Even though mean urine pH levels were statistically considerably higher in Group 3, there was no statistically significant correlation between the oxalate and calcium levels between all groups, and no association was seen with the administration of herbal agents. The transitional epithelium between the three groups of animals' bladder samples did not exhibit any appreciable difference according to pathological analysis. Conclusions: In this animal model, the treatment of the compound was successful in lowering the amount of crystal deposition surrounding the zinc discs, most noticeably at a dosage of 0.332 ml, three times per day

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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