6,371 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic modeling of transcription: sensitivity analysis differentiates biological mechanism from mathematical model-induced effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantitative models of gene expression generate parameter values that can shed light on biological features such as transcription factor activity, cooperativity, and local effects of repressors. An important element in such investigations is sensitivity analysis, which determines how strongly a model's output reacts to variations in parameter values. Parameters of low sensitivity may not be accurately estimated, leading to unwarranted conclusions. Low sensitivity may reflect the nature of the biological data, or it may be a result of the model structure. Here, we focus on the analysis of thermodynamic models, which have been used extensively to analyze gene transcription. Extracted parameter values have been interpreted biologically, but until now little attention has been given to parameter sensitivity in this context.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We apply local and global sensitivity analyses to two recent transcriptional models to determine the sensitivity of individual parameters. We show that in one case, values for repressor efficiencies are very sensitive, while values for protein cooperativities are not, and provide insights on why these differential sensitivities stem from both biological effects and the structure of the applied models. In a second case, we demonstrate that parameters that were thought to prove the system's dependence on activator-activator cooperativity are relatively insensitive. We show that there are numerous parameter sets that do not satisfy the relationships proferred as the optimal solutions, indicating that structural differences between the two types of transcriptional enhancers analyzed may not be as simple as altered activator cooperativity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results emphasize the need for sensitivity analysis to examine model construction and forms of biological data used for modeling transcriptional processes, in order to determine the significance of estimated parameter values for thermodynamic models. Knowledge of parameter sensitivities can provide the necessary context to determine how modeling results should be interpreted in biological systems.</p

    AdaSampling for positive-unlabeled and label noise learning with bioinformatics applications

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    © 2018 IEEE. Class labels are required for supervised learning but may be corrupted or missing in various applications. In binary classification, for example, when only a subset of positive instances is labeled whereas the remaining are unlabeled, positive-unlabeled (PU) learning is required to model from both positive and unlabeled data. Similarly, when class labels are corrupted by mislabeled instances, methods are needed for learning in the presence of class label noise (LN). Here we propose adaptive sampling (AdaSampling), a framework for both PU learning and learning with class LN. By iteratively estimating the class mislabeling probability with an adaptive sampling procedure, the proposed method progressively reduces the risk of selecting mislabeled instances for model training and subsequently constructs highly generalizable models even when a large proportion of mislabeled instances is present in the data. We demonstrate the utilities of proposed methods using simulation and benchmark data, and compare them to alternative approaches that are commonly used for PU learning and/or learning with LN. We then introduce two novel bioinformatics applications where AdaSampling is used to: 1) identify kinase-substrates from mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics data and 2) predict transcription factor target genes by integrating various next-generation sequencing data

    The urologic epithelial stem cell database (UESC) – a web tool for cell type-specific gene expression and immunohistochemistry images of the prostate and bladder

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    Background: Public databases are crucial for analysis of high-dimensional gene and protein expression data. The Urologic Epithelial Stem Cells (UESC) database http://scgap.systemsbiology.net/ is a public database that contains gene and protein information for the major cell types of the prostate, prostate cancer cell lines, and a cancer cell type isolated from a primary tumor. Similarly, such information is available for urinary bladder cell types. Description: Two major data types were archived in the database, protein abundance localization data from immunohistochemistry images, and transcript abundance data principally from DNA microarray analysis. Data results were organized in modules that were made to operate independently but built upon a core functionality. Gene array data and immunostaining images for human and mouse prostate and bladder were made available for interrogation. Data analysis capabilities include: (1) CD (cluster designation) cell surface protein data. For each cluster designation molecule, a data summary allows easy retrieval of images (at multiple magnifications). (2) Microarray data. Single gene or batch search can be initiated with Affymetrix Probeset ID, Gene Name, or Accession Number together with options of coalescing probesets and/or replicates. Conclusion: Databases are invaluable for biomedical research, and their utility depends on data quality and user friendliness. UESC provides for database queries and tools to examine cell typespecific gene expression (normal vs. cancer), whereas most other databases contain only whole tissue expression datasets. The UESC database provides a valuable tool in the analysis of differential gene expression in prostate cancer genes in cancer progression.This work was supported by grant 1U01 DK63630 from NIDDK. Additional funding came from grants CA85859, CA98699 and CA111244 from NCI

    Computational Complexity of interacting electrons and fundamental limitations of Density Functional Theory

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    One of the central problems in quantum mechanics is to determine the ground state properties of a system of electrons interacting via the Coulomb potential. Since its introduction by Hohenberg, Kohn, and Sham, Density Functional Theory (DFT) has become the most widely used and successful method for simulating systems of interacting electrons, making their original work one of the most cited in physics. In this letter, we show that the field of computational complexity imposes fundamental limitations on DFT, as an efficient description of the associated universal functional would allow to solve any problem in the class QMA (the quantum version of NP) and thus particularly any problem in NP in polynomial time. This follows from the fact that finding the ground state energy of the Hubbard model in an external magnetic field is a hard problem even for a quantum computer, while given the universal functional it can be computed efficiently using DFT. This provides a clear illustration how the field of quantum computing is useful even if quantum computers would never be built.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. v2: Version accepted at Nature Physics; differs significantly from v1 (including new title). Includes an extra appendix (not contained in the journal version) on the NP-completeness of Hartree-Fock, which is taken from v

    Gene expression relationship between prostate cancer cells of Gleason 3, 4 and normal epithelial cells as revealed by cell type-specific transcriptomes

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    Background: Prostate cancer cells in primary tumors have been typed CD10(-)/CD13(-)/CD24(hi)/CD26(+)/CD38(lo)/CD44(-)/CD104(-). This CD phenotype suggests a lineage relationship between cancer cells and luminal cells. The Gleason grade of tumors is a descriptive of tumor glandular differentiation. Higher Gleason scores are associated with treatment failure. Methods: CD26(+) cancer cells were isolated from Gleason 3+3 (G3) and Gleason 4+4 (G4) tumors by cell sorting, and their gene expression or transcriptome was determined by Affymetrix DNA array analysis. Dataset analysis was used to determine gene expression similarities and differences between G3 and G4 as well as to prostate cancer cell lines and histologically normal prostate luminal cells. Results: The G3 and G4 transcriptomes were compared to those of prostatic cell types of non-cancer, which included luminal, basal, stromal fibromuscular, and endothelial. A principal components analysis of the various transcriptome datasets indicated a closer relationship between luminal and G3 than luminal and G4. Dataset comparison also showed that the cancer transcriptomes differed substantially from those of prostate cancer cell lines. Conclusions: Genes differentially expressed in cancer are potential biomarkers for cancer detection, and those differentially expressed between G3 and G4 are potential biomarkers for disease stratification given that G4 cancer is associated with poor outcomes. Differentially expressed genes likely contribute to the prostate cancer phenotype and constitute the signatures of these particular cancer cell types.National Institutes of Health (NIH)[CA111244]National Institutes of Health (NIH)[CA98699]National Institutes of Health (NIH)[CA85859]National Institutes of Health (NIH)[DK63630][P50-GMO-76547

    Oxidation of copper electrodes on flexible polyimide substrates for non-enzymatic glucose sensing

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    The integration of non-enzymatic glucose sensing entities into device designs compatible with industrial production is crucial for the broad take-up of non-invasive glucose sensors. Copper and its oxides have proven to be promising candidates for electrochemical glucose sensing. They can be fabricated in situ enabling integration with standard copper metallisation schemes for example in printed circuit boards (PCBs). Here, copper oxide electrodes are prepared on flexible polyimide substrates through direct annealing of patterned electrode structures. Both annealing temperature and duration are tuned to optimise the sensor surface for optimum glucose detection. A combination of microscopy and spectroscopy techniques is used to follow changes to the surface morphology and chemistry under the varying annealing conditions. The observed physico-chemical electrode characteristics are directly compared with electrochemical testing of the sensing performance, including chronoamperommetry and interference experiments. A clear influence of both aspects on the sensing behaviour is observed and an anneal at 250 °C for 8 h is identified as the best compromise between sensor performance and low interference from competing analytes

    A Hybrid Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Contextual Word Embeddings and Hierarchical Attention

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    The Web has become the main platform where people express their opinions about entities of interest and their associated aspects. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) aims to automatically compute the sentiment towards these aspects from opinionated text. In this paper we extend the state-of-the-art Hybrid Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (HAABSA) method in two directions. First we replace the non-contextual word embeddings with deep contextual word embeddings in order to better cope with the word semantics in a given text. Second, we use hierarchical attention by adding an extra attention layer to the HAABSA high-level representations in order to increase the method flexibility in modeling the input data. Using two standard datasets (SemEval 2015 and SemEval 2016) we show that the proposed extensions improve the accuracy of the built model for ABSA.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 20th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2020), Helsinki Finland, 9-12 June 202