538 research outputs found

    An analytical program for fermion pair production in e+e- annihilation

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    We describe how to use {\tt ZFITTER}, a program based on a semi-analytical approach to fermion pair production in e^+ e^- annihilation and Bhabha scattering. A flexible treatment of complete {\cal O}(\alpha) QED corrections, also including higher orders, allows for three calculational {\bf chains} with different realistic sets of restrictions in the photon phase space. {\tt ZFITTER} consists of several {\bf branches} with varying assumptions on the underlying hard scattering process. One includes complete {\cal O}(\alpha) weak loop corrections with a resummation of leading higher-order terms. Alternatively, an ansatz inspired from S-matrix theory, or several model-independent effective Born cross sections may be convoluted. The program calculates cross sections, forward-backward asymmetries, and for \tau~pair production also the final-state polarization. Various {\bf interfaces} allow fits to be performed with different sets of free parameters

    Measurement of event shape distributions and moments in e+e- -> hadrons at 91-209 GeV and a determination of alpha_s

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    We have studied hadronic events from e+e- annihilation data at centre-of-mass energies from 91 to 209 GeV. We present distributions of event shape observables and their moments at each energy and compare with QCD Monte Carlo models. From the event shape distributions we extract the strong coupling alpha_s and test its evolution with energy scale. The results are consistent with the running of alpha_s expected from QCD. Combining all data, the value of alpha_s(M_Z) is determined to be alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.1191 +- 0.0005 (stat.) +- 0.0010 (expt.) +- 0.0011 (hadr.) +- 0.0044 (theo.). The energy evolution of the moments is also used to determine a value of alpha_s with slightly larger errors: alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.1223 +- 0.0005 (stat.) +- 0.0014 (expt.) +- 0.0016 (hadr.) +0.0054 -0.0036 (theo.).Comment: 63 pages 26 fi

    Searches for Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Topologies in e+e- collisions at LEP2

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    In gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking (GMSB) models the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the gravitino and the phenomenology is driven by the nature of the next-to-lightest SUSY particle (NLSP) which is either the lightest neutralino, the stau or mass degenerate sleptons. Since the NLSP decay length is effectively unconstrained, searches for all possible lifetime and NLSP topologies predicted by GMSB models in e+e- collisions are performed on the data sample collected by OPAL at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV at LEP. Results independent of the NLSP lifetime are presented for all relevant final states including direct NLSP pair-production and, for the first time, also NLSP production via cascade decays of heavier SUSY particles. None of the searches shows evidence for SUSY particle production. Cross-section limits are presented at the 95% confidence level both for direct NLSP production and for cascade decays, providing the most general, almost model independent results. These results are then interpreted in the framework of the minimal GMSB (mGMSB) model, where large areas of the accessible parameter space are excluded. In the mGMSB model, the NLSP masses are constrained to be larger than 53.5 GeV/c^2, 87.4 GeV/c^2 and 91.9 GeV/c^2 in the neutralino, stau and slepton co-NLSP scenarios, respectively. A complete scan on the parameters of the mGMSB model is performed, constraining the universal SUSY mass scale Lambda from the direct SUSY particle searches: Lambda > 40, 27, 21, 17, 15 TeV/c^2 for messenger indices N=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, for all NLSP lifetimes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proceedings of SUSY06, the 14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions, UC Irvine, California, 12-17 June 200

    Flavour Independent hA Search and Two Higgs Doublet Model Interpretation of Neutral Higgs Boson Searches at LEP

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    Upper limits on the cross-section of the pair-production process e+e- -> h0A0 assuming 100% decays into hadrons, are derived from a new search for the h0A0 -> hadrons topology, independent of the hadronic flavour of the decay products. Searches for the neutral Higgs bosons h0 and A0, are used to obtain constraints on the Type II Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM(11)) with no CP violation in the Higgs sector and no additional non Standard Model particles besides the five Higgs bosons. The analysis combines LEP1 and LEP2 data collected with the OPAL detctor up to the highest available centre-of-mass energies. The searches are sensitive to the h0, A0 -> qq, gg,tau+tau- and h0 -> A0A0 decay modes of the Higgs bosons. The 2HDM(II) parameter space is explored in a detailed scan. Large regions of the 2HDM(II) parameter space are excluded at the 95% CL in the (mh, mA), (mh, tanb) and (mA, tanb) planes, using both direct neutral Higgs boson searches and indirect limits derived from Standard Model high precision measurements. The region 1 lesssim mh lesssim 55 GeV and 3 lesssim mA lesssim 63 GeV is excluded at 95% CL independently of the choice of the 2HDM(II) parameters.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Measurement of the partial widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks

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    Using the entire OPAL LEP1 on-peak Z hadronic decay sample, Z -> qbarq gamma decays were selected by tagging hadronic final states with isolated photon candidates in the electromagnetic calorimeter. Combining the measured rates of Z -> qbarq gamma decays with the total rate of hadronic Z decays permits the simultaneous determination of the widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks. The values obtained, with total errors, were Gamma u = 300 ^{+19}_{-18} MeV and Gamma d = 381 ^{+12}_{-12} MeV. The results are in good agreement with the Standard Model expectation.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Letts.

    Measurement of the Strong Coupling alpha s from Four-Jet Observables in e+e- Annihilation

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    Data from e+e- annihilation into hadrons at centre-of-mass energies between 91 GeV and 209 GeV collected with the OPAL detector at LEP, are used to study the four-jet rate as a function of the Durham algorithm resolution parameter ycut. The four-jet rate is compared to next-to-leading order calculations that include the resummation of large logarithms. The strong coupling measured from the four-jet rate is alphas(Mz0)= 0.1182+-0.0003(stat.)+-0.0015(exp.)+-0.0011(had.)+-0.0012(scale)+-0.0013(mass) in agreement with the world average. Next-to-leading order fits to the D-parameter and thrust minor event-shape observables are also performed for the first time. We find consistent results, but with significantly larger theoretical uncertainties.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, Submitted to Euro. Phys. J.

    Search for R-Parity Violating Decays of Scalar Fermions at LEP

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    A search for pair-produced scalar fermions under the assumption that R-parity is not conserved has been performed using data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP. The data samples analysed correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 610 pb-1 collected at centre-of-mass energies of sqrt(s) 189-209 GeV. An important consequence of R-parity violation is that the lightest supersymmetric particle is expected to be unstable. Searches of R-parity violating decays of charged sleptons, sneutrinos and squarks have been performed under the assumptions that the lightest supersymmetric particle decays promptly and that only one of the R-parity violating couplings is dominant for each of the decay modes considered. Such processes would yield final states consisting of leptons, jets, or both with or without missing energy. No significant single-like excess of events has been observed with respect to the Standard Model expectations. Limits on the production cross- section of scalar fermions in R-parity violating scenarios are obtained. Constraints on the supersymmetric particle masses are also presented in an R-parity violating framework analogous to the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 51 pages, 24 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Measurement of Rb in e+e- Collisions at 182 - 209 GeV

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    Measurements of Rb, the ratio of the bbbar cross-section to the qqbar cross- section in e+e- collisions, are presented. The data were collected by the OPAL experiment at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 182 GeV and 209 GeV. Lepton, lifetime and event shape information is used to tag events containing b quarks with high efficiency. The data are compatible with the Standard Model expectation. The mean ratio of the eight measurements reported here to the Standard Model prediction is 1.055+-0.031+-0.037, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Letts

    Measurement of the Hadronic Photon Structure Function F_2^gamma at LEP2

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    The hadronic structure function of the photon F_2^gamma is measured as a function of Bjorken x and of the factorisation scale Q^2 using data taken by the OPAL detector at LEP. Previous OPAL measurements of the x dependence of F_2^gamma are extended to an average Q^2 of 767 GeV^2. The Q^2 evolution of F_2^gamma is studied for average Q^2 between 11.9 and 1051 GeV^2. As predicted by QCD, the data show positive scaling violations in F_2^gamma. Several parameterisations of F_2^gamma are in agreement with the measurements whereas the quark-parton model prediction fails to describe the data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Photon 2001, Ascona, Switzerlan

    A measurement of the tau mass and the first CPT test with tau leptons

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    We measure the mass of the tau lepton to be 1775.1+-1.6(stat)+-1.0(syst.) MeV using tau pairs from Z0 decays. To test CPT invariance we compare the masses of the positively and negatively charged tau leptons. The relative mass difference is found to be smaller than 3.0 10^-3 at the 90% confidence level.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Letts.
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