2,344 research outputs found

    Planning the digitisation, storage and access of large scale audiovisual archives

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    This paper presents ongoing work in PrestoSpace on how broadcast archives can plan large-scale, long-term digitization and storage projects. In our approach, carrier decay, technical obsolescence, and rapidly falling costs of mass storage are represented as a series of statistical and predictive models. The models include ongoing migration within a digital archive. The objective is to allow archive managers to investigate the trade-offs between how many items to transfer, the cost of transfer and storage, how long it will take, what quality can be achieved, how much will be lost, and what digital storage solutions to adopt over time. The process and models are based on digitization projects conducted by large broadcast archives that are currently migrating their collections into digital form. Whilst our focus is on broadcast archives, our findings should be readily transferable to other scenarios where there is a need to store large volumes of digital data over long periods of time

    Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA): Assessment of instrumental subsystem FMEA/CIL

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    The McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company (MDAC) was selected in June 1986 to perform an Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA) of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Critical Items List (CIL). The IOA effort first completed an analysis of the Instrumentation hardware, generating draft failure modes and potential critical items. To preserve independence, this analysis was accomplished without reliance upon the results contained within the NASA FMEA/CIL documentation. The IOA results were then compared to the NASA FMEA/CIL baseline. A resolution of each discrepancy from the comparison is provided through additional analysis as required. The results of that comparison for the Orbiter Instrumentation hardware are documented. The IOA product for Instrumentation analysis consisted of 107 failure mode worksheets that resulted in 22 critical items being identified. Comparison was made to the Pre 51-L NASA baseline with 14 Post 51-L FMEAs added, which consists of 96 FMEAs and 18 CIL items. This comparison produced agreement on all but 25 FMEAs which caused differences in 5 CIL items

    Building-Level Administrators and Collaborative Special Education IEP Meetings: Addressing Barriers to Active and Inclusive Participation

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the factors serving as barriers to effective building-level administrator participation in special education individualized education program (IEP) meetings. For the purposes of this study, research was conducted in the multidisciplinary areas of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy, along with an examination of school-building administrators as instructional leaders, the role(s) of building-level leadership in special education and building administrator knowledge and understanding of special education policies and practices. A qualitative research approach was used to examine local building-level administrator participation in the special education IEP process. Building Level Administrators, in the district were surveyed via Qualtrics and interviewed in a one-on-one format using Zoom. The research questions used were:1. What perceptions do building-level administrators’ have of their role(s) in IEP meetings? 2. What potential obstacles impact building-level administrators’ participation in special education IEP meetings? 3. What specific procedural and/or professional practices would improve building-level administrators’ active and inclusive involvement in IEP meetings? The data gathered from this research was used to discover common themes in barriers to building administrator participation in special education IEP meetings, so that recommendations could be made to help building administrators in this area

    Silicon MINP solar cells

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    The MINP solar cell concept refers to a cell structure designed to be a base region dominated device. Thus, it is desirable that recombination losses are reduced to the point that they occur only in the base region. The most unique feature of the MINP cell design is that a tunneling contact is utilized for the metallic contact on the front surface. The areas under the collector grid and bus bar are passivated by a thin oxide of tunneling thickness. Efforts must also be taken to minimize recombination at the surface between grid lines, at the junction periphery and within the emitter. Results of both theoretical and experimental studies of silicon MINP cells are given. Performance calculations are described which give expected efficiencies as a function of base resistivity and junction depth. Fabrication and characterization of cells are discussed which are based on 0.2 ohm-cm substrates, diffused emitters on the order of 0.15 to 0.20 microns deep, and with Mg MIS collector grids. A total area AM 1 efficiency of 16.8% was achieved. Detailed analyses of photocurrent and current loss mechanisms are presented and utilized to discuss future directions of research. Finally, results reported by other workers are discussed

    Study of orbiter/payload interface communications configuration control board directive from an operational perspective

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    Orbiter/payload data and communications interface was examined. It was found that the Configuration Control Board Directive (CCBD) greatly increases the capability of the orbiter to communicate with a wide variety of projected shuttle payloads. Rather than being derived from individual payload communication requirements, the CCBD appears to be based on an operational philosophy that requires the orbiter to duplicate or augment the ground network/payload communication links. It is suggested that the implementation of the CCBD be reviewed and compared with the Level 1 Program Requirements Document, differences reconciled, and interface characteristics defined

    Analysis of Selected Physicochemical Parameters of Soils Used for Cultivation of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)

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    Assessment of some selected physicochemical parameters in soil samples collected from four agricultural areas of East Gojjam Zone (Debre Markos, Dejen, Bichena and Debre Werk), Ethiopia was studied. The soil characterization was carried out for parameters like moisture content (MC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Na and K in the soil samples were analyzed using flame photometer, Ca and Mg were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer while conventional analytical methods were employed for the determination of the rest of the physicochemical parameters. The results obtained revealed that the concentrations of physicochemical parameters in the soil samples were in the range of; 7.35-11.01% for MC, 6.53-7.64 for pH, 0.09-0.34 mS/cm for EC, 1.25-3.44% for OC, 2.16-5.93% for OM, 30.75-41.83 cmol/kg for CEC, 845-1014 mg/kg for Na, 1980-6065 mg/kg for K, 952–2118 mg/kg for Ca and1751–4288 mg/kg for Mg. pH was found to vary from neutrality to slightly alkaline. The values of EC indicated that all samples of the soils are non-saline. Statistical test of significance using ANOVA revealed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the values of physicochemical parameters in the soil samples obtained from all the sampling sites. Correlation analysis was also employed to examine the relationship between the various parameters in the soil samples. The soil studied can be considered as good sources of essential nutrients and this information will help farmers to solve the problems related to soil nutrients, amount of which fertilizers to be used to increase the yield of crops

    The Influence of Social Identity on Rural Consumers’ Intent to Shop Locally

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    Rural consumers’ in- and out-shopping intention has been a research topic for many years. This study investigates the relationship between social identity and rural consumers’ intent to shop within their local community, along with a number of moderating demographic variables. Using a sample of respondents from the Midwest, this study found a significant and positive relationship between rural consumers who socially identify with people in their local community and their intent to inshop. The influence of several demographic moderators is also explored, and implications for practice and future re-search are discussed

    Peran Kualitas Jasa pada Kepuasan Serta Dampaknya terhadap Loyalitas dan Niat Beralih Nasabah PT Pegadaian di Surabaya

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    This research examines the effect of service quality on satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty and intention to switch of the customers of PT. Pegadaian in Surabaya. There were four important variables: service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and intention to switch were discussed for better understanding of consumer behavior. The research employs a structural equation modeling method based on the data collected from105 customers of PT Pegadaian in Surabaya. This research uses purposive sampling technique to determine the sample size. The result shows that Service Quality has significant and positive influence towards customer Satisfaction. In addition, Customer Satisfaction has influence towards Customer Loyalty and Customer Intention to Switch


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