201 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the pricing at UD. Berkah Dua Furniture for each type of product produced and knowing what factors influence the pricing. The method used in this study is a cost-based pricing method consisting of Cost Plus Pricing, Mark-Up Pricing and Selling Price Determining, where the data examined in this study are the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Report and the price list set by the company. The results of the study shows that 28 furniture products have prices lower than the results of the analysis and the factors that influence the determination of the selling price are internal and external factors. &nbsp

    Influence of Soya Oil Blended with Fish Oil on Growth Performance and Lipid Profile of Red Sea Bream Pagrus major

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    Continuous increase in fish feed prices due to deterioration of fish oil sources and quality catalyzes intensive research efforts to study alternatives for dietary fish oil such as soya oil.  Being rich in linolenic acid (C18:2n-6), soya oil has a competitive edge as an arachidonic acid (ARA) precursor. A 50-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary soya oil as a substitute for fish oil on growth performance and lipid composition of juvenile red seabream, Pagrus major.  Four types of iso-nitrogenous experimental diets formulated in this feeding trial consisted of 100% fish oil (10F), 80% fish oil and 20% soya oil (8F2S), 60% fish oil and 40% soya oil (6F4S), and finally, 40% fish oil and 60% soya oil (4F6S). All diets were fed to triplicate groups of 15 red seabream with an initial mean weight of 4.9 ± 0.1 g twice daily to apparent satiation. Our results demonstrated that inclusion of soya oil as a lipid source to partially replace fish oil in red seabream diet led to the highest body weight gain (BWG) in 10F (837.2 ± 2.2%), followed by 8F2S (786.9 ± 38.3%), 6F4S (764.6 ± 5.2%) and 4F6S (682.0 ± 17.2%), respectively, without any significant differences among 10F, 8F2S and 6F4S. Soya oil inclusion also gradually decreased BWG and specific growth rate (SGR); both BWG and SGR in 4F6S were significantly lower than other treatments. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feed intake (FI) showed no significant differences among treatments. Survival rate of all treatments exceeded 90% although the hepatosomatic index (HSI) in 4F6S was significantly higher than other treatments and serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) increased gradually with a higher inclusion of soya oil. Lipid deposition in the whole body was the highest in fish fed with dietary 10F and decreased in relation to the elevated concentration of soya oil in diets. The ventral muscles had doubled the amount of lipid deposition as compared to dorsal muscles. Dominance of saturates among total fatty acid composition particularly C16:0, was similarly observed in the dorsal and ventral muscles as well as the liver. Saturates, monoenes, n-3 and ratio of n-3/n-6 observed have a similar gradient degradation in the dorsal and ventral muscles and the liver. An inverse relationship of inclusion level of soya oil on eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) in both dorsal and ventral muscles including the liver was also observed. In conclusion, diets not exceeding 40% soya oil are suitable as fish oil replacement in the diet of juvenile red seabream without significantly affecting the overall growth performance of this fish. Keywords: Pagrus major, red seabream, soya oil, growth performances, lipid profile ABSTRAK Kenaikan harga makanan ikan yang berterusan akibat kekurangan sumber dan juga kualiti minyak ikan, telah menggalakkan lebih banyak penyelidikan untuk mengkaji minyak soya sebagai sumber alternatif kepada minyak ikan. Kekayaan sumber asid linolenik (C18:2n-6) telah menjadikan minyak soya sebagai pelopor kepada asid arakidonik (ARA). Satu kajian pemakanan selama 50 hari telah dijalankan untuk menilai kesan pemakanan dengan menggunakan minyak soya ke atas tumbesaran dan komposisi lemak dalam ikan merah, Pagrus major juvenil. Empat jenis diet kajian iso-nitrogenus telah diformulasikan dalam kajian ini; yang terdiri daripada 100% minyak ikan (10F), 80% minyak ikan dan 20% minyak soya (8F2S), 60% minyak ikan dan 40% minyak soya (6F4S), dan 40% minyak ikan dan 60% minyak soya (4F6S). Semua diet telah diberikan dua kali sehari sehingga kenyang kepada sejumlah 15 ekor ikan merah dengan purata berat awal 4.9 + 0.1 g secara triplikat. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan minyak soya sebagai sumber lemak untuk menggantikan sebahagian sumber minyak ikan dalam ikan merah telah memberikan BWG dalam perlakuan 10F (837.2 + 2.2%), diikuti dengan 8F2S (786.9 + 38.3%), 6F4S (764.6 + 5.2%) dan 4F6S (682.0 + 17.2%), masing-masing, tanpa perbezaan yang bererti di antara perlakuan 10F, 8F2S and 6F4S. Penggunaan minyak soya juga mengurangkan BWG dan SGR secara perlahan-lahan; kedua-dua BWG and SGR dalam perlakuan 4F6S menunjukkan nilai rendah yang bererti berbanding perlakuan yang lain. Nisbah penukaran makanan (FCR) dan kadar pengambilan makanan (FI) telah menunjukkan tiada perbezaan yang bererti di antara semua perlakuan. Kadar kemandirian untuk semua perlakuan adalah melebihi 90% walaupun indeks hepatosomatik (HSI) dalam perlakuan 4F6S adalah lebih tinggi secara bererti berbanding perlakuan yang lain, dan serum glutamik-oksaloasetik transaminase (GOT) pula berkurangan dengan penambahan minyak soya. Pengumpulan lemak di keseluruhan tubuh adalah tertinggi dalam ikan yang diberi makanan 10F dan berkurangan dengan penambahan kepekatan minyak soya dalam diet. Kandungan lemak pada otot ventral juga telah meningkat sebanyak dua kali ganda berbanding dengan pada otot dorsal. Kandungan saturat dari jumlah komposisi asid lemak terutamanya C16:0 adalah lebih dominan pada otot dorsal, otot ventral dan hati. Saturat, monoene, n-3 dan nisbah n-3/n-6 telah menunjukkan kecerunan degradasi yang sama pada otot dorsal, otot ventral dan hati. Peningkatan minyak soya menyebabkan kesan songsang terhadap aras asid eikosapentanoik (EPA) and asid dokosaheksanoik (DHA) di kedua-dua otot dorsal dan ventral dan juga hati. Sebagai kesimpulan, diet yang mengandungi minyak soya tidak melebihi 40% adalah paling sesuai sebagai pengganti minyak ikan tanpa memberi kesan yang bererti kepada tumbesaran ikan merah juvenil. Kata kunci: Pagrus major, ikan merah, minyak soya, tumbesaran, profil lipid

    Occupational exposures to organic dust in Irish bakeries and a pizzeria restaurant

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    Project EXPOsE, nº 23222 (02/SAICT/2016)For decades, occupational exposure to flour dust has been linked to a range of respiratory diseases, including occupational asthma, thought to result from exposure to fungi present in the flour. Antifungal resistance is of increasing prevalence in clinical settings, and the role of occupational and environmental exposures, particularly for specific fungal species, is of concern. Occupational exposure to flour dust can occur in a range of occupational settings, however, few studies have focused on restaurant workers. The objective of this study was to measure occupational exposure to the flour and microbial contamination, including azole resistance screening, in two small commercial bakeries and in a pizzeria. Personal full shift inhalable dust measurements were collected from workers and were analyzed for inhalable dust and fungi, bacteria, azole resistance, and mycotoxins. Samples of settled dust were collected, and electrostatic dust cloths (EDC) were deployed and analyzed for microbial contamination, including azole resistance screening, and mycotoxins. Geometric mean exposures of 6.5 mg m-³ were calculated for inhalable dust, however, exposures of up to 18.30 mg m-³ were measured-70% of personal exposure measurements exceeded the occupational exposure limit for flour dust of 1.0 mg m-³. The air and EDC fungal counts were similar to those reported in previous studies for similar occupational environments. The fungi were dominated by Penicillium genera, however Aspergillus genera, including Fumigati and Flavi sections, were observed using culture-based methods, and the Fumigati section was also observed by molecular tools. Both Aspergillus sections were identified on the azole resistance screening. Mycotoxins were also detected in the settled dust samples, dominated by deoxynivalenol (DON). The role of environmental exposure in both the development of antimicrobial resistance and the total mycotoxin body burden is a growing concern; therefore, the presence of azole-resistant fungi and mycotoxin contamination, although low in magnitude, is of concern and warrants further investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of electric vehicles on smart grid and future predictions : a survey

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    Mobility has modernized urban areas using an efficient transportation system. However, mobility demand growth has accelerated the expansion of conventional transportation, which significantly contributes to pollution. The need of Green transportation results in the eminence of electric vehicles (EVs). Besides, green mobility minimizes pollution from transportation systems and conventional power sources when EVs are optimally integrated into the utility grid. Thus, this study assesses different significant optimum possibilities of grid-connected EVs. A review of the critical impacts of grid-tied EVs is presented. Vehicle to the grid (V2G) is the future of electric cars. This uses a bidirectional power flow of the EV’s battery charging to either charge the car or sustain the utility grid. The V2G is highly affected by diverse loading conditions that challenge the network’s acceptable voltage and optimal power-sharing within the electrical network. It is observed that the V2G perspective is based on the 5Ds (decentralisation, de-carbonization, digitalization, deregulation, and democratization) vision to overcome the overall shortcomings in the modern power grid. The 5Ds vision of V2G implementation sustains different stakeholders working on the future of electric cars. Thus, this research is a stronger foundation for the new perspective and vision of V2G development and applications.https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tjms20hj2024Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringSDG-07:Affordable and clean energ

    Synthesis and Characterization of Silver-Coated Polymeric Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Antibacterial and In Vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxicity and Biocompatibility

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    In bone tissue engineering, multifunctional composite materials are very challenging. Bone tissue engineering is an innovative technique to develop biocompatible scaffolds with suitable orthopedic applications with enhanced antibacterial and mechanical properties. This research introduces a polymeric nanocomposite scaffold based on arabinoxylan-co-acrylic acid, nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp), nano-aluminum oxide (nAl₂O₃), and graphene oxide (GO) by free-radical polymerization for the development of porous scaffolds using the freeze-drying technique. These polymeric nanocomposite scaffolds were coated with silver (Ag) nanoparticles to improve antibacterial activities. Together, nHAp, nAl₂O₃, and GO enhance the multifunctional properties of materials, which regulate their physicochemical and biomechanical properties. Results revealed that the Ag-coated polymeric nanocomposite scaffolds had excellent antibacterial properties and better microstructural properties. Regulated morphological properties and maximal antibacterial inhibition zones were found in the porous scaffolds with the increasing amount of GO. Moreover, the nanosystem and the polymeric matrix have improved the compressive strength (18.89 MPa) and Young’s modulus (198.61 MPa) of scaffolds upon increasing the amount of GO. The biological activities of the scaffolds were investigated against the mouse preosteoblast cell lines (MC3T3-E1) and increasing the quantities of GO helps cell adherence and proliferation. Therefore, our findings showed that these silver-coated polymeric nanocomposite scaffolds have the potential for engineering bone tissue

    Uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue life prediction of the trabecular bone based on physiological loading: a comparative study

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    Fatigue assessment of the trabecular bone has been developed to give a better understanding of bone properties. While most fatigue studies are relying on uniaxial compressive load as the method of assessment, in various cases details are missing, or the uniaxial results are not very realistic. In this paper, the effect of three different load histories from physiological loading applied on the trabecular bone were studied in order to predict the first failure surface and the fatigue lifetime. The fatigue behaviour of the trabecular bone under uniaxial load was compared to that of multiaxial load using a finite element simulation. The plastic strain was found localized at the trabecular structure under multiaxial load. On average, applying multiaxial loads reduced more than five times the fatigue life of the trabecular bone. The results provide evidence that multiaxial loading is dominated in the low cycle fatigue in contrast to the uniaxial one. Both bone volume fraction and structural model index were best predictors of failure (p < 0.05) in fatigue for both types of loading, whilst uniaxial loading has indicated better values in most cases

    Can AI help in screening Viral and COVID-19 pneumonia?

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a pandemic disease, which has already caused thousands of causalities and infected several millions of people worldwide. Any technological tool enabling rapid screening of the COVID-19 infection with high accuracy can be crucially helpful to healthcare professionals. The main clinical tool currently in use for the diagnosis of COVID-19 is the Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), which is expensive, less-sensitive and requires specialized medical personnel. X-ray imaging is an easily accessible tool that can be an excellent alternative in the COVID-19 diagnosis. This research was taken to investigate the utility of artificial intelligence (AI) in the rapid and accurate detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images. The aim of this paper is to propose a robust technique for automatic detection of COVID-19 pneumonia from digital chest X-ray images applying pre-trained deep-learning algorithms while maximizing the detection accuracy. A public database was created by the authors combining several public databases and also by collecting images from recently published articles. The database contains a mixture of 423 COVID-19, 1485 viral pneumonia, and 1579 normal chest X-ray images. Transfer learning technique was used with the help of image augmentation to train and validate several pre-trained deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The networks were trained to classify two different schemes: i) normal and COVID-19 pneumonia; ii) normal, viral and COVID-19 pneumonia with and without image augmentation. The classification accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and specificity for both the schemes were 99.7%, 99.7%, 99.7% and 99.55% and 97.9%, 97.95%, 97.9%, and 98.8%, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Figure

    Ferritins: furnishing proteins with iron

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    Ferritins are a superfamily of iron oxidation, storage and mineralization proteins found throughout the animal, plant, and microbial kingdoms. The majority of ferritins consist of 24 subunits that individually fold into 4-α-helix bundles and assemble in a highly symmetric manner to form an approximately spherical protein coat around a central cavity into which an iron-containing mineral can be formed. Channels through the coat at inter-subunit contact points facilitate passage of iron ions to and from the central cavity, and intrasubunit catalytic sites, called ferroxidase centers, drive Fe2+ oxidation and O2 reduction. Though the different members of the superfamily share a common structure, there is often little amino acid sequence identity between them. Even where there is a high degree of sequence identity between two ferritins there can be major differences in how the proteins handle iron. In this review we describe some of the important structural features of ferritins and their mineralized iron cores and examine in detail how three selected ferritins oxidise Fe2+ in order to explore the mechanistic variations that exist amongst ferritins. We suggest that the mechanistic differences reflect differing evolutionary pressures on amino acid sequences, and that these differing pressures are a consequence of different primary functions for different ferritins

    Effect of different pasteurisation temperature on physicochemical properties, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and microbiological qualities of reconstituted pomegranate juice (RPJ)

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    Reconstituted pomegranate juice (RPJ) was thermally treated with high-temperature pasteurisation (HTP) at 95°C and mild-temperature pasteurisation (MTP) at 80°C for 30 s respectively. As a comparison, the effect on physicochemical properties, including antioxidant activities and microbial inactivation was eavluated. Both MTP and HTP showed effective inactivation of microbial growth to negligible level with MTP taking almost half pasteurisation-time (-46.3%) as compared to HTP, indicating possible less energy usage. MTP and HTP treatment delivered insignificant difference in pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids and colour changes (ΔE) based on Commission Internationale de l’Elcairage (CIE) colour system. A significantly higher CIE a values and reduction in L and b were obtained for MTP-juice indicating an increase in red tonalities due to increase in anthocyanin contents. As for antioxidant activity and extractability of bioactive compound, interestingly HTP delivered better results due to more phenols and anthocyanin were released during the heating, leading to further release of initially membrane‐bound phenols. These findings suggested that both HTP and MTP are able to meet the microbiological safety and comparable physicochemical qualities. Nonetheless, HTP has shown higher functional values due to higher extractability of antioxidant compounds