1,313 research outputs found

    System and market failures: the unavailability of magnesium sulphate for the treatment of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

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    Low cost and effective drugs, such as magnesium sulphate, need to be included in initiatives to improve access to essential medicines in Afric

    A conceptual model for assessing the level of development of pilgrimage routes

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    This paper proposes an innovative conceptual model based on a hierarchical structure for the assessment of pilgrimage routes, establishing and weighting the different associated elements. Based on a holistic approach, a Diagnostic Matrix was created which structures the surveying of predefined variables and enables the evaluation of pilgrimage routes. This tool allows an understanding of both, material and immaterial elements that comprise part of pilgrimage experiences, and of the respective routes as tourism products. Based on the case of the Portuguese Camino de Santiago, the proposed matrix enables the diagnosis of the entire route, as well as partial analysis, which can be sector specific (e.g. accommodation), or region / locality specific (e.g. municipality level). From the diagnosis, intervention plans can emerge, identifying the needs and actions to be implemented. The Conceptual Model and subsequent Diagnostic Matrix allows the public, private and voluntary sectors, such as local authorities, associations and economic agents, to better comprehend what role to play in the overall improvement and development of the Route based on existing good practices. Although this study is based on a specific route, it is expected that the same methodology can be applied to other pilgrimage routes, after proceeding with necessary adjustments to the specificities of the respective context.8014-1B5A-933A | Goretti SilvaN/

    Geo-environmental mapping using physiographic analysis: constraints on the evaluation of land instability and groundwater pollution hazards in the Metropolitan District of Campinas, Brazil

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    Geo-environmental terrain assessments and territorial zoning are useful tools for the formulation and implementation of environmental management instruments (including policy-making, planning, and enforcement of statutory regulations). They usually involve a set of procedures and techniques for delimitation, characterisation and classification of terrain units. However, terrain assessments and zoning exercises are often costly and time-consuming, particularly when encompassing large areas, which in many cases prevent local agencies in developing countries from properly benefiting from such assessments. In the present paper, a low-cost technique based on the analysis of texture of satellite imagery was used for delimitation of terrain units. The delimited units were further analysed in two test areas situated in Southeast Brazil to provide estimates of land instability and the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution hazards. The implementation incorporated procedures for inferring the influences and potential implications of tectonic fractures and other discontinuities on ground behaviour and local groundwater flow. Terrain attributes such as degree of fracturing, bedrock lithology and weathered materials were explored as indicators of ground properties. The paper also discusses constraints on- and limitations of- the approaches taken

    The Effects of Expert and Augmented Feedback on Learning a Complex Medical Skill

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    Many medical skills are complex due to their requirements for integration of declarative (biomedical) knowledge with perceptual–motor and perceptual–cognitive proficiency. While feedback generally helps learners guide their actions, it is unclear how feedback supports the integration of declarative knowledge with skills. Thus, we investigated the effect of expert and augmented feedback on acquisition and retention of a complex medical skill (acquiring a transthoracic echocardiogram) in a simulation study. We randomly assigned 36 medical undergraduate students to one of three feedback sources: Expert (EF), Augmented visual (HS), and Expert plus Help Screen (EF + HS). Participants practiced until reaching proficiency. Outcome measures (knowledge test and practical skill ratings on a 5-point scale), were gathered at initial acquisition and at retention after 11 days, the time needed to obtain the images and the quality of images obtained. We divided the knowledge test into three topics: names of the images, manipulation of the probe, and anatomy of the heart. At acquisition, immediately after training, EF group participants were faster at obtaining images than participants in the two other groups. On the retention test, there were no group differences for speed of obtaining images, but the EF + HS group scored significantly higher than the other two groups on image quality. Thus, expert feedback best assisted initial acquisition and combined augmented and expert feedback best assisted retention of this complex medical task. Expert assistance reduced learners’ cognitive load during initial practice, helping learners integrate declarative knowledge with physical skills

    Stem diameter and height of chrysanthemum cv Yoko ono as affected by gibberellic acid

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    The effect of gibberellic acid has been shown mainly to promote cell division and elongation. This study was aimed to evaluate the development of height and diameter of the stems of chrysanthemum cultivar Yoko ono by the applications of gibberellic acid (GA3) in the field. The treatments were composed of four doses (0, 40, 80 and 120 mg L-1) at 15 and 30 days after transplanting. From the findings, It can be concluded that GA3 significantly affected the diameter of stem at higher doses, and was unable to affect the height of stem.Key words: Dendranthema grandiflora, flowers, plant regulator, concentration

    Optimized T1- and T2-weighted volumetric brain imaging as a diagnostic tool in very preterm neonates.

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    BACKGROUND: T1- and T2-W MR sequences used for obtaining diagnostic information and morphometric measurements in the neonatal brain are frequently acquired using different imaging protocols. Optimizing one protocol for obtaining both kinds of information is valuable. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether high-resolution T1- and T2-W volumetric sequences optimized for preterm brain imaging could provide both diagnostic and morphometric value. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty preterm neonates born between 24 and 32 weeks' gestational age were scanned during the first 2 weeks after birth. T1- and T2-W high-resolution sequences were optimized in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, contrast-to-noise ratio and scan time and compared to conventional spin-echo-based sequences. RESULTS: No differences were found between conventional and high-resolution T1-W sequences for diagnostic confidence, image quality and motion artifacts. A preference for conventional over high-resolution T2-W sequences for image quality was observed. High-resolution T1 images provided better delineation of thalamic myelination and the superior temporal sulcus. No differences were found for detection of myelination and sulcation using conventional and high-resolution T2-W images. CONCLUSION: High-resolution T1- and T2-W volumetric sequences can be used in clinical MRI in the very preterm brain to provide both diagnostic and morphometric information

    Critical change in the Fermi surface of iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity

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    The phase diagram of a correlated material is the result of a complex interplay between several degrees of freedom, providing a map of the material's behavior. One can understand (and ultimately control) the material's ground state by associating features and regions of the phase diagram, with specific physical events or underlying quantum mechanical properties. The phase diagram of the newly discovered iron arsenic high temperature superconductors is particularly rich and interesting. In the AE(Fe1-xTx)2As2 class (AE being Ca, Sr, Ba, T being transition metals), the simultaneous structural/magnetic phase transition that occurs at elevated temperature in the undoped material, splits and is suppressed by carrier doping, the suppression being complete around optimal doping. A dome of superconductivity exists with apparent equal ease in the orthorhombic / antiferromagnetic (AFM) state as well as in the tetragonal state with no long range magnetic order. The question then is what determines the critical doping at which superconductivity emerges, if the AFM order is fully suppressed only at higher doping values. Here we report evidence from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) that critical changes in the Fermi surface (FS) occur at the doping level that marks the onset of superconductivity. The presence of the AFM order leads to a reconstruction of the electronic structure, most significantly the appearance of the small hole pockets at the Fermi level. These hole pockets vanish, i. e. undergo a Lifshitz transition, at the onset of superconductivity. Superconductivity and magnetism are competing states in the iron arsenic superconductors. In the presence of the hole pockets superconductivity is fully suppressed, while in their absence the two states can coexist.Comment: Updated version accepted in Nature Physic
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