353 research outputs found


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    Sekolah adalah lembaga pendidikan. Pendidikan merupakan bagian penting dalam proses pertumbuhan pembentukan satu kepribadian manusia. Sekolah harus membangun lingkungan yang kondusif untuk kegiatan mengajar, agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya, karena akar dari nasional nilai-nilai agama. Dalam sekolah harus mengembangkan nilai-nilai budaya islam yang kemudian dituangkan dalam kegiatan untuk membangun keagamaan di sekolah. Maka dari itu diperlukan adanya penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) kebijakan yang dilakukan dalam membangun suasana religius, 2) program religius yang ada, 3) implementasi dalam melaksanakan kebijakan untuk membangun suasana religius, dan 4) hasil dari program religius yang ada di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. Agar peneliti mendapatkan data yang sesuai, maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis, dan data dalam penelitian ini didapat dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa kebijakan yang dibuat oleh sekolah berlandaskan kepada sistem pendidikan nasional kemudian dijadikan sebagai tujuan sekolah. Kemudian menjadi program-program yang akan dilaksanakan di sekolah dan salah satunya adalah program untuk membangun suasana religius. Lalu implementasi program dilaksanakan dengan merangkul seluruh warga sekolah sehingga timbul komitmen bersama untuk menjalankan program-program religius di sekolah, dan banyak manfaat yang dapat dipetik dari setap program religius yang dilaksanakan yang menyebabkan siswa semakin rajin dalam beribadah, sopan dalam bertingkah laku, dan baik dalam berbusana. Dari hasil penelitian di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung, terlihat sudah menjalankan amanat tujuan pendidikan nasional yaitu membangun karakter siswa, melalui program religius yang dilaksanakan sekolah. Program-program yang dilaksanakan oleh SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung sudah dijalankan dengan baik dan mampu membangun suasana religius di sekolah tersebut. Siswa dibiasakan membaca Al-Qur’an, shalat berjamaah, berdo’a sebelum pulang, disiplin, rajin, juga berbakti kepada orang tua. Kata Kunci : Nilai budaya Islam, program religius, suasana religius School is education institution. Education is an important part in the growth process in formation of one the human personality. School must build an environment condusive to teaching activities, so that learners are ectively developing her potential, because the root of the national is religious values. In a school should be develop the cultural values of islam which is then in a poured in activities to build religious in a school. This it is necessary to study aimed to determine: 1) The policy pursued in building religious, 2) Religious program, 3) Implementation in implementing policies to build a religious atmosphere, 4) The result of the existing religious programs in SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. In order the research to get the appropriate data, this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods of analysis, and the data in this study come from interview, observation, and documentation studies. The result of the study explain that the policy made by the school based on the national education system in used as a school goal. And then nto programs that will be implemented at the school and one of them is program for ovalding a religious atmosphere. And the implementation of the program implemented by the whole school comunity embracing causing joint comitment to religious program in school, and many benefits that can be gleaned from religious program carried that couse student more diligent in worship, courteus in behaviour, and good wear. From the result of research on SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung seen already carriying out the mandate of national educational goals of building character of student, throught program implemented religious school. The programs are conducted by SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung is well run and able to build a religious atmosphere in the school. Student accustomed to reading Qur’an, praying, praying before going home, disciplined, diligent, dutiful to parents. Keyword : Islamic cultural value, religious program, religious atsmosphere


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    The issue of environmental damage is a serious problem that must be resolved immediately and must be considered from a small scope but has a large influence, as in the field of education can be applied through the implementation of the Green Constitution learning model to develop students' ecological intelligence. This study aims to determine how effective the model of green constitution application-based learning in developing ecological intelligence students in the learning process in the class. This research approach with a mixed approach (mix method), a method in this research using the method of class action research (Classroom Action Research). This research was conducted on students of Class X MIPA 5 SMA Negeri 14 Bandung as research subjects, the application of the model green constitution was conducted in 3 cycles. The results showed that the application of the green constitution based learning model could develop students' ecological intelligence


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    Abstrak                 Pasar tradisional Waru dan Pasar tradisional Pasean adalah Pasar Kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Pamekasan, akan tetapi antara Pasar Waru dan Pasar Pasean ini memiliki perbedaan pada minat berbelanja baik pembeli dan penjualnya. Meskipun memiliki bentuk yang sama  dan letanya sama-sama di kecamatan, namun lebih diminanti Pasar Waru daripada Pasar Pasean sehingga banyak penjual yang berdagang di luar Pasar Waru                 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai overload di Pasar Waru Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Pamekasan. Dengan cara meneliti perbedaan nilai overload kedua pasar, faktor pendorong pembeli berbelanja di Pasar Waru dan  di Pasar Pasean. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik mengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara,observasi,dokumentasi. Analisis data ini menggunakan deskriftif kuantitatif.                 Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai overload di Pasar Waru terbilang tinggi yaitu sebesar 19, 37% dibanding Pasar Pasean yang memiliki nilai overload 0%. Banyaknya pedagang yang berjualan diluar pasar waru dikarenakan mereka tidak mengeluarkan biaya untuk menyewa stand, tidak ketatnya peraturan dari pihak pasar dan lebih mudah menjangkau pembeli. Selain itu, pasar Waru lebih diminati dari Pasar Pasean karena letaknya strategis karena berada di dekat perkampungan padat penduduk berbeda dengan pasar pasean. kemudian, alasan pembeli lebih memilih berbelanja dipasar waru karena tempatnya lebih bersih, dan barangnya lebih bervariasi dibanding di Pasar Pasean. Kata Kunci : Pasar Luar Pasar Waru, faktor – faktor, pasar tradisional   Abstract Waru traditional markets and traditional markets Pasean is the District Market in Pamekasan, but between the Market and Market Pasean Waru has a difference in shopping interests of both buyers and sellers. Despite having the same shape and letanya equally in the district, but more diminanti Market Market Waru than Pasean so many sellers who trade outside Waru Market This study aims to determine the market value of overload in Subdistrict Waru Waru Pamekasan. By analyzing differences in the market value of the second overload, factors driving shoppers to shop at the market and in the market Waru Pasean. This research uses a quantitative approach. Data gathering techniques used were interviews, observation, documentation. Analysis of this data using quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the market value of overload in Waru fairly high at 19, 37% compared Pasean market that has a value of 0% overload. Many traders who sell outside hibiscus market because they do not incur the cost of renting a stand, not strict rules of the market and more easily reach the buyer. In addition, the market is more attractive than market Waru Pasean because it is strategically located near densely populated township different from Pasean market. then, the reason buyers prefer to shop in the market hibiscus because the place is clean, and the goods are more varied than in the Market Pasean. Keywords: Foreign Market Market Waru, factors - factors, traditional market


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan oleh TIM PPL program studi Teknologi Pendidikan UNY kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih dan mempraktikkan ilmu yang diterima mahasiswa selama proses perkuliahan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Balai Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan Dinas Dikpora Pemda DIY. Pelaksanaan PPL berlangsung selama satu bulan, terhitung mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 12 September 2015. Berdasarkan observasi dan orientasi yang telah dilaksanakan, beberapa hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian tim PPL dan juga pihak Balai Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan (BTKP) adalah upaya optimalisasi pengenalan peran BTKP dalam bidang pendidikan, agar setiap sekolah di lingkungan Pemda DIY dapat lebih mengenal dan memperoleh manfaat langsung dalam pelaksanaan program kerja BTKP. Berdasarkan analisis situasi keadaan dan kebutuhan tersebut maka kelompok PPL jurusan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (KTP FIP UNY) tahun 2015 melaksanakan programprogram kerja yang dapat mendorong kemajuan dan profesionalisme BTKP ke arah yang lebih baik. Adapun program kerja yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa PPL sejumlah 18 program kerja yang terdiri dari 11 program utama dan 7 program kerja tambahan. Tim PPL telah melaksanakan program kerja utama dan program kerja tambahan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, hal ini tidak lepas dari dukungan segenap jajaran pimpinan dan karyawan BTKP

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Analisa Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Lamongan

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    The existing lamongan Sub-Province is executing autonomy Daerah, so request of information about development of area lamongan hardly is required. But constraint faced is gathering of the information from various sectors relating to geographical position from it area . so consequence triggers to give complete presentation of geographical information , accurate and safe. Hence its the solution is with making geospatial information system, which is aliance data at map and its(the information), information consisted of form database, tables, data thematic at map and photo. By Using SIG to assists Local Government Lamongan in planning of area as according to information to phase here in after

    Pengaruh Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Biro Pemerintahan dan Kerjasama Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This research is motivated by the existence of a phenomenon that occurs in the Bureau of Government and Cooperation of the Regional Secretariat of West Java Province, which is an indication of the lack of optimal performance of employees. This is suspected to be a result of the lack of optimal employee competency. The method used in this study is Explanatory survey. This method does not only explain or describe empirical facts found in the field, but will also explain the effect analysis, both partially and simultaneously in this case the influence of Employee Competence on employee performance. The number of samples studied were 42 respondents. Data analysis and hypothesis testing in this study were carried out using path analysis testing. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously employee competency has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees in the Government Bureau and Cooperation of the Regional Secretariat of West Java Province with a contribution of 60.4%, while the remaining 39.4% is influenced by other variables not examine


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    The objectives of the study were to find out and analyze: (1) the reasons of collateral seizure on matrimonial joint assets where it can guarantee the Plaintiff's rights and (2) The views of Islamic law on the collateral seizure of matrimonial joint assets in the decision of Manna Religious Court No.54/Pdt.g/2019/PA.Mna. This study was normative legal research. The reasons for the seizure of the collateral filed by the Plaintiff in the lawsuit case No.54/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Mna were: a) the reasons for collateral seizure on matrimonial joint assets were due to the Plaintiff’s claim in the lawsuit concerning the assets under the Defendant's authority; b). Judge panel considered the rules based on Al-Qur'an surah An-Nisa verse 32, regulation in Marriage Law, and Compilation of Islamic Law that  state the right of Matrimony Joint Assets belongs to both parties, and since the assets were under the Defendant's authority, a collateral seizure is considered necessary; c) the reasons of collateral seizure on matrimonial joint assets were also to provide legal certainty and equal rights to each party; d) to ensure the integrity of the assets, to get them to remain maintained and present; and e) the seizure was to avoid the right transfer of the asset to other parties and to prevent the assets from being misused or damaged. The legal power of collateral seizure of matrimonial joint assets in the decision of Manna Religious Court No.54/Pdt.g/2019/PA.Mna could give the Plaintiff's legal rights in writing, but when viewed from Islamic law it could not be able to achieve the objectives of Islamic law itself, namely the benefit and usefulness principles. This was due to the absence of sanctions and strong foundations for those who did not carry out the decision. The court only granted the seizure stamp and joint assets seizure but did not decide the execution over the joint assets, so the Plaintiff's rights could not be fully protected. Islamic law considered the collateral seizure on matrimonial joint assets in the decision of the Manna Religious Court No.54/Pdt.g/2019/PA.Mna as something that is not prohibited and mentioned in surah Al-Baqarah verse 188

    Tinjauan Yuridis Kewajiban Notaris Menjaga Kerahasiaan Informasi Berkaitan Dengan Akta Dalam Pemberian Saksi Pada Proses Peradilan Pidana

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    Kewajiban notaris menjaga kerahasiaan isi akta dalam proses pemberian kesaksian pada proses peradilan pidana ini sebenarnya telah diatur dalam UUJN tahun 2004 dan 2014 yang menjelaskan tentang kewajiban notaris menggunakan kewajiban ingkar namun pada proses mana notaris bisa menggunakan hak ingkarnya ini yang belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat luas, bahkan terkadang notaris itu sendiri tidak mengetahuinya sehingga terkadang notaris kebingungan ketika dipanggil oleh penyidik apalagi setelah keluarnya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang memperbolehkan pihak penyidik memanggil langsung notaris dalam proses penyidikan tanpa melalui MPD membuat notaris harus lebih pintar untuk menjaga kerahasiaan akta yang dibuatnya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis bahan hukum dengan cara seleksi data dengan sifat preskriptif. Menggunakan metode penelitian tersebut dapat ditemukan hasil bahwa di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan terkait kewajiban notaris menjaga kerahasiaan akta yang dibuatnya dan penggunaan hak ingkar memang sudah diatur dalam pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf (e) UUJN tahun 2004 bahwa notaris wajib merahasiakan segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan akta yang dibuatnya kecuali undang-undang menentukan lain, undang-undang menentukan lain di sini berarti hak ingkar notaris bisa gugur jika ada undang-undang yang mewajibkan notaris untuk memberikan segala keterangan tentang akta yang dibuatnya seperti undang-undang tipikor atau jika notaris tersebut terlibat dalam tindak pidana korupsi dan melibatkan akta yang dibuatnya.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa notaris memiliki hak untuk tidak bicara sekalipun di muka pengadilan sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang lain dan dalam proses penyidikan notaris hanya diperbolehkan memberikan fotokopi minuta atau surat-surat yang dilekatkan dalam minuta akta dan akibat hukum bagi seorang notaris dalam menggunakan hak diamnya di depan pengadilan yaitu notaris harus dibebaskan dari kewajiban sebagai saksi atau memberikan kesaksian di muka pengadilan, apabila ia menggunakan hak ingkar. Karena secara hukum, kesaksian yang akan diberikan tersebut menurut pengetahuannya dinilai bertentangan dengan sumpah jabatan atau melanggar rahasia jabatan serta membebaskan notaris dari segala tuntutan hukum dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, apabila hak ingkar tersebut ternyata di tolak oleh hakim/pengadil atau menurut ketentuan hukum ia diwajibkan memberikan kesaksian di muka pengadilan. Kata Kunci : Notaris, Akta Notaris, Peradilan Pidana   Abstract  Juridical Analysis On Notary Obligation To Keep Secret Of Informations Related To A Deed In Giving Testimony In Criminal Justice Process A notary’s obligation to keep certain secret of a legal instrument or deed’s content in a process of giving testimony in a criminal justice process actually has been stipulated in UUJN year 2004 and 2014 which describe about the notary’s obligation to use his or her right of refusal, but on what process a notary public can use his or her right of refusal is what people rarely know about, even the notary himself or herself sometimes doesn’t know about it. Therefore he or she gets confused when called in by the investigating authorities, moreover after Constitutional Court verdict has been issued which allows the investigating authorities summon the notary public directly in the investigating process without going through MPD. This makes the notary public has to be smarter to keep the secret of the legal document or deed he made. This is a research of normative law with legislation research approach and conceptual approach. The legal entities collecting technic has been used here is literature review and the legal entities analysis technic is by selecting the data with natural prescriptive. Using this kind of research method can found a result that in the legislation related to notary keeping secret of the deed obligation and refusal right using have been indeed regulated in article 16 paragraph (1) alphabet (e) UUJN year 2004 which states that a notary must keeping secret of anything related to the deed he or she made except the constitution determine otherwise. The constitution determine otherwise here means that the notary’s refusal right can be canceled if there’s constitution which  obliges the notary to give any information about the deed he or she made, for example corruption laws or if the notary involves in a corruption act and the deed involved in. Based on the research result, can be summarize that a notary has a right to not speak even in the court as long as not be contrary to the others constitution and the notary is only allowed to give a copy of minuta or legal documents attached in the deed’s minuta in the investigating process. Also the law impact for a notary in using his or her refusal right in the court is he or she has to be released from the obligation as witness or giving testimony in the court. Because legally, the testimony he or she would give, according to his or her knowledge, is considered as contrary with the notary oath of office or violate professional secrecy and this frees the notary from any lawsuit from the parties concerned. If his or her refusal right is apparently rejected by the judge or according to legal provision, the notary was obliged for giving testimony in the court. Keywords : Notary, Deed of Notary, Criminal Justice Proces
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