89 research outputs found

    The isolation of cDNA clones for human fibrinogen

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    Imperial Users onl


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    Salmonella enterica is an important enteric pathogen which causes gastroenteritis and enteric fever in humans and is widely spread in nature. Outbreaks of Salmonella infections are frequently reported in both developed and developing countries, as this pathogen spreads very rapidly by means of water and the food chain. A multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay was developed for the detection of multiple Salmonella serotypes in different kind of food products. To increase specificity of this molecular method, three sets of oligonucleotide primer were used to detect the most prevalent salmonella species. Different primer pairs were used for the optimization of the multiplex PCR. The primer pair, ST FW and ST RV, was specific to Salmonella typhi and targeted a randomly selected sequence of 600bp. The primer pair SPFW and SPRV specific to Salmonella paratyphi for a sequence of 800bp in length. Likewise, the primers pairs SEFW and SERV were designed to amplify a sequence of about 1000bp from S. enterica. The Salmonella strains tested in this study were Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enterica and Salmonella Paratyphi. The STFW/STRV primer pair amplified 600bp DNA fragments when the DNA templates from Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella enterica and Salmonella paratyphi were tested. The DNA template of Salmonella paratyphi specifically amplified 800-bp fragments. Likewise, the DNA template for Salmonella enterica amplified 1000-bp fragment. This technique can be used routinely for the rapid detection of Salmonella spp. in food materials at low level of contamination with an enrichment time that depend in complexity of food product


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    Objective: Salmonella enterica is an important enteric pathogen which causes gastroenteritis and enteric fever in humans and is widely spread in nature. Outbreaks of Salmonella infections are frequently reported in both developed and developing countries, as this pathogen spreads very rapidly by means of water and the food chain. Methods: A multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay was developed for the detection of multiple Salmonella serotypes in different kind of food products. To increase specificity of this molecular method, three sets of oligonucleotide primer were used to detect the most prevalent salmonella species. Different primer pairs were used for the optimization of the multiplex PCR. The primer pair, ST FW and ST RV, was specific to Salmonella typhi and targeted a randomly selected sequence of 600bp. The primer pair SPFW and SPRV specific to Salmonella paratyphi for a sequence of 800 bp in length. Likewise, the primers pairs SEFW and SERV were designed to amplify a sequence of about 1000bp from S. enterica. Results: The Salmonella strains tested in this study were Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enterica and Salmonella Paratyphi. The STFW/STRV primer pair amplified 600bp DNA fragments when the DNA templates from Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella enterica and Salmonella paratyphi were tested. Conclusion: The DNA template of Salmonella paratyphi specifically amplified 800-bp fragments. Likewise, the DNA template for Salmonella enterica amplified 1000-bp fragment. This technique can be used routinely for the rapid detection of Salmonella spp. in food materials at low level of contamination with an enrichment time that depends in complexity of the food product

    Microbial Quality of Paddy fields at Alfurat Alawsat Area, Iraq and the Effect of Milling Process on the Rice Contamination Level

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    شملت الدراسة تحليل اربعة وخمسون عينة شلب، خمسة واربعون عينة تربة، وتسع عينات مياه ري اخذت من منطقة الفرات الاوسط/ العراق. حللت من الناحية المايكروبية وشملت تحليل العدد البكتيري الكلي، عدد الخمائر والاعفان، عدد بكتريا القولون، وعدد بكتريا E. coli. تم تصنيع عينات الشلب على مستوى مختبري لانتاج رز ذا درجة بياض 32 و 36 وتم تحديد المحتوى المايكروبي للرز المصنع. اظهرت النتائج ان كل عينات مياه الري تجاوزت الحد المسموح به لمنظمة الغذاء والدواء الامريكية (FDA)  لبكتريا E. coli  وان كل عينات الشلب تجاوزت الحد الجيد للعدد الكلي للبكتيريا بينما لم تتجاوت اي عينة الحد المسموح به للعدد الكلي للبكتريا. معظم عينات الشلب تجاوزت العدد المسموح به للخمائر والاعفان وعدد قليل من النماذج تجاوزت العدد الكلي لبكتريا القلولون. قللت العملية التصيعية للشلب الحمل المايكوبي لبعض عينات الشلب بينما التاثير لم يكن واضحا مع عينات اخرى وزداد المحتوى المايكروبي لعينات اخرى بعد العملية التصنيعية. عشر عينات رز على درجة بياض 32 وثمان عينات رز على درجة بياض 36 من اصل 13 عينة تجاوت الحد المسموح به للخمائر والاعفان بالنسبة لمواصفة الغذاء والدواء الامريكية والمواصفة القياسية العراقية. كل عينات الرز المصنة تجاوت الحد المسموح به لبكتريا القولون بالنسبة للمواصفة القياسية العراقية بينما فقط ستة عينات وثلاث عينات من اصل 13 عينة تجاوز الحد المسموح به لذات البكتريا بالنسبة لمواصفة منظمة الغذاء والدواء الامريكية لرز على درجة بياض 32 و36 على التوالي. نستنتج من الدراسة ان عينات الشلب الماخوذة من حقول الشلب في منطقة الفرات الاوسط تجاوزت بعض الحدود المايركروبية من الحقل دون تاثير للعملية التصنيعية او الخزن عليها وان مياه الري اعتبرت المصدر الرئيسي لتلوث الحقول لذلك يجب مراقبة حقول الشلب للسيطرة على التلوث المايكروبي.  Fifty-Four paddy samples, 45 soil samples, and nine irrigation water samples of some paddy fields at Alfurat Alawsat Area, Iraq were collected to investigate the microbial quality including total count bacteria (TCB), molds and yeast, total coliform (TC), and E. coli bacteria. Paddy samples were processed at the laboratory level to produce rice at 32 and 36 whiteness, and the microbial quality of the produced rice was conducted too. The results showed that all irrigation water samples were overpassed the FDA limit for E. coli. All paddy samples were exceeded the good limit of TCB, but no sample exceeded the acceptable limit. Most paddy samples were exceeded the FDA limit for molds and yeast, and few paddy samples exceeded the total coliform limit. The milling process reduced microbial levels for some samples, while the effect was undetectable for other samples. Ten rice samples at 32 whiteness and eight rice samples at 36 whiteness out of 13 paddy samples overpassed FDA and Iraqi Quality Standardization (IQS) for molds and yeast. All produced rice at both whiteness levels was exceeded the total coliform of IQS, while only six and three samples out of 13 rice samples at 32 and 36 whiteness respectively overpassed the FDA limit. In conclusion, paddy samples taken from Alfurat Alawsat fields were overpassed some microbial levels from fields without the effect of storage or milling processing. Irrigation water was probably the main source of fields’ contamination, therefore, the paddy fields need to be monitored and controlled in terms of their microbial contamination

    Effect of Current Transformer Impedace on Secondary Injection Accuracy

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    ان الطريقة التقليدية لاجراء اختبار الحقن الثانوي  تتضمن فصل الملف الثانوي لمحولة التيار عن دائرة الفحص. هذا البحث يتحقق من ان وجود الملفات الثانوية لمحولة التيار ضمن دائرة الفحص يؤثر على دقة نتائج الفحص لم لا. تم استخدام برنامج الماتلاب من اجل نمذجة و محاكاة دائرة الفحص. لقد اظهرت نتائج الاختبارات بان وجود  الملف الثانوي لمحولة التيار ضمن دائرة الحقن الثانوي لايؤثر على دقة نتائج الفحص.The traditional procedure of the secondary injection test includes splitting the secondary winding of current transformer from the test circuit. This work investigates whether the presence of the current transformer secondary winding inside the test circuit affects the accuracy of the test results or not. Matlab/Simulink has been used in this paper for modeling and simulating  the tested circuit. Paper results show that the accuracy of the test is not affected when the secondary winding of current transformer presence inside the test circuit

    Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANET Networks

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    الشبكات المتنقلة المخصصة ال(MANET) هي شبكات لاسلكية متخصصة تتكون من عقد لاسلكية تتصل مع بعضها البعض لاسلكيا من دون استخدام بنية تحتية ثابتة او اي سيطرة مركزية تقوم بتحديد المسار بين العقدة المرسلة والمستلمة . في هذا النوع من الشبكات ، كل عقدة يمكن أن تتحرك دون تقييد او  تحفظ في أي اتجاه وكل عقدة تعمل بمثابة الموجه لأنها تقوم بتوجيه حركة البيانات بين  العقد أخرى. تم تصميم عدة انواع من  بروتوكولات التوجيه مثل(AODV,DSR,DSDV) لغرض توجيه البيانات  في هذا النوع من الشبكات. وفي هذه الورقة، تم تحليل الأداء للبروتوكولات التوجيه المختلفة مثل (AODV,DSR,DSDV) لغرض اختبارها وتقييمها بأستخدام  مقاييس عدة مثل الإنتاجية، نسبة تسليم البيانات بين المرسل والمستلم ومتوسط التأخير في ارسال البيانات  من طرف إلى طرف باستخدام محاكي الشبكة (NS-2). MANET is a type of ad hoc network that consists of wireless mobile node communicates with each other without using a fixed infrastructure or central administration and which establishes the route from source to destinͺation. In mobile ad-hoc netwͺork (MANET), eaͺch node can unrͺeservedly move in anͺy direction and every noͺde also aͺct as router as it foͺrward traffic for oͺther nodes.Using varioͺus routinͺg protocols sͺuch as AODV, DͺSR and DͺSDV are desigͺned for routͺing in ad hͺoc networks. In this paper, the execution examination is completed on Ad hoc On-request Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) conventions in view of measurements, for example, Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Average End-to-end Delay (AED) utilizing the Network Simulator (NS-2)

    Supervised Learning Algorithms in Educational Data Mining: A Systematic Review

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    The academic institutions always looking for tools that improve their performance and enhance individuals outcomes. Due to the huge ability of data mining to explore hidden patterns and trends in the data, many researchers paid attention to Educational Data Mining (EDM) in the last decade. This field explores different types of data using different algorithms to extract knowledge that supports decision-making and academic sector development. The researchers in the field of EDM have proposed and adopted different algorithms in various directions. In this review, we have explored the published papers between 2010-2020 in the libraries (IEEE, ACM, Science Direct, and Springer) in the field of EDM are to answer review questions. We aimed to find the most used algorithm by researchers in the field of supervised machine learning in the period of 2010-2020. Additionally, we explored the most direction in the EDM and the interest of the researchers. During our research and analysis, many limitations have been examined and in addition to answering the review questions, some future works have been presented

    Risk Factors Associated with Hypertensive Patients at Baquba Teaching Hospital

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    Background:Hypertension is one of the most common disorders affecting on the heart,blood vessels , brain and kidney and it is considered is a very common disease and frequent with diabetes , Conversely, it is responsible for one of four premature deaths in developed countries. Objective: To evaluate the most important factors that cause hypertensive  and to study their effects on patients . Patients and Methods: This study was conducted at Baquba Teaching Hospital in the recovery unit for the period from 1/10/2017 until 1/3/2018 The study included 100 patients with hypertensive (44 male , 56 female) to compare them  with 25 healthy persons (11 male , 14female) , was measuring blood pressure and has been done a questionnaire for each patient included (Age, BMI , Smoking , Number of hours sleep , Drinking beverages  , Chronic diseases)  and then by revulsion (2 cc) of blood to measured fasting blood glucose . Results: The results of the study indicates that there is a significant differences at p<0.05 levels of systolic blood pressure , fasting blood glucose , hours of sleep , soft drinks , chronic diseases , smoking . Conclusion: The increase in smoking , soft drinks affects on the level of blood pressure directly, and the decrease of sleep associated with high blood pressure , and most diabetics patients  are more prone to hypertension


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    A heat transfer modeled for predicting the wall temperature of aeration tank in a biological wastewater treatment subsystem of Hamden station is presented. The method to treatment employed depending upon the pollutants in wastewater and extent to which it is desired to eliminate them in order to congregate required standards of water quality. Several heat gain and loss mechanisms concerned to develop of the model of temperature computer includes heat gains through conduction and radiation. While the heat losses referred to convection and radiation. It classified radiation heat transfer and biological reaction as a gained heat, while classifying the rate of evaporation, aerator, and wind velocity as lost heat. This study relied on a previous study, and based on the assumptions that have been identified so that a model development can be obtained to calculate the surface temperature of the wall of the aeration tank in a biological treatment system. The operational, weather and temperature data were to be registered from Iraqi weather forecast- Basra Airport. To obtain reliable results, the model was simulated using the STELLA software v.9.02, which gave accurate results in determining the parameters that affect the tank wall temperature changes. The STELLA software is Model calibration and considers as a dynamics language because of STELLA is software for graphic and dynamic simulation for the wall temperature of aeration tank. The results have shown a good accuracy and increment between the production walls temperatures with average ranged about (0.2&nbsp;%) of present work. The model shows the sensitivity through set of precious five parameters like organic removal rate, ambient air temperature, wind velocity, air relative humidity, and the wall effective area of the aeration tan

    Quantitative Analysis of Blurry Color Image Fusion Techniques using Color Transform

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    This work focuses on fused color images resulting from motion blur (left and right) with a blur block size of 11 pixels. The color conversion process was performed from RGB color space (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value), L*a*b*, and Ycbcr (Luminance, Chrominance) color space. The traditional (addition, multiplication) and proposed fusion techniques (absolute real standard deviation) were used for this purpose. The data was examined by quality criteria with reference (Mutual Information, Correlation Coefficient, Structural Content, Normalized Cross Correlation) and without reference (Blind Reference less Image Spatial Quality Evaluator, Naturalness Image Quality Evaluator, and Perception-based Image Quality Evaluator). In results and depending on the criteria, the best fusion method is the proposed real standard deviation